Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 394: Man of the Pillar

"No, the other party is still alive!"

However, Dr. Doom's thoughts have not yet fallen.

Dr. Zola scanned the situation of the mysterious creature through the equipment installed in the laboratory, and the image on the screen showed a humanized surprise: "It not only survived, but also the body hit by lightning. It is also recovering rapidly at an unimaginable speed, how is this possible, to support such a powerful healing ability, it has far exceeded the limit of biological cells, and it needs to consume..."

"Life force."

Hearing Dr. Zola's exclamation, Susan immediately thought of the strange radiation power that she and Reed discovered in the meteorite.

If the power of that radiation can make a rat with a broken leg grow a new broken limb, then naturally it can also recover from the lightning attack of Doctor Doom.

I automatically ignored the second half of Dr. Zola's self-talk with obvious research meaning, and listened to the other party's reminder that Doctor Doom gritted his teeth and urged the lightning in his body to form a dense current, and looked at the mysterious creature without blinking. The direction in which he was shot.

"Really recovered?!"

A few seconds later, as described by Dr. Zola, the mysterious creature that had been electrocuted by Dr. Doom's electric current stood in front of him again in an intact posture.

He tilted his head and glanced at Doctor Doom, who was facing a great enemy, and the mysterious creature looked down at his slender and perfect palm, and squeezed his fist.


In the next instant, a strong electric current appeared from the arm of the mysterious creature and looked at Doctor Doom.


Looking at the electric current emerging from the mysterious creature, the expression under the steel mask of Doctor Doom could no longer maintain the indifferent expression: "Could this creature still have the ability to imitate!"

"Dr. Zola!"

The imitation ability shown by the mysterious creature not only disturbed Doctor Doom, but also made everyone in the base panic.

Strucker looked at the lightning wrapped around the mysterious creature, and the grim expression on his face changed instantly, and he hurriedly shouted.

"Sorry, Strucker, the abilities exhibited by this creature are far beyond the scope of my research..."

In the final analysis, Dr. Zola is a scientific researcher. Even if he has some understanding of biology because of the relationship with the Hydra, he is far from being a professional. What's more, the abilities displayed by mysterious creatures, even if a professional biologist observes, may not be able to see much useful things.

As a card drawer, Li Ran naturally knew that [Kaz] in the laboratory did not have the so-called imitation ability that Doctor Destruction had guessed.

However, with this characteristic of the ultimate creature, Li Ran could not create a lot of lightning like Doctor Doom. However, it is still possible to change the muscle cells of the clone to form a power-generating muscle similar to an electric eel in the body, so as to achieve the performance of generating electric current in the eyes of Doctor Doom.

Change the cell structure of the body at will to the level of generating electricity. Under the horrified gazes of everyone in the Hydra base, the mysterious creature released its hands and put away the electricity on its arms, and then said with a dissatisfied expression. A few sentences: "*¥# (&*..."

Naturally, no one in the laboratory could understand the language that came out of the mysterious creature's mouth.

He opened his mouth and said a few words, noticing that everyone around him wanted to ask his own questions without responding.

The expression on the handsome face of the mysterious creature, which did not seem to be human, changed slightly, and the next second, the tall body disappeared under the gaze of everyone.


Seeing the disappearing figure of the mysterious creature, the expression on Strucker's face suddenly changed.

"Where is he? I've been staring at him without blinking. How did such a tall figure disappear in an instant!"

"Where is he!"

Frowning, although the speed of the mysterious creature is fast, it is not enough to avoid the eyes of everyone in the laboratory.

At least in the eyes of the silver-haired man, he could clearly see the trajectory of the opponent's movement.

Under the reminder of the silver-haired man, Strucker and others responded quickly, and they looked in the direction he pointed. Immediately, I saw the mysterious creature that disappeared in an instant, appearing in a twisted and weird posture behind a hydra researcher with an unaware expression, and opened his arms to hug the researcher tightly. held in his arms.

"This is, like the corpse on the meteorite before, he is eating the researchers, what kind of creature is this, it uses human beings as his food in such a strange way, he uses the whole body to study the Hydra The person is integrated into his body, which means that he...he is eating in this way...this is a creature that eats humans, and in his eyes, humans are just a kind of food..."

Witnessing the process by which the mysterious creature melted the Hydra researchers into his body, Doctor Doom understood why he felt suppressed when facing each other before.

Perhaps, as Strucker said, it was a cry from the top of the food chain that was remembered deep in his own cells.

"Reed, what kind of monster were we studying before?"

Looking at the researcher who was swallowed by the mysterious creature, Susan's eyes showed a clear look of fear.

Although, theoretically speaking, researchers who can become Hydra are naturally not good beings, especially those researchers reused by Strucker, without exception, have participated in the previous tragic human body about the power of the scepter. experiment. But witnessing a living human being merged into the body by the other party was still a little too challenging for Susan's psychological limit.

"He...he's getting bigger, he's a total monster..."

In the Hydra base, the scene where the mysterious creatures were integrated into the researchers seemed to completely destroy the remaining rationality of the Hydra soldiers. They may be cruel, and treat their opponents without the slightest sympathy, but it does not mean that they can still show ruthlessness and calmness when facing a creature that can devour themselves.

Seeing that a living companion was swallowed by the creature that came out of the meteorite in front of them, the nerves they had been tensing were instantly broken. I don't know which soldier fired the first shot.

