Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 192: experiment

"The perfect match for me is Steve."

Dr. Abraham Erskine's attitude is very firm. John Schmidt's lessons told him that the super soldier serum will not only improve the user's physical fitness, but also expand the user's spiritual essence.

For Dio Brando, he was a little uneasy, and he always felt that what the other party showed was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

If Li Ran was told what Dr. Abraham Erskine was thinking, he would definitely raise his hands in approval.

The next development did not exceed expectations. Through the test of a dud, Steve successfully verified his value. At least that gave Dr. Abraham Erskine a reason to convince Colonel Phillips.

"Okay, soldiers, you have fully demonstrated your abilities in this week's training. Unfortunately, we only need one of the best soldiers to be a super soldier candidate." Colonel Phillips glanced at the team in front of him. After stopping on Dio Brando for a while, he turned his head and shouted to the thin Steve beside him: "Steve Rogers, get out!"

Until now, Colonel Phillips still thinks that Dio Brando is the most suitable candidate. Unfortunately, Dr. Abraham Erskine insists on his own opinion, and he can't help it.

Colonel Phillips' words caused an uproar in the team, and even Steve himself couldn't believe it.

Silently glanced at Steve next to him, Li Ran felt that he had to say something to show his existence: "Sir, I'm not convinced."

Staring closely at Colonel Phillips opposite, Li Ran made a dissatisfied look: "During training, my scores are higher than Steve, why is he the one who finally passed the Super Soldier instead of me."

Faced with Li Ran's questioning, not only Colonel Phillips frowned, but Steve also raised his heart and wondered if Colonel Phillips had made a mistake. As he said, during this whole week of During the training process, let alone Dio Brando, even ordinary soldiers performed much better than him.

"Soldier, where is this place?"

In this regard, Colonel Phillips did not answer. Before everything was successful, the super soldier's plan was still in the secret stage, and it was not something that the soldiers like Dio Brando could know. Even if he himself is much more optimistic about Dio Brando than Steve who is standing beside him.

"107th Infantry Battalion, sir!"

"Then obey orders, soldier."

"Yes, sir."

Steve stood beside Dio Brando, watching all the conversations he had with Colonel Phillips, and he opened his mouth to say something.


"Get out of the way, I don't need you to sympathize with me yet, Steve, I will personally prove to you how wrong the colonel's choice is."

However, in the face of Steve's performance, Dio Brando, played by Li Ran, replied indifferently.


As the candidates for the Super Soldier Program were selected, the soldiers of the entire recruit battalion were also dispatched to other places, perhaps to other combat units, or to other departments of the Strategic Science Corps, including Li Ran. Go to other troops. That night, the entire barracks was empty, and only Steve was alone in the empty barracks reading books and killing time.

beep --

With a short knock on the door, Dr. Abraham Erskine held a bottle of wine, two glasses stuck out his head at the door and asked, "Is it convenient for me to come in?"


Steve closed the book in his hand, turned his head and replied to the doctor.

Although he was identified as a candidate for the super soldier plan, he was not very clear about the process of this plan, and he was somewhat at a loss.

The doctor strode towards Steve and put down the glass on the suitcase by the bedside: "Can't sleep?"

"I guess I might be a little nervous." Steve opened his mouth and replied.

Sitting down on the bed opposite Steve, under the dim light, Dr. Abraham Erskine's expression was famously blurred. He looked at the soldier in front of him and immediately replied, "Me too."

Steve put the book aside, turned to look at the slightly bald face of the doctor in front of him, and couldn't help but ask, "Can I ask you a question...why me? Not Dio Brando." To this day, Steve still has some disbelief that he can beat Dio Brando to become the super soldier program.

He even felt that if he was the executor of this plan, he would choose Dio Brando instead of a guy with thin arms and legs like him.

Facing Steve's question, a hesitant expression appeared on Dr. Abraham Erskine's face. He lowered his head and glanced at the wine bottle he was talking about. After a long silence, he used a low but sad tone. He said slowly: "You know, this bottle of wine in my hand is produced in Augsburg, a very beautiful place, my hometown."

"Actually, many people have forgotten that the first country that the Germans invaded was actually their motherland. You know, after the First World War, my compatriots lived in dire straits and felt powerless and lost hope for the future. , all fell into a deep despair..."

As a defeated country in World War I, Germany suffered huge losses, but it also buried deep hatred. Originally, these hatreds would have been buried for a long time without Mars. However, obviously, this was not the case. Taking a breath in silence, Dr. Abraham Erskine said.

