Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 430: 10 disasters

The voice of the high priest fell.

The [Black Book of the Undead] quickly flipped, and the powerful dark magic floated from the Black Book.

[Imorton] cast his eyes on the black scriptures and began to sing loudly.

"—The undead rise, sing the sun, and praise thee, ala, to thee astounding! Thou rises, shines, and causes the heavens to roll aside. Thou art the king of the gods, the lord of all, from whom we come, Holy because of you..."

"Ancient Egyptian?"

Hearing the chants from the high priest's mouth, the demon Mephisto made a humanized frown on his face. As a demon who has walked in the world for thousands of years, he is no stranger to human language. , so it is easy to distinguish the ancient Egyptian language from the spell of [Imoton].

Of course, what really attracted Mephisto's attention was not only the ancient Egyptian incantation sung by the high priest, but also the powerful dark magic that emerged from the [Black Book of the Dead] accompanying the incantation.

This magic power is only strong, even Mephistopheles, who is a demon, can't help but be moved.

As the number one magic item in the "Mummy" series, the [Black Book of the Undead] has powerful dark mana.

Even far more than the other [Golden Sutra of the Sun] in the movie. Although both of them also have the ability to bring people back to life, the former can not only bring people back to life in the form of the dead, but also make the resurrected person master powerful. The dark magic of , and the other [Golden Sutra of the Sun] also has the power of resurrection, but because it is a normal resurrection, it does not have the effect of imparting powerful mana to the deceased.

Although, in terms of the effect of resurrection, the [Golden Sutra of the Sun] seems to be superior to the [Black Sutra of the Undead].

Because after the [Black Book of the Undead] can have powerful mana, it is completely the price paid for abandoning the normal human identity to have powerful mana.

But if people really choose, most people would still choose the power of the [Black Book of the Undead].

Although the cost is huge, it is indeed the fastest way to become stronger.

Shaking his head, Johnny Blazer got up from the ground.

The burst of power from the high priest not only blocked the power of the [Eye of Judgment], but also knocked Johnny Blazer out of his Ghost Rider form.

He braced his drowsy head and looked in front of him. Mephisto's demonic posture made his expression a little dignified, but then his eyes were quickly attracted by the high priest suspended in mid-air. past.

"What's that sound?"

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly sounded in the distant horizon, as if there were countless sounds of wings flapping through the air.

Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming locusts attacked the sky and covered the ground.

"The plague of locusts?"

Seeing the overwhelming locusts with red eyes, Mephistopheles immediately remembered the description in Egypt's Ten Plagues: "...The locusts covered the ground, and the ground was darkened, eating all the vegetables and what was left after the hail disaster. The fruit of the tree..."

The plague of locusts recorded in the Ten Plagues did not attack humans, but the plague of locusts summoned by the high priest through the [Black Book of the Dead] was obviously not the case.

With the addition of the power of the curse, the destruction caused by each disaster far exceeds the description in the records.

The [Scarab Seal] that Chang Amir used before was just one of the ten plagues in the [Black Book of the Dead], and it was also called the plague of beetles.

Under the control of the high priest, these locusts quickly formed a dense black mist and rushed towards Mephistopheles in front of him.

Click, click—

Locusts eat everything, even hard stones can't resist in their mouths for a long time, but in the face of the terrible plague of locusts caused by these curses. Mephisto's expression did not change in the slightest. He raised his arm, and a large amount of crimson energy surged from his hand. He raised his hand and waved it.

In the next instant, the overwhelming plague of locusts seemed to be attacked at the same time, falling to the ground one after another, turning into dark smoke and dissipating.

"Nice trick, but useless for me."

The locust plague summoned by the high priest was easily destroyed. Mephistopheles moved, and the entire body began to change. He turned his huge head and looked down at the high priest floating in the air. The demon opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar. : "Don't say it's the ten plagues, even the Lord himself can't completely destroy me!"

As the overlord of hell, Mephistopheles possesses magical powers beyond imagination, and its power comes from **** and beyond.

Even heaven itself cannot completely destroy it, only expel it.

In fact, in order to correspond to Mephistopheles, the demons who lured human beings into depravity and supervise the sinful nature of human beings themselves, heaven created a group of existences called spirits of vengeance and sprinkled them into the world. And these spirits of vengeance are the source of the power of the Ghost Rider in Johnny Blazer, but Mephistopheles discovered this power and disguised it as the power from hell, deceiving Johnny Blaze. Ze, making him think that his power comes from the devil, thereby driving the Ghost Rider for his own use.

As for Mephisto's deception, Johnny Blazer, the Ghost Rider at the moment, is naturally unknown.

Looking at the powerful demon in front of him, Ghost Rider's heart was shaken.

The powerful power displayed by the demon made Johnny Blazer despair. The stronger Mephisto's power, the less hope he could get out of the contract.

At the same time, the expression on Li Ran in the antique shop was also not very good.

Although he knew that there was a gap between [Imorton] and Mephisto's strength, he did not expect that the opponent would show such a powerful strength just by a projection.

With the help of the curse of locust plague cast by the Black Book of the Undead, [Imorton] could devour a city in an instant, but it only lasted for less than a few seconds in front of Mephisto.

It seems that Mephisto's power should belong to the A-level character cards assessed by the system, and even in the A-level, it belongs to the top existence.

Based on the only A-rank character card monster in his hand, the Gamera, Li Ran estimated that Mephisto's apparent power should also belong to this level. The reason why it is said to be superficial is that Li Ran cannot guarantee that this ancient and powerful demon has no hidden back-hands besides his own strength.

Of course, judging from the battle at hand, even if Mephistopheles didn't have any backers, it wasn't easy for the clone to get any benefits from the opponent.

