Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 369: Hulk Wars Reverse Lightning

"Hey, big guy, Hulk..."

Noticing the change in the Hulk, Steve tightened the shield in his hand, and then moved closer to the center of the pothole again.

"Is it easy to remember me, Steve, we fight side by side." Lowering his voice, Steve tried his best to look non-threatening: "...The Avengers, we are a team, the closest Brother-in-arms, do you remember the battle we fought together in New York before, your battlefield is not here, but behind you."

Dark green pupils stared at Captain America in front of him, and with Steve's description, the angry expression on Hulk's face finally diminished slightly. It followed Steve's words, and Hulk turned to look at the huge Statue of Liberty statue behind him that was walking towards Manhattan Island step by step.


Inside the pothole, Steve saw Hulk's emotions being guided away, and subconsciously lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the face of such a violent big guy as the Hulk, even Captain America, holding a vibranium shield, felt uneasy.

Fortunately, the results did not go in the worst direction.

"Are you guys the accomplices of that guy called Spider-Man?"

However, before Steve's inner vigilance was completely relaxed, a sudden voice broke through the calm atmosphere that Captain America finally created.

With the sound of the voice, Hulk, who had been attracted by the Statue of Liberty before, suddenly turned his head to look at Steve, who was facing him. With the sound of heavy breathing, the anger that had diminished on his face reappeared.

"You lied to Hulk!"

"I didn't, Hulk."

In the pothole, Steve knew the moment Hulk turned his head that the situation was moving in the direction he least wanted again, calmed his emotions, and tried to explain to the violent Hulk in front of him, However, obviously, the Hulk, who fell into anger again, simply ignored the veteran's voice.

"You don't like the Hulk, and the Hulk doesn't like you either, the Hulk is going to smash you to pieces!"

With a deafening roar from his mouth, Hulk moved his sturdy legs and stomped heavily in the pothole, directly stepping on two deeper footprints, and then under the impetus of this huge force, the huge body seemed to be A huge cannonball suddenly jumped up, carrying the power of a thousand junctures and slammed down in the direction of Steve.


With a dull crash, Hulk's tough fist landed on Steve Gao Jun's shield.

The powerful properties of the vibranium shield offset Hulk's attack, but Steve's expression was not much fortunate. Looking at the angry face of the Hulk in front of him, Captain America tried his best to persuade.

"You need to calm down, Dr. Banner, and not be swallowed by the anger in your heart."

"Hulk don't need to be calm, Hulk will be angry!"

bang -- bang -- bang --

The huge fist fell on the shield like raindrops. Facing Steve's persuasion, Hulk's mood not only did not calm down, but became more violent.

"what happened?"

"Aren't you guys in the same group? Why did you suddenly start fighting with each other?"

However, at the critical moment when Hulk and Captain America were fighting each other, the voice that appeared before sounded again with a relaxed appearance.

"I do not care who you are."

Holding the shield in his hand, he tried his best to block the Hulk's attack, and when he heard the second sound in the pothole, Steve said solemnly: "The situation here is very dangerous now, if you don't want to get hurt , just go and don't get close to the battle."


"I don't think so."

In the face of Steve's persuasion, the voice sounded again, and at the same time, the figure who made the voice finally revealed his true face in the pothole.

"Although I don't know why you guys suddenly fought, but it doesn't matter. I only have one goal, so tell me..." Appearing beside Steve, Barry Allen looked at Captain America who was desperately resisting , completely ignoring Hulk, who was attacking like a storm on the other side, and asked, "Where is the [Rat Charm]?"

"[Rat Charm]?"

The sudden appearance of Barry Allen surprised Steve, but what surprised him even more was the question that came out of the other party's mouth.

"Your purpose is a spell?"

Moving the shield in his hand to resist the attack of the former Hulk again, Steve continued his battle, but involuntarily looked in the direction of Barry Allen: "Who are you!"

"My name is Barry Allen and it's..."

He opened his mouth, and the clone Barry Allen was about to read out his iconic narration. The next moment, the scene that happened during the battle with the little spider sounded. He immediately stopped his introduction and turned to say: "It is the most loyal subordinate of Lord [Holy Master]."

"[Holy Master]?!"

Hearing the name of [Holy Lord] in Barry Allen's mouth, the expression on Steve's face suddenly changed. At the same time, because of the violent emotional fluctuations in his heart, the action of fighting in his hands involuntarily stopped for a while.


In a fierce battle, any slightest flaw is likely to become quite a deadly danger. In particular, the angry Hulk was fighting against Steve at the moment. Although the furious Hulk couldn't do a delicate battle, its endless attacks almost stopped in Steve's hands. It fell instantly.

Under this huge power attack, he lost his defensive advantage, and Steve's stronger body than ordinary people suddenly flew out like a rag doll.


The face of Steve was knocked out with a punch, and the expression on Hulk's face was not satisfied. He raised his head and let out a roar, then lowered his head, and saw Barry Allen in front of him almost immediately.

"Why, you want to attack me too?"

Facing Hulk's angry dark green pupils, Barry Allen grinned, the Hulk's huge body did not pose too much threat to the clone: ​​"Then tell you the green guy, you have the wrong opponent, I can It's not the slow guy who fought with you just now, if you want to attack me, the premise is that you can catch up with my movements."

"However, looking at your appearance..."

Swiping up and down the Hulk in front of him, Barry Allen's face matched with a disdainful expression: "I shouldn't even be able to touch my shadow, the next battle is destined to be a boring process, Because it was a one-sided, rapid-fire fight."