"Then at this time, Adolf showed up, and he led the army, gave speeches, stirred up inspiration, used his flag to evoke the anger of people's names, and then everything was out of control, and *** quickly swept the whole of Germany."

Reaching for the glasses on his face, Dr. Abraham Erskine tried to calm himself down.

"Then he heard about me, about my experiments. He found me and asked me to strengthen his army, and I was not interested in it... So he sent me to the east of Hydra, the Hydra In the line research department, where I was also, I met John Schmidt, who was originally a genius scientist, but has now become one of the core of the world, and he is very ambitious."

The information given by Dr. Abraham Erskine was too shocking, and it was difficult for Steve to digest it all for a while, and he frowned and tried to accept the information. He speculated that the so-called super soldier program may have been established to fight against Hydra.

"At the same time, like Adolf, he likes mysticism very much, and he is obsessed with supernatural power and continental mythology. I know an archaeology professor who was once hunted by Adolf's troops to find the 'ark of the covenant'. The ambitions of the German Communist Party. Adolf used it to inspire his followers. But for Schmidt, these mysteries are not all fiction, he believes that there is a powerful force hidden in this world, It was left by the gods, waiting to be discovered by someone when he knew the formula and effects of my serum research, he couldn't resist, he wanted to be someone who could be different. "

The room became quiet, and Steve's thoughts had already been gradually absorbed by the doctor's introduction.

"John Schmidt coerced and snatched my super soldier serum and injected himself with it."

With the introduction of Dr. Abraham Erskine, Steve also understood the experiment he was going to face next, but at the moment he was still more concerned about the results of John Shmi's injection: "Has he gotten stronger?"

Nodding silently, Dr. Abraham Erskine turned and said: "Yes, but that thing also has side effects. The serum formula at that time was not perfect, and the most important thing was the person who used the serum."

"The serum will strengthen all aspects of the human body, so the good will become better, and the bad... will become worse." Dr. Abraham Erskine explained the situation of the serum while injecting Steve in front of him.

In fact, this is also one of the main reasons why Li Ran avoided the super soldier serum. The effect of this serum is not so strong, but there are a lot of side effects. Even the so-called perfect Steve is actually in the serum. Under the influence, the character has changed.

"That's why I chose you instead of being chosen Dio Brando. Because Dio Brando is already good enough, even if he increases his strength, it can't generate awe. Only the weak can appreciate it more. The value of strength, love and... mercy."

The doctor thought for a while, and finally said the word.

Steve was silent for a while, then looked at the doctor in front of him and said.

"Thank you, although I still don't understand it very well."

Dr. Abraham Erskine laughed, and he didn't expect Steve to fully understand his own thoughts. These words he said tonight were not so much for Steve, but rather a heart of his own. catharsis. Reaching out and pointing to the suitcase over there, he motioned Steve to bring the wine glass on it, and he opened the wine bottle and poured some into both glasses.

Taking a glass of wine, Dr. Abraham Erskine pointed to Steve's chest: "Promise me, no matter what happens tomorrow, never forget who you are, you don't need to be a good soldier, but you must Be a good person."

Steve smiled, maybe physically, he wasn't as good as Dio Brando or even any soldier in the army, but he had the confidence to be a good guy all the time.

Raising the wine glass in his hand, he gestured to Dr. Abraham Erskine in front of him: "To the little ones."

Seeing this, Dr. Abraham Erskine smiled and touched him a glass. However, just as Steve Zhong was about to drink it, he suddenly took the glass away as if he had reacted.

"Wait, see what I'm doing, you have a test tomorrow, and you can't drink."

When the wine in his mouth was stopped, Steve's expression was somewhat regretful. He shrugged and looked at the wine glass in the doctor's hand and said helplessly: "Okay, let's drink together when the matter is over."

"Why wait until later?" However, for Steve's regret, Dr. Abraham Erskine did not have the slightest idea of ​​empathy. He pooled the wine in the two glasses together, shook the glasses, and he smelled intoxicated. Wen: "I don't have to test tomorrow, don't wait, I'll drink it now."

After that, without waiting for Steve to react, he directly poured all the wine glasses in his hand.


Poland, inside the *** base.

"All right."

Putting the last piece of skin in his hand over the face of the transformed soldier in front of him, Dr. Zola pushed back and looked left and right at his result, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Turn on the lights."

