Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 383: tight time

"Master Ye!"

A Xing opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something else.

However, Ye Wen shook his head slightly, raised his hand slightly to signal him to be calm.

His eyes swept over A Bao in [Jie Lu]'s arms, and said softly: "Whether to stay or go, you have to listen to this child's decision. If you want to **** it recklessly, what is the difference between Penglai and Jiuyou. "


Ye Wen's words made Ah Xing silent, he looked at Ah Bao and finally nodded in agreement.

Of course, if A Bao was taken away so easily, then Li Ran's previous foreshadowing would not be all in vain.

Of course, Po continued to stay with the Avengers, which was in line with his purpose.

Although, he had already made up his mind on whether A Bao should go or stay. However, in Stark Industries, the clones continued to set their own roles and continued to perform.


After taking Ye Wen's help, [Jie Lu] immediately thanked him with a grateful expression.

"Don't be so polite, Master [Jie Lu]."

Waved his hand gently, Ye Wen still showed his elegant appearance: "I'm just doing what I should do, not to mention, A Bao's reincarnation as a Penglai immortal, even if he has not fully awakened his reincarnation memory and reincarnation. Power, but still an immortal, you can't look at it in the way of a child of the other party."

"On the topic of the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai, we will talk about it later. The most important thing at present is the situation of the [Holy Master] and the spell."

Hearing that Ah Xing voluntarily gave in under Master Ye's persuasion, Tony couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't that he cared much about A Bao. In fact, even though he knew that he was the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai, he still didn't have much affection for this stinky brat.

The reason why he is worried is simply because he knows how important A Bao's existence is to [Xie Lu].

Therefore, upon hearing the conversation of the three, Tony immediately raised his eyebrows, and turned the topic to the question about spells.

In fact, as things stand, the Avengers' previous actions have not been successful, or should be said to have failed.

Although the problem of the resurrection items in New York has been solved, the crucial [Rat Charm] still fell into the hands of the [Holy Lord] as they were most worried.

Hearing Tony's question about the spell, the Avengers in Stark Industries fell into silence.

The failure of the operation was also a big blow to everyone.

However, those who can become avengers are not weak-willed people. The expression on his face was silent for a while. Steve quickly suppressed his inner emotions and looked at the old man on the other side, and asked in a deep voice: " Dad, the [Rat Charm] can really revive the [Holy Lord] who was sealed, so what's the meaning of the existence of other charms?"

"To gather the power of twelve spells is the most ideal resurrection for the [Holy Master]." Pushing his glasses, the old man replied with a solemn expression: "Of course, this is for us to come. It is also the worst situation, but fortunately, some of the spells have already been contained in the Foundation by Aaron, so even if the [Holy Master] is resurrected, it is not the most powerful posture."

"Not the most powerful gesture."

Hearing his father's explanation, Falcon unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he was completely relieved, the old man spoke again: "Of course, it doesn't make much sense to discuss whether the [Holy Master] after resurrection is the strongest, because even if it was only resurrected by some spells [Holy Lord] It's not just a few of you who can defeat it, but that child..."

After pouring a handful of cold water from the Avengers, the father put his eyes on the sleeping A Bao in Xie Lu's arms: "I can feel the powerful power contained in his body, if it is really as you said. If you can awaken the power of the immortal, it is possible to block the revenge of the [Holy Master], of course, it is only a block. If you want to seal the [Holy Master] again, there is no immortal or a powerhouse of the same level. It is obvious that It's impossible."

Hearing Dad mentioned the power of immortals, Tony and the others subconsciously looked at Ah Xing on the side.


Feeling the gazes of the Avengers, A Xing shook his head and cut off their expectations: "Now the seal of Penglai is unstable, the immortals are trying to maintain the power of the seal, and it is impossible to come to New York. For immortals, Penglai is the root, if the seal is broken and more extraterrestrial demons appear in the human world, the consequences and disasters may be more terrifying than the so-called [Holy Lord] resurrection."

"Then there is no other way but to put expectations above the foundation."

With A Xing's explanation, the Avengers also understood Penglai's predicament.

Dad shook his head, sighed, and then put his eyes on the avatar [Uncle Long] beside him.

"I have reported everything that happened in New York City to the managers of the Foundation Committee, and they have agreed to send members of the mobile team to be responsible for the containment of the [Holy Lord]. However, the specific time has not yet been determined, because the team members are performing more important containment tasks elsewhere."

After a little hint that the foundation will send more people to help, the clone [Uncle Long] changed the topic again and asked the old man in front of him: "Father, according to your judgment, how long will it take for [Holy Master] to resurrect. ."

"If the [Holy Master] has collected all the power of the twelve spells, then resurrection should be something that can be done easily in the blink of an eye." Frowning, facing the question of the clone [Uncle Long], the old man Dad pretended hesitantly touched his chin, and replied in an uncertain tone: "However, now it has only obtained a part of the spell, although the most crucial [rat spell] has been taken away by it, but Relying on the power of the [Rat Charm] alone, it will still take a lot of time to come back to life, especially without the [Tiger Charm]."

"[Tiger Charm]?"

Hearing Dad suddenly mention the name of [Tiger Charm], Peter, who has been quiet and transparent in the Avengers, couldn't help but blurt out a sentence.

"That's right, [Tiger Charm]."

