The antique shop owner he mentioned should be me, right?

In the antique store, Li Ran couldn't help blinking after hearing Kilgrave's words.

In the warehouse, Kilgrave was still narrating to himself, perhaps because of his ability, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of mastering everything.

"Don''re not afraid of the way, and then...go to be shot by...Fang solve it?"

Jessica pulled the corners of her stiff mouth with difficulty, showing a mocking expression.

Hearing this, Kilgrave's expression suddenly darkened.

The encounter at the antique store was the closest he had ever been to death, and Kilgrave still remembers the scene from time to time.

I felt the wound on my arm, which had already healed, was aching.

"Perhaps, I'm being too kind, Jessica, and you've forgotten who I am." With a smile on his face, Kilgrave moved step by step toward him, and his body stiffened under his power. Jessica, who couldn't move: "I miss the days before, when you never complained to me and were always obedient."

Stopping his steps, Kilgrave looked at Jessica who was close at hand, and noticed the desperate and stubborn look in her eyes, and the smile that was restrained at the corners of her mouth bloomed again: "Yes, it's this look, this look. That's why I've always liked you, Jessica, you really are different."

As Kilgrave spoke, he stretched out his hand and touched Jessica's face.

However, at this moment, a crisp sound of breaking the air sounded.

What? !

Kilgrave turned his head in surprise and saw a blind cane attacking him.

Raising his hand to block the attacking stick, Kilgrave covered his burning wound and looked at Matt, who still maintained the ability to act independently.

"How is it possible that you can still continue to act."

This is the second time, the second time I have encountered an existence that can resist my ability.

Repelling Kilgrave, Matt leaned on a guide cane and said to Jessica with difficulty: "Jessica, hurry up now, I can't support it for a long time." The injury on his body could not be He hasn't recovered yet, and now he is forcibly getting rid of Kilgrave's control to fight, Matt can feel it, and he can't hold on for much time.

"If I can, I want to leave too. It's a pity."

Jessica shook her head with difficulty and replied with a wry smile.

"So, you'd better go by yourself, Matt, while you can still move."

"Unfortunately, I don't think either of you can go." Kilgrave said coldly, clutching his arm injured by Matt's attack, then turned to Luke, who had been standing quietly behind him. Cage ordered: "Give me a punch and punch of that blind man into meat sauce."

Nodding, Luke Cage walked towards Matt in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Why do they always feel that they seem to have forgotten that there is another person in the warehouse.

Looking at the people who were fighting in front of them, Li Ran's expression was a little weird in the antique shop.

Perhaps, Wesley's performance was too silent from the beginning, causing both Kilgrave and Jessica to subconsciously think that Wesley was under control.

Although, on the surface, it looks like a real person.

But in fact, Wesley, as the clone formed by Li Ran and Chakra with the system card, is simply not within the scope of Kilgrave's ability to control the influence. After all, no matter which edition, comics or TV series are introduced in, the purple man's abilities only have an effect on human beings.

Looking at Matt, who was struggling to avoid Luke Cage's attack, Kilgrave's originally gloomy expression could not help but relieve a little, but obviously, the result of such a battle could not satisfy this distorted guy, he raised his head He fixed his gaze on the white figure who had been standing motionless since just now.

Curling the corners of his mouth, he commanded as a matter of course: "Now, shoot and break his feet."

Nodding, Wesley took out his weapon.

"No, Matt!"

The body was fixed in place, and Jessica could only anxiously shout to Matt, who had been gradually forced into the corner by Luke Cage during the battle.


Inside the antique shop, Li Ran manipulated Wesley.

With the sound of a loud gunshot, Luke Cage, who had been attacking Matt in the warehouse, stopped what he was doing, with a look of dazed expression on his face.

Kilgrave stood where he was, still with a look of disbelief on his face, his eyes fixed on the muzzle in Wesley's hand.

On his forehead, a clear bullet mark appeared there.

[Famous from Kilgrave +2000]

[Fame from Jessica +1500]


Without Kilgrave's maintenance, everyone in the warehouse quickly recovered from the previous state of control.

"What's wrong with me? What happened?"

Luke Cage shook his head and looked at the somewhat unfamiliar environment in front of him. His last memory was only the moment he came out of Claire's apartment a few days ago.

"You were attacked and controlled."

Matt leaned on a guide stick and made it while panting.

"Who, I remember, the guy with the purple tie, the last memory in my memory seems to be him appearing in front of me." Covering his confused brain, Luke Kay Qi gradually sorted out his thoughts. He raised his head and looked at Matt, who was a little embarrassed in front of him, and couldn't help asking, "Where's that guy, where is he now!"

"If, you mean the guy who controls you, he's lying there."

Matt pointed to Kilgrave's body and replied.

"Wesley has done it for you."

[Famousness from Luke Cage +100]

Break free from the motionless appearance.

Jessica stumbled to her feet. Jessica looked at Kilgrave, who was shot in the head by Wesley, with a complex expression of shock mixed with relief on her face.

She looked down at the corpse, and then looked at Wesley, who silently put away his pistol.

"Why, can you..."

"He can't control me."

Naturally, Li Ran couldn't tell Jessica the specific reason.

However, he didn't need to tell the truth, he answered vaguely, leaving the rest to Jessica's guess.

"Could it be the Assassin Brotherhood?"

Sure enough, after hearing Wesley's reply, Jessica naturally linked it to the Assassin Brotherhood. Before, Li Ran in the antique shop was not controlled by Kilgrave's ability, and Wesley, as an assassin of the Assassin Brotherhood, of course also had such ability.

Thinking of this, Jessica began to feel extremely fortunate that she had asked Li Ran to contact the Assassin Brotherhood.

If it wasn't for that, maybe there would be a different picture in the warehouse now.

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