Taking out the sunglasses and putting them on his face, Dr. Zola turned his head and gave an order to the soldiers behind him. Hearing Dr. Zola's order, the soldier pressed the switch in his hand without hesitation, and in the next second, a dazzling light flashed across the transformed soldier. This is a headlight with strong UV function made by Dr. Zola.

Under normal circumstances, under the irradiation of such high-intensity ultraviolet light, the transformed soldiers who were injected with vampire blood have long since turned into coke. However, the soldier in front of him was still a little uncomfortable in the face of the strong light, but there was no smoke.


Seeing this scene, Dr. Zola's face suddenly showed an excited look.

"It looks like your design has been successful, Dr. Zola."

At this moment, John Schmidt, who was informed of the experimental results, came to the laboratory.

"Yes, sir, according to my thoughts, this special layer of skin can perfectly shield the test subjects injected with vampire blood from sunlight, so that they are no longer afraid of sunlight exposure. Transformed soldiers will be an invincible group of super soldiers."

"This is really good news." Looking up, looking at the transformed soldier in front of him, John Schmidt did not hesitate to praise himself. However, after saying this, he changed the conversation again: "Exactly, I need to use him to complete an important task for me."

While speaking, John Schmidt took out the photo in his arms and handed it to Dr. Zola.

"This is?"

Reaching out his hand and taking the photo handed by John Schmidt, Dr. Zola looked at the familiar face above with a hint of surprise on his face: "Abraham Ers, isn't it?" Looking at the photo in his hand, Zorah Dr. La thought of a possibility.

"That's right, Dr. Zola, according to the intelligence I've gathered, the super soldier serum will once again be tested in New York. This serum will be the last line of defense for the Allies against our forces, if we can put its destruction, then they will no longer have the strength to stand against us."

"So, dispatching reformed soldiers, I hope this mission will not fail."

"I understand."

In the face of John Schmidt's request, Dr. Zola nodded without hesitation.


"I'm familiar with this neighborhood..."

Early the next morning, Steve got into a car prepared by the army and went to the experimental site accompanied by Agent Carter. They needed to go back to New York for the retrofit experiment, because the entire operation required a lot of electricity, and Philadelphia's grid was clearly not up to scratch.

Along the way, Steve was trying his best to keep his emotions positive. The conversation with Dr. Abraham Erskine let him know the purpose of the experiment. For the next serum injection, he was actually uneasy, and even worried that the experiment might have may fail.

Inside the car, Agent Carter looked helplessly at Steve next to him. She actually knew Steve's mood. No one could guarantee the results of the experiment. Even Dr. Abraham Erskine was worried. .

As the car moved forward, Steve kept pointing his finger at the glass and said to Agent Carter, who was beside him, "I was beaten in that alley...and that parking lot...and the back door of that restaurant. …”

Carter pursed his lips and was silent for a while, but decided to ask, "Why didn't you run away?"

Steve shook his head and replied very seriously: "Once you start running away, you will keep running away, and if you stand up and fight back, there will be a chance one day."

Steve's words seemed to evoke the experience of Agent Carter, and she couldn't help but twitch her mouth: "I kind of understand how you feel, and I often feel rejected." Agent Carter is a strong woman, and she even felt that she Their abilities are no worse than those of their male colleagues. Unfortunately, this is an era full of discrimination. They always think that women are just doing clerical work, not fighting.

"I just don't understand, why would you want to join the army?" Steve thought for a while, and couldn't help but say: "You are a beautiful lady... a woman, uh, a female agent is not a woman, uh, you are very Beautiful..." Apparently, although Steve tried his best to express his goodwill, what he did was just getting darker and darker. Agent Carl turned his head to look at Steve, who was already in a hurry, and shook his head helplessly.

"You don't know how to talk to women, do you?"

To this end, Steve smiled bitterly, and replied with some self-deprecation: "I think this is the longest conversation I have ever had." Carter's eyes flashed with joy, but she was well hidden by her. , she turned her head slightly, not wanting Steve to see the smile on her face.

Since this time, Steve's performance has deeply attracted the female agent. Unlike Dio Brando, who can see perfection and strength at a glance, Steve's training appearance with a weak body, but never giving up, is more attractive to Agent Carter.

Steve still lowered his head and didn't notice Carter's expression. He calmly said about his past: "Girls don't line up to dance with such a weak and short guy."

"You must have danced."

Steve smiled, he was actually used to his own experience: "I dare not invite women to dance, and after so many years, I have not cared so much, I think I am waiting."

