Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 429: High Priest VS Demon Lord

"Be careful, I sense a powerful evil force in that guy."

In front of the ruins of the tavern, Chang Amir looked at Mephistopheles in front of him, and the roar from the high priest in his heart followed.

The high priest's reminder undoubtedly made Chang Amir's expression dignified. It was the first time he heard such a description from the high priest's mouth.

The [Scarab Seal] on the back of the hand flashed a faint red light, and a large number of scarabs formed a dark shield to surround Chang Amir.

"It really disappoints me, Johnny..."

Turning his head to glance at Chang Emil's small movements, Mephistopheles immediately turned his gaze to Johnny Blazer in front of him, mocking him in a light tone.

In the eyes of the ruler of hell, Chang Amir's ending was doomed as early as when he appeared on the stage.

Therefore, looking at the situation in front of him, he instead paid more attention to Johnny Blazer.

"I originally thought that under the urging of family affection, you would work harder to complete the task I explained, but I didn't expect you to be placed in the other's hands so easily." Raising his palm, a cloud of crimson appeared. The phantom appeared in it, Mephistopheles said while controlling the phantom to reveal a man's face.


Looking at the face that appeared in the phantom, the expression on Johnny Blazer's face suddenly let out a scream.

The man in the phantom is the father of Johnny Blazer.

Under the urging of family affection, lines of flames began to appear on Johnny Blazer's face, and the fire of **** that had been extinguished once again burned his flesh and blood, and he could vaguely see his incarnation under the burning of the flames. Ghost Rider's skeleton face.

However, despite the violent fluctuations in emotions, the fire of **** that was extinguished in Johnny Blazer broke out again.

However, under the irradiation of sunlight, these flames from **** have never been able to break through the limitations of the sun.

"Very well, that's what makes it interesting."

Looking at the emotional Johnny Blazer in front of him, Mephistopheles twitched the corners of his mouth. He looked up at the sun in the sky, and there was a hint of disgust on his face. With a flick of his finger, a crimson energy flew from his fingertips into the sky. In the blink of an eye, the sky that was still bright and sunny instantly became gloomy.


Without the sun's rays, the repressed hellfire on Johnny Blazer's body instantly soared, and a scorching energy enveloped his body and instantly burned the flesh and blood on his body to ashes, leaving only a pale skeleton. stand there.

"Remember that you know what to promise me."

Turning his skull head wrapped in flames, the Ghost Rider looked at Mephistopheles in front of him and said with his mouth open and closed.

"Of course, I always abide by the agreement."

Hearing Ghost Rider's words, Mephistopheles nodded lightly and replied with a chuckle.

After receiving Mephisto's reply, the Ghost Rider stretched out his hand to grab the chain on his shoulder and set it on fire. He waved the chain and transformed it into a huge sickle to slash at the opposite Chang Amir.

Johnny Blazer, who was transformed into a Ghost Rider again, obviously also awakened the ability that he did not have before. Under the power of hellfire, the iron chain in his hand also seemed to have special magical properties, which could be used in his hands. Transform into other weapon shapes under control.

The scythe with hellfire effortlessly split the scarabs controlled by Chang Amir in half. At the same time, the flames fell on these scarabs, and the scorching heat spread rapidly in an instant. Unprepared, all the scarabs were burned into black mist at the same time.

He used the sickle to wipe out all the scarabs in front of Chang Emir. Immediately afterwards, the evil spirit knight turned his pale skeleton head wrapped in flames, and when he flipped the sickle with his palm, it changed the shape of the chain again. He waved the chain without any hindrance. He entwined Chang Emir's body tightly in front of him.


Pulling his arm, he pulled Chang Amir in front of him, and the evil spirit knight turned his head to aim at Chang Amir, who had a terrified expression in front of him, and the two flames in his eyes began to beat violently.

"look into my eyes!"

"Let me see, what kind of power can resist the power of the [Eye of Judgment]?"

Beating his eyebrows, Mephistopheles turned his head to look at Chang Amir in the hands of the Ghost Rider, with an expression of obvious anticipation on his face.

The feeling of feeling that his soul was wrapped in the scorching fire of **** reappeared, and the panic in Chang Amir's eyes became more and more obvious. This time, the evil deeds that flashed in Chang Amir's soul were not only included in Wakanda's Everything, including everything after he came to New York, even the damage to Ghost Rider.

Seeing all this in his eyes, the Ghost Rider grew his skeleton mouth and issued a judgment again: "I will judge you, go to **** to feel the pain."

The pain of the soul pulling came as promised. Feeling the painful tear, Chang Emir almost instinctively shouted to the existence in the pyramid.

"Master High Priest!"

In the antique store, Li Ran faced Chang Emir's call for help, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

But thinking of the importance of Chang Amir to his plan, he still had to control [Imorton] to use the power of [Black Book of the Undead] to respond.

In front of the ruins of the tavern, a dazzling red light flashed on the [Scarab Mark] branded on the back of Chang Amir's hand.

Then, under Mephisto's gaze, a huge pitch-black scarab emerged from Chang Amir's soul, and at the same time, a majestic roar sounded: "I said, he Your soul is mine long ago, devil!"


With the roar of the scarab, the entire body of the Ghost Rider was instantly knocked out.

"Is this the source of your power?"

Ignoring the ghost knight who was knocked into the air, Mephisto stared at the huge scarab floating in the air, and the evil red light flashed in his eyes: "I can feel the power of death from it, this A pure force of death, unique even in hell."

A greedy look flashed in his eyes, and Mephisto's figure was twisted for a while, and the next moment he appeared in front of Chang Emir.

