Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 348: Spell Battle

"Thanks, man."

The metal armor on his arm brought Tony a little peace of mind. He raised his arm and pointed the blue light source at the Mark43 in front of him. Tony didn't forget to turn his head and thank the Ghost Rider who helped him.


Turning his wrist to retract the chain wrapped around Tony's waist, Ghost Rider nodded silently.

After all, Tony is not the Hulk or Thor who is reckless at the first word of discord, and Ghost Rider is not an evil existence completely controlled by demonic power. Therefore, the expected scene of Iron Man vs. Ghost Rider did not appear. After a brief exchange between the two, they quickly figured out that the source of the problem came from inside the museum.

It's just that because of the need to resolve the relationship with the big dinosaur outside the museum, the other party was able to enter the museum a little later than Tony.

"It seems that your goodbye drama did not appear as it did."

Withdrew his gaze and turned back to the Mark43 in front of him. Tony's expression immediately returned to a solemn expression.

He is very clear that the current situation has not been alleviated by the appearance of Ghost Rider. Tony, the maker of Mark43, is very aware of the danger of this set of steel battle suits.

Especially after his re-upgrading.

"It's just a slight deviation from the plan," Bending his head slightly, Mark43 looked at Tony in front of him, and said calmly in a tone similar to Tony's: "Just a little correction is enough to solve this problem. What's more , Do you think it's only you who are prepared, Tony, you seem to have forgotten that it's not just you and me in the museum."

"Well, in fact, I'm not wrong, but you're just a suit."

Not to be outdone, he responded to Mark43, but the other party's words were obviously what Tony had always been worried about.

As Mark43 said, in addition to the resurrected Mark43, there are various other resurrected exhibits in the museum.

With white light flashing in his eyes, Mark43 looked at the glib Tony in front of him, and said in a cold tone: "Even without the battle suit, you are still as annoying as ever, Tony Stark."

Tony: "Thanks for the compliment."

In this regard, Tony is not ashamed, but shrugged proudly.

"I'll miss you, Tony, when you're dead."

The arc reactor on the chest glowed with a slightly golden light. After combining the laser technology of the "pacifist" robot, the Mark43's cluster gun has also undergone significant changes, not only in color but also in power.

Of course, at the time of the upgrade, Tony never expected that the first person to taste the power of the cluster gun would be himself as a transformer.

"I have to say, this is really a ridiculous thing."

Looking at the beam of light condensed on Mark43's chest, Tony pouted his lips somewhat self-deprecatingly, but there was no hesitation in the movement of his hands. The two directly fired shock cannons were fired towards the joints of Mark43's toenails.

As the maker of Mark43, he knows the various structures and internal wiring of the suit, and naturally also knows that Mark43 is slightly weaker than other parts of the suit. The steel suit is designed to be used as a loading tool after all. Therefore, even if Tony has tried his best to improve the defensive ability of the battle suit, there are often parts that cannot be taken care of. For example, the joints of the foot armor he is attacking move at the moment. In order to be able to rotate and deform, the joints of the battle suit are destined to need to be set aside. analyze.

In fact, this is why Tony has always been concerned about nanotechnology, and after the end of the battle with the "pacifist" robot in Hell's Kitchen, he collected the wreckage of the robot, especially the body of Jinbing. Because, only by really upgrading the battle suit to the nano version, can there be no possibility of any dead ends in defense.

Through the research on the wreckage of the "pacifist" robot, Tony has already figured out a little bit, but it will take a while to digest it directly to apply it to the battle suit.

Although Mark43 cannot enhance the defense ability of the joints of the armor, as the consciousness born in the armor, Mark43 obviously has far more control over his body than Tony, especially after the weight of a controller is lost in the body. , the response speed of Mark43 has been further improved.

Therefore, as early as a second before Tony launched the attack, it rose into the air with the shock wave sprayed from the palm of his hand.

"Feel the power of the new weapon, Tony."

Suspended above the museum, Mark43 looked down at Tony on the ground, and a similar tone slowly came out of his helmet.