"Waiting for what?" Peggy asked him curiously, his big eyes full of tenderness.

"Waiting for a suitable dance partner." Steve didn't notice Agent Carter's gaze, but replied calmly.

For this answer, Agent Carter twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and turned his eyes away again.


During the conversation, the car slowly stopped at the entrance of an inconspicuous shop. There were hurried pedestrians on the street, and several men who looked dressed and tasted stood and chatted.

The street was a little damp, and it seemed that it had rained. Steve got out of the car and walked into a street shop called 'Brooklyn Antiques' under the leadership of Agent Carter. This shop looks ordinary, and there is nothing special about it.

Carter opened the store door with Steve. There were no customers inside. In the dim light, an old woman came out. She had white hair and a kind smile on her face. She looked at Carter who appeared in the store. The agent and Steve, seemingly politely, said a greeting.

"The weather was great this morning, wasn't it?"

Facing the old woman's question, Carter nodded lightly and uttered a code: "Yes, but I always go out with an umbrella."

Hearing Agent Carter's answer, the old woman nodded, then walked to the counter and reached out and pressed a hidden button. Beneath the hidden button, a Chicago typewriter submachine gun sat beside it.

After signaling to the old woman, Agent Carter led Steve to lift the curtain and walked towards the back room. After a row of bookshelves was opened, a secret corridor appeared.

Countless soldiers with guns and live ammunition are on duty inside, and many doctors and nurses in white coats are rushing around.

Steve curiously followed Agent Kurt through it, and behind the door at the end of the hallway was a huge laboratory.

A huge, iron coffin-like device was placed in the middle of the field, just below the entrance platform, and around it was a circle of meters that flashed various contents that Steve was not aware of. The serious atmosphere of the laboratory made Steve's breathing stagnate.

However, everyone below noticed that Steve who came to the laboratory was also silent.

Following, Agent Kurt Steve walked down the stairs, and Steve's eyes kept on the huge equipment in the middle of the field. He only heard that he was going to inject serum, but judging from the layout of the laboratory in front of him, not only It's as simple as injecting serum. Turning his eyes, Steve accidentally saw a somewhat familiar face in the laboratory - Howard Stark.

He had met each other at the World Expo, but he never thought that Howard was also a participant in this experiment.

"Good morning."

Dr. Abraham Erskine shook hands with Steve with a serious expression, but a flash suddenly came on next to him. It was a military reporter who recorded the scene, but the doctor was not very happy: "Please, this is not a photo shoot. event."

After scolding the reporter, Dr. Abraham Erskine looked at Steve again. The little man didn't fit in with the cold steel room around him, and he had a bewildered look on his face.

"are you ready?"

Steve took another look at the machine, and everything in front of him was more complicated than he had imagined before, not only the weird machines around him but also the people around him, but up to now, he didn't have any chance to refuse, so he remained silent. After a while, Steve still nodded.

Nodding, everything is ready, even Dr. Abraham Erskine can't continue to stop at this time, so he can only continue: "Very good, then take off your hat, shirt and tie, and then Lie in."

Is Agent Carter's expression a little complicated standing behind Steve? As an agent, she can't stop this, and she also knows that Steve has high hopes for this experiment.

Taking off his clothes and handing the coat to the nurse on the side, Steve took a deep breath, and the next success, whether it was successful or not, would be a successful turning point in his destiny.

However, when he turned to look at Howard Stark who was busy beside him, and remembered everything that happened at the Expo, Steve suddenly became a little uneasy.

Here, Steve is waiting for the arrival of the super soldier experiment.

On the other hand, Colonel Phillips is busy receiving the congressmen who came to visit the experiment. To complete the super soldier plan requires a lot of investment of resources, especially in today's war-torn situation, all the military needs to be funded, so He has to come up with success to convince lawmakers to put money in.

"Senator Brandt, you are welcome." Thinking of all this, he held a man's hand warmly and smiled.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" The man in his fifties and sixties shook hands with him and asked arrogantly. Although Colonel Phillips could not wait to spit on the guy in front of him, he squeezed a smile on his face and leaned closer to the senator: "We need to connect to the New York power grid, of course, if you have approved my application before. , maybe we don't need so much trouble..."

He interrupted Colonel Phillips without hesitation: "Colonel, you know that not only your unit needs funding, but everyone needs it. We are fighting, and we need money everywhere. I have more than one application in my hand. , for this I have to be screened, rather than a random promise."

