Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 406: Darcy vs Avengers

"I should have drank more before I knew that these wines would be wasted so much."

Looking at the wine spilled all over the ground, Tony twitched the corners of his mouth and raised his eyebrows.

"Compared to these precious wines that concern you, I think you should be more concerned about this weird guy in front of you."

Interrupting Tony's distress, Steve looked at Darcy in front of him and said solemnly.

As a member of the Avengers, and Thor, one of the greatest representatives of combat power, Steve is well aware that his strength is even comparable to that of the Hulk.

However, it was this kind of Sol, who flew out under the palm of the palm of the tall and thin figure in his eyes.

Among them, although there is an element of Thor's carelessness, it also shows the danger of this guy named Dalsi in Dio's mouth.

"So, another guy with the same abilities as Mister Fantastic?"

His gaze rested on Darcy's outstretched arm, and Hawkeye subconsciously linked this ability of the other party with Mr. Fantastic Reed, who was also able to extend his arm and body freely.

"Don't associate Mr. Darcy's abilities with the lucky mutant you call him."

Hearing Hawkeye's words, Dio said with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Mr. Dalsi is the only monk who has reached the ultimate level of the profound meaning of ancient Indian yoga. Through supreme yoga, he has eliminated the fat in his body to the limit, and a body that can expand and contract freely. Every part of the body contains muscles. With powerful power, and at the same time mastering various secret yoga techniques, even in the Nine Serenities, it is quite a special existence."

"Sure enough, is it Jiuyou?"

Hearing Dior's description, especially the name Jiuyou that appeared from his mouth, Natasha's face showed such an expression as expected.


Turned over and stood up from under the wine cabinet.

Although the power of Dalxi's blow was huge, it was obviously not enough to cause too much damage to Thor.

However, through the strength he experienced just now, Sol also realized that the tall and thin figure in front of him was not as weak as it appeared on the surface. On the contrary, it was a very dangerous opponent who needed to be vigilant.

Tightening the Thor's Hammer in his hand, a large amount of lightning surrounded Thor, who was covered in alcohol, and gave off a strange smell.

Saul himself ignored the strong smell of alcohol on his body, stared at Dalxi in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "You are a worthy opponent, and I will stop trying and fight you with the strongest power. "


Facing Sol's declaration, Dalxi retracted his outstretched arms and folded his hands silently.

The next moment, he crossed his legs, and his entire body began to float slowly under an inexplicable force, stopping in mid-air.

【Yoga Floating】——Dalsi learned the magical power from yoga through long meditation.

"Doctor, you are also practicing yoga, can you do this to the other side?"

Looking at Darcy floating in the air in a standard yoga pose, Tony couldn't help but ask Banner next to him.

In order to suppress the angry big guy in his heart, Banner also stayed in India for a period of time, specializing in yoga and meditation to calm his heart.

"If I can do this, maybe I won't have to worry about the Hulk."

Hearing Tony's question, Banner adjusted the glasses on his face and shook his head helplessly.

"Perhaps, the yoga that the other party performs and what I have learned are two completely different things. At least the Indian ascetic who taught me yoga did not tell me that after practicing yoga, I can float in the air. "

The Avengers and others were amazed at Dalsi's oddly floating appearance.

However, it was obvious that their surprise was a little too early. Suspended in mid-air, Darcy slowly raised his head to aim at Sol's position. Under the power of [Yoga Float], the skeleton on his neck He also began to show a weightless floating posture, took a deep breath, and the cheeks on both sides of Dalxi were agitated into exaggerated appearances, and in the next instant, a fiery flame sprayed out from his mouth.

【Yoga Flame】——Dalsi can draw energy from Agni, the **** of fire, to release powerful fireballs, and control these flames to attack.

The flames sprayed from Dalxi's mouth not only aimed at Sol, but also flew towards the location of the Avengers.

Facing the raging fire, the Avengers instinctively made the move to avoid.

Because of participating in the party, most of the Avengers went into battle lightly, and even the most vigilant Natasha and others only had a few pistols with limited power in their hands as a precaution.

"It's so embarrassing, Steve..."

Turning his head to look at Captain America who was escaping in a hurry, Dio turned his head with wanton ridicule on his face.

"Just like when you were training, your current position should belong to me. However, it doesn't matter, because I have found a more powerful force that belongs to me..."

As the voice fell, in the next instant, Dior's figure flashed for a while, and he rushed in the direction of A Bao at a very fast speed.

"Be careful, Axing."

Since Dio appeared, Steve's eyes have been fixed on him, so seeing Dio's moving figure, Steve immediately made a loud reminder.

"The first form of the Tathagata's palm - the first appearance of Buddha's light!"

Surrounded by faint Buddha light, the golden palm appeared in front of A Xing, raising his hand to block Dior in front of him.

Looking at the dangerous figure in front of him, Ah Xing cooperated with him in a defensive posture.

"It looks like the operation has run into a little trouble."

Stopping his movements, Dio looked at Ah Xing in front of him and the Avengers who reacted around him. The expression on his face is still without the slightest worry: "However, all this is still in my plan."

"Mr. Darcy!"

As Dio's voice fell, Darcy, who was floating in mid-air, stretched out his hands, and the next moment, a violent flame wrapped around his arms.

【Yoga Purgatory】

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, Dalxi waved his arms, and the raging flames turned into a dangerous attack in just an instant under the blessing of the freely extending and changing arms.

In the face of this fiery long arm sweeping, and the approaching flames. The members of the Avengers had to dodge to the side again.

【Yoga Burning】

Seizing the moment when the Avengers evaded, Dalxi sprayed flames again to aim at the ground. Under his control, these terrifying flames spread to the ground of the entire floor in an instant, directly separating the surrounding Avengers into their own states.

