Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 284: Spiders are tough


Tony's confident words had just fallen.

On the other hand, the spider-man mutated by Killian reacted quickly.

Feeling the subtle changes in the surrounding atmosphere, although Killian's consciousness became shattered due to the mutation, it was also occupied by a large number of spiderized biological instincts. However, it is precisely because of this relationship that his sensory ability has been completely amplified, and he can easily detect the dangers that are happening around him.

This ability is also possessed by the little spider Peter who was bitten by the radiant spider.

It was the magical spider-sensing ability that helped him escape from the brink of danger many times.

However, compared to the spider sensing of the spider, Killian's sensing ability is obviously more powerful.

Of course, this is not surprising. After all, just from the perspective of the mutation, Killian is obviously more alienated. Not only is the appearance twisted and spidered, but even the mutation does not even exist. .

Under such circumstances, if it is not comparable to Peter, then the three extra pairs of eyes on his face are considered to be white.

Killian blinked the eight penetrating eyes on his face, reflecting the appearance of the many steel armors on the opposite side, and roared in his mouth, emitting a threat like a beast. Immediately afterwards, he saw that his back and hind legs were slightly bent, and his body that was in the air was pressed to the ground. He raised his alienated half-human, half-spider face and opened his three-lobed mouth and the chelating teeth on both sides, expanding the entire mouth shape beyond normal. A terrifying shape that is difficult for humans to reach.

"Jarvis, now..."

Noticing the unusual changes in Killian in front of him, Tony instinctively felt a little uneasy, and subconsciously gave an order to Jarvis in the helmet.

However, the order in Tony's mouth was not over.

It was seen that Killian's chest began to expand as if it were inflated, and an exaggerated range had been formed in less than half a second.


Then, followed by a harsh roar from Killian.

In his mouth, the dark red liquid with a strong corrosive effect seemed to be sprayed out without money, and it landed on the numerous steel armors on the opposite side almost instantly.

The battle armor, which was originally densely surrounded, has now become a disadvantage in terms of quantity, so that Kirian, who sprayed venom, does not need to look for a target at all, because the dense array in front of him are all targets.

"Sir, Mark34 lost contact..."

"Sir, Mark... lost..."

"...Mark also..."

The dark red liquid fell on the body of the steel armor, and it quickly radiated hot energy. The corrosive liquid mutated by the desperate virus combined with the [secret medicine] was so powerful that it corroded the armor outside the armor in almost the blink of an eye. Then it corrodes the inside of the armor irresistibly, destroying its sensitive sensing device.

The internal equipment was corroded, and even the steel armor was helpless. As the red light flashing in the helmet dimmed for a while, the entire armor immediately turned into a pile of useless scrap iron.

"Jarvis, tell me about the battle damage?"

All this, from Tony's sworn response to Captain America, to Killian's slap in the face in just a few seconds.

However, the situation in front of him turned around, completely beyond the imagination of the Avengers.

Glancing at the armored army that was obviously missing more than half, Tony tried his best to calm himself.

"Sir, more than one-half of the armor has lost connection, and some parts of the armor have failed to sense. Obviously, the corrosive liquid sprayed from the opponent's mouth poses a huge threat to the Mark series armor. Maybe in the future, sir, you need to Prepared specifically for this outcome…”

"Compared to these, the most important thing at the moment is to think about how to get rid of this guy in front of you."

Jarvis's suggestion is also a direction of Tony's thinking.

In order to deal with various dangerous combat forms, Tony can almost be said to have developed various types of different Mark series armors. But obviously, the result of the battle told him that his preparations were still not enough. At least he didn't think about what kind of countermeasures the mecha needed in the face of such a strong corrosive attack.

With Jarvis' reminder, Tony's mind almost quickly came up with several ideas for the transformation of the armor, including the transformation of materials or filling new exoskeleton designs.

However, considering the imminent battle in front of him, Tony still tried his best to restrain his eagerness to study, and refocused on the crisis caused by Killian in front of him.

Raise your hand and use the shield in your hand to block the splashing corrosive liquid.

Steve looked down at the shield that was still intact in his hand, with a look of reassurance on his face.

Obviously, although the corrosive liquid sprayed from Killian's mouth is powerful, it is not strong enough to corrode the shield specially made by Dongjin.

"I'm suddenly a little fortunate. Fortunately, the other party just grabbed me with spider silk and didn't spit venom at me."

Seeing that most of the ground and steel armor around Killian had been fused due to the corrosion of venom, the frightened look on Falcon's face suddenly turned into rejoicing. If Killian didn't rely on the spider silk from his belly button to deal with him just now, but instead used this kind of venom to deal with him, maybe he wouldn't be standing here talking so calmly now.

"However, how should we deal with this guy next?"

After being fortunate, Falcon began to worry about the subsequent battle again.

Obviously, from the current attack shown by Killian, it has far exceeded the expectations of the Avengers members.

Killian, who originally only possessed the ability of a desperate virus, completely mutated into a thorny spider monster under the action of the unknown potion given by the [Holy Lord].

Even Stark's steel armored army suffered huge and unexpected losses.

Here, the Falcon is throwing the rat because of Killian's attack.

On the other half, Tony has quickly adjusted, his eyes swept over the remaining steel armor around him, and he gave the order again.

"Jarvis, control the rest of the armor to enter flight mode."

As he spoke, Tony also controlled his suit to shoot flames into the air.

Since the steel armor can't resist the corrosive liquid sprayed by Killian, then simply avoid the place where the opponent can't attack.

