Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 380: 2 out of 1

"So, it's all because of the spell?"

Sitting in the moving car, Pepper couldn't help muttering while listening to Agent Hill's description in the driver's seat.

Pepper is no stranger to spells.

She was also one of the parties when my father introduced the [Sheep Talisman] in S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's just, I didn't expect that the pursuit I encountered this time was actually so deeply related to the spell.

"In fact, the problem caused by the [Rat Charm] is not only that, but even the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island has been resurrected because of the power of the spell. Sure enough, if Master Ye didn't block it, maybe at this moment you can already I saw the statue of the goddess walking in New York."

Glancing at the rear-view mirror of the car, Agent Hill flexibly turned the steering wheel, drove the car to avoid the pursuit of the steel suit behind him, and informed the little pepper in the back seat of the current situation in New York.

"I have to say, the time you came back was quite bad."

"If I knew it was going to develop like this, maybe I would have delayed my return a little bit."

Turning his head and looking at the silver-white steel battle suit that was still chasing after the car, when faced with Agent Hill's words, Pepper's face matched with a helpless expression: "However, at this time, everything has already been said. late."

"By the way, what about Tony and the others?"

After listening to the general situation introduced by Agent Hill, Pepper was the first to worry about Tony's condition.

"If things go well, Tony should have brought his father and captain together with them."

Not knowing the situation of the Avengers on the other side, Agent Hill could only make a rough guess.

"hope everything is fine."

Hearing Agent Hill's answer, Pepper's expression was a little silent.

Superheroes and superheroes' intimates are two completely different concepts.

The former saves the world and acts as a chivalrous person, while the latter only has endless worries and anxiety.

Because of Tony's identity as Iron Man, Pepper had quarreled with him more than once, but in the end he chose to accept his decision.

Even if his decision caused countless troubles for Tony.

"[Jie Lu] Master!"

Inside the car, there was silence because of the approaching pursuit behind him and Pepper's inner worries.

However, this world of silence did not last long, and it was broken by A Bao who was sitting by the car window.

Standing up, pointing in the direction of Stark Industries outside the car window, he shouted loudly to the little pepper beside him: "I saw Master [Jie Lu], please Miss Pepper, go and save [ Xie Lu] Master."


Looking out the window in the direction pointed by Po's little hand, Pepper immediately pleaded with Agent Hill in the driver's seat.

"Sit still."

Frowning, he glanced at the resurrection steel battle suit that was chasing after the car.

The expression on Agent Hill's face remained calm, but the movements of his hands did not stop.


"Huh, huh~"

Waving the steel rod in his hand to repel the surrounding steel armor in front of him again, [Xie Lu] stumbled, barely using the steel rod to support his body.

Compared with the original avatar, after the combination of various card powers, the avatars that Li Ran can create naturally become more diverse and more realistic.

For example, the [Xie Lu] in front of me is still dominated by the previous D-level card, but after integrating a quarter of the power of the B-level card [Tianjin Fan], its combat effectiveness has undoubtedly been greatly improved, although It is still impossible to kill these steel battle suits in front of him with the ease of a B-rank character.

But blocking them is still barely possible.

Of course, a small part of the reason why it is said to be reluctant is also because Li Ran deliberately released water.

Otherwise, where do you think the silver-white steel suits that chased Pepper and Po come from?

He swayed his footsteps, and then tried his best to hold it up.

In order to make the whole battle process look more realistic, [Xie Lu] also endured the attack of the resurrected steel suit in front of him more than once. If it weren't for the significant improvement in the resistance of the clone combined with the power of the four-body boxing, Li Ran's original crisp clone's defense might have collapsed as early as the first round of attacks by the steel suits. , and there is this shaky, yet single-handedly heroic gesture that is now displayed.

"...Humans are indeed a difficult creature to analyze..."

[In front of Stark Industries, looking at [Xie Lu], who was crumbling and never retreating, the steel suit that had fallen at the beginning also suffered the most attacks and was scarred. It looked at the [Xie Lu] in front of him. , a change that I can't describe began to appear in the cold tone: "Even if we already have life, we still can't understand the complex changes in the human heart, just like you at the moment, obviously according to the analysis of your blocking has no effect. , why are you still so determined."

"That's the difference between me and you."

Taking a breath, [Xie Lu] supported the steel rod in his hand to stand up again, but his face full of scars always maintained a firm expression: "Although I don't know why you have life, but, There are many things in this world that are worth protecting even if they give up their lives."

"Saying one's life is worth protecting."

After repeating the words of [Xie Lu], the doubts of the steel suit were not relieved but aggravated.

"Why, you don't cherish your own life so much, but you want to deprive us of our hard-won life at will."

"That's because humans are such a group of creatures, my brother."

Controlling his body to fly out of the building, Mark43 explained coldly: "In this world, things that are more easily obtained are less valued. They have life from the beginning, and naturally they cannot understand the value of life."

"Now is not the time for you to talk philosophically with your robot brothers." He interrupted Mark43's description, and 'Red Skull' reminded with a twisted expression: "If you can't get the spell back, wait until the power of the spell disappears. All our previous efforts will be turned into phantoms, whether it is the resurrection stone statue or your iron brothers, even you and I will return to the original appearance."

The loss of the spell has driven the super villain's model into a state of madness.

"I finally got out of that cold display window, and I don't want to change back. If I can't get the spell back, I..."

"I have slowed down the movement of the previous person through the high-speed camera in the office. If the other party wants to escape with the spell, we will not be able to catch up."

