Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 236: total war

Sand disperses.

What was revealed was Shouhe's still huge body.

Although it was hit by the lightning controlled by Thor, the power of the lightning only smashed its appearance and did not cause any substantial damage to it.

Under the watchful eyes of the members of the Avengers, the damage caused by the thunder and lightning on Shouhe's body was covered up by the yellow sand again, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to his previous appearance unscathed.

"It looks like your attack doesn't do any damage to it."

Seeing everything in his eyes, Banner couldn't help but said to Sol who was beside him.

"That's because I haven't gotten serious yet."

As a battle-hardened warrior of Asgard, Thor naturally couldn't easily admit his failure. In fact, the strength displayed by Shoukaku in front of him actually inspired the Thor's struggle even more. Shaking the Thor's Hammer in his hand generated a huge wind force, and in the next second, Sol lifted off with the power of Thor's Hammer and flew towards Shouhe's huge body.

"To be honest, I've always wondered, isn't the method of flying just by swinging a hammer a little too unscientific?"

Tony raised his eyebrows, looking at Sol's figure without hesitation, he couldn't help but speak.

"He's not from the same world as us. Seriously, he's the legendary Thor."

Holding the shield in his hand, Steve replied silently.

"Okay, you're right."

Shrugging, Tony easily accepted Steve's answer.

After all, if it really comes down to it, whether it's the Avengers members beside him or Shouhe opposite him, it's not something that can be explained by science.


Furious lightning erupted from Thor's hammer in Thor's hand, hitting Shouhe's body, causing large swaths of yellow sand to fly up.

Compared with other members of the Avengers, Thor has a significant difference in combat experience and strength.

The endless lightning, like a violent electric snake filling the streets of Chinatown, wrapped around Shouhe's body, forming a cage like lightning.


Falling from the hanging signboard, Peter looked at Sol who was arrogant in the distance, and the expression of amazement appeared on the face that was still green under the mask.

He once fought against the electric man who also controlled the electricity, and that battle can basically be said to be the most difficult battle since the little spider was a superhero.

However, now it seems that the two are not on the same level at all.

Although the Electric Man also controls lightning, he definitely can't be as powerful as Thor in front of him.


In the lightning cage, Shouhe let out a violent roar.

It waved its huge claws and slapped the thunder and lightning. In an instant, the strong current that erupted directly bombed its claws into sand.

"well done!"

The Turtle Immortal noticed Shouhe who was trapped by Sol, with a look of surprise on his face, and quickly shouted: "Just trap Shouhe in place, as long as he is prevented from continuing to condense the sand, its power will not continue to exist. grow up."

"Looks like your plan has failed, Di Shitian."

Saying that, Immortal Turtle turned his head, looked at Emperor Shitian whose hands were turned into dragon claws, and said with a smile.


Hearing the words of Immortal Turtle, the corner of Di Shitian's mouth under the pale mask evoked an inexplicable arc.

Divine Sword

In the next moment, the sword demon in the confrontation with Jiujianxian suddenly shot, leaving the Jiujianxian in the confrontation with himself and suddenly slashed towards Sol in the distance.

"Sol, be careful!"

Natasha has been paying attention to the battle between Penglai and Jiuyou. When she saw the sword demon's shot, her face changed and she shouted loudly towards Sol who was fighting with Shouhe.


A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Jiujianxian swung the flying sword in his hand to fly out the demon sword on the opposite side.

Covering his wound from being hit by Jiujianxian, Dao Demon's pretending to be plain face showed a seemingly non-existent smile.

"Looks like I'm being underestimated."

Noticing the look on Dao Demon's face, Jiu Jianxian took a sip from the wine gourd, and the drunken expression on his face also became serious.

Drunken Immortal Moon Walk


After all, Sol was a battle-hardened warrior, and he didn't need Natasha's reminder. Feeling the lingering attack coming from behind him, he almost instinctively turned his body to avoid the past.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a dark blade light, rubbing Sol's body and slashing under the electric light formed by Thor's Hammer, a dazzling light erupted.


