Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 412: Kaz Completion Program

Waving the huge wings transformed from his arms, [Kaz] approached the figure in the sky at an unimaginable speed.

[Ultimate Creature] Has the ability of all creatures on earth and is superior to it.

Therefore, the seemingly tall body of [Kaz], who has deformed the ability to fly, has already reorganized the skeleton and muscle structure in the body at the moment of deformation. Supported by a large amount of air, there are a large number of hollow parts in the bones and muscles. These parts reduce the overall weight of [Kaz] by one-third. With the huge wings deformed by the arms, he can It controls its larger body than humans to fly freely and rapidly in the air.


A few seconds later, with a loud cracking sound, from the end of the Torch, Johnny controlled the flame on his body and wrapped himself into a fireball, burning a long flame mark in the air, moving towards the Hydra base. Fly away from the location.

As Ultron reported to the Avengers, the first target Johnny chose to leave from the Avengers Building was the Hydra base he had been to before.


The way the Human Torch moves is extremely flamboyant, and the flame imprint that covers the entire sky is as rampant as his own reckless personality.

Sitting in the off-road vehicle, Susan turned her eyes slightly, looking at the familiar traces that appeared in mid-air, and there was a slight fluctuation in her originally controlled expression.

"Looks like this is what [Kaz] said about interesting developments."

Raising his head, Doctor Doom under the steel mask looked at Johnny's swaggering figure in the air, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

For Human Torch, Doctor Destruction is deeply impressed. After all, the reason why he has become what he is now is due to the other party.

"Guess Susan, how long can Johnny hold the hand of [Kaz] who is the [Ultimate Creature]?"

Looking at the two figures approaching in the sky, Doctor Doom's eyes flickered a few times, and he turned his head to look at Susan in the back seat, and asked in an indifferent tone.

"Johnny, run, Johnny, run..."

In the face of Doctor Doom's cold inquiry, the look in Susan's eyes began to fluctuate in distance.

With the change of emotions, a thin layer of energy stance on Susan's originally rigid body began to surge, and the entire appearance became looming.

In the driver's seat, Doctor Doom looked at the changes that had taken place in Susan's body, with a look of anticipation on his face under the steel mask.

However, before the power in Susan's body exploded.

With the twisting of the [Parasitic Octopus] on the back of the neck, a large number of tiny tentacles began to surge, and then Susan felt that her control over her body gradually disappeared, and then the energy stance that emerged from her body disappeared instantly. trace.

"Sure enough, isn't it okay?"

Silently looking at Susan's situation, Doctor Doom's face under the steel mask flashed a trace of untraceable disappointment. He looked down at his new arm, and then hid the haze that flashed in his eyes a little deeper.


"Sir, Johnny's trajectory has changed."

In the Avengers Building, Ultron looked at the Avengers who were concentrating on discussing the issue of the Nine Serenities, the blue look in his eyes flickered, and immediately made a report to Tony.


Hearing the information from Ultron's mouth, Tony frowned subconsciously, raised his hand and glanced at the virtual screen in front of him, stopped the video data about the previous battle provided by Jarvis, and watched Mr. Fantastic Reid's concerned eyes. In the middle, he asked, "What's the change? Could it be that the flame boy changed his mind and started to go back?"


"Mr. Stark, do you mean a conjecture based on reality, or?"

In the face of Tony's answer, Ultron turned his head, the blue light in his eyes flickered a little, and his tone was a little doubtful.


Looking at Ultron's serious questioning look in front of him, Tony's expression couldn't help but stagnate.

As a powerful artificial intelligence, although Ultron's processing power is far beyond that of Jarvis, as a special life form that has just been born, it still has a slight gap compared with the real human beings in some aspects. .

"You can think of it as a kind of humor."

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Tony immediately explained.

"Is it humorous?"

The flickering blue light in the mechanical eyes made Tony repeat Tony's answer, Ultron's head turned, and the topic was brought back to Johnny: "Actually, Johnny Torch is not like you, Mr. Tony. He returned in the direction of the Avengers Tower as in the humorous answer, but stopped moving."

"Stop? Is there a problem, or just tired?"

The information given by Ultron was a little vague, and it was difficult for Tony to make an accurate judgment for a while.

"Johnny's power is extremely powerful. As long as he doesn't burst out all his power in an instant like before, if he uses flames to fly, he can do it for three or four hours without stopping."

Looking at Tony who was in doubt, Mr. Fantastic Reed immediately added.

The blue light in his eyes flickered again, Ultron raised his palm, and then the laboratory where the Avengers was in the air, a blurry photo appeared there.

"This is the photo I took through the satellite, which may answer your doubts."

Zhang closed his palms, and with Ultron's powerful computing power, the blurred images in the photos became much clearer immediately after its processing.

Zooming in on the photo image in front of him, Tony and the others soon saw the two figures that appeared on the photo.

In front of Johnny, who was covered in flames all over, there was a tall figure with hands like wings of a bird, and a tall figure with purple hair and the shape of a Greek statue.

"[Ultimate creature]?!"

Looking at the figure that appeared in the photo, Tony's face suddenly showed a stunned expression.

"Ultron, report Johnny's current location immediately!"


"Who are you?"

A distance from New York on the road, Johnny frowned and looked at the strange figure blocking his way in front of him, his eyes swept across the gorgeous feathered wings on the other side's hands, and asked in a cold voice, suppressing his inner emotions.

