Thinking of this, Peter's originally submissive expression suddenly became firm.

"Mr. Stark, I will stop another Spider-Man in trouble, not only for myself, but also for Aunt May."

"found it!"

At this moment, the clone who had been leading the way with a compass stopped.

The spider sense in Peter also issued a reminder, and he raised his head and immediately met the evil Spider-Man on the top floor of the apartment.

At the moment of looking at each other, Peter's face subconsciously returned to the original promise, but in an instant he mustered up the courage to raise his head again and looked at the evil Spider-Man so badly.


Looking at the people who appeared under the apartment, there was a cold snort on the face under the mask of Evil Spider-Man.

He raised his hand to shoot the spider silk, and with a dexterous swing, it fell from the top floor of the apartment.

"I didn't expect you to have the courage to come to me."

His legs were slightly bent to relieve his strength, and the evil Spider-Man looked at Peter on the opposite side and said coldly.

"I can't let you continue to do bad things."

Peter clenched his fists and replied as if to cheer himself up when he met the sight of Evil Spider-Man.

"So, you want to organize me?" Evil Spider-Man glanced at Peter disdainfully, and said with a pouting, "It's up to you."

Although he has the same ability, in the eyes of Evil Spider-Man, Peter is not his opponent at all.

"You seem to have forgotten there is me."

Facing the evil Spider-Man who looked contemptuous, Tony raised his eyebrows and let go of the suitcase in his hand. The next moment, the suitcase quickly deformed and turned into a steel battle suit and appeared on him. Turning his fingers, Tony looked at the evil Spider-Man in front of him: "This time, I won't be as polite as before, bad boy."

"Anyone can talk big, Tony Stark."

Twisting his body and jumping dexterously to the top of the apartment, the evil Spider-Man looked at the three people in front of him and replied not to be outdone.

"Sure enough, I still like the original you."

Listening to Evil Spider-Man's provocative answer, Tony in the steel armor frowned and turned to look at the avatar [Dragon] beside him: "So, what should we do next, we just need to grab the spell. ?"

"It seems that the effect of the spell is on the other side, so in addition to the spell, the separated two people must be together." He looked up at the eager Spider-Man and looked at Peter who was on the side, and the clone made a said the analysis.


Hearing the answer, Tony frowned a little deeper, he nodded and turned to look at the evil Spider-Man: "In this case, it seems that it takes a little more effort."

"I'll help too, Mr. Stark."

With that said, Peter tore off his jacket and put on the mask he had been preparing, and turned into a good Spider-Man again.

"Is the discussion over, if the discussion is over..."

Looking at Tony and the good Spider-Man who spoke to you, the evil Spider-Man deliberately made an impatient look and said.

At the moment of attracting the attention of the two, he raised his wrist and used the spider silk to stick to a trash can, and suddenly threw it in the direction of the three.

"...Then let me die!"


Raising the palm of his hand and blasting the flying trash can, Evil Spider-Man's raid was like a signal to start a war.



bang bang-

bang bang bang-

Clinging to the wall of the apartment, the evil Spider-Man evaded Tony's attack like walking on the ground.

Compared with the original little spider, the evil Spider-Man obviously lacks the cognition of kindness. He constantly shuttles in the apartment, using the residents in it to force Tony to be unable to use effective means of attack, relying on the strength of the steel suit itself and Evil Spider-Man engages in hand-to-hand combat.

However, compared with the evil Spider-Man, who has superhuman strength and agility after the mutation, Tony, who is equipped with a portable armored battle suit, is obviously at a disadvantage.

If he didn't notice, he was approached by the evil Spider-Man on the opposite side, and he literally endured the opponent's kick, smashed the wall of the apartment and flew out.


With a dull fall, Tony fell from the third floor of the apartment, smashing a shallow pothole on the ground.

"Are you OK?"

Turning over to avoid the falling gravel, the clone [Uncle Long] leaned over to Tony's side, looked at the embarrassed Iron Man and asked.

"Cough, what do you think?"

As a portable armored suit, defense has always been a big problem for this type of armor. Even though Tony has upgraded the suit as much as possible, he was almost out of breath after being hit by the evil Spider-Man. Supporting his body to get up again, Tony looked down at the footprints kicked out by the evil Spider-Man on his chest, and said calmly, "Jarvis, are you ready?"

"The suit is in place, sir."

Inside the helmet, the artificial intelligence butler replied calmly as always.

"Okay, replace it immediately."

Hearing the intelligent butler's answer, Tony's originally frowning brows could not be evacuated. He looked up at the two little spiders fighting together, and said immediately.

With his order, a whole body of red steel armor with only a few gold embellishments fell from the sky and opened, and the battle suit originally loaded on Tony also quickly deformed and folded, returning to the previous suitcase shape.

Step up and get into the new battle suit.

In the next instant, the eyes of this steel armor lit up, and Tony's excited voice came out: "Okay, now is the real battle time."

Controlling the suit and taking a step forward, Tony immediately thought of something, stopped and turned to look at the clone that remained in place: "Since the target has been found, as the Foundation's containment expert, don't you? Do you need to take action?" To be honest, Tony had seen Foundation members take action when he was in New York Bay before, so he was quite curious about how [Uncle Long] this Foundation member fought.

"When the time comes, I will naturally take action."

In the face of Tony's question, the clone said as if he was talking about him.

"If you don't help now, the child will soon be unable to hold on."

Although I feel that the appearance of the clone is a bit weird, the battle between the little spiders on the other side has obviously reached a critical juncture.

Although there is no difference in each other's abilities, it is clear that the evil Spider-Man still has an obvious advantage in the battle between the two Spider-Man, grabbing the neck of the good Spider-Man with one hand and raising it, the evil Spider-Man has a cold face. "It seems that everything is over, and the final victory really belongs to me."