Immediately afterwards, these soldiers holding submachine guns raised their firearms one after another, and released the re-replaced bullets again, hitting the mysterious creature in front of them.

"It's useless. It has been proved just now that bullets cannot destroy this creature at all."

A large number of bullets fell on the mysterious creatures like raindrops. However, Doctor Doom looked at the tall figure full of bullet holes, but the expression under the steel mask did not show any joy.

Standing in place, letting a large number of bullets from the Hydra soldiers hit his body, the mysterious creature looked at the submachine guns in the hands of the soldiers, and then raised his palm and stretched out his index finger to aim at the people in front of him.

"Why did he make that gesture? What does it mean?"

Looking at the movements of the mysterious creature, Strucker's expression was puzzled.

"No, he's imitating..."

Looking at the gesture on the hand of the mysterious creature, Susan's pale face changed a bit, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "That gesture represents a pistol, and he is imitating the appearance of a pistol with his own hand."

Under the current situation, Susan could no longer care about her situation as a Hydra captive. If the mysterious creature in front of her was allowed to leave the Hydra base, she could hardly imagine the possible consequences. After all, this is a terrible existence that uses humans as food.

"Imitating a pistol?"

Hearing Susan's speculation, Strucker frowned.

If the opponent imitated the power of Doctor Doom before, he could barely accept it, then how can a pistol imitate the ability of a firearm.


It didn't let the doubts in Strucker's heart persist for too long. The next second, along with the mysterious creature on the opposite side, he stopped his finger, only to hear a strange swelling sound, and the fingertip of the mysterious creature's index finger burst instantly. , followed by a brass-colored bullet that accurately hit a Hydra soldier on the opposite side.

"He was actually able to control the bullets that entered his body, and focus his fingertips to fire the bullets back again!"

Seeing this scene of the mysterious creature shooting, Dr. Zola's image on the screen couldn't help but look shocked.


Through his fingers, he sent a large number of bullets back to the Hydra soldiers in front of him one by one.

The mysterious creature retracted its finger, and the burst wound on the fingertip instantly recovered as before. It turned to look at the dozen or so survivors left in the laboratory, and finally focused on Strucker.

"That' woke me up?"

Under the protection of Wanda's power, Strucker was not hit by the flying bullet, but when he heard the words of the mysterious creature, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

"You learned our language? When!"

"Just...before I ate it...that guy learned it afterward."

At first, the words of the mysterious creature were intermittent, but soon they were able to communicate smoothly like normal humans.

Speaking fluent English, the mysterious creature looked at everyone in the laboratory. His eyes stopped for a moment on the red energy emitted by Wanda's hands, but he quickly retracted his head and looked down at the Hydra soldiers on the ground. The corpses eventually landed on top of their submachine guns.

Extending his arm, he grabbed the submachine gun on the ground and went back.

"For the first time, this is a tool I have never seen before, and it can actually cause harm to me."

He tilted his head and looked at the submachine gun in his hand. The mysterious creature grabbed the slot of the submachine gun. In the next moment, his hands seemed to break down the gun into countless parts, and then put it back together in an instant. looks like.

"This is the disassembly and assembly that ordinary people take hours or even days to do. He actually did it in just a few seconds."

Looking at the submachine gun disassembled and assembled in the hands of the mysterious creature, the expression on Strucker's face was extremely shocked.

"This is a creature with intelligence, even far beyond human intelligence..."

"Is it really a space creature from outside the universe! It fell on the space station because of the space cosmic storm?"

Controlling the current on the body to form a dense electrical grid that wraps the body, the ability and wisdom displayed by the mysterious creature make Doctor Doom not dare to relax in the slightest.


Hearing Dr. Zola's exclamation, the mysterious creature turned his body and looked at the face that appeared on the screen, with an unexpected expression on his face: "What are you, this is the first time I see you like this Creature, no body..." Strolling to the screen of the console, the mysterious creature stretched out his hand and placed it on the screen: "It can't be absorbed by my There is a curious look on the face, mysterious The creature took another look at the people around him: "And you humans, all seem to have quite special abilities, but the feeling to me is completely different from those of the guys in the past. In addition..." He turned his head and glanced at the experiment The meteorite fragments in the cabin, the mysterious creature's face showed an expression of obvious thinking: "If my memory is not wrong, in the last battle, I was clearly thrown into the sky and could not come back, and finally had to change. The way of my body structure maintains my vitality, and who brought me back, looking at your appearance, and the memory of the previous guy, it seems to be completely different from the previous guys, I am in the universe... So you are like this Calling the place above the sky..."

"You are from Earth!"

The words of the mysterious creature undoubtedly revealed a lot of amazing information, but what shocked Strucker and others the most was that the other party came from the earth and was quite familiar with human beings.

"Of course I'm from Earth. In fact, I've lived on this planet for quite a long time, as long as you can't imagine..."

Facing the surprised eyes of Strucker and others, the expression on the face of the mysterious creature did not change, and told an amazing secret in a calm tone: "In fact, in the era when I lived, there was only my race, Zhu The man is the most powerful existence on earth. All creatures in that era were our prey, including you humans... We who originally possessed such a powerful force will rule the earth forever and rule you humans. However, the weakness of the male family of pillars has become a constraint for us, because we cannot survive in the sun, we are forced to move into the cave, and finally, because of this, we let you food seize the opportunity..."

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