Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 211: Extraterrestrial Demons【Thanks to Tian Shizi for the reward】

"Why are you always like this, Mr. Stark!"

For Tony's disobedience and maverick behavior, Steve obviously has quite an opinion.

"I'm just making a simple attempt."

In the face of Steve's questioning, Tony replied with some disapproval.

"Your attempt is likely to threaten everyone's safety, sorry, Doctor." As he spoke, Steve turned his head and apologized to Banner on the other side.

"It doesn't matter, if I can't even accept this stimulus, I won't agree to get on the boat."

"Look." Tony waved his hand when he heard Banner's answer.

"It's not just this time, Mr. Stark." Tony's nonchalant attitude stimulated Steve even more: "Your previous actions, ignoring the safety of everyone in the spaceship and flying outside, have you ever thought about it, What would be the result if the immortals from Penglai were not encountered just now, and other dangers."

"However, judging from the results, my decision is correct, and I even helped you get an important piece of information. We have all fought against Jiuyou's absolute gods before, and we are very aware of their dangers. Kilai's is lower, or even higher."


Tony's answer silenced Steve for a moment.

"What's more, Captain, have you ever thought about why Nick Fury called us together and what purpose he has. Even now, he still hasn't told us what S.H.I.E.L.D. was doing before, I don't understand The truth of the facts, what's the point of our fight?"

"You think Nick Fury is hiding something?"

Frowning, Steve couldn't help but feel a little bit of doubt in his heart when he heard these words, although he couldn't see Tony's sloppy character.

Just as Tony said, Nick Fury has been hiding something from the members of the Avengers, and did not tell everyone about the Rubik's Cube.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has always mastered the Rubik's Cube, and obviously it is not simply sealed up.


The control room of the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship.


【Jiujianxian】Drinking wine and looking at the scenery outside the spaceship.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?"

I don't know when he came to him, Nick Fury looked at the night sky with his hands behind him, and said, "Although we can't think of the immortals in Penglai flying directly in the sky, we still rely on our own. Strength, fulfilling the dream of flying."

"It's really amazing."

Lifting the gourd and taking a sip of wine, [Jiu Jianxian] replied with an expression that seemed to be drunk but not drunk.

Nick Fury silently watched the actions of [Wine Sword Immortal]. From the time he got on the spaceship, he had never heard of the drinking action on the other side's hand. If such uncontrolled drinking were replaced by ordinary people, they would have no idea what it was like to be drunk. It looks like it, but [Jiu Jianxian] has always put on a drunken look, but Nick Fury has never seen the other party really fall down.

"About the extraterritorial demons, doesn't the immortal want to say anything else?"

This extraterritorial demon was first learned by Natasha from the mouth of the [Turtle Immortal], and Nick Fury has left an impression on him since then.

"It's not something you can care about."

Shaking his own wine gourd, 【Jiu Jianxian】 said drunkenly.

"But, obviously, this is not something we can decide. In fact, since Jiuyou appeared, whether we like it or not, New York has become a battlefield between Penglai and Jiuyou. Destroyed, we are qualified to know information about the extraterritorial demons."


Raising his eyebrows, he glanced at Nick Fury silently, [Jiujian Xian] shook his wine gourd and was silent for a while before replying as if he had woken up a little: "Extraterritorial Demons, those are a bunch of troublesome guys. It is extremely difficult to kill. Although it is sealed in Penglai, it is not peaceful. We need to strengthen the seal every once in a while to prevent these extraterritorial demons from escaping from the seal and endangering the world."


[Famous from Nick Fury +460]

From the words of [Wine Sword Immortal], Nick Fury keenly heard the key, and a look of astonishment flashed in the only intact one eye, and he could not help but blurt out: "You mean, there is more than one extraterrestrial demon."

"When did I say there's only one of them."

[Wine Sword Immortal] glanced sideways at Nick Fury, and continued: "If there is only one extraterrestrial demon, it will be much simpler."

"The extraterritorial demons you mentioned remind me of some annoying opponents in Asgard. Their eyes are only war, destruction all the way, and everywhere they go is turned into ruins..." Sol walked over , said while recalling.

Nick Fury turned his head and glanced at Agent Phil who was standing behind him. The latter gave him a helpless expression. Obviously, Thor was not in his control.

Raising his eyebrows, looking at Thor, who was stabbed sideways, and Nick Fury, who was refilling his drink, he knew that the time had passed.

He sighed silently in his heart, but Nick Fury quickly restrained his emotions, and turned to the uninvited Sol and asked, "I don't want the earth to become what you said. , do you think you can ask Loki to tell us where the cube is located?"

Shaking his head silently, Saul's expression was a little dazed: "I don't know, no one knows what Loki thinks, what he wants is not only power, but also revenge on me. In order to achieve his goal, he can endure all the pain, When I first came to Earth, Loki also came with his hatred, and this time, it's obviously still the same."

"But why do I feel like Loki is the only guy who wants to stay on the ship?"

Nick Fury looked at Thor in front of him, and he knew very well that it wasn't that he didn't tell the truth or make up his mind.


"How much alcohol did he drink?"

The process of searching for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not as simple as imagined, even if Banner directly bypassed the main system of S.H.I.E.L.D. and entered the sub-system group using the supercomputer inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Everything still takes time.

Tony looked at [Jiu Jianxian] who was falling asleep in the laboratory and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked.

"I don't know, but there should be no less."

Holding up his glasses, Banner said uncertainly.

"More than a few!"

Turning his head and looking at him, he fell to the ground. He didn't look like an immortal at all. Well, the previous [Turtle Immortal] actually didn't look like an immortal. He was just a lustful old man.

