Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 409: air freezing

Ultron's voice is gentle and rational.

But it still can't change the fact that it is a robot.

Steve looked at this silver-white robot that was more intelligent and humane than Jarvis, and then turned to look at Tony, with a vague understanding in his heart.

"artificial intelligence?"

Covering his burnt arm in the fight between himself and Darcy, Mr. Fantastic looked at Ultron in front of him, with a look of obvious surprise on his face, and muttered to himself: "I originally thought this technology only existed in science fantasy, Didn't expect the Avengers to actually make it happen."

"Actually, it's not just Dr. Reed you're surprised by this."

Facing the surprised Mister Fantastic, Steve looked at Tony's location and deliberately said: "The same is true for us Avengers, it seems that Mr. Stark completed it alone without our knowledge. An amazing technological breakthrough."

"Not all Avengers, Banner is also involved."

Unceremoniously, he pulled Banner out as well, and Tony met the glances of the Avengers in front of him, especially Captain America, and immediately turned his head and started to change the subject: "About this, I think it's better to wait until later. Time to discuss, the more important thing is to solve the problem about Jiuyou first."


"Mr. Stark."

"Let the Avengers see how powerful you are."

"No problem, Mr. Stark."

Following Tony's request, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered for a while, and then the steel armor that surrounded Dior and Dalsi attacking changed its rigid attack mode according to the program, and the reaction mode of the entire battle suddenly Become agile.

The addition of Ultron obviously had a great impact on the battle in the Avengers Building.

Iron Legion is not afraid of wear and tear, and naturally does not care about wear and tear.

Although Dalxi's flames can cause serious damage to these steel armors, there are obvious limitations, especially when most of his energy must be placed on suppressing the Hulk.

Relying on powerful data analysis capabilities, Ultron controlled more steel armors to join the battle.

With the continuous battle with Dalxi and Dior, although the battle between the Iron Legion and Jiuyou, the two powerful opponents, presented a one-sided situation at the beginning, often a steel armor rushed in front of the two, and was terrified by Dalxi. of fire, or destroyed by Dior's sharp claws.

However, with the continuation of the battle.

The steel armor has also gradually become sustainable from the initial vulnerable.

Under the control of Ultron, they no longer attacked as set by the program, but chose to cooperate in a cooperative way. The steel armors in twos and threes were combined to resist Dior and Darcy in a team mode. The attack of the two people also used the long-range armor as a restraint. In this way, although the wear and tear of the steel armor was still serious, it also successfully blocked the powerful offensive of the two.

"Thinking ability is the most powerful force of artificial intelligence. With the support of computing power far exceeding that of human beings, artificial intelligence can respond more quickly and accurately than human beings in the face of crises. And, never go wrong..."

"In fact, that's what I created Ultron for, Doctor."

Hearing Mr. Fantastic Reed's self-talk, Tony in the steel battle suit immediately raised his eyebrows and said in a tone similar to what a hero sees.

"Although the Avengers are powerful, we are human beings after all," said this, Tony swept over Thor beside him, and quickly changed his tune: "Well, at least most of them are still human, so there is no way to do it. To the precision and 24-hour uninterrupted work like artificial intelligence, Ultron appeared to make up for the weaknesses of the Avengers."

"But what if Ultron gets out of hand, Tony?"

Frowning her brows and looking at the steel army that was pouring in continuously, Natasha still had a clear vigilance towards the silver-white robot in front of her.

"Just like your steel suit before."

"But obviously, Ultron is not out of control."

In this regard, Tony showed extremely strong confidence: "And, I will not give it the possibility of getting out of control, Jarvis will scan and monitor Ultron's programs 24 hours a day, as long as there is a little situation. A restart procedure will be initiated to ensure that Ultron will never risk losing control."

"You don't need to worry about that, Ms. Natasha."

While controlling the Iron Legion to attack the two members of Jiuyou, Ultron still had time to answer Natasha: "I have made strict settings in my program, once a dangerous situation occurs. The mind will search itself and report the problem to Mr. Stark, so I am safer than the Avengers in terms of security level, including you, Ms. Natasha, and Dr. Banner."

"It sounds like this, but it doesn't make people feel happy at all."

Facing Ultron's undisguised answer, Natasha raised her eyebrows.

"Sorry, Ms. Natasha, I was just born from the program. Although I have worked hard to learn the way humans talk to each other, I still can't grasp the scale. The relationship between humans is more complicated and changeable than I imagined. I need to spend A large amount of data is deduced and analyzed, and try not to be rude."

Looking at the metal appearance of a robot in front of him, but the words and actions of Ultron, who are getting closer to humans, the expressions of the Avengers are somewhat unsuitable.

They have a lot of questions in their hearts at the moment, but as Tony said, the current situation is not suitable for them to continue to ask.


Waving his sharp fingertips, he tore the steel armor in front of him in half. However, the next moment, the upper body of the armor attacked Dior again, driven by the flames behind him.

Although a vampire's body is strong, it is not strong enough to withstand a shock cannon. The shock cannon fired by the Iron Legion pierced through his body, and the terrifying wounds that were visible to the naked eye appeared in front of the Avengers, but they soon recovered under the powerful self-healing ability of Dior Vampire.

"I'm starting to hate these metal guys a little bit."

He waved his hand again to smash the steel armor in front of him, and the expression on Dio's face became gloomy.

