Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 402: deadly threat


In the Hydra base, looking at the resurrected [Kaz], the expressions on the faces of Strucker and others showed a deep despair.

They didn't expect that even Wanda's powerful attack could not kill this [Ultimate Creature].

"It can't be killed, even the power of the scepter can't kill it, [Ultimate Creature] This is the meaning of [Ultimate Creature], surpassing all creatures, it cannot be killed, and even a trace of blood can be resurrected again. , every cell can grow into a new body, he... he is a 'God', only a 'God' in this world can achieve such immortality, this is already a creature that we humans will never be able to overcome, in the face of Such creatures, human beings can only bow their heads and obey..."

The last means of resistance also lost its effect. Seeing [Kaz] revived in front of him, Strucker lost all his courage.

"I have to admit that the power that erupted at that moment, even I, who have evolved into the apex of creatures, can't resist, but, like most creatures that exist on the earth, they are encountering devastating When a disaster occurs, it is often not to resist, but to adapt to the disaster, avoid it, hide, and come out for food after the disaster disappears.”

"The power of [Ultimate Creature] not only gives me a powerful evolutionary power, but also gives me an unparalleled life power, so even if only a trace of blood survives, I can re-evolve, I [Kaz] ] is the most perfect creature.”

Twisted his body and swept across the base, especially stopping on the scepter in Wanda's hand, which Susan was supporting.

[Kaz] Opened his arms and instantly evolved into a pair of wings with gorgeous feathers.

Fluttering his wings and flying into the air, [Kaz] looked down at everyone in the base, grinning with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

The next second, [Kaz] flapped his wings, and the hardened feathers on his arms splashed out like daggers, and suddenly flew towards the ground.


Under the sharp feathers changed by [Kaz], a large number of Hydra soldiers let out a shrill cry. These seemingly harmless feathers, under the influence of the ability of [Ultimate Creatures], instantly become as sharp as blades, and they can even easily cut through metal.

"Be careful!"

Facing the crazy attack of [Kaz], Susan struggled to create an energy stance to block in front of her.

The frequent use of abilities has brought the strength in her body to the limit, but seeing the tragic state of the surrounding Hydra soldiers being hit by feathers, Susan did not dare to relax in the slightest.

"Stupid, do you think I'm not prepared for your abilities?"

Looking at Susan with the manufacturing stand in front of her, a look of disdain flashed on [Caz]'s face in mid-air, and then he saw the feathers that were originally blocked by the stand guard and fell to the ground, then twisted and changed. Formed into a piranha-like creature, it opened its sharp mouth and bit towards the position in Susan's hand.

Feeling the constant bite of the piranhas who were still alive after leaving the water, the increasingly pale and **** expression on Susan's face gradually disappeared.

"Let me come."

Protected by the energy stance, Wanda looked at Susan whose arms were trembling, bit her lips that were also bloodless, clenched the scepter in her hand, and in the next instant a powerful force emerged from the scepter into her body again. The red light in his eyes reappeared, Wanda stretched out his palm, aimed at [Kaz] in mid-air and shouted to Susan in front of him.


The dazzling red light penetrated the protection made by Susan, and the tenacious energy stance was enough to resist the piranha creatures controlled by [Kaz], but under the power of Wanda, there was no resistance. The red light skipped Susan's body and hit [Kaz] who was flying in the air.


With a heavy fall, [Kaz]'s tall body in mid-air instantly smashed to the ground like a bird without wings.

"It's this attack again, this unbreakable power..."

Landing on the ground, [Kaz] supported his body and slowly stood up in a twisted posture.

Wanda's attack hit his wings, and the energy that burst out in an instant directly vaporized most of his body.

Standing in the laboratory with one leg supporting her body, [Kaz] looked at Wanda in front of her and the scepter in her hand, with a hint of deep fear on her face.

Facing the dangerous gaze cast by [Kaz], Wanda tightened the scepter in her hand, and the bright red light flashed in her eyes again.

Seeing the red light reappearing on Wanda's body, [Kaz]'s face changed and stopped the movements of his hands. He turned to look at the vaporized surviving body on his body. The hydra soldier who fell to the ground immediately let out a shrill scream, and was instantly digested by the feathers pierced into the body to form a new body and entered [Kaz]'s body.

Raising his newly generated arm to look at Wanda in front of him, [Kaz]'s face showed obvious unwillingness: "It seems that I was careless, I didn't expect that in the long years of floating in the universe, human beings have actually evolved With the power that can threaten my [Ultimate Creature], this kind of terrifying power, even if I have become an [Ultimate Creature], I will still feel fear..."

"But don't be too proud, human!"

Raising his recovered arm and transforming it into new wings, [Kaz] flapped his wings and slowly rose into the air, looking down at everyone in the laboratory: "The strength you rely on is only for your short life. A little breathing time that I don’t know, I [Kaz] will definitely find a way to resist this kind of attack. Then it will be the moment when you stupid humans will perish. Before that, humans, cherish the last time. "

Taking away the deep unwillingness on his face, [Kaz] swept across the crowd in the Hydra base for the last time, his eyes stayed on Wanda's expression for a few seconds, and then turned to the pale next to Wanda. The face of Susan showed a strange smile on the corner of her mouth. [Kaz] said: "However, before that, I need to get some spoils from you first."


As the voice of [Kaz] fell, the piranhas that fell on the ground around Susan swelled and formed a huge strange creature in the shape of an octopus. The octopus stretched out its huge tentacles to catch Susan who was caught off guard. He grabbed it firmly, and then a tentacle suddenly stretched out and wrapped around [Kaz]'s thigh.

"Haha, you wait, I [Kaz] will come back again, and in the end all of you guys will be eaten by me one by one."