In short, seeing the [Wine Sword Immortal] sleeping on the ground, Tony couldn't help but say: "I've been watching him drinking since I got on the spaceship, and I think with Chang ideal, the amount he's drank has gone far. It exceeds the capacity of the gourd." While speaking, Tony's gaze involuntarily placed his gaze on the wine gourd on the chest of [Wine Sword Immortal].

"Didn't you already say that the other party is from that immortal from Penglai, that is, a god, and since that's the case, what he does should be normal."

Because there is an example of lightning with a hammer in front of him, Banner is not so difficult to accept the many visions shown by [Wine Sword Immortal].


Although the reason given by Banner successfully persuaded Tony, he obviously couldn't stop his curiosity: "But, aren't you curious, how did the gourd in his hand do it, so that it can be installed while flying So much wine, what is the principle of all this..."

"Although I'm curious, but." Looking down at [Jiu Jianxian] who seemed to be unaware, Banner pushed down his glasses and tried his best to clear the relationship: "I know very well what can be done and what can't be done. "After getting along for a while, Banner has roughly figured out Tony's character.

Captain America is not wrong about him, this is a guy who runs wild.

"It's not a big deal to just take it over and study it a little bit."

Shrugging his shoulders, Tony took another look at [Wine Sword Immortal] who was sleeping, swallowed, and then came to the other side with a cautious attitude.

Under Banner's nervous gaze, Tony held his breath and stretched out his hand, carefully picking up the wine gourd placed on the chest of the wine sword fairy.


Picking up the gourd, Tony looked back at Banner behind him, and saw that the other party was also relieved.


Shaking the gourd in his hand, Tony was about to open his mouth to show off, but he immediately remembered that [Jiu Jianxian] was still asleep beside him and quickly swallowed the words, then carefully tiptoed again and walked back to where he was before. .

"This looks like a very ordinary gourd?"

Although, he had shown a cautious attitude about Tony going to get the wine gourd of [Wine Sword Fairy], but when he really brought the gourd over, Banner couldn't bear his curiosity and leaned over, he held his glasses. He started to look at the fairy's gourd from a close distance.

"There's nothing strange about the weight."

Weighing the gourd in his hand, Tony also said somewhat puzzled.

Before, he easily saw that [Jiu Jianxian] turned a large gourd that could sit on a person into a small gourd like this one, and thought that there would be a big difference in weight, but who would have thought that it would be so easy to hold by himself on hand.

The gourd in Tony's hand is naturally an ordinary gourd.

The reason why it looks so extraordinary is purely because of the spell cast by [Wine Sword Immortal]——[Gourd Transformation].

The difference between the gourds in their hands could not be seen from left to right. In the laboratory, Tony and Banner couldn't help but glance at each other. They were about to open the gourds when they suddenly heard a low voice coming from the entrance.

"What are you doing, Dr. Banner, Mr. Stark?"

Hearing Nick Fury's voice, Tony hurriedly put down the gourd in his hand, and Banner also stepped to block the gourd.

"You should find a way to find the location of the Rubik's Cube."

Without noticing the small movements of the two, Nick Fury glanced at the [Wine Sword Immortal] who was sleeping soundly in the laboratory, and tried to focus his attention on the other people in the laboratory.

"In fact, we have already done so." Nick Fury looked at Wine Sword Fairy's action, which made Banner's heart subconsciously tighten, and quickly explained: "We have locked the signal of the Rubik's Cube, and the real pass The satellite searches, as long as the signal position is found, it will lock the range of half a kilometer, and then you will be able to find the Rubik's cube you need."

Answering Nick Fury's question, Tony's eyes were immediately drawn to the information displayed on the screen in front of him.

Since just now, he has been cracking the firewall of S.H.I.E.L.D. through Jarvis, searching for research materials about S.H.I.E.L.D. on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and now he just found these materials. Looking at the designs of various weapons in front of him, Tony couldn't help it. Raising his eyebrows, he asked Nick Fury, "Nick Fury, can you tell me what the second phase of research is?"


"The second stage is that S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Rubik's Cube to make weapons!"

He threw the weapon in his hand that was five or six points similar to the rechargeable gun made by Hydra during World War II on the table in the Steve's expression was a little ugly. In the war with Hydra, too many of their soldiers died under these rechargeable guns made with the Rubik's Cube, but now they are seen in the S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon warehouse.

"Sorry, the computer is a little too slow for me, so I found the answer in my own way."

"Gentlemen, we collect everything about the Rubik's Cube, but that doesn't mean we're making weapons."

A previous conversation with Tony made Steve doubtful.

Faced with doubts, Nick Fury is about to explain something.

"Come on, Nick..."

On the other hand, interrupting Nick Fury's explanation, Tony directly shared the design of SHIELD's cosmic Rubik's Cube weapon.

"Since no weapons are made, what are these drawings, don't tell me this is just for your own amusement."

During the quarrel, Natasha and Sol, who came to the "truth" from Loki's mouth, also came to the laboratory.

As the members of the Avengers gathered, the atmosphere in the laboratory, instead of softening, became more acute.

"What is your purpose? Why does S.H.I.E.L.D. need to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to create weapons of mass destruction!" Banner was pulled onto the spacecraft for unclear reasons, and Banner was obviously concerned about what S.H.I.E.L.D. Strong doubts arose.


Glancing at the people in front of him, Nick Fury took a deep breath, and then stretched out his hand to point to Sol who was beside him and the [Wine Sword Immortal] who was still asleep in this situation and replied, "It's because of them!"

Sol: "Me?"

【Jiu Jianxian】: "Hu~hu~"

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