Noticing the little spider's reaction, the old man looked up at him and explained, pretending not to know: "[Tiger Talisman] is a talisman of balance, it has the magical power of reconciling yin and yang, and at the same time, it also represents the [Holy Master]. Balance the powerful power of other spells in its body, so that these forces do not cause conflict and confusion in its body. In the current situation, although the [Holy Master] has obtained the [Rat Charm] that can revive the sealed body, but there is no [Tiger Spell]. Under the circumstance of reconciling the balance of the power of the charm, it can only choose to slowly use the power of the [rat charm] to revive its body through guidance, and it cannot be done overnight, and it will be resurrected in an instant."

"So, do we still have time?"

Hearing his father's introduction, Tony couldn't help but speak.

I have to say that my father's remarks have brought the Avengers a barely good news.

"Even if you have time, what if you get the power of the [Rat Charm], the [Holy Master] can really be resurrected in a few months at most, you don't think that you can work in these few months Do you have the power to defeat the [Holy Lord]?"

"But at least we got time to fight back."

Ignoring his father's cynicism, Tony turned his head and glanced silently at Banner, who had recovered from the other side. Both of them thought of the "peace plan" that was set at the beginning.

However, thinking of the problems caused by the resurrection of Mark43 before, Tony believes that it is necessary to add an insurance in the design of artificial intelligence, and at the same time, expand the scope of the "peace plan", which is no longer limited to artificial intelligence. 's artificial intelligence can't be the opponent of [Holy Lord], not even a threat.

It is not clear what Tony is thinking, or even the 'peace plan' that he and Banner silently carry out.

After Steve heard the answers from his clone [Uncle Long] and his father, his originally frowning brows relaxed slightly.

The situation at hand, while equally dangerous, at least gave the Avengers time to breathe.

Of course, he will not relax because of this, because the threat of the [Holy Lord] is still hanging over everyone's heads.

So silent for a while, Steve swept over the bruised and exhausted Avengers beside him, and then took Tony's words: "Tony is right, although Mr. Long has contacted the Foundation staff, he is not On behalf of the Avengers, we gave up the fight with the [Holy Master]. Right now, we may be insignificant to the [Holy Master], but this is not the reason for us to back down, no matter how powerful or powerful the [Holy Master] is after resurrection. Dangerous, as long as it threatens New York, the safety of the world, the Avengers have no reason to back down, at least I won't give up."

While speaking, Steve lifted the shield in his hand to show his firm will.

"I'm also a captain."

Facing Captain America's passionate and generous speech, Falcon was the first to respond.

At the same time, the young and warm-blooded spider also expressed his participation.

"Captain, do you know that this set of yours is outdated."

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the cooperating Avengers, even Ah Xing Yewen, Tony pouted subconsciously, but also stretched out his palm with a reluctant appearance: "Forget it, I join too."

Looking at Tony who was the last to put his hand on the shield, Steve's mouth twitched slightly, but then he regained his solemn expression and expressed his inner thoughts.

"Since we have to fight against the [Holy Lord], it is not enough to rely on these members of the Avengers. We need more strength to join in."


"...Although the Avengers successfully prevented the resurrected Statue of Liberty from landing on Manhattan Island, how can this huge bronze statue with a height of 46 meters and a total weight of 225 tons be returned to its original position , has become a big problem for the New York City government..."

In the dark and cluttered warehouse, Adrian Toombs watched the latest report on the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty on TV, and the expression on his face was still gloomy. Since the incident of the damage control department, he has hated Tony the Iron Man, and naturally he has also hated the members of the Avengers.

If it weren't for these guys, he should be living in a splendid villa mansion now, not in a dark warehouse room like this.

"Boss, I found a good batch of goods outside."

At this moment, along with a piercing noise, the door of the warehouse was opened, and the employee of Adrian Toombs said excitedly.

Under the watchful eyes of Adrian Toombs, the employee opened the cloth bag behind the old pickup truck, and immediately revealed many scattered and damaged mechanical components, which were covered with shatters and scratches, some of which even It has been broken, but it is still full of technology.

"these are?"

Adrian Toombs looked at the mecha parts with water on the pickup and turned to look at the report about the Avengers on the TV screen. Immediately showing an excited expression, he grinned: "Okay, very good, with these parts, the progress of our weapon research will be greatly improved, and then I will take back all the things I lost one by one! ."


[Legend]: 365445

High investment, high income, it is not worth my efforts to create big events and big scenes.

In the antique store, Li. Ran, the man behind the scenes, looked at the long row of legends on the system data panel, tried his best to suppress the smile that rose from the corner of his mouth, nodded, and felt that his efforts during this period of time were finally in vain.

Although the co-performance of several consecutive clones made him rack his brains, the legendary income of more than 300,000 yuan can be regarded as the best reward for his efforts during this period of time.

Taking a deep breath, Li Ran calmed down his inner excitement. Looking at the eye-catching legend figures on the data panel, Li Ran's pent-up desire to open the box began to stir again. After all, he hadn't exchanged the treasure chest for a while.

Rationally, the most appropriate way to do this right now is to save up the legendary degree and exchange it for the [Golden Treasure Chest].

However, after looking at the 300,000 legends on the data panel, I calculated the distance from the [Golden Treasure Chest] exchange. Li Ran shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to save.

In short, I feel that I won't admit it, I can't control my hands.

Moreover, according to the future plan, the Foundation's mobile team needs to debut, and some new character cards need to be opened to add new characters.

Finding a suitable reason for himself, Li Ran looked at the word "Exchange" on the system panel, and made his final decision without hesitation.

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