Having said that, the senator beckoned a young man with glasses to come over and introduced to Colonel Phillips: "By the way, this colonel is..."

The young man took the congressman's words with a stiff expression on his face, nodded and introduced himself to Colonel Phillips: "Fred Clemson, on behalf of the federal government, if your plan is successful, the federal government will have a bigger strength to support you.”

Just as Colonel Phillips was dating the young man, the congressman was also looking at the laboratory, and soon noticed the scrawny appearance of Steve in the center. To be honest, even among the thin laboratory staff. , Steve's appearance is still thin.

Seeing this scene, the congressman couldn't help but say: "My God, don't you have any other candidates? Look at this kid, I'm worried that one shot will make him fall, so I can't let him eat more. ."

Hearing the shouts of the congressman, Colonel Phillips couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. In fact, even now, he still thinks that Dio Brando is the most suitable candidate for the experiment.

Steve didn't know the man above was looking at him, and he lay on the test stand with a firm conviction, fortunately the underside was thick leather instead of cold metal, but nonetheless his skinny arms were sturdy. Got goosebumps. Dr. Abraham Erskine approached him and adjusted the straps on the test bench. The experiment required Steve to be tied up, otherwise the enormous pain in the process would make anyone struggle violently without realizing it.

"how do you feel?"

Steve smiled, moved his shoulders, tried his best to put his head on the pillow, he looked at the gray ceiling: "Fortunately, this bed is too big for me, last time the wine Did you stay with me?"

Dr. Abraham Erskine smiled: "Sorry, there's only a little left, maybe not enough for you in the future."

Steve smiled too, feeling his nervousness eased.

"Mr. Howard Stark, how are you preparing?"

After talking with Steve, Dr. Abraham Erskine immediately turned his head and asked Howard Stark in front of the instrument. Howard walked over quickly and looked at Steve lying in the ship-shaped test bench. eyebrows back.

"It's ready, we may cause a blackout in Brooklyn this time around, but I'm ready, as always..."

To be honest, Howard Stark was not surprised by the super soldier experiment in front of him. Psychologically, he certainly hoped that the experiment would end successfully. However, whether he can succeed or not, he actually doesn't have much bottom line. If he fails, the little man in front of him will be completely finished.

Thinking of this, Howard Stark couldn't help but looked down at Steve, who was looking at him, with a pitying expression on his face.

Aware of Howard Stark's strange gaze, Steve, who was tied to the experimental instrument, began to feel uneasy in his heart.

Dr. Abraham Erskine helped his glasses, took a deep breath subconsciously, turned to Agent Carter who was still standing aside and said, "Agent Carter, I think you should be up there."

"Oh, yes, Doctor."

Hearing the doctor's persuasion, Agent Carter looked at Steve in the experimental apparatus, turned around with a complicated expression, and came to the laboratory. Agent Kurt subconsciously raised his hands and prayed silently that everything would go well.

A group of people in the observation room are connecting feelings and relationships. The super soldier guy is important, but for everyone present, they are more concerned about how to maintain their personal connections than the so-called super soldier. After all, the so-called super soldier is now. Whether a soldier succeeds or not is two things.

Just as everyone was chatting with each other.


Suddenly, a noise came from the observation room, causing the people who had been careless to frown subconsciously, and looked at the place where the noise was made.

Looking up and looking at the people above the laboratory, to be honest, Dr. Abraham Erskine is not willing to negotiate with them more if possible, but the existence of the super soldier program cannot be separated from them, so Abraham Erskine The doctor suppressed his inner emotions and maintained a calm appearance on the surface.

"Cough, gentlemen, can you hear? Our experiment is about to begin." Patting the microphone, Dr. Abraham Erskine said, "Today we are not taking the first step toward destruction, but The first step towards peace."

As Dr. Abraham Erskine narrated, behind him, Steve could see the medical staff present busy, and the nurses pushed a large box containing a row of test tubes filled with blue liquid. They took out the test tubes and inserted them into the ports on both sides of his ship-shaped experimental cabin, then pulled over several metal brackets and pressed them on his body.

"First we will perform a series of microinjections into major muscle groups in the experimenter, and the injected serum will immediately cause physical changes at the cellular level."

The Doctor gushed below, while Peggy Carter pursed his lips and looked nervously at Steve below. Behind her, the young man with a stiff expression was sitting there.

