Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 419: Fight Kaz

As an Asgardian warrior who has fought for many years.

Thor's reaction was not unpleasant. The moment [Kaz] plunged his arms into his body, he responded quickly.


He didn't panic like the superhumans who were merged into [Ultimate Creatures] before. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain of the opponent melting into his body, stretched his arms behind his back and grabbed [Kaz]'s shoulders and let out a roar. , and then pulled it from his body abruptly.

Through this rude method, Sol successfully dumped the [Ultimate Creature] that attacked him on his back, but he also left two **** holes on his back.

The liquefied body broke free from Sol's fingers smoothly, [Caz] stood on the ruins of the building and looked at Sol in front of him, sticking out his tongue and licking the blood in his hand: "Sure enough, compared to humans, you Your body is even more special. I can feel that there is a strange power in your body. If I can integrate you into my body, it will definitely make me as an [Ultimate Creature] stronger and stronger and... Perfect."

As he said that, [Kaz] controlled his body to once again display the ability from the Wall-piercer, and the body transformed into a liquid-like characteristic and slowly melted into the ground beneath his feet.


Witnessing the entire process of [Ultimate Creature] transforming and attacking Sol, Tony in the steel suit frowned and shouted to Jarvis.

"Sorry, sir, the other party's ability seems to be able to be perfectly integrated into the wall, and is not within the scanning range of infrared rays."

Jarvis was obviously apologetic for his inability to accurately lock the movement of the [Ultimate Creature].


In the face of Jarvis' apology, Tony's original frown deepened, and he turned his head to put his hope on Ultron, an artificial intelligence more powerful than Jarvis.

There was a faint blue light in his eyes, and when he met Tony's gaze, Ultron showed a humane regretful tone: "The ability of wall-piercing monsters is more difficult to capture than imagined. After [Ultimate Creature] is integrated into a high-rise building, The isolation of the wall makes it almost difficult to lock its position through technological means.”

"Mr. Stark, I may be able to help a little."

In Ultron's hands, hearing Tony's conversation with the weird robot behind him, Little Spider couldn't help but say something.


Hearing the content of the small spider's initiative, Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows, looking at Peter, who looked embarrassed in Ultron's hands, and said in a dubious tone: "Child, are you sure you can find him?"

"In fact, I have a hunch-related ability to vaguely perceive certain dangerous situations."

The so-called premonition ability in Little Spider's mouth naturally refers to his spider sense.

"I felt the danger of that shapeshifter before, so I wanted to run away, but I was caught by him in the end. If you didn't show up in time, Mr. Stark, maybe I would have..."

For Tony's appearance, the spider is full of gratitude.

"Now is not a good time to be thankful, kid."

Feeling the grateful gaze from the little spider's mask, Tony squinted his face unnaturally, and then changed the subject: "Beyond this, you should help us hide the [Ultimate Creature] currently in the The location within the building tells us."

"No problem, Mr. Stark."

Hearing Tony's words, Peter in Ultron's hand immediately nodded his head, he turned his head to look in the direction of the ruins on the top floor of the building, closed his eyes and began to sense the position of [Kaz] through the ability of spiders in his body.

"found it!"

Spider sense, as the most special ability of spiders, does have its extraordinary place.

Using the spider in his body to sense the danger warning brought by [Kaz], Peter quickly found his location.

"Mr. Stark, I found this shape-shifting guy, and he's not far from Mr. Thor."

"Thanks, child."

Knowing the location of the [Ultimate Creature] from the mouth of the little spider, Tony did not hesitate to remind Thor during the battle.

"Sol, watch out for your front!"

Out of trust in the Avengers, when he heard Tony's cry coming from behind, Sol did not hesitate at all, and smashed the Thor's Hammer in the direction in front of him.


The lightning surging in the clouds turned into a violent electric snake under the wave of Sol, and instantly poured into the ruins of the building standing under his feet.

The violent movement caused the wound on Sol's back to burst, and a large amount of blood dyed the already bright red cloak even more vividly.

Ignoring the wound on his back, Sol's eyes were fixed on the direction in front of him.

Under his gaze, the liquefied body of the [Ultimate Creature] became very unstable due to the violent electric shock around it, and gushed out from the building again like a spring.

The gushing liquid gathered together and turned into the appearance of [Kaz] again. He looked at Sol in front of him, then turned to look at Tony and the others who were standing behind him, and quickly understood: "Just now, you guys It seemed that I knew where I was going to appear one step ahead."

"But it doesn't matter, even if I know it, so now, although I haven't evolved to the perfect level of [Ultimate Creature], but the other party and you guys are more than enough." , [Caz] looked at Sol with a dignified expression in front of him, raised his palm to support his chin and made a thoughtful expression: "Let me think about what kind of ability is more suitable for the other party, how about this... "

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, he turned his palm, and a cluster of firelight immediately appeared on it from the position of his fingertips.

"This is Johnny's..."

His eyes stayed on the flames of the [Ultimate Creature] fingertips for a few seconds, Tony's palm in the steel suit clenched tightly into a fist, and subconsciously, the Human Torch in the Avengers Building appeared unconscious in his mind. Awakened figure.

"This is the most powerful ability I have obtained so far. I think you avengers should not be unfamiliar with the master of this ability."

The flame that controlled the body wrapped around the body to form a huge flame figure, and what came out of the flame was [Kaz]'s obviously provocative words.

"Unfortunately, if I can integrate into more of that guy's body, maybe the ability of the flame on my body will become more powerful at this moment."



