Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 357: goddess of resurrection

"Is this magic?"

Looking at the old man who was dancing around the table, Banner slowly made a "?" expression on his face, turned to look at the rest of the Avengers, and couldn't help asking.

"Although it looks a bit special, this is indeed how the old man casts magic."

Falcon twitched the corner of his mouth and responded.

Although it is not the first time to see the process of the old man's magic, but, seeing it again, Falcon is still a little difficult to describe the scene in front of him.

If he hadn't personally experienced the power of magic, he would not have been able to connect the troublesome magic ritual in front of him with the mysterious magic in his fantasy.

It wasn't just the Falcon who was equally disillusioned. Banner looked at the father who was waving the dry puffer fish and dry gecko solemnly in front of him, thinking of the conversation the other party had with him before. Inexplicably, the power of the spell was shaken a little, and the power of magic could really solve the problems on his body.

"Hulk, haha, Hulk thinks it's funny."

In his mind, even Hulk, who was always angry, couldn't help but react.

"Although Daddy's magic seems unacceptable and bizarre, it often achieves the desired purpose."

Glancing at the Avengers aside, especially when he stopped on Banner's weird face, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately opened his mouth to make a foreshadowing.


On the other side, when Little Spider heard the avatar's supplement, he inexplicably remembered the [Magic Conch] that Dad had brought out before.

"...The demons and monsters will appear soon..."

Here, the members of the Avengers are silent because of Daddy's unique magical ritual.

On the other side, after waving the "magic props" in his hand and pretending to play with it for almost half an hour, it was finally time for the end. He first crossed the dry puffer fish and dry gecko in his hands to make an 'X' posture, followed by a roar, and saw a green magic light shoot out from the dry puffer and dry gecko, accurate It fell into the box in front of the cat's whiskers.

"Huh, it's finally over."

A few seconds later, the old man put down the dried puffer fish and dried gecko in his hands, with a tired look on his face at the right time.

"I haven't prepared such a complicated magical ritual for a long time, and my father's old arms and legs are about to be abolished."


Although I can't agree with my father calling the practice of circling around the table complicated, but looking at the box on the table that began to emit a faint green light after the 'magic ritual', Banner originally expressed his concern for his father. Suspicion dissipated immediately.

Although, the whole process seems a little weird.

However, Dad is indeed a powerful magician as they say.

"Okay, the magic of searching for the [Rat Charm] has been completed. Next, we only need to follow the guidance of the magic to find the [Rat Charm] that was brought up."

Reaching out his hand and carefully picking up the green-lighted box on the table, the old man handed it into the hands of the clone [Uncle Long] with a serious face, and at the same time warned: "However, Aaron, you must be careful, father's magic Although there is no problem, it is used to find a powerful [mouse charm] after all. Although cats are good helpers for catching mice, they may be eaten by mice if they are not careful."

"Knowing Dad, I will be careful."

Carefully took the box handed by my father, and the clone [Uncle Long] nodded solemnly.

Of course, most of the so-called explanations, or reminders, are for the Avengers. After all, the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] that really possesses the power of resurrection has always been under Li Ran's control. At this moment, he is moving around New York through the movement of his clones, creating riots to gain fame.

On the other hand, the box that Dad said was completed using magic was actually just a look.

Li Ran used the power of [Imorton] to create a mysterious and cool glowing effect on the box, but in fact, it was still just an ordinary box.

Of course, the members of the Avengers are naturally impossible to know about this.

Although there are many extraordinary powers in the Avengers, most of them are mutations and technological equipment. In fact, Sol, who can control and detect magical powers, still stays in Tiangong. Moreover, even if Sol came down and faced the magic box made by his father, Li Ran dared to guarantee that the other party would not see any flaws.

After all, the magic power on the box is real, although, the magic has no other effect than making the box look mysterious and special.

However, it didn't matter, because Li Ran would make it appear that the magic on the box worked or not.

"Then, it's up to you next."

Following the clone's answer, the old man nodded, and then sat down naturally while everyone was watching.

"Dad, won't you come with us?"

Looking at the old man sitting on the sofa, the clone [Uncle Long] scratched his hair and asked hesitantly.

"Ah, Aaron, do you want to be exhausted to death? Dad is already so old, naturally it is impossible to accompany you young people to run and jump to find the spell, the next thing, of course, is It's up to you to do it."

"young people?"

In the Avengers, Steve raised his eyebrows when he heard what Dad called them, and the expression on his face was a little strange.

If calculated according to his actual age, he may be much older than his father.

However, looking down at his still sturdy and powerful body, Steve quite naturally accepted the title of Dad.

"Okay, Dad."

It was also the main body Li Ran's idea to let the doppelganger retire briefly.

After all, with the end of the 'magic ritual', the role of the father has actually come to an end. Next, there are still a lot of things waiting for Li Ran to arrange. Reasonably letting Dad retire can also reduce the number of appearances of Li Ran's clone and focus more on other arrangements.

Therefore, the clone [Uncle Long] nodded and cooperated to make an appearance of understanding.

"By the way, there is one more thing, Aaron."

"What's the matter, Dad?"

In the New Energy Building, when the old man who originally said he was going to rest suddenly spoke up, Tony and the others were also attracted to him, thinking that the other party had any important reminders that they didn't say.

"Pour me a cup of hot tea, Daddy is thirsty."