"I'm in a bad mood right now, and I don't have time to entangle with you."

"Sure enough, just like the information given in Strucker's brain, you are in the same situation as Susan, although you are a human, but you have evolved a powerful force beyond imagination.

If Johnny was a little careless when he was blocked by [Kaz] before.

Then, upon hearing Susan's name from the other party's mouth, Johnny's face wrapped in flames suddenly showed excitement.

The flames on his body flickered, Johnny suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, turned his eyes that were wrapped in flames into two golden flames and looked at [Kaz] in front of him: "Tell me, where are you from? Know Susan's."


In the face of Johnny's aggressive questioning, [Kaz]'s mouth twitched slightly, and replied in a light tone: "You may also know this place, a place called Hydra."


Although his unruly character makes Johnny often do things recklessly, and brings a lot of trouble to other members of the Fantastic Four, all this does not mean that he is not smart, although compared to his sister and Mr. Fantastic. There is a big gap between Germany and Germany, but being able to become an astronaut, even if he only stayed in the NASA for a short time, was fired.

Therefore, the moment he heard the answer from the strange figure on the opposite side, Johnny remembered the information he had obtained from the Avengers before: "You are the [Ultimate Creature]."

"You finally reacted."

Hearing Johnny's words, [Kaz] did not deny it.

"Tell me what exactly did you do to Susan!"

At the moment of confirming the identity of the creature in front of him, Johnny couldn't wait to ask his own question.

"What do you think, of course it was eaten by me."

With a grin on his face, a cruel smile appeared on his face, [Caz] glanced at the two figures in the off-road vehicle below, and then answered.

"In fact, not only your sister Susan, but also you will be eaten by me. As long as you eat all of you humans who have mastered extraordinary power, I will evolve into a real [Ultimate Creature], a kind of [Ultimate Creature] that is more perfect and powerful than I originally thought, so don't make unnecessary struggles, just be a part of my body, just like your sister. ."

"F***K, you damn..."

Although, the opposite [Kaz] stated a set of grand goals in front of him.

However, Johnny's sanity was broken as early as the moment he heard the other party say that he would eat his sister. The flames on his body continued to climb up in the surrounding air, forming a distorted refraction. Johnny looked in front of him. A trace of bitter hatred flashed in the eyes of [Kaz]: "I will burn you to ashes little by little."

"I am looking forward."

Feeling the scorching heat emanating from Johnny on the opposite side, the feathers on [Caz]'s arms instantly changed their materials, from the original light hollow to a high temperature-resistant biological leather. But soon, he discovered that this cortex was fused under the rising temperature of Johnny's body, and without any hesitation, he changed his cells again.

From creatures to insects, and finally found a way to resist high temperature from the shell of a marine creature. In the next moment, the cells in [Kaz]'s body rapidly evolved, and then the entire body surface was immediately covered with a layer of crimson. The carapace is wrapped.

"Your power is more attractive than I imagined. I never thought that one day human beings would be able to evolve the power to survive under such high temperature."

The carapace on his body continued to thicken under Johnny's high temperature. [Caz] controlled his heavy body to stay in mid-air, looking at Johnny whose entire figure had been completely covered by flames, but there was not a trace of it on his face. Panic expression.

"However, soon the power in you will belong to me."

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, he stretched out his fingers wrapped in thick carapace, and without hesitation, reached out and grabbed Johnny in front of him.

"court death!"

Johnny once tested in Mr. Fantastic Reed's experiment. When the temperature of his body surface rose to a very high level, even if his entire body was wrapped in stones, the indestructible stone man couldn't get over the raging bear on his body. The burning flames attacked themselves.

Therefore, watching [Kaz] stretch out his arm, Johnny's body did not move at all, but instead heated up a bit under the impetus of his inner hatred.

The result was just as Johnny expected. At the moment when he stretched out his hand to pass through the flame, although the thick carapace on his body made a first layer of resistance, the power of the flame did not immediately burn [Kaz]'s palm~www But as the palm of the hand kept getting closer, I could feel the temperature from Johnny's body getting higher and higher, even the refractory carapace that [Kaz] had turned into gradually turned black. In a matter of seconds, [Kaz]'s intact arm instantly turned into coke.

Withdrawing his arm that had turned into coke, the look in [Kaz]'s eyes flickered.

According to the information that the body knows, Johnny's body can reach the level of a supernova when the temperature is at its highest, and the hot temperature is far beyond the limit that the creatures on earth can withstand. After all, such an animal has never been heard of that can survive at high temperatures comparable to the sun.

"Wait, it's not just your arm that's scorched next."

Raise the temperature of his body to the limit he can bear, Johnny said with a twisted expression in the flame wrap.

"No, what you said next will not happen."

With the rotation of the arm, under Johnny's gaze, [Kaz]'s charred arm instantly returned to its previous intact posture.

Stretching his recovered arm, [Kaz] looked at Johnny on the opposite side. On top of the body wrapped in layers of carapace, tentacles similar to plants grew out. Under control, he began to do his best to absorb the scarce moisture in the air.

Immediately afterwards, [Caz] opened his mouth, and the water absorbed by the tentacles formed a huge water column and shot at Johnny on the opposite side.


The moment these water jets hit Johnny, a large amount of water vapor was formed at high temperature, and the tentacles on [Kaz] absorbed the water vapor again, converting it into a continuous stream of water jets from his mouth that sprayed towards Johnny.

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