Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 372: Mark Forty-Three's Plan


Boom, boom!

[Shou Crane] The huge claws hit the statue of the Statue of Liberty and splashed a lot of yellow sand. The aftermath of the battle between the two giant figures on Liberty Island directly turned this small island into a big one. Completely devastated.

"...Yes, just like the picture taken by the cameraman in front of me..."

Over Manhattan Island, NBC's location reporter Kate is sitting in a helicopter, conducting his own professional report: "The battle between the two 'giants' directly destroyed Liberty Island, and we also filmed the Avengers in it. Figure, it looks like these superheroes are really working hard to keep New York City safe..."

"Okay, let's thank Kate for her professional coverage of the dangerous scene, stay safe, Kate."


NBC TV, the news anchor of the report looked at the shaking pictures shot by the helicopter, and the vague voices in it, and then said a word, and at the same time, the news report was pulled back to the studio again.

"Looks like it's more complicated than I thought, and I sincerely hope that the Avengers, and of course the giant sand monster that popped up, um, the giant, whoever he is seems to be on our side. I hope they To be able to successfully save New York and a dangerous moment again, after all, if even the Avengers fail, I can't think of anyone else who can stop the resurrected giant Statue of Liberty..."

In the studio, the news anchor expressed his true feelings to the camera in front of him, and the next second, when he heard the message in his ears, he was stern again: "The latest news, the president has issued the highest order. Order, New York enters a state of emergency, and at the same time the military will go to Manhattan Island as soon as possible to prevent the disaster caused by this huge statue that America was once proud of..."


"Damn, damn, damn!"

Above the Statue of Liberty, the 'Red Skull' looked at the situation in front of him, and a distorted look suddenly appeared on his hideous face.

"It seems that your plan did not go as smoothly as you imagined, 'Red Skull'."

Seeing everything in front of him, Adolph, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but speak, and said sarcastically in his heavily accented tone.

"You don't need to remind me of this, dear Mr. Adolf."

Turning his head and looking at Adolf behind him, a dangerous gleam flashed in the eyes of the 'Red Skull' and said immediately.

Aware of the dangerous look on the face of 'Red Skull', the bust of Roosevelt who was standing on one side blinked, and controlled the statue under him to move backwards. On the other hand, Adolph did not notice the change in the tone of 'Red Skull' at all, perhaps he had noticed but still said indifferently: "Actually, there is not much difference between you and me 'Red Skull', except for luck you got a powerful spell, what you do is no different from me, and, like me, you are also a loser in WWII, I lost the war, and you lost to the United States team leader."

"No, Mr. Adolf."

Shaking his head, 'Red Skull' stepped in front of Adolf, stretched out his hand, grabbed the other's facial statue and pulled it out of the doll, kicked the doll's body off the Statue of Liberty with one foot, 'Red Skull' ' Looking down at Adolf in his hand, he continued: "I'm different from you. Compared to you, I at least have a body of my own, and you are just an ugly statue face, so if I were you , you will obediently choose to keep your mouth shut, instead of chattering to provoke someone who doesn't have much patience, you should be glad Mr. Adolf, I still have a little respect for you, even if you only have one piece left face……"

After saying all this, the 'Red Skull' threw Adolf in his hand at the goddess without looking at it.

With a crisp crashing sound, Adolf's resurrection statue collided with the ground on the head of the goddess. Fortunately, under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], the statue of Adolf was not so easily broken, and the monkey statue on the side immediately rushed over and picked up Adolf who fell on the ground.

Ignoring Adolf's next expression, the 'Red Skull' turned his head to look at [Shou Crane] in front of the Statue of Liberty.

This yellow monster composed entirely of sand, and Ye Wen standing on top of the monster, successfully blocked the way to the Statue of Liberty, and also blocked the 'Red Skull''s ambitions.

Without the power of the Statue of Liberty, the confident plan originally envisioned by the Red Skull was immediately useless.

With the flexible claws of [Shou Crane], the huge body of the goddess statue swayed again, reaching out and grabbing the eagle statue beside him to stabilize his body, the expression of 'Red Skull' was particularly unwilling: "Isn't there any Is there any other way, obviously, it's just a little bit short of me being able to succeed, just a little bit short of the Statue of Liberty being able to enter Manhattan Island."

"Perhaps, you should change your mind, 'Red Skull'."

Just when the 'Red Skull' was unwilling to be angry, with a vague and intermittent voice, Mark43 controlled his only remaining head and flew into the head of the Statue of Liberty.

Seeing the flickering white light, Mark43 adjusted the direction to 'Red Skull' and continued with his voice full of electronic noise: "Your plan to control the Statue of Liberty to invade the White House has obviously failed, so why not just give up this The plan is to leave the Statue of Liberty as a target to block the members of the Avengers, while using the power of the spell in more critical places."

"A more critical place?"

Hearing Mark43's words, 'Red Skull' couldn't help but restrain the distorted expression on his face, and asked, "You mean?"

"Stark Industries, New Energy Building."

Faced with the question of "Red Skull", Mark43 directly stated his goal.


"I've already said it."

Dodge to avoid the shield thrown from behind.

Barry Allen turned his head to look at Steve behind him, and at the same time moved his body quickly to appear in front of Captain America: "The power of [Rabbit Charm] not only gives me superhuman speed but also superhuman speed. The ability to react, so these little actions of yours can't cause any harm to me at all, if I want, you can't even see me."

"The power of the [Rabbit Charm] is powerful, but do you really think that as an ordinary person you use this superhuman power so frequently that there are no side effects?"

