Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 92: Wooden Dummy

"Master Ye, good morning."

Early morning, Manhattan, Chinatown.

Wearing a black Tang suit, Ye Wen walked on the street. Facing the warm greetings from the nearby residents, he kept an elegant smile and nodded lightly.

"Good morning."

Sticking his head out of the medicinal herb store, a middle-aged man in his fifties or sixties asked with a smile.

"Master Ye, it's so early today."

"I've been used to it for decades, and I can't change it." Ye Wen stopped, replied to the man, and then opened an old martial arts hall next to the herbal medicine shop. This martial arts hall was bought a few days ago. The original owner seemed to be a martial arts teacher who came down, but he taught karate.


Hearing Ye Wen's words, the middle-aged man glanced at the man in Tang suit in front of him with a somewhat surprised expression: "I think Master Ye is quite young."

"It just looks." Ye Wen didn't say much about this, just smiled vaguely and said, "Maybe it's because of the years of martial arts training, and he looks a little younger than he looks."

"Practicing martial arts has this effect."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help but half-jokingly and half-seriously: "If I have time, I'll go to Master Ye to learn some kung fu."

"welcome any time."

After chatting a few words with the owner of the medicine store next door, Ye Wen came to the martial arts hall.

There is not much space in the martial arts hall. There is a wooden pile on the left side. It was bought from a nearby lumber store two days ago and made by himself. Although as a clone, there is no such thing as sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. , but in order to maintain its image as a Penglai warrior, it was specially prepared.

One morning passed.

There was never a single guest in the martial arts hall.

I heard from the residents here that more than ten years ago, due to the popularity of kung fu, martial arts halls were opened everywhere in Chinatown. The Karate Kid. No matter, there have been changes in recent years. Fighting skills and boxing have become mainstream, but kung fu is not as loud as it used to be.

In particular, small martial arts gyms like the ones in Chinatown have been in a difficult situation and ushered in a wave of closures.

However, Ye Wen, as a clone, didn't care too much about this.

Li Ran arranged for the clone to be in Chinatown, not to open a martial arts hall to do business.

In the afternoon, in the martial arts hall.

Ip Man Wai pretended to practice Wing Chun techniques in front of the wooden pile.

"Is Master Jin there?"

From outside the door, there was a sudden inquiry.

Stopping the Wing Chun in his hand, Ye Wen turned his head to look at the young white man who appeared at the door, and replied, "If you mean the one from the martial arts hall, he has stopped doing it, and it is said that he has enough money. I want to go back to my own country to do business.”

"Shit, I should have found out long ago, that guy didn't teach me anything from the beginning, and I still foolishly believed that he had some powerful secret tricks, and even after paying so much money, he still escaped under my nose! Hearing Ye Wen's answer, the expression on the white man's face couldn't help changing, anger mixed with shock.

It seems that he was deceived by the owner of the martial arts gym here before.

Ye Wen was not surprised by this. Originally, it was very suspicious for a Korean to open a karate gym.

The other party has already run away, and it is useless to scold like this. The young white man obviously wanted to understand this. He couldn't help but stop his scolding, looked up at the situation in the martial arts hall, and was immediately placed on the side. The wooden dummy was attracted to the past.

This was something he had never seen before when he came to the martial arts hall.

Half curious and half puzzled, the young white man couldn't help but leaned over, looked at the odd-looking wooden stump and asked, "What is this?"

"Wooden figurines, specializing in martial arts."

Turning back, he glanced at the expression of the white man, and Ye Wen replied lightly.

"Practice martial arts, just rely on this piece of wood that doesn't move?"

Apparently, the young white man didn't really believe Ye Wen's answer, especially since he had just experienced a kung fu scam: "It seems that you are a liar just like the one surnamed Jin."

"Although I regret what happened to you before, but I'm not the same as the one you met." Facing the white man's somewhat opposite reaction, Ye Wen still maintained his elegant attitude, raised his hand and placed it on the wooden figurine lightly. On the pile: "The wooden man pile is a simulation exercise that integrates the three sets of attacking techniques, techniques, footwork and leg techniques, which fully embodies the practical awareness of kung fu and the method of attacking."

"By practicing the wooden dummy, you can combine all the kung fu techniques and footwork into free fighting. As the saying goes: looking for an opponent in a bridge, there is more need for a teacher; without a teacher, there is no opponent, seeking in the mirror and the pile."

As he spoke, Ye Wen's hands quickly slammed on the wooden dummy stake, accompanied by a crisp sound, the whole person circled the wooden dummy stake, showing off the skills of Wing Chun like flowing water.

Even though he didn't know the name of the martial arts that Ye Wen performed, the young white man was still attracted by his flowing This is what I want, the real kung fu!

After changing his eyes for a while, the white man knelt down and shouted to Ye Wen in front of the wooden pile: "Master, I want to learn kung fu with you!"


Stopping the Wing Chun change move in his hand, Ye Wen turned his head to look at the kneeling white man and said, "Why, I'm not afraid that I will lie to you now."

Shaking his head, the young white man said loudly, "I can see that, Master, you are different from the guy who lied to me before. You are a real Kung Fu master."

Looking at the white man kneeling in front of him, in the antique shop, Li Ran's expression was somewhat silent.

Originally, he had no intention of accepting apprentices in Chinatown.

Even if he bought a martial arts gym, it was just a move to match Ye Wen's identity.

However, since someone has sent them to the door, it seems that it is not bad to teach a few apprentices, and it is more in line with Ye Wen's setting as a generation of kung fu masters.

Li Ran's thoughts flashed a few times, and then he made a decision.

In Chinatown, inside the martial arts hall, Ye Wen stretched out his hand and pulled it gently, making the white man standing in front of him standing up, looking at the surprised expression on his face, smiled slightly: "The purpose of opening the martial arts hall was to recruit students. If you want to learn kung fu, I will not refuse it, but the bad words are in front of you, practicing kung fu is not as easy as you think."

"I'm not afraid of hard work, Master." Shaking his head, the young white man replied without thinking.

"By the way, master, what's the name of the kung fu you just performed."

Raising his hand and making a pose, Ye Wen replied with a chuckle.

"Wing Chun Boxing."

[Famousness from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. +20]

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