Dr. Abraham Erskine explained his experimental procedures to everyone, even though he knew very well that most of the people present did not understand what he meant. The work: "Then, the experimenter will receive saturated irradiation with Vita rays, which in combination with serum can rapidly stimulate the body to produce beneficial mutations."

He described the whole experiment as a cutscene. Dr. Abraham Erskine looked at the people above with a look of helplessness. He actually knew that these people would not listen to what he said. But Colonel Phillips made a request, and he had to do it. No matter whether everyone heard it or not, it was always to let them know a little about the super soldier plan, so that it would be easier to get more funds and budgets in the future.

With a sigh, he lowered the microphone in his hand, and Dr. Abraham Erskine returned to Steve's side. At this time, a nurse took a small syringe and stabbed Steve's arm, some transparent Fluid was injected into his body.

"How does it feel?" asked Dr. Abraham Erskine. .

"It's not bad? The process is very fast." Steve felt it for a while, and he didn't feel anything about the needle, and he didn't notice any changes in himself so far.

The doctor rolled his eyes: "The injection just now was penicillin, which is penicillin. I haven't started it yet."


Erskine pressed Steve's shoulders, signalling him to be at ease, and turned his head to give instructions to the staff.

"Countdown to Serum Injection..."

Everyone looked nervously at Steve on the lab bed, and Agent Carter stood up nervously.

"five four three two one."

Two metal plates covered with needles plunged into Steve's arms, and the blue serum on both sides of the test bench was injected into his body at a high speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, intense pain struck, and Steve couldn't help clenching his teeth. His whole body began to tremble violently. He could feel every inch of his muscles contracting, and the bones in his body were growing. His body elongated in two halves, and the Super Soldier Serum changed Steve even more, but at the same time, the pain was more intense.

In this regard, Dr. Abraham Erskine did not say much. If you want to gain extraordinary power, you will have to suffer these pains.

"Mr. Stark, start irradiating!"

Howard nodded, put on his sunglasses, and began to operate on the console.

The original ship-shaped workbench began to close, wrapping Steve firmly in it, and the whole appearance was like a small space capsule.

Dr. Abraham Erskine moved to the side of the experimental cabin and knocked on the lead glass above: "How is it? Are you alright, Steve?"

Steve gritted his teeth, endured the constant pain in his body, and asked, "I think it's too late for me to go to the toilet now?"

"Sorry, maybe you can solve it directly in there."

Dr. Abraham Erskine smiled, turned around and nodded to Howard, Howard immediately turned a huge **** on the instrument, and the next instant a dazzling white light emitted from the entire laboratory, and everyone subconsciously turned their cheeks to the side, Agent Carter was also blinded by the dazzling white light, but she couldn't help rushing up the stairs and looking at Steve in the experimental apparatus.


As the exposure continued to increase, Steve couldn't bear it any longer and let out a miserable cry.

"Turn it off!"

Hearing Steve's screams, Agent Carter couldn't help but stop the road.

Hearing Agent Carter's call, Dr. Abraham Erskine immediately gave orders to the people around him. He cares more about Steve's life than the success of the

However, at this moment, Steve's blocking voice came from the cabin: "No, don't close, I can still bear it."

Steve is very clear that if he interrupts the experiment at this moment, although he can survive, the experiment of the super soldier will fail, and he will lose the possibility of gaining power. Again, the military cannot give him the first The second chance to inject serum, that is to say, this is his only chance.

Hearing Steve's words, Dr. Abraham Erskine hesitated before continuing to Howard, who was controlling the irradiation equipment in front of him: "Mr. Stark, please continue."

Silently glanced at Steve in the instrument cabin, Howard didn't say anything, but turned around and continued to control the **** to turn to the maximum value.

In the next instant, the 100% irradiation emitted a dazzling white light from the instrument. Then, due to the overloaded operation, problems began to occur in the entire experimental base. A large number of instruments exploded into Mars, and because of the disconnection of the power, the white light that had been flickering also disappeared.

Looking at the darkened instruments, the entire laboratory was silent.

Everyone looked at each other in a daze, and no one was sure whether it was a success or a failure in the current situation.

"Mr. Stark."

Looking at the unresponsive instrument cabin, Dr. Abraham Erskine immediately turned his head and shouted to Howard beside him.

Hearing Dr. Abraham Erskine's reminder, Howard hurriedly pressed the button to open the hatch. He also had the same expectation for the success of the experiment.

As the hatch opened and a burst of smoke spread, it was no longer Steve's skinny appearance, but a tall, muscular figure.

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