Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 414: scary ultimate creature

"Do you think this will save him?"

Standing next to the off-road vehicle, he quietly watched Johnny control the remnant into a fiery fireball and fly away from his eyes without doing anything to stop him.

[Caz] Turned his head to look at Susan beside him.

With Johnny's departure, Susan's will that she had been insisting on was loosened, and the [Parasitic Octopus] on the back of her neck once again took over the control of her body, making her movements return to her previous rigid appearance again. stand there.

"Useless struggle..."

Stretching out his fingers to penetrate the transparent energy stand in front of him, [Caz] stepped forward to the stiff Susan, looked down at the blond woman with obvious mockery on her face, raised her arm, a faint flame of flame It appeared from his fingertips: "Do you think that as a [Ultimate Creature], I will not be able to perceive your thoughts, but no matter how hard you struggle, the final outcome will not change in the slightest. In the end, you superhuman beings will become part of my body, and I [Kaz] will rise above the earth again and become the worthy **** of the new age."

"So, before that, struggle hard, like a fish that has left the water, a plant that has lost its soil, make the last effort and then fall into the abyss in despair, and become the nourishment for me [Kaz] to become a god. "

Accompanied by [Kaz]'s shocking declaration, the flames of his fingertips quickly spread over his entire arm, and his appearance was very similar to the scene when Johnny activated his ability before.

Standing on the other side, Doctor Doom glanced deeply at the flames on [Kaz]'s arms, and the fists covered by the cloak could not help clenching a bit.


"Ultron, report the current location of the flame boy."

Inside the steel suit, Tony frowned and asked Ultron in the Avengers Building.

"According to the latest satellite positioning data analysis, the current location of Johnny the Torch is in the jungle one kilometer east of you, Mr. Stark. After the other party flew into the jungle a few minutes ago, there was no sign of any movement. ."

In the building, Ultron's eyes flashed a faint blue light, and a large amount of data in his brain was processed, and finally Johnny's final location was quickly determined.


In midair, upon hearing Ultron's answer, Tony immediately controlled the steel suit and changed direction, flying towards the direction told by the artificial intelligence.


In the Avengers Building, due to the speed of movement, Mr. Fantastic Reed and some of the Avengers who could not feel the scene for the first time were forced to stay here.

Hearing the intelligence analyzed by Ultron, Reed's face clearly showed a worried look.

Susan's situation has already made him haggard a lot, and if anything happens to her brother Johnny, Reed doesn't know how to deal with it all.

"Dr. Reed, please calm down."

Turning his head, Ultron noticed the worried look on Reed's face, a blue light appeared in his eyes, and then used his warm voice to comfort: "According to the last pictures taken by the satellite and data analysis, Johnny's The situation may not have reached the worst level, although the battle between him and the [Ultimate Creature] was dangerous, he managed to get out of the battle in the end."


With that said, Ultron raised his head and projected a virtual photo into the hall of the Avengers Building from his mechanical eyes.

Because the photo was taken by satellite, the top position was shot within the angle, but Ultron, through its powerful data analysis ability, quickly locked a vehicle that was far away from Johnny and [ Ultimate Creature] On the off-road vehicle not far from the encounter.

Through scanning and analysis, two familiar faces to the Fantastic Four and the Avengers soon appeared in the laboratory.

"I have found the trace of Susan who was missing earlier."

"It seems that Strucker is just right." Looking at the information displayed by Ultron, Natasha couldn't help but glanced at Nick Fury silently: "Susan was indeed attacked by [Ultimate Creatures]. 】It was taken away."

"But what about the other guy with Susan?" Holding the glasses on his face, Banner looked at the face wrapped in the silver-white steel mask in another photo projected by Ultron: "If the information from the Hydra base is correct, he once fought with [Ultimate Creatures] and had an arm cut off."

"Maybe there is a story that we don't know about."

Silently watching the information provided by Ultron, Nick Fury swept aside the excited Reed, but the look in his eyes was obviously solemn.

"Anyway, judging from the direction of the [Ultimate Creature], it is obvious that the comers are not good, and this may be a fierce battle for the Avengers."

"Speaking of which, the Avengers' battle was easier."

Hearing Nick Fury's description, Banner turned his head and looked at Natasha silently, and couldn't help but say.

"I thought the S.H.I.E.L.D. mission was dangerous enough."

Silently sorting out his bows and arrows, Hawkeye is obviously in a situation of half giving up: "I didn't expect that the actions of the Avengers are a thousand times more dangerous than S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe I should consider applying for retirement."

"You can at least think about retirement, Clinton."

In the face of Hawkeye's complaint, Banner also said with a wry smile: "Unlike me, in addition to the crisis faced by the Avengers, it is also a huge crisis in itself."

"Well, gentlemen, now is not the time to hear your complaints about these problems."

Looking at the complaints of the two Avengers members in front of each other, Agent Hill couldn't help raising his eyebrows and interrupted: "There are so many problems with the Avengers right now, and it's far from the time for leisure."


"I've already arrived."

Controlling the steel battle suit to slowly fall into the jungle told by Ultron, Tony turned his head and looked at the dense bushes around, and then gave an order.

"Jarvis, scan your surroundings."

Although, with the birth of the artificial intelligence Ultron, Jarvis' role is no longer important in many cases.

However, Tony is still used to having it by his side.

"Okay, sir."

Following Tony's command, Jarvis responded immediately, scanning the situation around the jungle through infrared rays, and soon Jarvis had the result.