Finally, there was an appalling laughter. The deformed [Kaz] kept the last sentence, flapped his wings and broke through the roof of the Hydra base in an instant, taking Susan, who was caught by the octopus creature, and disappeared into the sky. among.


Standing in place, Wanda clenched the scepter and silently watched the disappearing figure of [Kaz] for a few minutes, the red light in his eyes suddenly went out, and then the whole person seemed to have completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground. .


Seeing his sister who fell to the ground, Kuaiyin exclaimed in exclamation, grabbed the ground with his own hands and clenched his teeth.

On the other side, Doctor Doom looked at the chaotic situation in the Hydra base, turned his head and glanced at the direction where [Kaz] disappeared, a strange look flashed in the eyes under the steel mask, and he quietly retreated and disappeared. In the shadows of the laboratory.


"Undead monsters?"

Avengers Tower, interrogation room.

Natasha couldn't help frowning when she heard the information about the [Ultimate Creature] from Strucker's mouth. She looked down at the change in the expression on Strucker's face and determined that the other party was not lying. .

"So, everything that happened in the Hydra base came from this so-called [ultimate creature]."

Following Strucker's words, Natasha took out another photo taken from the Hydra base, pointed to the conspicuous pothole and asked Strucker: "So, Si Mister Trak, is this destruction also from the hands of [Ultimate Creatures]?"

Through Jarvis' scan of the entire Hydra base, the Avengers got some more intuitive information, and at the same time, they were even more afraid of the so-called [Ultimate Creatures].

It can be seen that Hydra has made great efforts to prevent or destroy this so-called [ultimate creature].


Glancing at the second photo Natasha handed over, Strucker shook his head and really answered: "This is our last effort to destroy the [Ultimate Creature], but it's a pity, even if In this way, it is still impossible to destroy the opponent. [Ultimate Creature] is a complete monster. Every cell of his blood has vitality, so even if there is only one cell left, he can be resurrected with a drop of blood. This is no longer the case. The opponents that humans can fight against, we will all die, as long as the [Ultimate Creatures] can survive, humans will eventually become each other's food, just like the fate of human beings thousands of years ago..."

Because she has not experienced the horror of [Ultimate Creatures] firsthand, it is difficult for Natasha to have a real sense of reality from Strucker's answer.

However, looking at Strucker who was terrified in front of him, Natasha's expression couldn't help but be a little dignified.



On the other side of the interrogation room, in the room where the Avengers are.

Nick Fury stared at Strucker with a frightened expression, and couldn't help frowning, his dark and evil face also darkened a bit: "He is a famous character in Hydra, a super villain among villains, so cruel The ruthless existence will show a look of fear when facing the [Ultimate Creature]."

"It seems that Hydra has provoked quite a formidable opponent."

Looking at the situation in the interrogation room, Tony unconsciously recalled the hallucinations he had seen in the Hydra base before, and the expression on his face could not help but change.

"What's the result?"

Pushing aside the room where the Avengers were, Steve glanced at the scene on the other side of the glass and asked.

"Natasha is working on it."

Hearing Captain America's question, Tony opened his mouth and replied, and at the same time asked with some concern.

"What about the Fantastic Four, how are they doing?"

"It doesn't look good, but Dr. Reed maintains his emotions and hope."


Facing the word 'hope' that appeared in Captain America's mouth, Tony couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, with a complicated look in his eyes.


"Then, Mr. Strucker, you should be familiar with this man, right?"

In the interrogation room, she restrained her emotions again. Natasha looked at Strucker, whose spirit was shaken in front of her, and immediately started her work.

Pushing the last photo in her hand to Strucker, Natasha pointed at Susan's face, looked directly into Strucker's eyes, and asked calmly, "Can you tell me where she is now? "


Looking at the photo Natasha pushed in front of him, the look on Strucker's face that had changed due to fear began to calm down, he looked at the smiling face in the photo and said, "Speaking of which, I was talking to [Ultimate] before. During the battle of the [Ultimate Creature], this superhero once stood up and tried to stop the attack of the [Ultimate Creature], which is a pity."


Hearing Strucker's last sentence, the expression on Natasha's face changed A bad premonition emerged.

"Unfortunately, the [Ultimate Creature]'s shot at the last moment was too sudden, and none of us expected it. In the end, we could only watch her being taken away by the [Ultimate Creature]."

"Take it away!"

In the other room, the Avengers heard Strucker's answer, and the expression on their faces suddenly changed.

Judging from the information left by Hydra, they are very aware of the ability of [Ultimate Creatures]. If Susan is caught by such a monster, the final outcome will be.

"team leader……"

Turning his head to look at Captain America beside him, Tony's expression was hesitant to say anything.

Judging from his own hallucinations, Tony believes that Susan is likely to have been eaten by [Ultimate Creatures]. Even, if you don't do anything, the scene you see in the hallucination may become a reality.

"We don't know for sure what happened to Susan, maybe she's still alive."

Feeling from Tony's gaze, Steve answered in a deep voice.

Even though, it was clear in his mind that the possibility of Susan, who was captured by the [Ultimate Creature], surviving was very slim. Still, try to keep a glimmer of hope for the Avengers, or should I say the Fantastic Four.



Intentionally or unintentionally, he revealed many clues about the [Ultimate Creature]. In the interrogation room, Strucker looked at Natasha in front of him, suddenly opened his mouth, raised his face and looked at the glass position of the room, with a hoarse tone Slowly said: "When [Ultimate Creature] left the Hydra base before, he had already said that he would come back again, what would happen if he found that the Hydra base had been breached by the Avengers and lost his target? Do, this is a terrifying creature that stands at the lower end of the food chain and completely treats humans as food..."

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