The existence of these steel legions is extremely restraint on the power of Dior vampires. The mechanical army, which is not flesh and blood but entirely made of metal, makes most of Dior's abilities as a vampire unable to show.

"If you start hating now, it's a little too early."

Facing Dio's words, Tony immediately replied in the steel suit.

Then Tony's voice, under the control of Ultron, two robots in the Avengers Building that were obviously different from other steel armors flew into the floor. Compared with the general steel armor, the arms of these two armors are wider, and two obvious transparent devices on the palms cover the fists.

"Because, I have specially prepared a gift as a return gift for you to spoil the party."

Tony's voice came out of the steel battle suit, and then the two battle armors raised their arms under the control of Ultron, and the transparent device on the palm began to make bursts of low sounds.

The bodies of the two steel armors did not seem to have changed, but Dior, who was on the opposite side, responded quickly.

He narrowed his scarlet eyes and looked at the two steel armors in front of him, obviously feeling a disgusting energy from their palms.

"It seems that you have already made preparations. This power is ripple? But how can a machine use the power of ripple?"

"To be precise, it's not the ripples but the power contained in the ripples, the ultraviolet rays."

Under the control of Ultron, the two steel armors kept approaching Dior in front of him, and on the other side, Tony in the steel suit also explained his design: "Since I know that there is a stone ghost face in this world. The evil existence that can transform ordinary people into vampires, I have been thinking about **** vampires. From the information of the Avengers, vampires are a very difficult species to deal with, with unimaginable Astonishing vitality, so in order to be able to create a steel armor to deal with vampires, I spent a lot of energy, but I have not had any good thoughts..."

"Until I contacted the defenders and learned about the existence of Ripple Qigong from their mouths, through the research on Ripple's power, I found out why Ripple can make a deadly threat to vampires at a glance with the sun, the focus lies in the power of ultraviolet rays , Ultraviolet rays seem to contain a power that specifically restrains the cells in the vampire's body, so as long as the vampire's body is exposed to the sun for too long, the vampire's body will quickly melt, and the ripples are a kind of ultraviolet rays. Qigong in which strength is integrated into the body, and it is precisely through this characteristic of the ripples that the defender successfully eliminates the vampire."

"Although, I can't make my steel armor control the power of the ripples, but the ultraviolet light is much simpler. After I figured out the weakness of the vampire, I quickly made these two specially designed to deal with you Dior and He Steel armor for vampires like you - Mark39 Vampire Hunter."

"Vampire hunter?"

In the face of Tony's eloquent description and the names of the two steel armors, Dior's face showed an obvious haze: "It's really a name that doesn't sound very happy, but you really Do you think these two robots alone can beat me?"

Stretching out his hands, he inserted them into the two steel armored helmets in front of him at a lightning-fast speed, and with a light grasp of their computer systems, Dio threw away the two steel armors and rushed to the front. In front of two Mark39 Vampire Hunters.

The ultraviolet rays emanating from the arms of the Mark39 vampire hunter caused Dio's body to appear blackened, but the expression on Dio's face did not change in the slightest. He turned his scarlet eyes and took a deep breath. A thin layer of hoarfrost still emerged.

Raising his frosty palm, he ignored the strong ultraviolet rays emanating from Mark39, and without hesitation, he raised his hand and plunged into the hard body of Mark39 in front of him. Immediately after pouring into Mark39's body, under the impression of low temperature, Mark39's system began to have problems, and the white light in his eyes dimmed immediately.

"Mr. Stark, Mark39 suffered an unimaginable low temperature attack..."

Through the last data sent before the Mark39 system stopped, Austrian created a report to Tony. At the same time, it controls another Mark39, which has not yet received an attack, to evade.

"Low temperature?"

Hearing Ultron's report, Tony in the steel suit frowned suddenly, and the fight between Mark39 and Dior obviously did not develop as he thought.

"Ripple, Pulling out the palm inserted into Mark39, Dio raised his other palm and stretched out his sharp fingernails to twist off Mark39's head in front of him, at the same time showing a disdainful look on his face: "These Being able to restrain the weakness of vampires, do you think I will not have any countermeasures? "

He exhaled a long breath and spit out a white mist.

Dior swept the Avengers in front of him, grinned, and said with a bad expression: "In fact, in order to find a way to overcome the weakness of vampires, I also went through countless experiments and thinking, and finally I found a way It can temporarily overcome the power of vampires on sunlight, ultraviolet rays and ripples, which I call this power - [air freezing method]."

"By vaporizing the water in one's body, it takes away the heat of the things that are in contact with one's body, thereby realizing freezing. Since the water in one's body is vaporized, the flesh will be one step ahead when using the vaporization freezing method. Freezing is a "self-destruction technique", but the vampire's powerful regeneration ability perfectly makes up for this problem. Through the power of the [Air Freezing Method], although I still can't survive in the sun, it is still enough to resist ultraviolet rays and Ripple's attack, this little trick of yours, doesn't seem to have any effect, Tony Stark, compared to the surprise your father Howard Stark brought me, your performance is really too much I'm disappointed, Tony."

Hearing his father's name from Dio's mouth made Tony's expression in the steel suit obviously fluctuate.

The fierce battle and the young face of the other party as a vampire gradually made him ignore it. The Dior in front of him is actually a character of the same era as Captain America. Even from the information left by S.H.I.E.L.D., the other party once had a relationship with himself. The father had a brief intersection.

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