After uttering the harsh words, Barry Allen lifted his heels, and the next second he disappeared from the front of Hulk.


"Go forward, Statue of Liberty, keep moving toward our goal!"

On the Statue of Liberty, the 'Red Skull' looked at Manhattan Island, which was getting closer and closer to him, and couldn't help showing a crazy expression on the face of the hideous skeleton.

As long as the Statue of Liberty successfully landed on Manhattan Island, the next battle will undoubtedly be in their favor. The numerous buildings and crowds on Manhattan Island will greatly limit the countermeasures of the American military and the Avengers. At the same time, the "Red Skull" can also use the power of spells to resurrect more statues in New York City to fight for it.

As an international metropolis, the statues and similar decorations in New York City are not only resurrected by the "Red Skull".

"A little bit more, just a little bit further forward, just..."

Just as the 'Red Skull' watched the approaching Manhattan Island, full of inspiration.

A figure dressed in a white Tang suit and cloth shoes suddenly appeared, blocking the front of the Statue of Liberty.

Compared to the huge body of the goddess statue, A Xing's body is undoubtedly quite small, but under the huge pressure of the statue, A Xing's face still maintains his calm expression.

"Stop it."

Stopping in midair, Ah Xing looked up at the Statue of Liberty in front of him and the 'Red Skull' on top of the statue, and spoke slowly. He didn't deliberately accentuate his voice, but his voice was under the influence of anger. It was clearly passed into the ears of the 'Red Skull'.

"Who are you?!"

Turning his evil eyes to look at Ah Xing, who was suspended in mid-air, 'Red Skull' shouted sternly.

"My name is A Xing, I'm from Penglai, and I'm also a member of the Defenders League."

Facing the question from the 'Red Skull', Ah Xing gently put his palms together.

"Penglai? The Defenders League, another self-righteous guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

As a resurrection exhibit that inherits the evil will of the prototype, it is naturally impossible for 'Red Skull' to give up its evil plan just because of A Xing's words. On the contrary, looking at A Xing who is blocking the way, it immediately raises its voice, high Said: "Since you want to be a hero like Captain America, then plan to be crushed by the Statue of Liberty!"

"The Statue of Liberty, don't worry about him, just press me over it!"

"I have tried to persuade you."

Ah Xing was not surprised by the reaction of 'Red Skull'. In fact, he never really wanted to persuade the other party from beginning to end.

Therefore, looking at the statue of the goddess who was moving again in front of him, A Xing said in a low voice, and then raised his arm to lie on his chest, and raised his other palm above his head. The symbol forms a faint golden Buddha statue behind it, with kind eyes and kind eyes: "The third form of the Tathagata's palm - the Buddha moves the mountains and rivers!"

Although there is still a gap between the Buddha statue and the Statue of Liberty in front of him, the comparison with the previous Axing has obviously shrunk a lot.

Immediately following A Xing's actions, under the eyes of the 'Red Skull', the Buddha statue raised his huge palm and slowly pressed towards the statue of the Statue of Liberty in front of him.


"Captain, are you alright?"

On Liberty Island, Natasha drove the car to Steve's location, and then saw Steve who was punched by the Hulk and hurriedly stepped on the brakes while shouting worriedly.

"Still hold on."

Supporting his body, he staggered and stood up. Hearing Natasha's question, Steve reached out and touched his body that was hit by the Hulk, gritted his teeth and replied.

Hulk's attack was powerful, even though Steve's body had been transformed by super soldier serum to be far superior to ordinary people, and at the same time he used the shield in his hand to absorb part of the impact force at the moment of being knocked out, but he was still able to I felt a little pain in my body.

"Compared to these."

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the pain in his body, Steve looked at Hulk in the center of the pothole who seemed to be waving his arms randomly, and then turned to look at the clone [Uncle Long] who also got out of the car with a solemn expression. "Mr. Long, the [Holy Master] seems to have discovered the appearance of the [Rat Charm]."

"[Holy Master] is here again!"

Steve's words changed the expressions of Natasha and the clone [Uncle Long] in front of him at the same time.

"Unlucky, unlucky, I know how things could be so smooth."

Hearing Steve's words, the clone immediately grimaced.

"[The Rat Charm] must not be taken away by the [Holy Master], otherwise the whole situation will become very It may even force the Foundation to arrange a higher level of maneuvering Team out."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

The words of the clone [Uncle Long] reminded Natasha of the previous encounter with [Polusalino] in Upper New York Bay. As if her memory was correct, the appearance of [Polusalino] seemed to have been called. He is the captain of the second tactical unit of the SCP Foundation.

Thinking of the strange and powerful power that [Polusalino] showed at that time, Natasha couldn't help but say something.

"The dispatch of the Foundation's mobile team often means that the situation has become extremely serious or complicated, so even if the final team's containment is successful, the damage will be huge, and sometimes the containment task can be completed for you, The members of the mobile team have to use other containment items. The containment items that can be used at this level of the mobile team are not only the level of the items I used before. The use of these containment items is often accompanied by With huge consequences, the group's action is often to block a more serious one with a smaller one."

"For example, there was once a containment mission. In order to prevent an alien creature from invading reality, the Foundation's fourth mobile team had to use a containment object with erasing reality. Although the final result successfully completed the mission, the creature was The containment seal, but the entire Fourth Mobile Team quickly melted into pools of unconscious liquid life at the cost of using containment items..."

"This description doesn't sound like a good thing."

Although the process told by the clone was short, Natasha still felt the lethality of the entire containment process, especially when she thought of the Fourth Mobile Team of the Foundation that had become liquid life, she shuddered somewhat.

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