Seeing this scene, the expression on Sol's face suddenly turned bad.

Although Dao Demon's Divine Sword Slash did not hurt him, it destroyed the lightning he had been controlling.


Sensing that the power of the lightning around him was weakening, Shouhe in the electric cage let out an excited roar.

Fengdun practice empty bomb

Immediately afterwards, he saw Shouhe's belly swelled, only the remaining right paw was raised high and then slapped his belly suddenly, the next second, it opened its mouth and formed a huge chakra-filled wind ball. , controlled the wind ball and spit it out towards the lightning in front of him.


The strong impact of the thunderbolt hit by the training air bomb was like a huge typhoon blowing through the surrounding environment, directly blowing Sol who was in front of Shouhe.


Sol fell to the ground from mid-air, smashing a long gully, barely stopping until the edge of the wall.

"Saul, are you alright!"

Holding a shield to resist the impact of the explosion, Steve looked at Sol who fell to the ground and asked quickly.

"I'm fine, ahhh, ahh."

Shaking his head and standing up, Sol spat out the sand in his mouth and replied with a somewhat embarrassed look.

Compared with the people on earth, as a Protoss Sol, his physical fitness is obviously several times higher, and even in the vacuum environment thrown into outer space by Thanos, he can survive alone for a long time, until he and amusing. Force, no, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy meet.

"It's just that my attack failed because of the attack just now."

As soon as he raised his hand, he summoned the Thor's Hammer that had fallen in front of Shouhe back. Sol looked at Shouhe, who was controlling Huangsha's recovery, and replied with a dignified expression.

"Actually, you've done enough."

Turning his head, looking at Shouhe who turned his body to gather the yellow sand again, Steve sunk back and said, "Next, it's time for a full-scale battle."

"So Captain, what are your plans?"

Controlling the suit, Tony asked.

"There is only one plan, to knock down the big guy in front of him."

Tightening the shield in his hand, Steve answered almost without hesitation.

"It doesn't sound like an easy thing."

As an experiencer of actual combat, Tony obviously knows the fighting level of Morizuru.

"It's not easy and it has to be done."

Of course, Steve knew very well that it would not be easy to defeat Shoukaku with the strength of the Avengers alone.

However, they have no way out. Behind them are thousands of New York City citizens.

"Dr. Banner, are you ready?"

"I've always been preparing." Taking off his glasses and handing them over to the injured Natasha for safekeeping, Banner replied with a smile.

Feeling the sadness in Steve's tone, Tony also turned to look at the little spider on the other side, and said in a deep voice.

"Boy, it looks like you're right, we do need your strength right now."

"Really, Mr. Stark!"

Hearing Tony's words, Peter suddenly became excited: "It's my honor to be able to fight with the Avengers."

"This is a very dangerous battle."

Tony didn't want to implicate Spider-Man if he could.

"I'm not afraid of danger, Mr. Stark."

Obviously, the chance to fight with the Avengers made Peter more excited than the danger he was about to face.

"Anyway, you have to be careful."

"No problem, Mr. Stark."

Obviously, the current situation did not leave too much time for the Avengers. In just a few minutes, Shouhe's body became bigger again. After realizing this situation, Sti The husband spoke quickly, holding his shield and sweeping over the Avengers and the little spider in front of him: "Avengers, dispatch!"


As soon as Steve's voice fell, Banner, who was standing beside him, let out a roar, and his body instantly swelled into a powerful Hulk.

"Hey man, we meet again!"

Seeing the transformed Hulk, Sol showed an excited expression on his face, and subconsciously reached out and patted Hulk's thick arm.


With a punch, it smashed Sol into the air. Hulk looked at Shouhe in the distance, raised his head and roared, his legs jumped into the air and shouted: "Hulk, attack!"