"In that case, there is no hope."

Hearing Mark43's answer, 'Red Skull' was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on his face became more distorted and sinister.

"If so, then..."

"I'm not saying it's hopeless."

Interrupting the next words of "Red Skull", Mark43's eyes flashed white light and then said: "Although we can't catch up with each other, what if the other party comes with a spell again?"

"what do you mean?"

Facing Mark43's words, the 'Red Skull' immediately asked.

"I hacked into the Stark Industries satellite, and according to the route shown by the satellite, the target will soon be back in front of us again."


Mark43 said that it was very fast, and it was very fast.

Because the voice of the steel battle suit fell, Barry Allen, who should not be called [Holy Lord] now, appeared in front of them.

At the same time, the car driven by Agent Hill also discovered the situation in front of Stark's industry, and stopped the car without hesitation.


"[Jie Lu] Master!"

Inside the car, looking at Agent Hill who suddenly stopped, Bao immediately shouted.

"Why, Hill."

At the same time, there was a puzzled expression on Xiao Chili's face.

"I can't continue to drive past. The person in front of me is the person of the [Holy Lord]. Dad introduced the [rabbit charm] on him. If we approach rashly, it will bring great danger."

"However, Master [Jie Lu] is there."

Agent Hill calmly analyzed it, but Po obviously didn't intend to accept it.

"Is it really impossible to move on, Hill?"

Seeing A Bao, whose eyes were red and was about to cry, Pepper couldn't bear it.

"I can't rush in with you even when I know it's dangerous."

Shaking his head, Agent Hill's attitude was firm.

"What's more, the danger behind us has not been completely eliminated."

He responded silently. Agent Hill turned the steering wheel and was about to drive towards other safer places. The driver sat in the back and noticed Agent Hill's actions. Po took advantage of the opportunity before the car was fully started. The door lock switch in the car ran in the direction of [Xie Lu] without hesitation.

"A Bao!"

Pepper didn't expect that A Bao would make such an astonishing move when he was not aware of it.

Seeing A Bao running towards Stark Industries, Chili Pepper subconsciously chased after him without hesitation.


Looking at the two people who didn't listen to the persuasion to get out of the car, Agent Hill in the driver's seat suddenly changed his face and couldn't help but cursed secretly.

If she encounters such a subordinate who doesn't listen to the arrangement in SHIELD, she will definitely punish him without hesitation, or even abandon him directly. However, it was Pepper, Tony, or a more intuitive description who ran down in front of her. Now her boss's girlfriend, Agent Hill, obviously couldn't turn a blind eye.

"Looks like I don't need what I want anymore."

Before Stark Industries, [[Village] Holy Master] turned his head to look at Pepper and Agent Hill, who were catching up with Po's actions, and immediately twitched the corners of his mouth, making a pleasant surprise. expression.

"The target came to the door obediently, but I have a lot of strength left."

"Hurry up and return the spell to me!"

Here, the [Holy Master] made a nonchalant appearance.

On the other side, looking at the figure he appeared, the 'Red Skull' could not wait to make a threat.

"First of all, you said something wrong..."

Having been attracted by the words of 'Red Skull', the [Holy Master] turned his head to look at the resurrection exhibit with a ferocious expression, and still replied gently with his indifferent tone: "The power of the [Rat Charm] does not belong to you. , but from my power, and all I am doing now is to return this power to its original owner."

"In addition, since you want the power of the spell so eagerly, then I will fulfill your wish and let you feel the power of the [rat spell] for the last time."

"What, no!"

The moment he heard the words of the [Holy Master], the 'Red Skull' realized that something was wrong.

However, before it could make a more obvious response, as the voice of the [Holy Lord] fell, the eagle statue disguised as a sand clone behind it used the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] in its body. With the faint golden light rune flashing, the resurrection magic applied by the golden tablet on the 'Red Skull' was immediately taken back.

In the blink of an eye, the originally terrifyingly twisted 'Red Skull' froze and changed back to his original appearance.

"[Holy Master]!"

In a shout Tony controlled his Mark47 and rushed to Stark Industries.

The first time I saw the 'Red Skull' that was turned back into the exhibit, the expression on his face was extremely complicated.

The Avengers have been working hard to restore the resurrected exhibits from the very beginning, but they did not expect that it was the [Holy Lord] who finally changed them back.

Of course, the complicated inner feelings only existed in Tony's heart for a very short moment, and soon he recovered.

"You're finally here, Tony."

Looking up, looking at Tony who was chasing after him, a faint smile appeared on the face of the [Holy Master].

He turned his head to look at Po and Pepper not far away, his body just swayed, and then there were two more people in his hands.



"[Jie Lu] Master!"

"A Bao!"

Looking at Po and Pepper appearing in the hands of the [Holy Master], Tony's expression suddenly became ugly.

"I said I wanted to play a game with you, Tony." Bao and Chili struggled hard in their hands, as if they wanted to break free from the hands of the [Holy Master], but obviously their power was for the [Holy Master]. Some were too weak, ignoring the struggle in his hands, [Holy Master] continued to look at Tony in mid-air, and said with interest: "Then I'll tell you the name of this game now."

"I named this game one of two, and of the two people in my hands at the moment, only one will survive and the other will die."

"So, superhero Iron Man, tell me your choice is..."

"My closest lover is still an innocent child who doesn't matter. Do you watch the person you love die in front of you, or choose to sacrifice the life of a child, tell me Tony, what is your choice?"

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