Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 399: spooky base

"Tony, are you sure that Hydra's base is at this location?"

The gloomy and bleak sunlight penetrated the mottled and sparse branches and fell on the snow. Steve drove his motorcycle through the rugged woods. Facing the unobstructed situation, he couldn't help frowning and made a gesture to Tony above. doubt.

"Of course, Captain."

Wearing a brand new steel suit Mark48 flying over the woods, Tony immediately gave a positive answer to Steve's question.

"According to the latest clues, Hydra's secret base is hidden in this forest, and some people even witnessed a large number of trucks transporting supplies appearing in a certain area of ​​the forest not long ago. Hydra's base selection Although the location is hidden, it is obviously not completely isolated from the world..."

"If none of these clues convince you, Jarvis."

Controlling the dark red Mark48 to bypass the towering giant tree in front of him, Tony raised his eyebrows and handed over the next job to the artificial intelligence.

Through the exclusive satellite Veronica launched by Stark Industries into outer space to analyze the forest where the Avengers are located, Jarvis took over Tony's work and replied to Captain America: "Analysis from the satellite map To judge, it has been confirmed that the captain and you are quite close to the Hydra base. According to the satellite images taken three days ago, there used to be a strange energy shield above the central building of the base. The building has the function of protection and concealment, but it seems that due to some unknown situation, this layer of shield temporarily lost its function, and was scanned by Veronica's monitoring system.

"It must be Loki's scepter..."

Sitting in the rickety off-road vehicle, Sol heard Jarvis' answer and immediately added.

This time he came to the atrium from Asgard. In addition to fighting side by side with the members of the Avengers, he also had the idea of ​​taking back the scepter that Loki left in the atrium. S.H.I.E.L.D. had promised before. He will keep the scepter properly for a period of time for research. Who would have thought that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. would disappear during the time he was away.

"The scepter has powerful magical power, and the Hydra definitely used the power of the scepter to obscure the Avengers' tracking."

"I think the captain meant to say..."

Driving an off-road vehicle through the rugged terrain of the forest, Natasha obviously also noticed a strange place: "Since this is the location of the Hydra secret base, why can't you see any defense forces in the entire forest, any Let us run wildly through the forest."

"Perhaps, this is a trap?"

Facing the doubts given by Natasha, Banner, who was sitting beside him, helped the glasses on his face and guessed.

"Whether it's a trap or not, I can't give up on this action."

In the face of the suspicions of the Avengers, Johnny, who was sitting in another off-road vehicle, immediately made a firm statement.

"Susan is in the hands of Hydra, and I must save her."


Following Johnny's words, a screeching noise from the back of the SUV interrupted the seriousness he had finally taken.

"Feel sorry."

Through the rear-view mirror in the car, Hawkeye saw that Stone Man Ben raised his arm and apologized to a clear depression in the car.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, from the moment I drove the car out, I didn't think about taking it with me in its entirety."

Seeing this scene, Hawkeye in the driver's seat shrugged and responded quite generously.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the car not originally his.


"Be careful!"

However, just a quarter of an hour after everyone in the off-road vehicle was distracted, a blue energy ray from the depths of the forest flew to the location of Hawkeye and the others.

Seeing this flying laser, without the slightest hesitation, the Stone Man stood up with his huge body and stepped on a deep depression in the car to pounce on the location of Hawkeye.


Then, at the same time, there was an angry roar from the car of Natasha and other Avengers in front. Hulk tore off his clothes and jumped out of the car, towards the position where the laser was fired. rushed over.

"Well, it looks like Hydra's base is indeed here."

Driving the motorcycle with a very difficult movement to avoid the lasers flying around, Steve faced this dangerous situation, the look under the mask changed immediately, and he made a move to Tony in mid-air. respond.

Although the current situation is dangerous, it can only be regarded as a small scene for the Avengers.

Especially compared to the battles they've been through before.

"Need my help, Captain?"

In mid-air, Tony noticed the fighting situation in the forest, and asked while controlling the steel suit to avoid the flying laser.

"Find where the base is."

Driving a motorcycle and rushing up to the rocks, he used the force of inertia to directly throw the whole car to a laser design position to produce a violent explosion. Steve took out the shield behind his back to unload the falling force, and calmly gave the command: "Let us handle it here."

"Well, who called you the captain?"

Hearing the arrangement made by Steve, Tony in the steel suit raised his eyebrows, controlled Mark48 to generate a huge driving force, and flew towards the position provided by Jarvis.


Raising his hands, the scorching flames hit a simple fort on the opposite side. Johnny Torch looked up at the figure of Tony's steel suit, and without hesitation, lit the flames on his body and said, "I'm going to save Su Su. Shan!"

"Johnny, wait a minute!"

Noticing Johnny's impulsive expression, Mr. Fantastic Reed subconsciously stretched out his arm to stop it, but it was obviously a step too late. By the time his palm was stretched out, Johnny had already been pushed by the flames on his body. It quickly flew into the air, and made a huge sound of breaking the air, pulling out a long flame trail and flying in the direction of Tony.

"Let him go."

Holding up the off-road vehicle as a shield in front of him, the Stone Man looked at Johnny's figure flying away, and gave a rare explanation for him.

"Since this time, because of Susan's relationship, he has been trying to restrain himself."