Although Li Ran, the main body in the antique shop, had a violent change in his inner thoughts, the high priest on the other side still showed no signs of fear on the surface. As a clone, he is not afraid of life and death, even if he is really destroyed by Mephistopheles, it will only hurt Chang Amir, who is now attached to him.

Of course, although he had prepared for the worst, if possible, Li Ran still didn't want the whole situation to end like this.

After all, Chang Amir's presence was crucial to Li Ran's acquisition of Wakanda's reputation.

"Maybe, I can..."

In the antique shop, Li Ran frowned and thought about how to deal with the situation at hand, and soon his eyes were attracted by a card that had been placed for a long time in the system inventory.

Speaking of which, although this card has been in hand for a long time, he has not used the power of this card in a real sense.


"If your power is just that, then don't blame me for being rude."

Turning his huge head to aim at the high priest in front of him, Mephistopheles opened his mouth, and the peculiar sulfuric breath from **** sprayed out from his mouth.

A greedy flash of greed flashed in its eyes, and it looked at the [Black Book of Undead] in front of the high priest, stretched out its huge claws due to deformation, and grabbed it towards the clone.

"You are seeking your own death."

Although there is an obvious gap in strength, the high priest did not give up resistance because of this. He flipped the [Black Sutra of the Undead] in front of him and recited the spell. In the next instant, a large amount of dust emerged from the black scripture, and the dust spread above the dust. The ominous power was absorbed on Mephisto's huge palm, forming pitch-black sores, which kept popping up and bursting open. Accompanied by a terrible pain curse.

"Blister plague!"

In the shrill scream, Mephistopheles stopped his outstretched arm, he looked down at the densely growing sores on his arm, the devil's face showed a painful look.

The sores formed by the curse were rooted in the soul, and even Mephistopheles could not be completely immune to this damage.

Seeing that the power of the Blister Calamity Curse successfully resisted Mephistopheles' actions, the High Priest did not hesitate and continued to recite the [Black Book of the Undead] to summon more curses that fell on the devil.

A large amount of blood drowned the demon facing him, and then the boundless darkness covered the opponent's eyes.

"Blood and Water Curse!"

"Dark Calamity Curse!"

The blood and darkness formed by the curse not only drowned and trapped Mephistopheles, but also carried a strong corrosive force. Under the erosion of these forces, Mephisto's huge body began to rot, and the stony bones began to decay. When exposed, it will be swallowed by blood and melted after a few seconds.

"Mephisto, dead?"

Johnny Blazer's expression was complicated as he watched Mephisto be dissolved in blood.

However, the idea of ​​the High Priest was not as simple as that of Johnny Blazer. He looked at the curse that dissipated in front of him, and still chanted the spell with a solemn expression.

Under the power of the [Black Book of the Undead], a large amount of dust on the ground turned into fleas, and began to search for them by beating wildly.

"You ruined the soul I finally collected!"

Sure enough, under the search of these fleas, the figure of Mephistopheles reappeared in front of the high priest.

He was dressed in a suit and still looked like a middle-aged man before, but the expression on his face was extremely gloomy: "This is the soul I finally got, and I should have enjoyed endless torture in **** to bring me pleasure. of."

Transfiguration, Mephistopheles is a demon who plays with souls, and through these souls, he can resist a large number of attacks and even curses.

Although the curse of the high priest was successfully avoided through this power, Mephisto's inner mood was not good.

As he said, souls are very important treasures in Mephisto's eyes, especially special souls, which often require a lot of time for demons to sign contracts and bewitched to obtain them.

Crimson energy emerged from Mephisto's body, and a dazzling red light appeared in his eyes as he looked at the high priest.

At this moment, the power that erupted from Mephistopheles really showed the power of its **** commander.

Under the erosion of these energies, the ground near the tavern began to show a scorching high temperature, a thick sulfurous smell began to drift around, and a faint red shadow began to appear in the air.

"This is?"

Feeling the evil forces around him, the fire of **** in Johnny Blazer began to surge involuntarily.

Facing the red shadows floating around, the [Black Book of Undead] in front of the high priest burst out with a powerful force, turning it into a dark fog to wrap it to cut off the invasion of the red shadow. Although he successfully resisted the power of the red shadow, the high priest's expression was not optimistic, so around the dense fog, the changes brought by the red shadow became more and more obvious.

"Sure enough, this kind of environment is more suitable for me."

Using the power to transform the surrounding environment into an environment similar to hell, Mephistopheles stretched his arms.

As a demon living in hell, most of his power is combined with hell, so in the human environment, although the power of his projection will not be unable to display, it is obviously weakened to a certain extent. Although the realm of power cannot really turn the world into hell, it can also liberate Mephisto's suppressed power to some extent, and it is the power of its **** body that can be put into the body more smoothly.

"Unfortunately, I can't maintain the world for too long in such a field, otherwise it will attract the attention of some guys, so I can only make a quick decision."

Looking at the surrounding environment with some regret, Mephistopheles shook his head. In the next instant, his figure flashed and turned into countless phantoms all over the field. In the sense of the high priest, each phantom was no weaker than the previous one. Attacking the power of his own demons, the phantoms of these Mephistopheles flashed everywhere in the realm, silently invading in the direction of the high priest.

"I can't resist!"

Feeling the oppression of Mephisto's every move, the high priest under the protection of the [Black Book of the Undead] made a calm judgment.

"It seems that control of Chang Amir must be relinquished."


In the antique shop, Li Ran felt the will from the clone.

Shaking his head, he set his eyes on the golden card in the system.

"Next, feel the mighty power of the monster [Gamera]."

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