Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 377: Immediate response

"If I had known, I would have saved a little money when I renovated the office."

A large number of shock cannons shot out like dense raindrops, penetrating the wall and blasting the entire office with holes.

As the key target of the steel suits, the remaining energy of Tony's running suit in the Mark47 turned into a transparent energy shield in front of him, feeling the power of the artillery fire from the energy shield, and the expression on his face was obviously not optimistic. Previously, his frequent battles with Mark43 on Liberty Island and the overloaded flight obviously consumed a lot of energy in the battle armor. Therefore, the energy shield on Mark47 lasted for a few seconds, and then an emergency situation began to appear.

"Sir, the energy in the Mark47 is only 6% left..."

The harsh warnings that kept ringing inside the suit and Jarvis' reminder made Tony understand the crisis of the situation at the moment.

"Jarvis, are you able to connect to the Internet now?"

Although the current situation was extremely dangerous, Tony did not give up hope.

Controlling the energy shield on Mark47 to protect himself firmly, Tony raised his head and swept across the various forms of steel battle suits in front of him, and immediately asked with a frown.

"Yes, sir."

In the face of Tony's inquiry, Jarvis answered immediately.

"Connect to the network immediately and tell me how many Mark series armors are left that have not been resurrected by the 'Red Skull'."

Following Tony's instructions, Jarvis entered the system in the office and quickly gave an answer.

"In fact, Mr. only has one armor left, and Mark38 Eagle was not resurrected by the power of the spell."

"Mark38 Eagle?"

In fact, Mark38 Eagle was resurrected once, but in order to show the power of his father's magic, he was resurrected and fell twice in a row, making the 'Red Skull' lose the idea of ​​using spells on this battle suit. , the sand clone also revives it with the power of no longer consuming the [Resurrection Golden Monument].

Not knowing what happened in the office before, Tony didn't relax his frown when he heard Jarvis' report.

"Mark38, just Mark38, Jarvis, wake up Mark38."

Compared with other well-equipped steel suits with different weapons, the Mark38 Eagle as a tool armor is obviously a little shivering in terms of combat effectiveness and appearance. However, considering the current situation, something is better than nothing, and Tony has no qualifications to be picky, so Jarvis immediately gave an order.

"Okay, sir."

Following Tony's order, the eye sockets of Mark38 Eagle, who had been lying in the corner unconnected, flashed a white light again, slowly propped up his body, and stood up.

"Sir, only three percent of the energy is left."

Here, Tony asks Jarvis to wake Mark38 Eagle.

On the other hand, the attacks of the steel suits did not stop because of this. A large number of shock cannons fell on the energy shield formed by Mark47. Even if Tony tried hard to dodge, the resulting damage caused by several rounds of attacks on him. The energy shield has also become crumbling, and even the originally bright light has dimmed, as if it will be extinguished and broken in the next second.

"Dying on the hand of the steel battle suit you made, this kind of death may be the most suitable way for you, Tony."

The scratched metal face was aimed at Tony in Mark47, and Mark43 said coldly.

Mark43 had a deep resentment towards Tony, even with Barry Allen staring at the spell in the hands of the Red Skull, he did not hesitate to launch an attack on Tony.

"Sir, only two percent of the energy is left, and it is no longer possible to maintain the normal operation of the energy shield."

"Then shrink the energy shield."

The energy shield that controls Mark47's arm position shrinks it to its smallest form. While Tony tries hard to block the attack of the dense shock wave in front of him, he glances at a corner of the office indistinctly.

"There's no doubt about lingering on Tony."

Looking at Tony, who was dodging the attack, Mark43's eyes flashed with white light, and the blue cluster cannon on his chest turned and flashed: "Actually, say goodbye."


As Mark43's voice fell, from the position of the reactor on its chest, a large amount of power converged into a dazzling blue beam and fell straight towards the direction of Mark47.

The light from the Mark43's cluster cannons reflected the entire office in a blue light. Seeing that the powerful shock cannon was about to fall on Tony, such a powerful attack was based on the fragile energy shield of Mark47 at the moment. Unable to defend against it.

At the critical moment, a whole body blue steel battle suit suddenly jumped forward, blocking the front of the cluster gun.


With a dull crashing sound, the blue armor slammed into Tony who was wearing Mark47 in front of him under the great concern of the cluster gun, smashed the wall and landed on the corridor.

"Why, Mark38 Eagle is there!"

Looking at Mark38 Eagle who suddenly appeared to block his attack, Mark43 subconsciously turned his head to look at the 'Red Skull' beside him.

"None of my business."

To Mark43's twinkling eyes, 'Red Skull' responded immediately: "I didn't use the power of the spell to resurrect it."


As the steel battle suit under the resurrection of the [Resurrection Golden Monument], part of the wisdom prototype of Mark43 obviously came from Tony, and with the computer operation of the steel battle suit itself, Mark43 quickly understood the reason for the resurrection of Mark38 Eagle, no , should not be called resurrection, but should be called awakening.

"It seems that I still underestimate you, Tony, you can still find a chance to survive in this predicament."

Turning his scratched face towards the corridor again, Mark43's tone was full of exclamation.

"If I had given up so easily, I might have fallen under the bullets of terrorists back in Afghanistan."

Turning over the Mark38 pressed on him, Tony stretched out his arm to remove the old arc reactor on the Mark38 and replace it with his Mark47.

"Energy seventy-eight percent."

Hearing the report of Jarvis being back online, Tony twitched the corner of his mouth and turned Mark47's arm, looked at Mark43 in front of him and replied with a faint expression.

With white light flashing in his eyes, Mark43 faced Tony's answer and remained silent for a few seconds before continuing to speak: "If I can choose, I would like to be able to fight with you once, Tony."