Immediately afterwards, the shock wave of the cluster cannon condensed from the chest instantly turned into a dazzling pale golden light, and blasted out.


"It has now been proved that my original idea was correct."

Through the gauntlets of his arms, he used the shock wave to evade the attack of the cluster gun at the critical moment. Tony looked down at the huge pothole made by Mark43 in the museum and couldn't help but blurt out.

"Sir, now is not the time to sigh about the power of weapons. Mark43 is obviously more familiar with the attack weapons on his body than he is, so your current situation is not optimistic."

Hearing Tony's sigh, Jarvis in the headset immediately reminded.

"Of course I know that."

Facing Jarvis' reminder, Tony responded with a calm expression, his eyes hidden away from his father and clone [Uncle Long] not far away, and said silently in his heart: "In fact, the real battlefield has never been here with me."

After being reminded by Little Spider, Tony knew very well that neither the resurrected exhibits in the museum nor the Mark43 in front of him was the crux of the problem.

The key to everything lies in the spell.

As long as the power of the spell can be contained, all the problems in front of him, including the resurrected Mark43, will be restored to their original state, just like when he helped the little spider to find the [Tiger Charm] before.

So, from the beginning, everything Tony has done is to help Dad and the Foundation's containment expert [Uncle Long] to delay enough time.

Although, there is a big gap between this procrastination process and what he originally expected.

At least, in Tony's original expectation, he did not expect that the Mark43 he carried on his body would also become a resurrected member of the museum.

"It seems to have good power, but an attack that can't hit the target, no matter how powerful it is, is useless. It seems that although you have life, the power that gives you life obviously does not give you the same power. IQ, oh, I forgot, Mark43, there's just a shell in your head."

Talking covertly from the old man who was chanting spells of unknown meaning, Tony looked at Mark43 in mid-air, and repeated his talent for poisonous tongues.

"Good provocation Tony, you are still dying as always."

In the face of Tony's merciless vicious words, even if he knew the personality of the other party, Mark43 was still successfully provoked by him.

There was a dazzling white light in his eyes, and the pale golden light condensed on Mark43's chest was about to attack again, but in the next moment, he seemed to think of something in vain.

"Wait a minute," the process of condensing energy in the arc reactor in front of his chest stagnated slightly. Mark43 looked down at Tony on the ground. Although there was no apparent change in the metal's steel face, the tone in the helmet clearly carried a hint of doubt. Meaning: "I said that the Tony I know is not just a lip-smacking guy, what purpose are you hiding at all, Tony Stark, using provocative means to cover up something more important."

The words coming from Mark43 caused Tony's face to change slightly.

Pulling the corner of his mouth to reveal a forced smile, Tony looked at Mark43 suspended in mid-air, and said forcibly, "Maybe you're mistaken, I'm just joking."

"Do not."

Obviously, Tony's reaction further confirmed what Mark43 had guessed.

Turning his metal face, Mark43 quickly noticed the old man who was muttering not far away, and the [Uncle Long] who was standing beside him holding a spell.

On the other side, feeling the gaze cast by Mark43, the clone [Uncle Long] couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Tony's procrastination not only attracted the attention of Mark43, but also brought the attention of the surrounding resurrection stone sculptures. For a while, the two avatars fell into a rather embarrassing situation. On the one hand, they needed to prepare for the magic of their identities, and on the other hand, they could not actively attract the attention of these resurrection exhibits.

If you let the time go by, maybe the time it takes to suppress the spell magic that Dad said was really completed.

By then, the whole situation will undoubtedly become quite embarrassing.

Therefore, as early as a minute ago, the clone [Uncle Long] was ready, and if it was impossible, the power of the [Resurrection Golden Monument] was used, and in short, a little accident was created to bring back the attention that was taken away by Tony.

Fortunately, there is no need for a clone to do this step, and Mark43 has already reacted first.

Of course, although he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, on the surface, his clone [Uncle Long] still put on an expression of being discovered, and said nervously to the old man who pretended to be chanting a spell: "What should I do, Dad, they look at it again. Come here, how long will it take you?"

