"...For the damage caused to the city center, the Avengers, the Stark Industries statement also properly dealt with the issue of compensation, and the damaged building will also be rebuilt on top of the original ruins as the property of Stark Industries. The new building, but for the assurance of Stark Industries, some nearby residents still protested, and demonstrations were held in front of Stark Industries..."

Dim, messy room.

An old TV was constantly playing the latest stories about the New York City area.

"The Avengers ruined my life, my job, I was working in this building with a steady income, but it was because Iron Man and his eccentric accomplices screwed it all up!"

At the scene of the parade, reporters conducted interviews with the people who were in the parade.

Reporter: "However, according to the statement from Stark Industries, they have paid for the lost part and even promised to provide unemployment funds to the lost building employees."

Interviewee: "..."

Interviewee: "Okay, maybe the Avengers made amends, but it's not enough, I have three kids to support, it's a big burden, I'm living a hard life, and the Avengers make it Hard life just got harder, I need Stark Industries to compensate me for a steady job and follow up, don't think those unemployment funds are enough, it's not enough, the avengers are superheroes, they should be more generous !"

Reporter: "Sorry ma'am, what kind of work were you in the building before?"

Interviewee: "What does this have to do with my job, the Avengers made mistakes and they have to be held accountable for it, it's a right that the government has given me, and what I do is not just for myself, but for America. ,for freedom……"

"Exclusive report, according to the intelligence of on-site witnesses, Spider-Man also participated in the battle of the New York City building, and the collapse of the building, Spider-Man needs to take most of the responsibility, I suggest that the New York City government sue This wall-climbing pest, let him make compensation for the collapse!"

On the blurred TV screen, J. Jonah Jameson, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, was making a so-called scoop on the collapsed building in downtown New York with a straight face.

In the dimly lit room, Chang Emir's thin face, which was reflected by the light of the TV, had a grim expression.

During this time in New York, the plan did not go as smoothly as Chang Amir had hoped.

His purpose in coming to New York was to find the power to subvert Wakanda.

I originally thought that with the power from the [Scarab], I would be able to travel unimpeded in New York City, but I didn't want to be very unlucky, and I got into a big trouble when I came.

"Ghost Rider!"

Thinking of his experience of hiding in Tibet under the stalking of the Ghost Rider, Chang Emir's turbid eyes flashed a look of hatred, but he thought of the [Eye of Judgment] that almost cost him his life before. , Chang Emir subconsciously had a hint of fear in his heart.

The terrifying power that burns the soul, even with the power of the high priest [Scarab] as protection, Chang Emir is not willing to suffer the second soul trial.

With a wave of his hand, the image of J. Jonah Jameson chattering on the TV immediately disappeared.

Chang Emil touched the prominent claw marks on his face and pushed open the door of the room.

The dazzling sunlight outside the door made Chang Amir narrow his eyes subconsciously.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the Ghost Rider, Chang Amir deliberately chose the Queens slum as his hiding place. This is one of the poorest areas in New York. Because of the terrain, it has not been included in the water supply and sewer system of the entire city. That is to say, even in the bustling New York City, most of the residents here still live a daily life. A life of poverty that has to fetch water.

Due to the sins of poverty, more than 60 percent of the people in Queens are people with bad social credit or even criminals. Even in the daytime, few people dare to come to Queens.

Walking through this slum area with the "pit of the city", the surrounding homeless people cast a fearful look at Chang Amir.

This skinny black old man confirmed his prestige on the first day he came to Queens.

The evil means of manipulating insects is the power of the devil.

Ignoring the gazes of these homeless people, Chang Amir crossed the streets of Queens to the slums of Brooklyn that bordered it.

After fleeing for this period of time, Chang Amir has roughly figured out the actions of the Ghost Rider. During the day, the flaming skeleton will not appear. Only when the night falls, the flaming skeleton will appear. Will drive a motorcycle through the streets of New York to follow his trail.

Walking in the slums of Brooklyn, the scene here is no different from the Queens area where Chang Emir was hiding before. The dirty environment, the skinny homeless people, and the tattooed gangs almost make up the entire slum area. landscape.

Glancing at these numb-eyed guys, Chang Emir finally stopped in front of a pub full of graffiti garbage after walking in the slum for a while.

"fuck you!"

"Haha, give me a drink..."

"...do you know what you're doing, B..."

Pushing open the door of the tavern, a lot of noise and curses poured into Chang Emir's ears.

Ignoring the noisy situation in the tavern, Chang Amir went straight to the bar of the tavern, looked at the man who kept wiping the wine glasses in the bar, glanced at the conspicuous scar on his face, reached out and knocked on the bar a few times. .

"Why do you always come here during the day?"

Attracted by the knocking sound, the man stopped wiping the cup, looked up at Chang Emir in front of him, and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "It's the most lively time here at night."

"I have my reasons."

Without explaining his situation, Chang Amir raised his head and glanced at the man on the other side of the bar, and reminded him in an indifferent voice: "Compared to this, I hope you can tell me what I want you will prepare. Ok?"

As the only tavern in the slum, it sells more than just alcohol. A large number of gang members living in the slum will also use it as a place to trade stolen goods. At the same time, the tavern owner will also sell some prohibited items part-time.

"What you want is not cheap. In fact, it took me a lot of effort to find a little bit of the wreckage."