【Yoga Transmission】

Using flames to disperse the Avengers, Dalxi appeared behind Thor, waved his long arms to grab his shoulders, and a strange twist of his arms knocked the unsuspecting Thor away. Instantly fell into the flames.

"Come out, you guy who only hides his face!"

Darcy's flame may be a threat to other Avengers, but the damage to Thor is obviously not as powerful as imagined. Under the power of the flames, the clothes on his body were burned, and Sol jumped out of the flames, waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and shouted angrily.

"Fight me head on!"

On Sol's side, he was furious because of Dal-Si's attack.

On the other hand, Dalxi, who has completed the attack, has always maintained his fighting style of one-shot and far-flung.

Through his powerful mobile ability, he shuttled between the various Avengers. Although he was only one person, he pressed the Avengers to resist.

"At the end of this time, I'm going to ask the Indian who taught me yoga what is wrong with the yoga he gave me."

In normal, or ordinary people's state, Banner's combat effectiveness is obviously quite embarrassing.

With the help of Natasha by his side, he managed to avoid Darcy's long-arm attack.

Banner began to wonder if he had learned fake yoga before.

Or, he wants to learn yoga like Dalsi.

"The issue of yoga will be discussed later."

Armed with firearms, even Natasha, a former SHIELD super agent, felt troubled in the face of the elusive and elusive attack of Darcy.

Grab Banner next to you and dodge the flames that fill the entire floor to a safe place.

"Promise me, Doctor, never turn green."

Not only does Natasha have to deal with the attack from Dalsea, but also the problem from Banner.

"I tried my best, but I can't guarantee that the whole situation is serious, and Hulk can continue to stay quiet."

According to previous experience, as long as Banner himself encounters an irresistible threat, or his life encounters a dangerous state, the Hulk in his body will appear directly.

"Jarvis, Jarvis..."

Hiding behind the bar to avoid these dangerous flames, Tony kept calling Jarvis, but the results were all in vain.

"Where on earth did the question start wrong?"

The attacks from Dio and Dal'sey, along with Jarvis' questions, throw Tony's mind into chaos.

However, before Tony could sort out everything, a distortion accompanied by the heat, the figure floating in mid-air appeared above Tony's head. He looked down at Tony under the bar, and his thin face still maintained his compassionate look: "It's time to be relieved, Tony Stark!"

Raising his arms high, Dalxi's body instantly twisted into a terrifying appearance, and fell fiercely towards Tony's position.


Seeing that, Darcy's long arm was about to fall on Tony's body.

At the position behind Tony, with a loud noise, the huge and heavy body of the Stone Man suddenly rushed over.

Breaking through the wall, he threw the high wall in his hand towards Dalxi in mid-air. Ben looked at the scene of embarrassment on the floor, raised his forehead and said, "Looks like I didn't miss a lot of things, not just the party. …”

"What exactly happened?"

Walking in through the hole that Ben knocked out, Mr. Fantastic Reed asked Tony with a frown as he looked at the flames that spread all over the floor.

Because of the unknown circumstances of Susan's life and death, Reed has no intention of attending the party held by the Avengers.

If he hadn't heard the sound of battle coming from the Avengers Building, and sensed something amiss, he wouldn't even have felt the battle scene.

"Could it be that Johnny did all this?!"

Looking at these flames, Reed instinctively connected them to Johnny the Human Torch.

"If so, maybe the problem is simpler."

Nearly dying, even Tony's expression was a little scared.

He turned his head to look at the floor separated by flames behind him, and the looming figure of Dal Sina in it.

Tony said solemnly: "In fact, we are encountering a rather troublesome and difficult opponent, and we need the help of the Fantastic Four."

As he spoke, Tony's eyes frequently searched for the location of Ah Xing and Ah Bao in the flames.

Tony did not forget that Dior and the others' goal, from the very beginning, was A Bao, the reincarnated Immortal Penglai.

"If there is a place where our strength is needed, of course there is no problem."

With Reed's character, in the face of Tony's request, it is obviously impossible to refuse. Especially now, the Fantastic Four still need the Avengers to help them inquire about Susan's Therefore, hearing Tony's words, without any hesitation, the Thing lifted his weight. The footsteps rushed into the raging fire in front of him.

Although Dalxi's flames were dangerous, it was obviously of little use in the face of Ben who was covered in stones all over his body.


"Captain, go on!"

The addition of Mr. Fantastic Reed and The Stone Man is undoubtedly a huge opportunity for the Avengers in crisis.

With his powerful defensive characteristics, Ben completely ignored the flames that Dalxi sprayed on the ground, and his entire body seemed to pass through dangerous flames as if walking on the ground.

Finding the shield that Steve had placed in the corner, Ben grabbed it and threw it in the direction of Captain America.


Although Ben threw the shield, he obviously ignored that the strength of his body was far beyond the range of normal people.

Under the blessing of his enormous power, the entire shield flew towards Steve's position like a cannonball. Under such a huge force, even the super soldier serum-enhanced Steve would not be able to catch it so easily.

"I come!"

Fortunately, noticing this situation, Mr. Fantastic Reed also stretched his arms, intending to take over the flying shield through the flexibility of his body.

At this moment, Dalxi's figure also appeared in the position where the shield flew with a twist. Looking at Reed's outstretched arm, he also stretched out his arm to grab the flying shield.


Standing beside Tony, Reed looked at Darcy, who had an outstretched arm with him, with an obvious stunned expression on his face.

"Be careful!"

Tony on the other side, looking at the arms stretched by the two at the same time, immediately made a loud reminder.

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