Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 203: history of change


tick, tick


The pointer on the pocket watch on the chest stopped turning with the last tick. In a trance, Li Ran slowly opened his eyes, the stagnant memory began to turn around, and his thoughts returned from the war-torn World War 70 years ago, bowing his head. Looking at the pocket watch that was no longer turning on his chest, Li Ran finally determined that he had returned to the modern age from seventy years ago.

"came back?"

Taking a deep breath, Li Ran got off the bed, moved his slightly stiff body, and subconsciously shifted his gaze to the data panel of the system.


"Captain, captain..."

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

Nick Fury looked at Steve in a trance in front of him and called out.

"Feel sorry."

When he came back to his senses, Steve shook his head and apologized softly to Nick Fury in front of him.

"What's the matter, Captain, something is not right with you?"

Nick Fury noticed Steve's dazed look and couldn't help asking.

"Nothing." Shaking his head, Steve subconsciously raised his hand and touched his neck, then replied with a smile, "I just suddenly recalled some past events."

"What happened in the past?" Nick Fury's one eye showed a look of doubt.

"You know, vampire?"

"Vampire?" Raising his dark eyebrows, Nick Fury looked at Steve in front of him and replied, "You mean those guys in Norway?"

Norway's vampire dynasty.

This is information that belongs to the top secret level even in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After the end of World War II, Norway, which was restored by King Haakon VII, rose rapidly. It vigorously developed industry and engaged in biological research, and developed a very high industrial level in a short period of time.

After Haakon VII died, Crown Prince Olaf V took over as the second king of Norway.

It's just that these normal thrones alternated, but the subsequent development was completely different from what ordinary people knew.

In 1991, Olaf V died of a myocardial infarction at the royal villa in Oslo, and his son Harald V succeeded to the throne. The death of Olaf V caused the whole of Norway to fall into grief. However, just a few days later, the tomb keeper in charge of guarding the royal tomb discovered that the green sarcophagus in Akershus Castle, where Olaf V was buried, had been moved.

At the request of Harald V, people opened the sarcophagus, which revealed the long history of the blood-sucking dynasty established by Haakon VII.

In the end, Haakon VII as a vampire and the royal family members who were corpses by him were placed in the sun to be purified, and the evil and terrifying blood-sucking dynasty came to an end.


"History has been changed."

Himalayas, Kama Taj.

Although it was impossible to find out which part of the past was touched and rewritten, the vision displayed by the Eye of Agamotto clearly reminded the king that all this was not his own imagination.

"Although it is still impossible to find out which level of the changed past belongs to, but from the situation shown by the Eye of Agamotto, it is not only the past that has been changed, but the present has also been affected." Wang Frowning, looking at the eyes of Agamotto that kept flashing strangely, he said in a deep voice.

"The future is not fixed, and neither is the past."

Contrasted with Wang's anxiety, the expression on Gu Yi's face was still indifferent.

"Now that the variables have been cast, it's time to wait for the results."

"What if this result is different from what we expected?" Wang is not the ancient one, and he does not have the detached mentality of the other party. Especially as the guardian of the earth, he knows very well that the earth is not as safe as he imagined. There are enemies watching here at all times.

"Trust me, I've seen all the bad results."

Turning his head, he replied softly to Wang beside him.

In fact, the ancient one was not unprepared.

It's just that time travel is not an easy spell, it involves the power of time and space, even as a supreme without borrowing the power of the Eye of Agamotto, he is still unable to do it easily. do it. Especially, nowadays, most of his power is used to deal with...


Among the Kama Taj, Gu Yi seemed to sense something, his indifferent expression changed, he raised his hand to create a portal, and disappeared in front of the king in the blink of an eye.


In the library, Wang looked at the Eye of Agamotto and muttered to himself.


: 216575

Two hundred thousand legends? !

The large amount of legend displayed on the system's data panel made Li Ran's breathing subconsciously quicker. He shook his head and took a deep breath to calm down his emotions first.

Li Ran still doesn't know the information about the Norwegian vampire dynasty. Otherwise, he might be able to know the 200,000 legends in front of him, most of which come from the contribution of the vampire dynasty established by Haakon VII. As a vampire transformed by Dior, part of the influence created by Haakon VII was obviously counted on his head by the system.

Although I don't know the specific source of these legends, Li Ran also guessed more or less, which may have a certain relationship with the vampire he transformed.

Looking up at the dazzling legend on the data panel, Li Ran took a deep breath, feeling that his heart began to stir again.

The 200,000-level reputation obviously gave Li Ran a lot of courage. In addition, he had not opened the treasure chest for a while since he traveled through time and space, so after a little hesitation, Li Ran decided to enter the unboxing mode.

Exchange, open the box.

With a reputation of more than 200,000, Li Ran felt that he was obviously inflated, and the one with a reputation of 100,000 didn't even blink his eyes.




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