"Unfortunately, there is no if."

Hearing Mark43's words, the expression on Tony's face was a little silent, he turned his head and glanced at Barry Allen, who was watching with interest, and then replied.

"Yeah, no ifs."

Answering silently, Mark43 put away his inexplicable feelings that came from nowhere, and regained his cold will again.

As its will returned, the rest of the resurrected steel suits in the office also turned their muzzles again.

"Although, I really want to continue watching this scene."

Seeing that, the battle of a series of steel suits such as Tony and Mark43 is about to start again.

Barry Allen, who had been silent since just now, suddenly spoke up, interrupting the tense atmosphere on the scene.

He swept over everyone in the office, and finally stopped on Tony's face, grinning and saying, "However, considering the time factor, in order to avoid Lord [Holy Master] waiting too long, I decided to be a good person. , take the initiative to solve the problem at hand for you."

"Of course, you don't need to thank me too much for that, because it's all I should do."

As Barry Allen's voice fell, the next second, he turned into a phantom and disappeared under Tony's gaze.

"Be careful, protect the spell!"

Noticing the disappearance of Barry Allen in an instant, Tony almost subconsciously turned his head and shouted at the location of the 'Red Skull'.

Although, from the standpoint of fighting, he and the 'Red Skull' and other resurrection exhibits are not consistent, but in order to prevent the [Rat Charm] from being obtained by the worse [Holy Lord], Tony had to do it.

"All steel armors, all move towards the protection charms in the direction of my flight!"

The first time Tony shouted, Mark43 responded quickly, it gave up the entanglement with Tony and stepped directly in front of the 'Red Skull'.

Following its order, the resurrection steel battle suit in the office immediately closed towards the location of the 'Red Skull'.

In an instant, an airtight encirclement appeared in front of Tony's eyes.

"Jarvis, activate the camera lens used in the office and switch to high-speed shooting mode."

However, looking at the protective circle formed by many steel battle suits, the expression on Tony's face did not relax in the slightest.

He has seen the power of [Holy Lord] other spells, so it is clear that the power of spells cannot be blocked by this simple method. Especially from the introduction, it is known that the [Rabbit Charm] has speed magic.

Press the button of Mark47 to raise the broken transparent helmet again.

Through the high-speed footage that Jarvis projected onto his helmet, Tony finally saw vague signs of Barry Allen in motion.

Under the high-speed footage of the camera, it can be seen that Barry Allen was running straight towards the 'Red Skull' behind Mark43 at the moment of the student. At this moment, although he made a reminder, Mark43 also responded quickly, but Barry Allen came to the side of the 'Red Skull' just before the protection of these steel suits, and relaxed without the other party noticing. took away the [Rat Charm] in his hand.

By the time these steel suits were surrounded, Barry Allen had already easily escaped from the encirclement, and his position was right now.

Looking at the last direction in the high-speed camera, Tony turned his head subconsciously, and then as expected, Barry Allen appeared there, holding what was shown in the camera. from the spell in the hands of 'Red Skull'.

"The spell, the spell is gone!"

Of course, the figure of Barry Allen reappeared, and the 'Red Skull' who was surrounded by densely packed shouts only after realizing it.


Appearing on the other side of the office, aware of Tony's gaze, Barry Allen raised his eyebrows and looked at him with an unexpected expression: "You can actually detect where I appear?"

"The power of technology, I can roughly see your movement trajectory through the high-speed camera."

Facing Barry Allen's doubts, Tony's face couldn't help showing a bitter smile: "But, it's just that I can see it."

Barry Allen was moving too fast for him to react to it even if the camera could capture it.

"Don't let him take the spell away, or we'll all be back to the way we were!"

Hearing the conversation between Tony and Barry Allen, Mark43 immediately saw Barry Allen standing not far away, holding the [Rat Charm] in one hand with a relaxed posture.

A white light flashed in the eye socket, and the 'Red Skull' behind it immediately shouted through gritted teeth.

"I know."

In order to protect the spell, Mark43 can launch a merciless attack on Tony, his maker, and naturally he will not have any mercy on Barry Allen.

Therefore, as soon as the figure of Barry Allen was discovered, many resurrected steel battle suits opened their magazine compartments, raised their muzzles, and exploded the greatest firepower attack directly. Eliminate Barry Allen on the opposite side to avoid losing the spell.

"Good response But, for me, it's still a little too slow."

A few seconds later, after a baptism of artillery fire, standing in the corner of the devastated office was the still intact Barry Allen.

Through the shooting of the high-speed camera, Tony also saw that at the moment of the artillery attack, Barry Allen had already dodged away, so the result of their intensive attack methods by Mark43 was just an innocent open space. out of damage.

Looking up at Mark43 in front of him, and looking down at the spell in his hand, Barry Allen grinned, and then his figure flashed and appeared beside the hole in the office that Tony knocked out.

"Since the [Rat Charm] has arrived, it's time to say goodbye. I think Lord [Holy Master] can't wait for the power of the [Rat Charm]."

As Barry Allen's voice fell, the next moment he fell backwards and fell directly from the hole on the top floor of the new energy source.

Tony: "!"

The moment he saw Barry Allen at the entrance of the cave, Tony knew that things were bad.

Therefore, the second after Barry Allen fell from the hole, Tony directly controlled Mark47 to fly towards the hole where the opponent fell.

After rushing out of the top floor of the building, Tony soon saw the sound of Barry Allen running fast along the edge of the building wall.

"Sir, you seem to have forgotten that the flight device of Mark47 was damaged during the overloaded flight not long ago."

However, before Tony could make any chasing action, Jarvis gave a bad news that couldn't be worse.


The next moment, Tony, who rushed out of the building, fell towards the ground at a faster speed.

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