Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 234: Anti-9 ghost armor

"Jarvis, change attack mode!"

[Anti Jiuyou Armor - Shock Cannon Mode]

Following Tony's order, Jarvis in the steel suit responded quickly and controlled the anti-nine secluded accessory on Mark 8 to change its form.

But in the blink of an eye, three red-gold shock cannons full of technology appeared on the shoulder armor and chest of Mark 8. The muzzles made a low buzzing sound and aimed at Shouhe in the martial arts hall.

After the New York War, Tony had plans to upgrade his steel suit.

After experiencing the incident of the "Flying Dutchman" in Upper New York Bay, his idea became even stronger.

It's just that the upgrade of the armor will take time, including the research on the technology of the chitarians. Although he has some eyebrows, he wants to completely convert it into the combat power of the steel armor. Obviously, it will take time, not a moment. It can be done easily in half a while.

However, Tony is not an ordinary person after all. Through research on the energy system of the weapons of the Zitari Legion, he successfully integrated it into the "anti-nine secluded" armor accessories developed before.

Therefore, the accessories he loaded at the moment should actually be corrected to 'Anti Jiuyou Type II'.


The faint blue beam cannon was fired from the muzzle on Tony's body, and hit Shukaku not far away under Peter's excited gaze.

"Is this the true strength of the Avengers?"

"Mr. Stark is indeed one of the superheroes who saved New York."

The powerful power displayed by the anti-nine secluded type II made the little spider look at him, and at the same time, he was even more excited. He wanted to turn into Iron Man and attack the monster in front of him.

In the final analysis, Peter is still only a half-year-old child. The reason why he became a heroic Spider-Man is not only from Uncle Ben's last wish, but also has his own selfishness.

Three blue beam cannons hit Shouhe's huge body, and the terrifying power contained in it exploded, and directly smashed Shouhe's arm into sand.

The original steady stream of condensing sand stopped, and Shouhe lowered his head to look at his broken arm.

Under the gaze of the yellow beast pupil, a large amount of yellow sand gathered from the break, and in the blink of an eye, a new arm appeared on Shouhe's body.

"Sure enough, I knew it wasn't that simple."

Tony raised his eyebrows, looked at Shouhe's recovered body, and pouted subconsciously.

On his body, the muzzle changed by the 'Anti-Nine Serenity Type II' did not stop at all, and once again launched a quiet blue cluster cannon at Shouhe.


There was a roar in his mouth, facing Tony who attacked him again, Shouhe had to stop his behavior of "recovering" his strength, a large amount of yellow sand gathered around it, and instantly turned into a huge shield to block it. in front of Shouhe.


The blue beam hit the shield and defeated it, but in an instant a new shield formed and blocked the attack.

This is not the end, looking at the Iron Man attacking him in front of him, Shouhe opened his mouth and the gusty wind condensed from his mouth, forming a huge wind ball: "[Wind Dun·Lian Kong Bomb]!"

"Jarvis, defensive mode!"

[Anti Jiuyou Armor - Fortress Defense Mode]

In the face of Shouhe's terrifying counterattack, Tony in the steel armor gave an order with a calm expression.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the 'Anti Jiuyou Type II' accessories on Mark 8 that had been transformed into impact cannons were deformed again, and instantly attached to Mark 8, turning into a heavy armored form.

The violent wind formed by the empty bombs swept across Chinatown like a gust of wind, and with a huge roar, it directly destroyed the martial arts hall in front of him.

Controlling the bloated battle suit to stand up from the ruins of the martial arts hall, Tony in the steel battle suit let out a sigh of relief. In the face of the direct attack of the empty bomb, even with the protection of the 'Anti Jiuyou Type II' accessories, he almost couldn't stop it. The armor on his body continued to emit tiny currents, and he turned his helmet to sweep through the tragic situation in Chinatown. Under the steel mask, Tony's expression suddenly changed as if he had thought of something: "Hey, child, are you still alive!"

The power of the empty bomb was so great that Tony was a little worried about the safety of the boy in the tights just now.

"I'm fine, Mr. Stark!"

Fortunately, the situation was not as bad as Tony thought.

Poking his head from the roof of the shop not far away, Little Spider asked cautiously.

In fact, as early as a second before Shouhe launched the [Wind Escape · Practice Bomb], Peter instinctively made an evasive action under the mad reminder of the spider in his body.

It's just that he felt a little guilty, and he didn't remind Mr. Stark of the attack of the empty bomb, but only wanted to escape.

"This is not what a superhero should do, Peter, and you should warn Mr. Stark of the danger."

"However, this big monster is really scary. Is this the opponent the Avengers face?" Peter deeply reviewed his previous actions, but Tony breathed a sigh of relief, although, theoretically, the other party came over without listening to the persuasion, even if it was true If something went wrong, he couldn't be blamed. But if something happened to Peter, Tony would probably feel guilty too.

"[Turtle Immortal], you didn't say just now that this guy is so difficult to deal with."

Taking a deep breath, and pulling back the thoughts that were far away, Tony looked at Shouhe who had performed such a terrifying blow in front of him, and said with a wry smile.

He had just finished upgrading the 'Anti-Nine Serenity Type II' armor with great difficulty, but as a result, he was almost unable to resist a blow from the opposite guy.

"Be careful, this is just how Shouhe has just recovered. If you let it continue like this, and when its power is fully recovered, maybe even I may not be able to re-seal it back."

[Famous from Tony Stark +750]

【From Natasha Romanoff…】

【From Peter the Spider...】

The answer of [Turtle Immortal] during the battle made Tony's heart a little heavier.

"Jarvis, report the situation of the armor."

"Sir, Mark 8 is not damaged much, but some parts of the 'Anti Jiuyou Type II' are severely damaged and can no longer be deformed."


In the face of training empty bombs, Tony didn't expect the armor to continue to be intact.

He looked at Shouhe who stopped attacking and started condensing the yellow sand in front of him, took a deep breath, and controlled the armor to take heavy steps: "It looks like, next, we must start to fight hard."

"Jarvis, change Type II attack mode!"

[Anti Jiuyou Armor - Charger Mode]

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