"Now, at nine o'clock ahead, there is a lot of abnormal burning."

Speaking of burning, Tony in the steel suit immediately thought of Johnny's ability.

Controlling the steel suit on his body and ignoring the obstacles of the branches, Tony quickly walked through the dense woods to the target spot that Jarvis scanned.


Stepping on a branch with heavy steps, Tony looked down at the charred tree under his feet, and then looked up at the charred scene around him.

Walking along these charred jungles of trees, Tony soon came to the middle of a broken forest that seemed to be burned by a fire.

"Everyone, I have found the flame boy."

Looking down at the charred ground in the center of the jungle and the familiar figure lying there, a heavy expression flashed on Tony's face under the steel helmet.

"However, his situation may be a little..."


"How's the situation?"

Inside the Avengers Building, Mr. Fantastic Reed saw Ultron coming out of the room and couldn't help but make an anxious inquiry.

As a powerful artificial intelligence, Ultron's ability can not only be used for combat, but also for treatment, and compared with human doctors, Ultron also has an advantage, that is, it will not make mistakes.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Reed..."

In the face of Reed's inquiry, Ultron's eyes flashed blue light, although it hoped to be able to make reassuring words to Reed, but in the setting of the program, it must make an honest answer, so the logic of thinking After a few collisions, Ultron followed the requirements of the program and made an honest answer: "Johnny's situation is not good, although as a mutant, his physical ability and vitality are far beyond ordinary people, but so With severe injuries, especially after losing a third of my body, being able to barely maintain my vitals is the limit of what I can do."

"how so."

Hearing Ultron's answer, the expression on Reed's face couldn't help but be a little dazed.

"Reed, calm down, it's not your fault."

Seeing his friend's reaction, Stone Man Ben, who was standing beside him, immediately reached out and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"Is this the [Ultimate Creature]?"

In another room, the members of the Avengers looked at Johnny, who was unconscious in the special intensive care unit, and glanced at the wounds on his body, with a dignified expression on his face.

"From the information given by Ultron, the surface of Johnny's wound is very smooth, as if... as if... these body parts on his body did not exist at all."

"How is this possible, we obviously watched him fly out intact."

For this result, Falcon first raised his own doubts.

"Perhaps, that's why Strucker called [Ultimate Creature] a monster during the interrogation."

Looking at Johnny in a coma on the hospital bed, Steve said silently.

"This time the Avengers will face an unprecedented danger."

"Don't you think the word unprecedented is used a little too often, Captain?"

Raising his eyebrows, facing Steve's description of the [Ultimate Creature], Tony couldn't help but complain.

"No matter what kind of monster, it will not be the opponent of Asgard's most powerful warrior."

Unlike most of the worried Avengers, Saul has always shown an eager attitude towards the existence of [Ultimate Creatures].

"Perhaps, we should be a little more cautious, after all..."

Looking at Sol who was looking forward to it, Banner opened his mouth and was about to say something.


At this moment, from the intensive care unit, suddenly came Johnny's painful cry.


Hearing Johnny's screams, Tony immediately called out to Ultron in front of Reed and Ben.

With a blue light flashing in his eyes, Ultron controlled the robotic arm in the ward, and quickly injected the liquid containing painkillers into the other party's body through the infusion needle on Johnny's body.

After more than ten seconds, with the effect of the painkiller, Johnny's painful wailing gradually subsided, but his consciousness was still in a vague state. He shook his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but the state of his body was Make him unable to express too much.

"Ultron, analyze what Johnny said."

Looking at Johnny who was struggling in the ward, Tony's expression was silent for a few seconds, and then he took a deep breath and said to the artificial intelligence.

Youlan's eyes stayed on Johnny's face for a while, then Ultron shook his head and said in a regretful tone: "Sorry, Mr. Stark, although from the appearance of the other party, it seems that he wants to express Some final information, but because of his body, Johnny's consciousness has been in a coma, and the current reaction is just the performance of his instinct, and there is no way to analyze accurate information from it."

"Is there any way to wake him up?"

Hearing Ultron's answer, Tony glanced at Johnny again.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark."

Shaking his head, Ultron replied honestly.

"Maybe I have a way."

Hearing the conversation between Tony and Ultron, Banner hesitated for a while, and finally glanced at Johnny in the ward, gritted his teeth and said.

"You mean..."

Hearing Banner's words, Tony turned his head to look and quickly reacted.

"That's right, Scepter."

Nodding his head, Banner didn't sell anything, and replied directly: "Maybe we can use the power of the scepter to awaken Johnny's unconscious consciousness."

"Maybe you're right, Doctor."

After thinking about Banner's proposal in his mind, Tony immediately determined the feasibility of this plan.

"What, scepter, no!"

However, at this moment, Sol, who was on the side, made an objection.

"That's the dangerous item that Loki left in the can't be used easily!"


Ten minutes later, in front of Johnny's ward.

After a long debate, most of the Avengers finally agreed with Banner's proposal.

Although Thor has always shown an attitude of opposition, he eventually had to make concessions and agree to the Avengers using the power in the warrant under his supervision.

"Then, I'm going to start!"

Wrapping his arm with the armor of a steel battle suit, Tony grabbed the scepter in his hand, looked down at a comatose Johnny in the hospital bed, turned his head and faced the Fantastic Four on the other side. Glancing at him, he finally took a deep breath and raised the scepter in his hand at Johnny in front of him.

Following Tony's move, a dim yellow light flashed from the top of the scepter and disappeared into Johnny's body in front of him.

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