Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 275: lead the way

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

Under the watchful eyes of the Avengers and his party, the old man recited the last "magic" towards the potion that had been placed all night.

"Captain, do you think this will work?"

Falcon pinched his nose, turned his head and asked Steve beside him.

"I heard that in order to make this so-called 'magic potion', SHIELD agents endured the smell all night."

Even if he pinched his nose, Falcon still felt the smell of the potion creeping in through the gap between his fingers and his nose.

"I hope it works." Looking away from the old man's body, Steve replied with a stern face: "In this way, at least the guilt of the agents will not be let go."

"...Monsters and monsters, quickly show up!"

The conversation between Falcon and Captain America was heard by the clone [Uncle Long] who was standing aside.

And in the second after the two's voice fell, the old man who was still chanting suddenly opened his eyes, picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of the unidentified green liquid in the pot in front of him. It was then poured onto the moth specimens that had been prepared for a long time.

"Okay, Aaron, hurry up and put the moth in the glass bottle."

Putting away the spoon in his hand, the old man immediately shouted to the clone [Uncle Long] who was standing beside him.

"Here comes Daddy."

Hearing Dad's words, the clone who had been waiting by the side quickly took out the glass bottle that had been prepared for a long time and put the moth in it.

"Dad, is this the magic you plan to use to find the [Holy Master]?"

Bowing his head, he looked at the glass bottle in his hand, and the Avengers who took the lead in the avatar asked their inner questions.

"The beautiful moth is fascinated by the soft wool, and its light guides us in the direction we need to find the [Sheep Charm]."

Faced with the question, the father gave an unclear answer.

"Moth, wool?"

In this regard, the clone cooperated with a puzzled look: "Dad, what is the relationship between moths and wool? Why can you find the location of the [Sheep Charm] through it."


He raised his hand and gave the clone [Uncle Long] a loud hand knife, and the old man replied without hesitation: "How do I know so much why? This is what my father learned when he learned magic. In short, the moths soaked in magic potions can guide you. We found the location of the [Sheep Charm], and the [Holy Lord] is the holder of the [Sheep Charm]."

"Aaron, close your eyes and feel where the moths are pointing."

"I see, Dad."

Rubbing his head with a bitter face, his clone [Uncle Long] held a glass bottle in his hand, and closed his eyes with a reluctant expression.

Then, after a few seconds, he opened his eyes and said in one direction: "I found the position."


"Hey, Natasha."

Above the Quinjet, Black Widow's eyes were always on the Foundation containment specialist who was sitting on the co-pilot with his eyes closed and guiding the direction.

Suddenly, a familiar frivolous voice came from his ears.

"Tony, where are you now?"

Hearing the voice in her ears, Natasha's expression changed and she asked in a low voice.

On the fighter plane, noticing Natasha's appearance, Steve immediately cast an inquiring look.

Looking up and looking at Captain America, Natasha immediately explained: "It's Tony."

"I, I'm tracking down a bad guy, Natasha, can you do me a favor, check out this guy Killian, I just got attacked by those red-hot guys under him, and I'm almost done ." On the other side of the headset, Tony contacted the Avengers' internal network through a simple communication device found in the car, and briefly explained his situation.

"Listen, Tony."

Hearing Tony's description, Natasha subconsciously raised her eyebrows and replied in a deep voice: "We already know about your situation, including the grievances between you and Killian, in fact, the people of the Foundation have already We came to SHIELD, and now, we are on the way to find the trace of the [Holy Lord] through the guidance of magic."

"Well, it looks like a lot has happened during my absence."

The recovery given by Natasha silenced Tony for a while.

Restraining his emotions, he immediately asked: "Tell me, the location of the [Holy Lord]."

"The exact location has not yet been determined." Turning her head and looking at [Uncle Long] sitting on the co-pilot, Natasha deduced and replied: "However, judging from the direction the fighter plane is flying, the [Holy Lord] is where The location seems to be right in Florida…”

"Florida? I'll be right there!"

"Tony, you don't need to..."

On the fighter plane, when she heard Tony's answer, Natasha couldn't help but speak.

She knew very well that Tony had only experienced an attack not long ago, and at the same time listened to the description of the other party, and was attacked a second time not long ago.

However, in the face of Natasha's persuasion.

Tony's attitude on the other side was unusually firm: "In fact, Natasha, this is a battle between me and the [Holy Lord], not only for my villa, but also for Happy in the hospital."

After finishing speaking, Tony ended the contact without waiting for Natasha of the Kun-style fighter to react.

"Tony, Tony..."

"How's the situation?" Seeing Natasha ending the contact, Steve, who was beside him, immediately asked.

Shaking her head, Natasha made a helpless expression: "It seems that he has made up his mind to find the [Holy Lord]."

"This is not a big surprise." In this regard, Hawkeye, who was debugging the weapon, said without any surprise: "If he can listen to your advice, he is not Tony Stark."


"Damn, **** it!"

Miami, Florida.

The news learned from his subordinates made Killian's face gloomy suddenly, and a few red lights like magma appeared on his face.

Taking a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, Killian turned his head to look at the figure in the cloak, made a respectful appearance again, and said in a low voice, "[Holy Lord], all the people I sent out have failed."

"I already know."

The fate of Killian's subordinates is naturally clear to the [Holy Master] who is Li Ran's clone.

Nodding lightly, showing an unsurprising look on the surface, his eyes swept over to Killian in front of him, and the [Holy Lord]'s tone was not at all emotional: "To be honest, Killian, I am very disappointed, I clearly give With so much assistance from you, I helped you complete the research on the Extremis Virus, but you can't complete a simple request of mine."