Although the appearance of these attacks has caused some trouble for the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, it undoubtedly means that Hydra's base is not far away.

According to the positioning provided by Jarvis, Tony searched to the location in the photo, and successfully found the correct location of the base in an uncomfortable way.

"Everyone, now I have bad news and good news for you?"

Controlling the Mark48 on his body to stabilize the flight, Tony scanned the Hydra base under the energy shield through the system in the helmet, while contacting the Avengers in the forest on the other side through the built-in communication device: " The good news is that I found the base, the bad news is that it doesn't look like it's as easy to get in as I thought."

"It's not easy to get in, it sounds like a bit of a challenge."

He raised his hand to summon Thor's Hammer and returned to Dao's hand. Hearing Tony's news, Sol waved the hammer in his hand to generate a gust of wind, and said eagerly, "Maybe I can try to summon lightning."

Waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand, before Sol took off, Tony's response came from outside the Hydra base in the next second.

"It seems that you don't need to use your lightning."

Controlling Mark48 to move to the side, Tony looked at Johnny who was standing on the energy shield of the Hydra base with flaming flames pouring out of his hands, and the shield that became red under the flames. He couldn't help it. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I already have strong help here."


With the continuous flames in Johnny's body already burning at high temperature, the energy shield outside the Hydra base still became distorted.

"Sir, there is a weak point in the shield energy in the lower left corner."

Immediately afterwards, Jarvis noticed the change in the energy shield and immediately reminded Tony.

"Well done, Jarvis."

Hearing Jarvis' reminder, Tony immediately controlled the Mark48 on his body to lower the position, and launched a dense number of micro missiles from the shoulder armor to hit the weak point marked by Jarvis.


Johnny's flames and Tony's missiles broke through the energy shield shrouded in the Hydra base in an instant.

"You can go in, guys."

Looking at the shield that was breached in front of him, Tony told everyone in the forest the situation through the communication device.

On the other side of the Torch Johnny has already rushed into the base one step ahead.


Pressing the button on the glove made the flying shield re-adsorb. Steve heard Tony's report and turned to look at the battle in the forest. Instead of feeling relaxed, his face showed obvious hesitation. .

Although the attack from the Hydra in the forest brought them a lot of trouble, there was still a gap compared with the previous battle of the Avengers. Even, there were far fewer Hydra soldiers fighting in the forest than he expected.


"I know the captain."

Lifting the gun to get rid of the few Hydra soldiers in front of her, when she heard Steve's words, Natasha immediately answered: "The soldiers of the Hydra in the forest are obviously not normal, I am on many of them. Injuries were also found, and it looked like they had been through something before that."

Looking down at the Hydra soldiers who fell at their feet, they not only had the gun marks left by Natasha on their bodies, but also had several obvious bandage marks on their bodies. Apparently, these soldiers went into battle with the Avengers wounded.

What kind of situation is it, so that these soldiers still have to fight even when they are injured.

"Not just these Hydra soldiers, Captain..."

Controlling Mark48 to fall into Hydra's base, Tony looked at the scene at the base in front of him and immediately took Natasha's words.

"It looks like the entire Hydra base has also encountered some situations."

In front of him, a large number of broken buildings, and some roads that are obviously still under repair, told Tony that the Hydra in front of him seemed to have encountered a battle they did not know, and the end of this battle was not too long.

"Jarvis, scan these traces."

"Okay, sir."

After taking Tony's order, Jarvis in the steel suit immediately scanned the damage around the entire Hydra base through infrared rays.

"Judging from the damage marks on the scene, this building has suffered considerable damage, and the power level is equivalent to that of an intercontinental missile."


Jarvis' report made Tony in the steel suit frown subconsciously. The development of the current situation is very different from what he had imagined before.

Although there are many doubts in his heart about what happened in the Hydra base, Tony obviously did not forget the purpose of this Avengers operation. In addition to rescuing Susan, a member of the Fantastic Four who was caught by Hydra, he also had to get back the scepter they took from Raising his palm, Tony looked at the base in front of him and was about to break a hole, but when he turned his eyes, he quickly found a suitable entrance nearby.

"It doesn't look like I'm the only one planning to do this."

Shrugging his shoulders, Tony successfully entered the base by following the hole made by someone outside the base.

Entering Hydra's base, Tony could see the damage in the base more clearly, a large number of broken buildings and dark red bloodstains on the ground. What they entered was the interior of a Hydra secret base.

"Hey, anyone?"

Passing through a passage full of gravel, Tony looked at the base where no figure appeared, and the expression under the steel suit began to become puzzled.

"An enemy has crashed into the base."

He shouted in the other direction of the passage, but apart from Tony's echo, there was no other sound or reaction in the entire base.

"Jarvis, scan the base immediately, I want to know what's wrong here."

"I found a lot of corpses, sir, in the room not far from you, there are some survivors, in the center of the base, they are carrying weapons, please be careful sir."

"Lots of corpses."

The scan results told by Jarvis made the frown on Tony's forehead a little deeper in Mark48.

But knowing that there are still survivors in the base, Tony in the steel suit couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The appearance of the survivors means that the base has not been abandoned, and it also means that he can pass these survivors. The mouth of this place understands what kind of situation happened in this Hydra base.

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