While speaking, the evil Spider-Man grabbed the palm of the good Spider-Man's neck and began to exert force, and the violent suffocation made the good Spider-Man's struggle begin to weaken.

"Not necessarily, bad boy."

At this moment, Tony, who had changed into a steel armor, re-entered the arena. Looking at the critical scene in front of him, he quickly shouted, "Peter, have you forgotten what you said just now about protecting your aunt."

"Mei...Aunt Mei..."

Because of the violent suffocation, Peter's consciousness has begun to become dazed, his eyes are scattered, the face of the evil Spider-Man in front of him has gradually become blurred, and the power that was originally filled in the body also quickly dissipated, as if he could no longer lift it up. A shred of strength.

However, in the daze, Peter felt as if he heard Mr. Stark's voice, heard the other party's mention of Aunt May, and the thought that had been stagnant started to run again, Peter remembered preparing new dishes at home and waiting Aunt May who went home by herself.

"I can't... I can't just die... Aunt May is still at home waiting for me to go back..."

"What? How is this possible!"

With the intermittent voice, Evil Spider-Man felt that Peter, who had given up struggling in his hand, moved again, and at the same time, a huge force came from the opposite Peter, and instantly broke free and firmly grasped the palm of his hand.

"Cough, ha...haha, huh..."

Freeing the evil Spider-Man's grasp, Peter fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

At this moment, he has never felt the value of breathing like he does now.

"It's impossible, you still have the strength to break free from my hands."

Looking at Peter lying on the ground gasping for breath, an unbelievable look appeared on his face under the mask of the evil Spider-Man.

"There are more things you don't know."

Seeing that Peter successfully got rid of the threat of the evil Spider-Man, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "It's like, you don't know that you will be beaten up by me next."

By replacing the new steel battle suit, Tony's combat effectiveness has obviously improved significantly, and his defense is no longer as fragile as before. With the attack of the evil Spider-Man, he successfully pushed the opponent into the dead end.

Raise your palm and aim at the evil Spider-Man in front of you.

Tony's palm began to light up: "Okay, bad boy, the farce is over."

Facing the arc shock wave flickering in front of him, Evil Spider-Man bent his fingers, raised his wrist abruptly, aimed at the launch port in his palm, and sprayed a cobweb sticky bomb: "I don't think so."

As the voice of Evil Spider-Man fell, the flying spider silk sticky bomb accurately stuck to Tony's palm.

Although the special spider silk sticky bomb has strong stickiness and concealment, it obviously cannot cause damage to Tony, who is protected by steel armor.

However, it is clear that the purpose of the evil Spider-Man is not for this.

Taking advantage of the sticky sticky bomb, Evil Spider-Man's legs jumped abruptly, and in the next second, his entire body jumped high, flexibly avoiding the attack, and swaying left and right, the whole person's figure had already rushed out of the apartment

"Tony Stark, you alone can't catch me."

As he spoke, Evil Spider-Man raised his hand and sprayed out a spider silk that stuck firmly to the tall building opposite.

Seeing that, Evil Spider-Man was about to escape from Tony's hands, a dazzling blue energy light suddenly shot out, hitting the spider silk in Evil Spider-Man's hand without error, causing him, who was swinging in mid-air, to fall directly. down.


[Famous from the evil Spider-Man Peter Parker +355]

Although the attack of this dazzling blue energy light came suddenly, the evil Spider-Man still used his superhuman flexibility to change his posture in mid-air, removing most of his strength on the ground.

However, with this obstruction, his original idea of ​​escaping also fell through.


Tony controlled the steel suit and quickly chased after him.

"Who is it!"

The escape plan failed, and the evil Spider-Man looked angry.

While he was angry, he relentlessly planned to escape again, but another dazzling blue energy light shot out, hitting the ground in front of him, leaving a deep pothole.

Tony's expression was not too surprising, because he had already guessed that the person who prevented the evil Spider-Man from escaping should be the containment expert [Dragon] from the Foundation, but he didn't know what method he used to stop the evil spider. The man escaped.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you to take action, maybe if you want to catch this guy, you still need..."

Raising his eyebrows, Tony subconsciously thanked him, turned his head to look, but was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of the good Spider-Man Peter Parker...]

【From Peter Parker the Evil Spiderman...】


"In the end do you want to use it?"

Go back to five minutes ago.

In the antique store, Li Ran noticed the fighting situation in the apartment through his clone's vision, with a hesitant expression on his face.

In the apartment, the Spider-Man and Tony are fighting happily, but Li Ran is very clear that he arranges [Uncle Long] to appear, not just as a spectator watching their performance next to him, as the Foundation's containment expert, he must show a little bit What an expert should be like.

It's just that, according to the role's positioning, the ability of the containment expert obviously cannot be too strong, otherwise it will be difficult to arrange the next situation, but if it is too weak, there is no way to keep the evil Spider-Man. After all, as a Extraordinary, although the ability of Evil Spider-Man is not as tall as it looks, it is actually quite difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to escaping. .

"Looks like that's the only way to do it."

Thinking of this, Li Ran has obviously made a decision.

Although, because of the role of the image, or else rashly change the power of the clone.

But the identity of the Foundation's containment expert has given Li Ran a lot of maneuverability. Since he is a containment expert, it should not be too much to carry a few containment items like the compass used before.

Anyway, it's not him who is embarrassing, isn't the clone's existence just to do this kind of thing.

"Unlucky, unlucky, why did this happen to me."

As his thoughts turned, in front of the apartment, the clone's face suddenly showed a somewhat helpless expression, and he took out a yellow flute from his shoulder bag with a frown.

"Balala Energy---Sarosara---Little Devil---The whole body changes..."

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