Hearing Chang Amir's words, the man deliberately said the direction of the wine glass he wiped in his hand.

"As long as you can give me things, money is not a problem."

Facing the man's pointed words, the expression on Chang Amir's thin face did not change in the slightest. He reached out and took out a large amount of money from his pocket, and placed it on the bar under the greedy gaze of the man.

As Chang Amir said, money is not difficult for him to master the power of the [Scarab].

"You wait."

Can't wait to take the banknotes in front of him into his arms, the man turned his head and warned everyone in the tavern with fierce eyes, then turned and walked in the direction of the kitchen at the back of the tavern.

A few minutes later, the man came out of the back kitchen and handed a hideous-looking item to Chang Amir.

After taking the item handed by the man, Chang Emil immediately put it away a little impatiently, and at the same time subconsciously touched the brand mark of the [Scarab Mark] on the back of his hand.

"Although I don't know what you want this thing for, but I have to tell you, it's getting more and more difficult to collect this thing, and I spent a lot of effort to get this piece from a gang. The other party originally wanted to implant this thing in his body..."

Glancing at Chang Emir's skinny face in front of him, and then pausing on the conspicuous claw marks on his face, the man couldn't help saying in a tone of obvious regret.

"I can give you more money."

Hearing the man's words, Chang Emir's palm stopped on the [Scarab Seal], and frowned and said.

"It's not about more money than less."

Hearing Chang Emir's words, the man suppressed the greed in his eyes, but shook his head even more regretfully: "This thing is very difficult to start with, although there are a lot of wreckage in the city center after the New York War, most of them are It has been collected by the government and Stark Industries. At present, what is circulating in the black market are only those who are unsightly or lucky to slip through the net. I know there is a guy who was responsible for handling some of the wreckage of the aliens, although later The job is yellow, but there are still some things left in his hand, but the guy is watching the wreckage in his hand very closely, no one knows where it is hidden."

"Tell me who that guy is?"

Hearing the message revealed by the man, Chang Emir asked subconsciously.

Alien wreckage, this is something Chang Amir accidentally came into contact with. He found that the high priest in the [Scarab Seal] seemed to be very interested in these wreckage, so in order to please the high priest, he began to look around for these wreckage. Battle the remains of dead aliens in New York and sacrifice them to the High Priest for greater power.

"Vulture, I know that guy's nickname."

The man's heart tightened at the gaze cast by Shangchang Emir, and he subconsciously revealed the information he knew.


Listening to the message from the man's mouth, Chang Amir couldn't help but lowered his head and muttered to himself.

However, before he could further ask the vulture's question, a huge roar of motorcycles suddenly sounded outside the tavern.


Driving into the pub on a motorcycle, Johnny Blazer looked at Emil Chang in front of the bar and said with a grim expression, "I finally found you."

"Ghost Rider, why are you here!"

Seeing Johnny Blazer or Ghost Rider appearing in the tavern, Emil Chang's expression was stunned.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the Ghost Rider, he has been keeping quite secret about his whereabouts.

"Your hidden methods have indeed brought me a lot of trouble, but you obviously ignored the people around you."

In the face of Chang Emil's question, Johnny Blazer answered without concealment.

The Evil Knight's obvious reminder made Chang Amir react instantly. He turned his head to look at the position of the bar, and sure enough, he saw the figure of the man sneaking about to escape.

"You betrayed me!"

Seeing this scene, the expression on Chang Amir's face suddenly distorted a bit.

He didn't expect that the person who finally exposed his whereabouts was actually this little person in front of him who had never cared about him.

"I just made a deal, after all, it's just a simple deal between us, and this is obviously our last deal."

Facing Emir Shangchang's angry gaze, the man couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth to reveal a reluctant smile.

Such a far-fetched reason naturally could not comfort the angry Chang Amir~www.readwn.com~ He looked at the man in front of him, and said with a distorted expression: "If that's the case, then we will make the last transaction. How about, at the price of your life, as compensation for your betrayal of me!"

The brand of the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand flashed red light, Chang Amir raised his palm, and a large number of pitch-black scarabs emerged from his body, emitting a sharp cry and rushing towards the man.


Seeing that, the scarab was about to devour and bite the man behind the bar.

With the sound of the chain dragging, a long chain shot out in the direction of Johnny Blazer, wrapping around the man's waist and saving him.

"Get out of the tavern quickly, the next battle is not something you can participate in."

Loosen the chain wrapped around the man and rewound it on his body, Johnny Blazer looked at Chang Amir in front of him, a little bit of hellfire wrapped around his body, and the flesh and blood on his body was burned in the blink of an eye. It turned into a skeleton figure wrapped in flames.

In fact, Chang Amir's inference is somewhat wrong.

It's not that the Ghost Rider can't come out during the day, he just can't show up under the sun. After all, the power of the Ghost Rider comes from Mephisto's contract, and theoretically it is also a power belonging to the devil, so he is afraid of the power of the sun. Unable to use the power of hellfire at will in the sun.

"Ah, ah, Ghost Rider..."

Everything that happened in the tavern, and the transformation of Johnny Blazer, instantly caused everyone to exclaim and flee from the scene.

Looking at these escaping figures, the fire of **** in the empty eye sockets of the Evil Knight jumped, looking at Chang Amir in front of him, opening and closing his skeleton mouth and making a hoarse voice: "Get ready to be judged by me again. ?"

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