Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 417: real purpose

My name is Peter Parker.

An ordinary...well, a rather special high school student living in New York.

Because, in addition to being a student at Midtown High School, he is also a superhero who is active in New York City - Spider-Man.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation of his superhero has also begun to become precarious.

"So, this is your ability?"

Waving the wings transformed from his arm, [Kaz] looked at Peter who was running away in front of him, a look of disappointment on his handsome face like a Greek statue.

"Jumping around like a little bug."


Hearing the voice coming from behind, Little Spider did not dare to hesitate at all. The spider sense in his body reminded Peter that the danger was never far from him, on the contrary, it was even getting closer.

"To be honest, I'm starting to get a little disappointed, Spider-Man."

Changing his flying posture, he rushed towards Peter like a falcon. [Caz] looked at the thin body wrapped in the blue and red tight uniform, tilted his head, and flashed a dangerous light in his eyes: "I originally thought that You were able to give me some surprises, and now it looks like you're no different from the guys I ate before."

"The guy who ate it?"

Although it is not clear who the guys [Kaz] is referring to, but from the description of the other party alone, Peter can feel a thrilling sense of crisis.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he twisted his body, gritted his teeth and yanked the spider silk in his hand, forcibly changed his escape direction in a posture that surpassed the limits of human beings, and ran towards another familiar place.

"Mr. Stark, you must be there."

"Do you think you can escape?"

Looking at the figure of the little spider turning and running away, [Kaz] flapped his wings with a faint expression on his face, and the next moment he raised his winged arm to aim at Peter's back, from the wrist at the tip of the wing. A slender spider silk shot out and stuck to the little spider's body.


Feeling the huge pulling force coming from behind, the little spider's figure swaying in mid-air immediately followed. He turned his head and immediately saw a scene that made him stunned.

I saw the strange man behind him who turned his hands into wings, and at this moment he actually shot a spider silk similar to himself from his hands to grab him.

"Why are you able to launch..."

Under the pulling force of the spider silk behind, the little spider's flowing movements suddenly stopped, and [Kaz] grabbed it back with his hands fluttering, and Peter's face under the mask was still full of surprise.

Although it is also possible to fight by firing spider silk, there are obvious essential differences in the firing methods of Peter and [Kaz].

The spider silk in his hand was made using an improved version of the spider silk launcher suggested by Mr. Stark, which launched a special viscous liquid to form a substance similar to spider silk. And the appearance of [Kaz] is more like spider silk in the true sense.

"Because I am the [Ultimate Creature], the most powerful creature in the entire world, and the ability to shoot spider silk with the capabilities of the creatures used in the world is simply a piece of cake for me."

Pulling the spider silk in his hand, he smashed Peter onto the roof of the opposite tall building, [Kaz] waved his wings and looked at the little spider lying on the roof, his tone was full of disdain and arrogance: "So this is you The ability to jump around like a spider is really a disappointing ability, and this ability is of no use to me at all."

Peter's ability comes from a mutated spider, and as the [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] himself has mastered the ability of spiders, so to put it bluntly, Peter's ability [Kaz] has all the remaining ones, He was even stronger than Peter, able to spray spider silk directly instead of using the power of a machine.

Of course, the reason why [Kaz] found Peter was not really because of Spider-Man's abilities.


The power of the [Ultimate Creature] is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, so even if it is just a slight swing, the impact force is very huge.

Thanks to Peter, although he looks thin, the body mutated by the spider DNA is comparable to Captain America in fighting. Therefore, although the heavy impact made his face under the mask distorted, the actual damage to his body was not as great as he imagined.

Grinning his teeth to prop up his body, the little spider slowly stood up from the ground full of shards.

"It seems that your abilities are not useless."

Raising his eyebrows, [Caz] looked at Peter who stood up, with an unexpected expression on his face.

He controlled the wings in his hand to land on the roof, looking down at the little spider whose footsteps were swaying: "However, there is no doubt that your ending was long after you met my [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz]. It was already doomed from that moment, although you are not worthy of my shot as a hunting of ability, but if it is purely for food, I can accept it with reluctance."

"By the way..." He glanced up and down at the little spider in front of him as if he were looking at food, [Kaz] seemed to have thought of something, and raised his arm that transformed into wings and quickly changed its appearance, like a spider's sharp claws The appearance: "Since your ability is a spider, then I will use the same spider ability to drive you into the dark abyss called 'death' as ​​my last kindness to your food."

"Sorry, Aunt May, I didn't get through high school as smoothly as you expected."

Witnessing the whole process of [Kaz]'s transformation, the spider sense in Peter's body made a crazy reminder. At this moment, he felt that death was approaching like never before.

However, at this time, Peter found that his heart was more peaceful than ever.

"Then just be a part of my body, Spider-Man!"

With a frantic cry in his mouth, [Caz] moved his footsteps and quickly came to the little spider. He raised his hands that turned into spider claws and aimed at Peter.

If this is solid, even Peter, whose physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, can't bear it.


Just at the critical moment, a faint blue beam flashed and forced [Kaz] in front of Peter to retreat.

"Mr. Stark!"

Seeing this familiar attack method, Peter under the mask immediately made a surprised expression.

However, when he turned his head to look, he found that it was not Tony who had saved him in the steel suit of his memory. Instead, it is a tall robot with a silver-white body.

"This is?"

