Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 361: fierce contact battle

Seeing that the two figures were about to collide.

At the critical moment, the amazing agility of the little spider mutated by the radiant spider played a key role.

Loosening the spider silk in his hands, Peter twisted his waist with an unimaginable flexibility, deflected his body with an unimaginable dexterity, and fell through the gap between the body and the wings of the falcon and fell to where the falcon was before. above the head of the goddess.

"Mommy, look it's Spider-Man!"

In contrast to Falcon, Peter, who is frequently active and New York, is significantly more famous.

Looking at this red and blue bug, a child on the head of the goddess subconsciously shouted. But soon, the child's shouting was stopped by the woman who was clearly beside him reaching out her hand. She covered the child's mouth and looked nervously at the bust of Roosevelt and Adolf beside him, deeply afraid of the child's inadvertence. The move attracted the attention of these strange looking guys.

"Don't worry ma'am, although we each have our own positions, we are not so despicable enough to attack ordinary people."

Noticing the uneasy gaze cast by the woman, Roosevelt nodded and smiled.

However, he seemed to have forgotten what he looked like at the moment, and the shape of the bust stone statue fell in the eyes of the woman, which undoubtedly brought greater panic.


Looking at the woman shivering with the child in her arms, Roosevelt sighed silently.

Compared with Roosevelt, who was once admired by many people, there is undoubtedly a huge gap in what happened to his bust.

"Haha, I've said it long ago, Roosevelt."

Looking at the helpless expression of the bust, Adolf on the side immediately sneered, turning his only remaining stone face, and it issued a tone with a strong accent: "No matter how many great things you have done in the past, these ignorant guys are not at all There will be no gratitude for you, they will just take everything for granted. So only fear and strength can make them remember the majesty of the ruler, and thus create a sense of awe."

"You are too extreme, Adolf."

As a rare great president in the short history of the United States, Roosevelt is still not an existence that can easily be fooled by Adolf with a few words, even if it is just the resurrection of the bust of the other party.

"Maybe that's why it failed in the end, and those who ignore the people will end up being abandoned by the people."

"That's just because in the end you won."

Showing complete disdain for Roosevelt's answer, Adolf sneered and said: "It is precisely because of your victory that you have mastered the possibility of writing history. If the final victor of World War II belongs to the ***, then in the end The result will definitely not be what it is today.”

"Everything you said is meaningless, Adolf, because the final outcome is doomed, you lost the war and even your last life."

"Yeah, everything has been meaningless, but you are not the same, Roosevelt, even if you are the final winner, how different is your ending from mine, and you are still sleeping under the ground, now in order to be able to live. Destroy the motherland that he once protected."


Adolf's words caused the Roosevelt bust to fall into silence. It was indeed like what the other party said. No matter what their respective positions in World War II, and how different they are now, it is not the same to be able to work hard to keep what they came from. It's not easy life, but the means are exhausted.

Here, Roosevelt and Adolf were a little unhappy because of their communication with each other.

On the other side, the little spider rubbed the falcon's wings and landed on the statue of the goddess, making a heavy crash.

"Are you all right, boy, Spider-Man."

In mid-air, Falcon came back to his senses, looked at the little spider that fell on the goddess statue, and immediately showed concern.

He knew very well that if the little spider hadn't reversed his movements at the last moment, it was very likely that Peter would not be the only one who fell below.

"I'm fine, Mr. Falcon."

Rubbing his faintly aching chest, he climbed up from the goddess statue. The little spider fell not too lightly, but fortunately, the mutated body not only brought superhuman flexibility, but also improved Peter to a certain extent. In the process of fighting chivalry in New York City, he once found that his strength was strong enough to withstand the impact of a fast-moving car, so a simple fall would not cause him much damage, except There is so little pain outside.

After all, the mutation can only make his body stronger and more durable, not painless.

However, spiders are creatures with sensitive senses in all respects, and even Peter, who was bitten by a radiant spider, awakened the sensitive ability of spider sense, which was almost biologically instinctive, obviously not related to dullness.

Hearing Little Spider's answer, Falcon was quietly relieved, but after noticing the situation around Peter, the relaxed expression on his face immediately became tense: "Although it's a good thing not to be injured, but child, I have to say that it was not a good time for you to appear, whether it was just now or now."

Following Falcon's words, the little spider swept over the iron birds flying around him, and said with the same gloomy expression: "This point, I don't need you to remind me, Mr. Falcon, and I have already noticed it."

In fact, from the moment he jumped into the air just now, the little spider already knew that the situation on the head of the goddess was not optimistic under the reminder of the spider sense in the body.

Looking down, looking at the flock of iron birds that circled around Peter to compress the space, Falcon took a deep breath.

Although, in the current situation, it was appropriate to wave his wings, turn around and call for help, but Falcon didn't think that Peter would be able to survive the attacks of these birds for too long after he left.

What's more, after contacting Peter's avoidance, Falcon decided to stay and fight with him.

"Spider-Man, can you still shoot spider silk like you did just now?"

"Mr. Falcon, what do you mean?"

The vigilant Peter heard Falcon's question, and subconsciously looked down at the spider silk launcher on his wrist.

"If you can, shoot spider silk at me immediately, maybe we need to work together to deal with the next battle."

In order to allow Peter surrounded by iron birds to hear his figure, the falcon deliberately increased the volume. Although this approach allowed the birds surrounded by sharp calls to hear his voice, it also The bust of Roosevelt and Adolf on the side also heard the conversation between the two.