Steve stood at the front with a shield in hand, looked at Doctor Doom who appeared in front of him, and asked with a solemn expression.

"If I remember correctly, shouldn't there be a relationship between you and the [Ultimate Creature]..."

From the information left in the Hydra base, Steve vaguely remembered that Doctor Doom had clearly played against the [Ultimate Creature] that came out of the meteorite.

In addition, the Avengers also found the arm that was cut off during the battle between the opponent and the [Ultimate Creature] in the Hydra base laboratory.

"Captain, hand."

Standing behind Captain America, Natasha swept the position of Doctor Doom's arm, couldn't help frowning her eyebrows, and opened her mouth to remind Steve.

Hearing Natasha's voice behind him, Steve subconsciously followed her reminder to look at the position of Doctor Doom's arms, and what he saw were two intact arms.

Aware of Steve's gaze, Doctor Doom lifted his arm from [Kaz] and moved freely. Hearing the questions of the Avengers, the face under the steel mask immediately showed disdain. Expression: "Yes, I did have a brief fight with Lord [Kaz], but it was precisely because that fight had failed that I understood that human beings want to defeat the [Ultimate Creature] at the top of the food chain. It's simply impossible."

"In the Hydra base, we tried to kill Lord [Kaz] who was the [ultimate creature] through various methods, but the result was only a greater failure." Control the palm to form a current entanglement On his body, Doctor Doom continued to say in a hoarse voice while feeling the indifferent feeling on his arm: "The continuous fiasco has woke me up, since [Ultimate Creatures] cannot be killed, only With this great existence, this world needs a new order, and Lord [Kaz] is the **** of the new world."

"Another guy full of crazy ideas?"

Looking at Doctor Doom under the mask of steel, Natasha is no stranger to the content of his mouth.

In fact, most of the super villains or organizations hold this crazy and unrealistic idea.

The most representative of them is naturally the Hydra, which is deeply involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. and even today's Avengers.

"If the so-called [ultimate creature] in your mouth will become a god, then what do you say, it will not be an angel, right?"

Facing Doctor Doom's crazy description, Falcon couldn't help but pouted and said sarcastically.

"Master [Kaz] will become a god, and I am the ruler of the world in that era."

"The ruler of the world, you might as well say that you want to be an angel."

The steel wings behind the control slowly lifted into the air, Falcon looked at Doctor Doom who was entangled in electricity in front of him, took out his special firearm and aimed at him: "I know a guy who also controls lightning, and his lightning is comparable to yours. It's much more powerful, have you seen those dark clouds in the sky, that's what he summoned, can you do it?"

"I can not do it."

Although he once absorbed the space cosmic storm power of the Stone Man in the Fantastic Four by tricks, there is still a huge gap between Doctor Doom and the so-called Thor's ability.

"However, it's more than enough to deal with you."

Although, there is no way to summon lightning from the sky to attack directly like Thor, but the damage caused by Doctor Doom's control of the current cannot be underestimated.

Hearing Falcon's taunt, he immediately controlled the lightning on his body and turned it into an electric snake to fly towards the Falcon in mid-air.


His legs jumped into the air with the shield in his hand to block Doctor Doom's attack, Steve rolled off his strength, and looked up at the Falcon suspended in the air to remind: "Be careful, Tom, I But I can't guarantee that every attack from the opponent can be perfectly blocked."

Falcon: "Then captain, try to block as much as possible. After all, Natasha and I are only relying on you for protection."

"I didn't say I needed the captain's protection."

Hearing Falcon's reply, Natasha immediately raised her eyebrows, raised her pistol and fired several shots at Doctor Doom in front of her, and replied seriously: "In fact, you only need to protect yourself. Now." As a former SHIELD super agent, Natasha never considered herself a burden.

"All right."

From Natasha's performance, Falcon could clearly feel the other party's attitude.

He shrugged and immediately shifted the topic from the direction that was unfavorable to him: "Instead of discussing these, I think I should think about how to solve the Doctor Doom in front of me. If it is delayed for too long, I'm worried about being in the building. What will happen to Tony above them is dangerous that we can't I should be able to delay each other for a while."

Holding a shield in one hand to resist the attack from Doctor Doom, Steve immediately made arrangements after hearing Falcon's analysis: "Tom, take Natasha to Tony and the others, if I guess correctly. , at this moment they need help more than we do."

"But, if that's the case, Captain, you're alone..."

Hearing Captain America's arrangement, Falcon's expression not only did not feel relieved at all, but became even more worried.

Falcon is worried that if they leave here and leave Steve alone to deal with Doctor Doom's attack, even with a sturdy vibranium shield as protection, there will inevitably be mistakes.

At that time, if there is no cover for him or Natasha on the side.

"There is no time for hesitation, this is the most correct decision at the moment."

As a veteran who has lived from World War II to the present, as long as it is a matter of making a decision, Steve will no longer hesitate. For him, a soldier does what is ordered.

Although, in this regard, Captain America himself is not perfect.

He has had many instances of ignoring the orders of his superiors and acting alone.

Only because most of the results of these actions were beneficial to the battle, so he was able to continue to be active on the battlefield step by step.

"Perhaps, we have better options."

Facing Captain America's arrangement, Natasha's original thoughts were similar to Falcon's, but the report from Agent Hill soon came from her ears, and the expression on her face changed immediately.

Looking at Steve who was constantly dodging and resisting the lightning attack of Doctor Doom in front of him, Natasha couldn't help saying softly.

Following her voice, a strand of yellow sand quietly wrapped around the calf of Doctor Doom in front of him.

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