Looking at the tall Ultron, the little spider's expression was stunned, and Tony's familiar voice sounded immediately.

"Sure enough, as inferred..."

Controlling the steel battle suit on his body and falling to the roof, Tony looked at the tall body of the [Ultimate Creature] standing in front of Peter, and his face under the helmet showed an expected look: "Fortunately, I let Austrian one step ahead. Tron marked the superheroes in New York City, or this attack is going to make you this guy succeed again."

"Tony Stark."

Looking at Tony and Ultron who appeared on the roof to prevent him from eating, [Kaz] didn't have the slightest expression of surprise on his face.

"You actually know my name?"

Hearing the name that appeared from the mouth of [Ultimate Creature], Tony under the steel helmet raised his eyebrows: "I thought that an ancient creature like you, who didn't know how many years of life, had its brain degraded long ago, right? , you are an ancient creature, so there is no such thing as brain degeneration, thinking that your brain has not evolved at all."

"Sure enough, just as described in the memory of the man named Strucker in the Hydra base, you are very annoying, Tony."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Faced with the description of [Ultimate Creature], Tony in the steel suit nodded and admitted it without hesitation.

"Unfortunately, although you are the smarter kind of human being and can create such strange weapons, you are still just an ordinary human being in essence, so it is not even as important to me as it is. The Spider-Man you rescued."

Looking back at the little spider in front of him, [Kaz] deliberately said to Tony in a regretful tone.

"In that case, I should also be glad that I'm just an ordinary person."

Faced with the doubts of [Kaz], Tony said the words of happiness, but the action of his hand directly raised his palm and aimed the pulse cannon in the dark blue from the palm of his hand and aimed at the [Ultimate Creature]: "Then, you first Taste the power of weapons made by ordinary people!"

As Tony's voice fell, Ultron, who was standing on the other side, also cooperated and turned the weapon on his body to [Kaz].

"Feel the power of technology, [Ultimate Creature]!"



Under the steel helmet, Tony murmured to himself, and in the next instant, a large number of blue light beams combined with the miniature missiles on Ultron's body flew to [Kaz] on the other side of the high-rise building.

However, in the face of these rapidly flying firepower attacks, [Kaz]'s figure did not move at all.

Turning his head, under the powerful dynamic vision, [Kaz] clearly saw these dangerous attacks in his eyes, and in the next second, his body transformed into a pale and bloodless appearance.

After a few seconds, the smoke from the explosion dissipated.

What was revealed was the body of [Kaz] without the slightest scar.

"Tombstone Lonnie?!"

Inside the steel suit, Tony looked at the pale appearance of [Kaz], and immediately linked this ability to the headstone of the New York gang that was swallowed by [Ultimate Creature] at the beginning.

According to the information queried by Ultron, one of the capabilities of the tombstone is invulnerability.

Obviously, the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him has successfully absorbed the ability of the tombstone, and used this ability to successfully resist the combined attack of himself and Ultron.

"Looks like you know a lot."

Hearing Tony's words, [Caz] twisted his body without making any denial, but admitted it outright.

[Kaz], as the [Ultimate Creature], has the ability to evolve and strengthen all creatures on the earth.

Originally, Li Ran thought that this ability only represented the power of deformation, but with his in-depth research, especially after controlling the invisible female Susan through [Parasitic Octopus], Li Ran discovered that [Kaz]'s ability is far It's not as simple as imagined.

The ability of [Ultimate Creature] not only gives him the ability of all creatures on earth, but also after fusion, he can also master the power of extraordinary people.

After all, even after undergoing mutation, these extraordinary beings still belong to the creatures on earth.

Although their abilities were not produced by the normal evolution of the earth, using [Ultimate Creature]'s biological cell-level digestion and control power, [Kaz] still allowed [Kaz] to exert the power of these extraordinary beings.

Of This kind of display is not without restrictions. According to Li Ran's observation, [Kaz] must digest these body cells that possess one-third of the human beings with extraordinary abilities before they can learn how to use each other's abilities. If the body part integrated into one's own body is insufficient, the ability of [Ultimate Creature] cannot fully learn the power of extraordinary ability.

Li Ran suspects that this limitation may be due to the particularity of the supernatural beings themselves, not the normal evolutionary creatures on the earth, because their power is full of various coincidences, so even [ultimate creatures] must fully understand this kind of Coincidental changes can further restore the ability.

Of course, although [Ultimate Creature] has such flaws in the use of superhuman power, such flaws do not affect the strength of [Kaz] at all.

"However, even if I know, as the [Ultimate Creature], I am an invincible existence, especially with the power of these extraordinary beings, even you avengers will eventually become me as a new era. part of the great 'God'."

As he spoke, [Kaz] waved his arm, and some bumps similar to the back of a toad appeared on his hand, and then some dark green liquid fell from the arm to the ground on the top of the building, forming one by one corrosive charred black trace.

"Mr. Stark, this is the ability of Sean, the poisonous man who was in distress not long ago, highly poisonous skin, this kind of skin can produce a highly corrosive toxin liquid, and in terms of damage, it is several times that of sulfuric acid. As mentioned above, in the past, the opponents of Sean the Poison Man had various degrees of corrosion in their bodies, and in severe cases, their hands and feet were corroded."

With the blue light flashing in his eyes, Ultron swept over the changes in [Kaz]'s arm, and immediately compared it with the information in the data, and made a report to Tony next to him.

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