Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 24: open treasure chest

In addition to giving Li Ran a little bit of fame.

Naturally, the two New York police officers could not have gained anything else.

After coming out of the alley, Li Ran immediately changed into A Xing's card, and with the superb leg strength of Dali's legs, he easily left the scene of the incident.

Only near Third Avenue, there is a rumor about a magical old lady who can fly over the eaves.

[Famousness from New York City citizens +0.03]


The reason why Li Ran left the scene in such a hurry was not only to escape the pursuit of the New York police, but to put it bluntly, since he drew the card of the thief Kidd, the New York police were no longer anything in his eyes. Too big of a problem, especially the success of the past several theft schemes, which gave him a wealth of experience in escaping in front of the New York police.

This point can be seen from Li Ran's previous performance when facing the two policemen, not only was he not false, but also took the initiative to cooperate.

Therefore, the key to making Li Ran want to leave lies in the system.

The final reputation given by Tony and Jarvis successfully helped him collect enough to exchange for a thousand of the [Dark Iron Treasure Chest].

It's done, no, it should be said that the purpose of this trip has been exceeded, and Li Ran naturally has no reason to stay on the scene.

On the contrary, at this moment, his heart is like an arrow, and he can't wait to fly home immediately and open the treasure chest to verify his bloodline.


"So, according to you, Mr. Tony Stark, everything you did was just to catch the strange thief who stole the car?"

The New York Police Department, considering Tony Stark's identity and influence, the police department did not give him any difficulties.

"That's right." He lowered his head and took a sip of coffee. Tony raised his eyebrows and said, "The coffee is good, where did you buy it?"

"It's just ordinary instant coffee." On the opposite side, the New York police officer in charge of the interrogation replied blankly.

To be honest, in the face of this situation, even the New York Police Department felt a bit of a dilemma for a while.

After all, who would have thought that a simple speeding pursuit would actually capture the famous Tony Stark.

"Director, a call from the military, asking us about Tony Stark."

"Understood, tell them, we just asked a few simple questions," Police Chief George frowned tightly, and after thinking for a while, said: "As long as you are sure that it has nothing to do with Tony Stark, you will He let it go, no, sent him back."

"Director, the call from the city councilor is also about..."

"Tell Mr. Congressman that we did not deliberately embarrass Mr. Tony Stark, everything is just a normal interrogation process..."


"Who is calling again this time..." Subconsciously replied, Police Chief George turned his head and found that this time, it was not about the phone, and after an embarrassing pause, he continued: "Cough, there are already Is it the result?"

The black female policewoman Sidis nodded, turned her head and glanced at Tony, who was sitting in the interrogation room and drinking coffee: "Comparing the handwriting of the notice letter left by the phantom thief before, it is basically certain, Tony. This notice in Stark's hands is from the hands of Kaitou Kidd."

"It's Kaitou Kid again!"

[From George Stacy's reputation +4]

Sidis' report not only did not make Police Chief George much relieved, but his brows became more and more wrinkled, not only because of another crime committed by the thief Kidd, but also because of the headache for Tony sitting in the interrogation room.

"Director, Mr. Tony Stark's lawyer is here."

Sure enough, with a reminder from his subordinates, Director George immediately saw Pepper and the huge team of lawyers behind him, many of whom were the ones he had been having a headache for.

"Tony, are you all right? The police didn't do anything to you, did they?"

In the face of the menacing lawyer team and the results reported by Sidis, Police Chief George naturally did not dare to keep Tony locked up.

"I'm fine." Walking out of the interrogation room, Tony took a long sigh and moved his back, which was sore from sitting for a long time. Then, as if he suddenly thought of something, he turned to face the lawyers. One of the lawyers said: "By the way, don't forget to buy some coffee from the NYPD for me when you leave later. They have good coffee."


Seeing Tony's still cynical expression, Pepper couldn't help frowning and said, "Do you know how dangerous what you're doing? Speeding, running a red light, driving in the wrong direction..."

If it weren't for his identity as Tony Stark, any of them would be enough to stay in the NYPD for a night or more.

"I know, but I don't have anything to do."

"The reason why you're fine is because Stark Industries has a strong team of I paid, not just for them to help me solve this kind of thing."

Faced with Tony's unrepentant reaction, Pepper couldn't help but sigh, and then turned around to explain the next work to the team of lawyers.

Seeing Pepper leaving, Tony restrained the indifferent expression on his face, and took out his cell phone that he got back from the police.

"Jarvis, from now on, record any information related to Kaito Kid for me."

"Understood, sir."


Back home, Li Ran didn't open the treasure chest rashly.

On the contrary, he suppressed his eager emotions, first took a bath, changed into clean clothes, adjusted his mood, and calmed his emotions, and then selected the [Black Iron] from the system panel. Treasure Chest] to exchange it out.

Theoretically speaking, opening the box under any circumstance will not affect the result of the treasure box, and the [Dark Iron Treasure Box] will definitely produce a D-rank card. Just like the previous time, Li Ran also drew [Five Senior Brothers - Ah Xing] as a card with good effect when he opened the box outside the factory.

The reason why he still spends his time doing this is actually Li Ran's lack of confidence in his bloodline. Of course, this is also excusable. You want someone who can draw [Nohara Hiroshi] and has such magical effect cards as foot odor. Man, how can I get better?

Anyway, no matter what, after a lot of tossing, it's finally the most important part of opening the treasure chest.

Looking at the black and metallic treasure chest in the system panel, Li Ran held his breath and put a little on the treasure chest.


Following Li Ran's order, the treasure chest was opened, and a white light flashed.

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