"Tony Stark is still alive."

"Tony Stark!"

Hearing the name in the mouth of the [Holy Lord], Killian's eyes flashed a look of hatred instantly.

He looked up at the [Holy Master] on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and said, "[Holy Master] please give me another chance, this time I will take action myself, and promise to get rid of Tony Stark."

"That sounds very pleasant."

Killian stared at the face of the [Holy Lord] wrapped under the cloak, waiting for its reply.

However, just at this moment, a schadenfreude sarcasm suddenly sounded in his ears: "I just don't know if you can really do it or not, after all, from the previous example, you are already a complete Loser."

【The legend from Killian...】

"who is it?!"

The sudden sound from the room caused the expression on Killian's face to change suddenly, a red light flashed on his face, and a fiery energy spread from him.

"Why, it looks like you're angry."

In the face of Killian's questioning, the owner of the voice still did not change in the slightest, and continued his mockery.

It seemed that the owner of the voice had no intention of concealing his position, so following the mocking voice, Killian soon saw a blond-haired, rebellious figure in the corner of the room in the laboratory.

Upon discovering the figure, Killian did not hesitate at all, raised his arm that had become red, and smashed it towards the opponent.

No matter who the guy who appeared in the lab was, his actions just now completely angered Killian.

Looking at Killian rushing towards him in front of him, a mocking smile appeared on the face of the figure in the corner, only to see him raise his hand and turn to Killian in front of him. In the next second, a huge explosion was produced in the hands of the shadow itself, instantly blasting Killian, who had rushed forward, into the air.


Under the effect of the huge explosion, Killian slammed into the experimental table behind him like a leaf fluttering in the wind.

【The legend from Killian...】

"Cough cough..."

The powerful explosion blew Killian's face into blood.

However, in the next instant, the wound healed quickly under the action of the Extremis virus.

In just a few seconds, Killian, who was covered in wounds, recovered under the action of the Desperate Virus in his body.

He stood up and looked at the figure in front of him with a fearful expression.

"If you feel dissatisfied, you can play with me again."

Looking at Killian's gaze, the figure raised an eyebrow provocatively.

"Baohao, it's alright."

At this moment, another figure resounded from the corner. As the figure fell, Killian's eyes watched one of them wearing white clothes, brown pants and brown shoes, with a brown beret on his head. A middle-aged man with a squinting expression walked out.

He was a rebellious young figure at first, stopped him with a smile, and then turned to Killian on the other side and said, "Sorry, this guy has always been this virtuous, no matter who is not good for anyone. face."

"Mr. Sato, I've been listening."

Facing the middle-aged man's help, the young man named Bakugou immediately shouted with a displeased expression.

"But what I'm saying is the truth, isn't it, Bakugou."

Sato turned his head and glanced at Bakugou behind him, and still said with that smiling expression.

However, in response to Sato's squinting smile, Bakugou, who was originally arrogant towards Killian, showed a somewhat dreadful look on his face, pouted his lips, and said nothing more.

"Who exactly are you?"

Glancing at Bakugou and Sato in front of him, Killian's expression was solemn.

Killian has already experienced the power of Bakugou, and the other Sato, although the other party has always maintained a friendly attitude of squinting, but Killian can detect the indifference of his expression from the smiling eyes of the other party . Such two beings suddenly appeared in the laboratory room, which undoubtedly made Kiri feel at ease.

In the face of Killian's questioning, the two in front of them did not answer, but the [Holy Master] who had been silent all the time spoke again.

"They are my subordinates, and the next thing to deal with Tony Stark will be handed over to them."

"[Holy Master]?!"

Hearing the words of the [Holy Lord], Killian's expression changed and he couldn't help but blurt out.

Facing the order of the [Holy Master], the disdainful expression on the face of the young man named Bakugou suddenly subsided, while the other Sato still maintained his smiling appearance, nodded and said, "Don't worry, [ Holy Master] Your Excellency."


"The location Daddy Moth points to is right here."

On the Kun-style fighter plane, the clone [Uncle Long] looked down at the moth in his and let out a sigh of relief and said.

"This is very different from the place I originally imagined where the world-destroying demons stayed."

Driving the fighter plane, Falcon looked down at the building below, couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said, "I originally should stay in a **** full of magma because [Holy Master] was called a devil."

"[Holy Master] is not an ordinary devil. In Huaxia's definition, [Holy Master] is a kind of demon, ghost, and monster. The reason why it is called a devil is just for you to understand. In fact, according to records [ Holy Master] lives in a different dimension, originally an existence that does not belong to this world."

After sorting out his small bag, he took out a rather distinctive dried puffer fish and held it in front of his chest. Dad casually added.

"Aaron, hurry up and stop the plane. The longer we stay in mid-air, the more likely the [Holy Lord] will find us."

"Look at me, everyone, get ready."

Hearing his father's reminder, Falcon's dark face in the driver's seat immediately showed a confident expression. As a former member of the US Air Force, he has high confidence in his fighter control level and controls the Kun-style fighter. The falcon found the position and was about to land.


However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the fighter plane that was in stable flight, causing the Avengers in the plane to sway uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, a rebellious face with blond hair appeared outside the Kun-style fighter.

Through the glass of the Kun-style fighter, Bakugou glanced at the Avengers inside the fighter, and then grinned with a bright smile.

"Aaron, Dad has a bad premonition."

Facing the smile on the face of the figure lying on the outside of the fighter plane, Dad's face suddenly changed, and he muttered to himself.

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