Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 83: 1 trigger

"Evil God, we found Iron Fist and them."

So fast?

Mrs. Gao's words surprised Li Ran a little, and the speed of finding someone in the Hand Club was faster than he thought.

Fortunately, Ye Wen in the Chinese restaurant has passed the previous preparations, and through Danny's connection, he has successfully reunited with Matt and his party.

Therefore, although the next appearance was rushed, it was able to continue reluctantly, and there would not be another one-sided battle situation like before.

Thinking of this, Li Ran manipulated the Huoyun Evil God in front of Madam Gao and asked calmly, "Oh, where are they?"

"In Chinatown at the lower end of Manhattan." Mrs. Gao replied with her head lowered.


Deliberately repeating the position reported by Mrs. Gao, Huoyun Evil God turned his head to look at the docile old lady standing beside him. As the leader of the Hand Society and one of the masterminds behind the illegal drug trade in New York, he I don't think the other party is really as harmless as he appears, but Li Ran doesn't care about it at all.

No matter what purpose Mrs. Gao hides under her docile appearance, it doesn't matter to him.

The evil god, or it should be said that what Li Ran needs is to use the hands in the hands of Madam Gao to achieve his goal of gaining fame.

The gaze of the Evil God of Fire Cloud brought enormous pressure to Madam Gao. Under the gaze of the other party, she always unconsciously recalled the hand-held companion who had fallen in front of her before, and sweat flowed down her forehead unconsciously.

Aware of Madam Gao's emotions, the evil **** took his eyes away from Madam Gao, and smiled casually: "Then let's go visit, and by the way, we will solve all the small problems that have not been solved before."

Feeling the eyes leave her body, Mrs. Gao breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and quickly lowered her head lower: "I understand, Evil God, I'll make arrangements now."


"How did you guys know the name Huoyun Evil God?"

"Axing told us." Luke Cage said.

"Sure enough, it's very similar to what Ah Xing would do." Hearing this, Ye Wen shook his head and sighed.

"Master Ye, the Evil God of Fire Cloud, what kind of existence is he?" Facing Ye Wen's sigh, Matt was silent for a while, but he still asked.

Just waiting for you to ask.

With a slight smile in his heart, Ye Wen still looked calm on the surface, and asked back: "So, what did Ah Xing tell you before?"

"He said before that the Evil God of Fire Cloud once killed people in Penglai, and then fled to a place called Willard in New York."

"I specifically asked people to investigate, and Villard is actually a mental hospital in the suburbs of New York." Danny opened his mouth and said what he knew.

"That is to say, that guy is actually a lunatic." Jessica picked her slender eyebrows, contacted the previous performance of the Fire Cloud Cthulhu, and shrugged: "Well, it doesn't really make people feel that much. Unexpected."

You know a lot.

Looking at the words of Matt and the others in front of you, you have also explained the clues of the Fire Cloud Evil God little by little.

Of course, the more important information still needs to be fabricated by Ye Wen, no, supplement.

"Actually, it's not as simple as killing the people in Penglai." Ye Wen said, and the first sentence attracted the attention of the defenders and others. "At the same time, Huoyun Evil God also stole an immortal method from Penglai."

"Fairy magic!"

Ye Wen's remarks changed the expressions of Matt and the others who had heard Ah Xing's description of the immortal art before. Luke Cage couldn't suppress his shocked expression and could not help but blurt out: "The name of the immortal art stolen by the Evil God of Fire Cloud. Yes?"

""Buddha's Palm"!"

Ye Wen looked at Matt and his group in front of him and said.

[The legend from Daredevil +320]

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +225]

[Famousness from Luke Cage +275]

[Fame from Luke Cage +170]


"Is this the so-called Chinatown?"

Behind him, hand-held ninjas poured into the street full of Chinese style and high red lanterns.

The ninjas' weird dress and chilling atmosphere made the residents and businesses in Chinatown close their doors one after another.

Huoyun Evil God looked up and down at the Chinatown scene in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's just a fake."

"Chinatown can't be compared to the real China, evil god," Mrs. Gao said in her hoarse voice, "but this is indeed a gathering place for many displaced Chinese."

Hearing this, the evil spirit nodded and opened his mouth to say something else when a grey football suddenly rolled to his feet.

"Grandpa, can you give me the football back?"

A slightly immature voice sounded from not far away.

"Evil God, I'm coming..."

"No need." He raised his hand and stopped Mrs. Gao who volunteered beside The evil **** looked down at the football at his feet, and flicked it into his hand with a slight shock.

Holding the football, he came to the child, and immediately returned it to the child's hands.

"Thank you grandpa."

He stretched out his hand and took the football from the evil god, the child said in a milky voice.

"No thanks, kid." He raised his hand and touched the child's head. The evil spirit asked with a smile on his face, "By the way, kid, have you seen a few strange people appear in Chinatown?"

"No." Shaking his head, the child looked up at the strange-looking evil **** in front of him, and asked curiously, "Is Grandpa looking for someone?"

"Yeah, they did something that made grandpa very angry, so now grandpa wants to find them and let them know that they did something wrong."

Touching the child's head, the evil spirit said softly.

"I believe, Grandpa, you will definitely find them."

"Haha, I think so too. By the way, kid, you can stay at home obediently, because it will be dangerous to wait outside."

With a grin, the evil **** raised his hand and squeezed the child's fleshy little face, and said casually.

At this moment, when Huoyun Evil God raised his gaze, he saw a ninja jumping off the roof, running to Mrs. Gao's side and nodded.

"Cthulhu, they have already found them, just in the Chinese restaurant in front."

Mrs. Gao said to the Huoyun Evil God.

Nodding, the evil **** patted the child's head lightly, then turned around and walked in the direction pointed by Mrs. Gao.

Behind him, a tightly closed door in Chinatown opened, and a figure emerged from inside, hurriedly pulling the confused little boy closer to the house.

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