"...The demons and ghosts leave, the demons and ghosts leave..."

In the face of [Uncle Long]'s inquiry, the old man still looks attentive and magical.


Glancing over the octagonal stone exposed in the clenched hands, Mark43 muttered to himself subconsciously, and then the white light in his eyes flickered frequently, and he hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted to the resurrected exhibits in the museum: "Hurry up and stop those two people. If they successfully suppress the power of the spell, we will all return to their original appearance."

"Damn, I ignored such a crucial thing."

With the reminder of Mark43, the resurrection exhibits in the museum have responded.

The bust of Roosevelt cursed secretly, and while directing the headless female statue under him to rush to the position of the avatar, he shouted: "The spell, that is the source of our life, we must stop the other party."

"Monkey, get back the spell."

The bulky doll body was destined for Adolf to be unable to respond quickly, but he was clearly aware of the criticality of the situation, and hurriedly shouted at the monkey stone sculpture on his shoulder.


Hearing Adolf's order, the monkey stone sculpture immediately rushed over with both hands and feet.

Not only the resurrected statues, but all the exhibits in the museum were reminded by Mark43 to understand the criticality of the situation. Feeling the great threat to his life in just two hours, exhibits from various exhibition areas flocked to the museum. Father and the direction of the clone [Uncle Long].

In the sky, the iron birds made a sharp cry in their mouths, and fluttered their sharp wings to the positions of the clones.

"Why, every time I'm unlucky, it's me."

Facing the dense collection of museum exhibits, the clone [Uncle Long] had a bitter face: "Or, it's the character card issue."

"Dad, hurry up, I can't hold on for too long."

Turning his head and saying a word to the old man who was still muttering, his clone [Uncle Long] looked at the resurrection exhibit coming towards him, and only hurriedly left such a sentence. He turned around without thinking and walked with his signature eight-character footsteps and started desperate. career.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"


Seeing that the result that he finally delayed was exposed by Mark43, the expression on Tony's face changed immediately.

Looking at the containment experts who fled left and right and tried to evade under the pursuit of the museum's resurrection exhibits, Tony knew very well that under such circumstances, even the containment experts couldn't last for too long.

Unless, the other party uses abnormal power, that is, the power of the so-called containment.

However, thinking of the previous picture of the containment expert [Uncle Long] using the containment object, Tony immediately made a must not let the situation get so bad that the other party uses the containment object.

"Skull guy, looking at the situation in front of you, you obviously need your help to stop it."

Looking down at the gauntlets on his arms, Tony turned around without hesitation and asked the Ghost Rider beside him.

In the current situation, relying on the two arm armors on his hands is obviously a drop in the bucket.


Tony's call made the flames in the eyes of the Ghost Rider involuntarily flicker a few times, but in the end he listened to the iron man's request and waved the chain in his hand. The flames fell directly in front of the resurrected exhibits, creating a tall wall of fire, blocking the way for some exhibits.

At the same time, Tony didn't stop his actions. He raised his palm and aimed at the little spider fixed by the strange stone sculpture not far away: "Child, now is not the time to rest."

The shock cannon fired from the palm landed on the arm of the stone sculpture. Although the stone sculpture was not damaged due to the protection of the [Golden Resurrection Monument], the huge force generated by the shock wave still caused the stone sculpture to shake for a while.

With the opportunity created by Tony, the little spider burst out with superhuman strength in an instant, and took the opportunity to break free from the fixation of the stone sculpture.

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Stark, if it wasn't for you, I might have..."

Leaving the stone sculpture that fastened him tightly, Peter jumped a few times to a position far enough away from the stone sculpture, and then said with a lingering expression.

"Now is not the time to say thanks, boy."

Interrupting the little spider's thanks, Tony looked at the museum that was becoming more and more chaotic under the chase, and reminded: "If we can't suppress the power of the spell, the problems we will encounter next may be more troublesome than before."

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