The Avengers:"……"


"It always feels like things are going very differently from what I imagined before."

Sitting in the moving car, the little spider huddled around the side with a cute face, looking at Natasha in the driver's seat and Mr. Long who was pointing the way beside her, then turned his head and glanced out the car window, driving. Captain America, carrying Dr. Banner on a motorcycle, was full of words but couldn't say it.

"What's so strange?"

Sitting on the other side, Tony listened to Jarvis reporting an update on Mark43, noticing the little spider sitting next to him, muttering softly.

He subconsciously raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I thought the Avengers would move in a cool way, like in the news reports, or in the movies, where the Avengers superheroes take the latest high-tech mobile devices, soaring in the sky , appearing in a dangerous place at the last minute."

As a young superhero, Spider-Man clearly has a vision for the Avengers.

After all, compared to the fully equipped Avengers, a civilian superhero like him, even the spider silk launcher in his hand is still made by collecting parts himself.

"Stop watching those movies and reports, boy."

Taking Spider-Man's words, Falcon, who was sitting in the last row, spoke.

"Before, we also used the way you mentioned to fly the most advanced Kun-style fighter to carry out a mission, and we were shot down from the sky with a fist. This experience tells us that the fighter is not as safe as we imagined, although it seems It's really cool, but as soon as something goes wrong, the fighter becomes a giant coffin."

As a Falcon who used to fly in the Air Force, he is undoubtedly aware of the dangers of fighter jets.

"What's more, the battle of S.H.I.E.L.D. caused most of the advanced combat equipment, including the aircraft carrier, to be completely destroyed, so in fact, we don't have many choices."

"Everyone, although I don't want to disturb your pleasant exchange, it seems that we have reached our destination."

In the back seat, Falcon was still telling the little spider about part of the previous battle at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

In the driver's seat, Natasha stepped on the brakes and turned her head to remind them.


At the rear, Steve looked at the car that stopped in front, and also slowed down the speed of the motorcycle.

"This is, Manhattan Island?"

In the back seat of the motorcycle, Banner released his hands from holding Steve, took off the hard hat that was crowded on his head, took out the glasses in his collar pocket and put them on, looking at the nearby scenery and the small island across the sea. , couldn't help muttering.

"According to the guidance of the magic search tool made by Dad, the location of the [Rat Charm] should be in front."

He got out of the car holding the box with the cat's whiskers in his hand, and the clone [Uncle Long] pointed to the small island in the distance and said with certainty.

"Sir, according to satellite records, the last direction Mark43 appeared was ahead."

In my ears, Jarvis' voice came again.

Tony listened to Jarvis' report, and looked up at the New York landmark island not far from the crowd and the building above, a bad premonition immediately emerged in his heart.

"Mr. Stark, I sensed danger."

Not only Tony, but Peter's spider sense began to respond.

"Everyone, it seems that the guys who were resurrected by the spell seemed to have expected our move and prepared a big surprise waiting for us."

Looking up and looking at the huge building on the island, Tony's expression gradually became solemn.

"big surprise?"

On the other hand, Falcon, who got out of the car, heard Tony's words, and the expression on his face was still a little puzzled.

Soon, however, the puzzled look on his face turned into a huge shock.

Because, in his field of vision, the statue of the goddess standing on Liberty Island in the opposite distance, representing the American people's love and yearning for freedom, really began to act freely.


Standing on Manhattan Island, which is only a water away from Liberty Island, Falcon looked at the goddess statue that had put down the arm that held the torch high for more than a hundred years, and then moved his feet. For a time, he felt that his brain was also shut down in an instant. .


"God, what's going on!"

"The goddess statue, the goddess statue moved."

"God, why, is this your revelation?"

"Cool, it's just like a plot in a movie, the Statue of Liberty actually moved."

"I have long known that this day will come. I have long known that the Statue of Liberty is a weapon of war developed by the American military, but it has always been disguised as a statue. Now that the statue is moving, it means that the military has to make big moves. dear, you know, I swear I will never lie to you again, I promise you, I will never lie again, I really have to come out because of work, I Right now near the Statue of Liberty, you have to believe me this time. I know, I know, I was wrong before, but this time it's true, if you don't believe me, I can take a photo to prove it, and I'll… …God, honey, you won’t believe what I saw, the Statue of Liberty is moving…Hey, honey, hey, hey…”

The resurrection of the Statue of Liberty is not only a shock to the members of the Avengers, but also a huge shock to New York, the United States or the world.

In just a few minutes, thanks to the developed Internet communication, information and videos about the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty have appeared on major websites.

Not only the Internet, but also the media in New York responded quickly.

On NBC TV, the news anchor urgently cut off the news being reported and switched to the latest news about the Statue of Liberty.

"Kate, what's going on with the Statue of Liberty Island now?"

Dressed in messy clothes, she rushed to the nearest location to Liberty Island after receiving a notification from the TV station. While reporter Kate let the cameraman use the camera to capture the movement of the Statue of Liberty in the distance, the size of a black dot, she was nervous. make a report

"...Yes, the situation is quite sudden. According to many tourists near the goddess statue, the goddess statue that had been maintaining normal not long ago suddenly began to move, just like the copper bulls on Wall Street and The NYPD dinosaur skeleton, so we can conclude that there is clearly a connection between these things, but the situation is very dangerous because…”

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