Looking up at Barry Allen in front of him, Steve said while covering his waist injured by the impact with one hand.

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

Hearing Steve's words, Barry Allen frowned in cooperation.

"Before the Avengers were looking for the [Holy Lord] in Florida, they had contact with two other humans who used the power of spells, and they, like you, used the power of spells given by the [Holy Lord] to fight the Avengers , also brought us a huge threat, the powerful blasting power and undead ability, even as avengers, it is difficult to compete. However, it is such a powerful two people, after losing the power of the spell, they quickly death, what do you think is the reason?"

Barry Allen: "Because of what?"

"Because Dad once said that although the power of the spell is powerful, it comes from the power of the [Holy Lord], and the [Holy Lord] is a powerful demon whose power is too powerful for humans, even if it is only twelve The power of one is not something that the human body can withstand, so if the power of the spell is used excessively, although the problem will not appear when the spell is held, but after the spell leaves the holder, the side effects of using the spell's power It will explode directly and superimpose on the user's body in an instant." After taking Steve's words, the clone [Uncle Long] obeyed his identity as a Foundation containment expert and added.

"No, it's impossible..."

Hearing the description of the clone [Uncle Long], Barry Allen turned to look at Steve in front of him again, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "Master [Holy Master] will not treat me like this, it You must have a way to solve these problems, after all, the spell is the power of Lord [Holy Master], there is nothing wrong, it must be like this..."

Although Barry Allen said this, the shaky he showed for a moment, or should be said to be faking sway, was still seized by Steve.

"Right now, Hulk!"

Reaching out his hands and grabbing Barry Allen in front of him suddenly, Steve hurriedly shouted to Hulk beside him.

"Hulk, attack!"

Hearing Steve's voice, Hulk grabbed the shield thrown by Captain America before, let out a roar, and the next moment a huge jump landed directly in front of the two of them.


Hearing Steve's cry and facing the restraining force formed by Captain America using his superhuman strength, the expression on Barry Allen's face suddenly changed.

He hurriedly used the power of the [Rabbit Charm] to move away, but because of Steve's power suppression, he couldn't make a quick dodge action at all.

Well, a large part of the above situation comes from Barry Allen's deliberate performance. After all, "Sparkling Fruit", as the fruit of the natural system, its most iconic and powerful elemental ability has basically isolated the clone. The possibility of Barry Allen being caught.

Unless Steve has mastered the armed domineering that can damage the elementalization ability, otherwise his so-called grasping is completely based on Li Ran's release of water.

Of course, if you ignore the ability to elementize the bug, Captain America's performance just now is completely remarkable. If you change it to another person, maybe it's really enough to be caught by him, like now Barry Allen did the same.


Waving the shield from Steve in his hand, Hulk used it as a sharp blade and slashed down towards the position of Barry Allen that Captain America held.

With a heavy rumbling sound, the hard vibranium shield formed a deep crack on the ground of the pothole.

"Have you been cut?"

Standing on the edge of the huge pothole, Natasha looked at the center covered by dust, frowning and guessing.


In the center of the pothole, Steve's expression was obviously a little silent, and he looked down at his hands.

After a few seconds, as the dust dissipated, it was revealed that the shield was deeply embedded in the ground.

"Haha, hahahaha..."

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a crazy laugh, Barry Allen appeared on the other side of the pothole, and laughed wildly with a face of the rest of his life.

"Almost, almost, I'm really going to die at your hands."

Restraining the smile on his face, Barry Allen looked at the deep mark left by Hulk waving his shield on the ground: "If I hadn't exploded the power of [Rabbit Charm] at the last moment, it reached the speed of sound beyond the speed of sound. With the ultimate power, maybe at this moment I will really be cut in half by you."

"The Avengers, you deserve to be one of the objects that Lord [Holy Master] said that you need to be vigilant."

"However, it doesn't matter, as long as you can get the power of the [Rat Charm], Lord [Holy Lord]'s plan can be By then, you avengers will no longer be the plan of Lord [Holy Lord] at all. hindrance.”

After saying all of this, Barry Allen ignored Steve and Hulk in the pothole, and flashed his body for a while, and the whole figure has rushed towards the position of the resurrected Statue of Liberty statue.

Through this delay in the battle in the pothole, the 'Red Skull' has successfully left the Statue of Liberty under the persuasion of Mark43.

"Have to stop him."

Looking at Barry Allen's disappearing figure, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately cooperated.



Controlling Mark47 to land on the Statue of Liberty, Tony swept across the empty environment on the head of the Statue of Liberty, and immediately ordered the AI ​​butler.

"Sir, I haven't tracked the signal of Mark43. In fact, since I left my body, Mark43 seems to have successfully blocked the signal I put on it."

In Mark47, Tony heard the report from Jarvis, the brows under the transparent mask wrinkled subconsciously, and a strong sense of unease immediately emerged in his heart.

"What about 'Red Skull', and other resurrected statues?"

Sweeping around the head of the resurrected Statue of Liberty, Tony's inner uneasiness deepened. Not only Mark43 but also other resurrected statues did not exist on the entire statue.

"Neither is there."

After scanning the surroundings, Jarvis replied.

"Sir, Stark Industries..."

Above the Statue of Liberty, just as Tony was clearly puzzled and uneasy, Jarvis in the helmet suddenly made a surprised voice, but before the artificial intelligence reported the content completely, it was directly replaced by another familiar voice.

"Tony, as I said, I haven't lost yet."

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