He stretched out his palm and grabbed Chang Amir's neck and raised it, grinning and asking impatiently, "Tell me, where did you get this power from."

Woo, um~

As one of the rulers of hell, even if it is just a projection, its power is far from what Chang Emir can resist.

Feeling the huge force coming from his neck and the sense of fatal suffocation, Chang Emir struggled with a painful expression.

"You seem to be in great pain, but it doesn't matter, soon these pains will disappear, and your soul will tell me everything without reservation."

With his fingers tightly clutching Chang Amir's neck, Mephistopheles had no intention of listening to his answer at all. For him, any answer was less accurate and true than the questioning of the soul.

The terrible feeling of suffocation constantly eroded Chang Amir's will. Under the threat of death, Chang Amir's consciousness began to blur, and he made a hoarse and weak cry with his mouth open and closed.

"Master High Priest..."

"Sure enough, there is still no escape from this fight."

In the antique shop, Li Ran sighed helplessly, feeling Chang Emir's life at stake.

Although [Imorton], who masters the [Black Book of the Dead], is a very powerful existence even in B-rank character cards, he does not seem to have any certainty in his mind about Mephistopheles, the ruler from hell. .

If we say that the only thing Li Ran is fortunate in the current situation is that Mephisto, who is attacking Chang Emir right now, is not his real body, but just a projection of his power from **** to the earth.

"I hope the power of this projection is not too strong."

Muttering a word in his mouth, Li Ran turned his eyes away, and in the next instant, the power of the clone [Imorton] began to pour into the past continuously through the [Scarab Mark] branded on the back of Chang Amir's hand. Although he was very afraid of Mephisto's power, Li Ran also had the idea of ​​competing with the ruler of **** in his heart.

He wants to try to see how much difference there is between the power of the cards he currently holds and the monarch of hell.

"come yet?"

The change in the power of the [Scarab Seal] on the back of Chang Amir's hand did not hide from Mephisto's perception.

Feeling the evil power that began to emerge in large numbers in the thin figure in his hand, the look in Mephisto's eyes became more and more expectant, and he could feel a powerful soul awakening in Chang Amir's body.

The pure power of death contained in his soul made the greed in Mephisto's eyes explode instantly.

If you can get the power in this soul, it will be a huge temptation even for him as the Lord of Hell.

From Chang Amir's body, a huge force forced Mephistopheles to loosen his fingers.

He pulled back gently, and the next moment, the figure appeared in a twisted place a few meters away from Chang Emir.

In front of him, Chang Amir opened his mouth under the control of the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, and a large number of scarabs emerged from his mouth and covered his weak and thin body, eventually turning into a man wearing a A bald head with a gloomy expression and a gorgeous sacrificial decoration appeared in front of Mephistopheles.

"So, you are the guy hiding behind him?"

Mephistopheles raised the corner of his mouth, looked at the high priest who appeared in front of him, took a deep breath and sighed: "This pure death is really unstoppable, I didn't expect that there is such a pure force of death in the human world. ."

"Demon, this is not where you should be!"

Glancing at the greedy face of Mephistopheles in front of him, the high priest immediately made an angry expression, roaring and shouting: "The place you should go is hell, go back to the place you should go!"

"Actually, I'll go back."

Facing the roar of the high priest, Mephisto's expression did not change in the slightest, and he said in a light tone: "Go back with your soul."

"With my soul?"

Hearing Mephisto's answer, the high priest immediately made an angry expression, and a terrifying might emerged from the power of the [Black Book of the Undead], which oppressed even the ruler of hell. He couldn't help frowning, his expression uncomfortable.

"Who do you think you're talking to, demon, I, Immorton, bearer of the Black Book of the Undead, undead high priest, ruler of death, avenger of darkness, mummy king, devourer of souls. Even those **** magicians can't kill me, they can only use the pyramid to seal me in it, and now you are just facing the trace of my consciousness that came out of the pyramid's seal, and you dare to take me away soul……"

"Magician? Seal?"

Naturally, Mephistopheles would not have imagined that under the current situation, the High Priest would be able to change his face without changing his face.

Although the demon who controls the soul has powerful spiritual power, the power of the [Black Book of the Undead] is well isolated from Mephisto's prying eyes.

Therefore Facing the words of the high priest, Mephistopheles couldn't help frowning.

Naturally, he didn't like the existence of a magician.

As a demon, his position with the magician on earth is naturally opposed.

Demons have always hoped to be able to project their power into the world to harvest souls, while magicians have been looking for a way to seal them in hell.

Although he knew from the mouth of the high priest that he was in a similar situation to himself, Mephistopheles did not feel pity for it.

Sympathy is the last thing needed for demons.

"Looks like you used to be quite a remarkable being?"

Controlling his body, he transformed from the human appearance of a middle-aged man into a more familiar demon appearance. Mephistopheles looked at the high priest in front of him, cracked the corners of his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth, and used the deformed rough and hoarse teeth. The voice said: "Then, I want to see how powerful the so-called ruler of death is..."

Feeling the terrifying power surging from Mephistopheles, Li Ran's expression in the antique shop turned solemn.

In front of the ruins of the tavern, the high priest still maintained a disdainful attitude. He raised his hands, and the scarabs gathered in front of him to form a dark magic book.

Immediately afterwards, the book opened automatically, and a terrifying force of death surged out from the [Black Book of the Undead] in front of the high priest. A large amount of death aura formed a black mist visible to the naked eye and wrapped around the high priest. It looks more terrifying and powerful.

Surrounded by the black mist, slowly floating into the air, the high priest looked down at Mephisto, who was on the opposite side, and said indifferently.

"Get ready for death, devil, and I'll show you what true power is..."

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