"Don't be too nervous, it's just Hulk's way of showing kindness."

Tony looked at Hulk who was running towards Shouhe, then turned to look at Sol who was withdrawing from the rubble on the wall, and then explained to Peter beside him.

"A way of expressing kindness?"

Hearing Tony's words, the corner of the mouth under the little spider's mask could not help but twitch, and he silently made a decision in his heart to stay away from Hulk no matter what the situation is in the future.

After all, this way of expressing kindness, even Peter, whose physical quality has surpassed that of ordinary people, has no self-confidence to accept it.


He fell heavily on the ground and smashed two deep potholes. Hulk looked up at Shouhe, who was almost twice as tall as himself. There was no expression of fear on his face. Instead, he continued to let out a roar, and suddenly a Leaping towards Shouhe.

"Hulk, punch!"


Waving his huge claws, he smashed Hulk directly back to the ground.


"Hulk, angry"

Shouhe's huge claws pressed the Hulk down firmly, like a small sand dune, which made the Hulk below him unable to move.

However, soon, Shouhe felt a huge force coming from under his claws, and then with a roar, its huge claws that had been pressing on Hulk began to be slowly pushed. , the speed visible to the naked eye was lifted, revealing the Hulk with muscles and muscles underneath.

"Can't let Hulk fight alone!"

Although, seriously, it was Hulk who left the team and took the first shot, but considering the unstable mood of the Hulk itself, Steve couldn't blame Hulk for this. Tiff made a decisive decision, and rushed towards the direction of the battle with the members of the Avengers.


A few seconds later, only the injured Natasha and Hawkeye were left in their original positions.

In fact, as a long-range shooter, it was normal for Hawkeye Clinton not to charge.

Seeing the avengers rushing towards Shouhe like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and showing their magical powers in front of him, he raised his eyebrows, then took out his new weapon from behind him, and said with his fingers moving.

"Exactly, you can try the new bow and arrow prepared by Nick."

While speaking, Clinton drew a new bow and pulled out a blue arrow from behind.

Considering the increasingly dangerous battle scenario that follows, Nick Fury specially asked SHIELD to redesign a new set of bow weapons for Hawkeye, a new bow and arrow combined with Chitauri technology.

Pulling the bowstring, aiming at Shouhe in the Shouhe's huge body fell into the eagle's eyes, it was an obvious target, but thinking of the previous battle of Sol, the eagle The eyes are very clear that a simple attack can't cause too much damage to Shukaku. Therefore, he narrowed his eyes slightly and aimed the bow and arrow directly at Shouhe's civet cat head.

"Do you know what that guy's name is, Natasha?"

Holding a bow and arrow at Shouhe, Clinton seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly asked Natasha beside him.

"Shouhe, I heard the Turtle Immortal call it that."

"Then, Shouhe, accept the gift I gave you."

Speaking softly in his mouth, Clinton released the fingers that he had been holding firmly, and the next moment was accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking the air, and the blue arrow drew a blue trajectory in the air, heading straight towards the opposite side. The Shouhe flew away and landed on Shouhe's head accurately.

Compared with Shouhe's huge body, the arrows shot by Hawkeye were obviously a little too small, so even if the arrow hit his head, it would only penetrate half an inch above the head, causing no damage to Shouhe at all. Shaking his head, Shouhe ignored the arrow stuck on his head and continued to slap the Hulk under him.

However, for such a result, Clinton's face was not discouraged at all. On the contrary, he twitched the corner of his mouth and spit out a sentence: "Bang!"

The next second, as if it had been agreed, a huge explosion was generated from Shouhe's head, and the huge power formed by the explosion directly blew off half of Shouhe's head.

Although, very soon, Huang Sha once again gathered at the location of the explosion to form a new head, but taking advantage of the moment when Shouhe was affected by the explosion, Hulk, who had been suppressed, let out a roar, and finally He got rid of the huge claws on his body and regained his freedom.

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