"Captain," Tony controlled the direction of the armor on his body in midair, looking at Killian and Steve who were still roaring below, and reminded with a calm face: "If I were you, I would Find a safe place to take shelter immediately, after all, the subsequent artillery fire is very violent."

In front of the spider monster, Steve turned his head to look at Killian on the opposite side, and then looked up at Tony in mid-air and the remaining steel armored army behind him.

Resolutely grabbed the shield in his hand and ducked back.

In the face of battle, Steve is often the first to rush to the front, but the battle-hardened World War II veteran also knows when to rush and when to retreat.

"All right."

Watching the captain's figure retreat to a safe position, Tony's expression suddenly disappeared, looking at Killian, who was still showing his teeth and claws below, raised his eyebrows and said, "Then, then, you can enjoy the return gift from me. ."

As Tony's voice fell, the steel armor behind him opened the missile bays and energy muzzles.

Under Jarvis' control, missiles and shock cannons locked onto Killian on the ground and launched like raindrops.



The violent explosion generated a huge amount of dust, blocking the sight of the Avengers in front of them.

The power of the missiles combined by the steel armored army is more powerful than expected. Even Steve, who has retreated to a safe position, can still feel the huge fire caused by the explosion.

Raising his hand to block the blazing heat in front of him, Falcon squinted to look in the direction of the center of the explosion, and couldn't help asking, "Now, that guy should be dead."

With such a violent explosion, Falcon didn't think Killian had any chance of surviving.

Not only Falcon thinks this way, but Tony in mid-air also thinks so.

"What? How is this possible!"

However, in the next second, the result shown in front of him completely exceeded the expectations of the Avengers.

As the smoke from the explosion dissipated, what was revealed was the cratered ground, and Killian, who was lying in the center of the explosion and being watched by the missile.

At the moment, Killian's situation is not very good.

After being attacked by so many missiles, even the body that was completely mutated after being injected with the [secret medicine] could not withstand such a series of strong explosions for a while. Under the repeated explosions, the original wound on his body was charred black, and even the huge spider legs on his back were broken, and a pale green liquid flowed from the break.

However, it was precisely because of the power of the potion that he did not die from the explosion in the first place.

If it were someone else, under such circumstances, even surviving the explosion would be useless, after all, the damage caused by the explosion was too great.

However, for Killian, as long as he didn't die in the explosion for the first time, there would be no problem.

Sure enough, with the end of the explosion, Killian's charred body began to emit a scorching high temperature, and then a texture like magma quickly flowed on his body.

The mutant power brought by the [Secret Elixir] enabled Killian to survive the explosion, and the powerful self-healing ability of the Extremis Virus allowed him to quickly restore his fighting stance.

Under the gazes of Tony and the Avengers, Killian, who was still lying in the center of the explosion with a lingering appearance, quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye under the power of the desperate virus, and what exploded on his body was damage recovery. Even the broken spider legs on his back grew and healed.


With the recovery of his injuries, Killian turned back into his prone appearance once again, kicked the appendages on his back and raised his head again, making a harsh roar towards Tony in mid-air.

"Jarvis, tell me about the remaining ammunition."

Looking down at Killian who was roaring on the ground, Tony asked Jarvis in his helmet in a low voice.

"More than 70% of the armor has consumed all the missiles on the body, and the rest of the armor is lying on the ground, sir, it looks like your attack has failed."

In my ears, Jarvis' calm report came.

"Who can tell me what should we do next?"

His eyes locked on Killian, who stood up again on the opposite side, and the expression on Falcon's face was not very good.

After all, it was hard to get rid of a guy with an immortal body, and as a result, another monster with a powerful self-healing ability came in front of him. Although there is a certain gap between the self-healing ability endowed by the Extremis virus and the immortal body, in the eyes of Falcon, there is not much difference between the two.

After all, both the former and the latter have already told the Avengers that they are not easily killed.


Seeing that the Avengers are in crisis because of the various attack methods shown by Killian and his powerful self-healing ability.

The silent old man spoke again, but turned his head and called the name of [Uncle Long] beside him.

"What's the matter, Dad?"

Hearing his father's cry, the clone responded cooperatively.

"It seems that the power given to that guy by the [Holy Master] is too powerful, and I need you to help them."


With a puzzled expression on his face, [Uncle Long] pointed his finger at himself and glanced at the terrifying big spider with his teeth and claws not far away, he couldn't help swallowing: "Dad, you can't be mistaken. Come on, this is a terrifying monster that can't be killed by an explosion, and with my little three-legged cat skills, it's not a matter of rushing up to deliver food."

"I think, I may not even get close to the guy's body when I go up, and it will be corroded by the other party's venom..."


Raising his hand with a knife to interrupt [Uncle Long]'s chattering excuse, the old man looked at [Uncle Long] with a rotten expression and scolded: "Who told you to rush up without preparing anything like this!"

Covering his head, [Uncle Long] found some meaning from his father's words, and then put on a puzzled look and said, "Father, what do you mean?"

"Spell, spell!"

Looking at the avatar's still dazed appearance, the father made a look of being angry, and shouted in a loud voice: "Don't you have the [Holy Lord] spell in your hand!"

"Dad, what do you mean?"

Hearing the angrily reminder from the father, the clone [Uncle Long] cooperated and took out the two charms he had obtained before from his pocket, and murmured with a stunned expression.

"Dad said that only magic can defeat magic."

Looking at the spell in the clone's hand, Dad nodded and said slowly.

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