Seeing this, Adolph hurriedly called out to the flock of birds without hesitation: "Hurry up and stop him, don't let him run away."

As the resurrection exhibits also from the museum, although they have different functions, it is obvious that Adolf's words played a role in the iron bird flock. After hearing Adolf's words, the birds that originally flew around the spiders immediately sent out in unison. With a sharp cry, the silver-white metal eyes were aimed at the little spider at the same time, and the next moment, he waved his sharp wings and rushed towards Peter, who was surrounded by the center.

"Watch out, Spider-Man!"

In midair, noticing the danger the little spider was in, Falcon hurriedly waved the metal wings behind him, and without hesitation, rushed towards Peter on the head of the goddess.


However, just as the falcon rushed down, a white spider silk suddenly came to him.


"I didn't expect that you actually developed this ability, Mark43."

In Mark47, Tony looked at Mark43, who was flying in front of him to avoid his laser cannon attack. Tony raised his eyebrows and said with a strange expression.

Although the Mark43 resurrected by the spell from the combat configuration has not changed, but as a steel battle suit with life and wisdom, Mark43 obviously has the ability that Tony did not have when wearing it. That is the extent to which the Mark43 can split its body so that each part can act on its own.

This ability to split, combine and deform was previously developed by Tony in order to be able to quickly wear a battle suit, but obviously this function fell on Mark43, which undoubtedly brought another kind of combat effect.

By dispersing and deforming separately, Mark43 avoided Tony's attack, and at the same time scattered around him, turning on the arc pulse cannon, laser beam cannon, miniature missile, electromagnetic weapon, laser mounted on each armor component Weapons, all aimed at Tony in the center.

If Li Ran is here, he will find that the attack method shown by Mark43 at this moment is, in a sense, somewhat similar to the clown Bucky who has the ability to split in the comic "One Piece". Of course, it is the mechanical version of the split.

"I told you, Tony..."

Controlling the part of his helmet to fly into the air, Mark43 turned to Tony in front of him, and from the helmet came Mark43's rather smug tone: "You can't beat me, because compared to you, I am the real meaning. Iron Man, because for me, the iron suit is my body, not a simple tool or weapon. Through the control of my body, I can freely make attacks in any situation. How could the driver ever understand."

After speaking, there was no pause. From the scattered parts of Mark43, various shock guns, missiles, and lasers were all fired at Tony.

The violent explosion of fire and the dazzling impact instantly wrapped Tony in the Mark47.


"I said it, Steve."

In front of the Immigration History Museum, 'Bucky' looked at Steve, who was holding his shield tightly and dressed like the 'Captain America' beside him, with a complicated expression on his face, but then changed to a firm look: "When we When we meet, we are no longer friends."


Looking at the three people in front of him with complicated eyes, Steve did not expect that one day, he would encounter his friends, his former opponents, and his own joint alliance.

Even if these opponents are actually just exhibits resurrected under the power of the spell, Steve's emotions are still a little hard to suppress in the face of these familiar faces.

"Although you have a glimpse in your appearance and memory, I know that you are not the real them."

The fingers holding the shield tightened again, Steve suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, and then calmly replied.

"So, let's do it. I will end this farce in front of me and bring everything back to peace."


In the face of Steve's description of 'Red Skull' getting more and more head, he made a sharp voice and hoarsely said: "Have you made a mistake, Captain America, if what is happening right now is just a farce in your eyes If so, then you have to plan to be crushed by this farce next, I don't know, when you see the footsteps of the goddess statue stepping into the white..."

Halfway through the words in his mouth, 'Red Skull' quickly received a warning look from 'Captain America', and he checked his own gaffe and quickly stopped his next words.


Because the words were not finished, facing the key words in the 'Red Skull' exhibit, Steve frowned, but he didn't have time to think. With exactly the same charging posture, he charged towards Steve without Two Captain America? "

He drove his car to the Immigration History Museum, got out of the car, and looked at the two Steves who were fighting together in front of the museum, with a surprised expression on his face.

Although, as early as when he resurrected Captain America's exhibits through the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] in the museum, Li Ran had expected the day when the real and fake Captain America would fight, but he really watched this scene, more or less. Still feel some inexplicable sense of achievement emerges mentality.

"How do we tell which one is the real Steve?"

Although he was watching the fight between the two Captain Americas with an acting attitude in his heart, the clone in front of the Immigration History Museum still asked Natasha on the side with a worried expression.


Looking at the two captains fighting in front of the museum, Natasha always maintained a calm expression.

First of all, she had already seen the fight between the two captains at the airport. In addition, unlike the 'worried' clone, she had already made preparations to distinguish the two.

"team leader."

Reaching out and pressing the earphone on her ear, Natasha connected to Steve's communication, looked at Steve who was replying in a low voice, and then turned to the avatar beside him to prove: "This way you can tell the difference. ."

In the antique shop, Li Ran couldn't help but pouted when she saw Natasha who broke her fun easily.

However, he quickly put away his emotions and turned his attention to the Immigration History Museum again.

In fact, the reason why he is so concerned about the situation of the Immigration History Museum is not just to see the battle between the two Captain Americas. At the same time, it is also the second-hand preparation for the so-called spell.

"Even if that glowing thing in your hand led Captain America here."

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