Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 433: telepathy

"Mr. Stark, after the video was automatically destroyed, it left an IP with a login address."

In the Avengers Building, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered for a while, and then he turned his head and reported to Tony in the Avengers.

"Follow this address."

Hearing Ultron's report, Tony immediately gave an order.

"As ordered."

Nodding lightly, Ultron turned his mechanical body in the building, but no action was seen, only a large number of data waterfalls flashed in his eyes, and all the analysis was completed in almost tenths of a second.

"According to the last IP address, it's in the original Gold Tower in Hell's Kitchen, but maybe it's just a trap."

"Do not."

Faced with Ultron's inference, Steve denied it without hesitation.

"This is Dior's deliberate message."

Having experienced World War II together and finally fighting against the goal, Steve obviously knows a lot about Dior.

This is a crazy but arrogant opponent.

"He's telling us the final battle address."

"The final battle."

Hearing Steve's description, Banner couldn't help frowning and said softly.

"Do I need to call Sol back, Captain?"

Looking at Steve with a serious face, Natasha turned her head and glanced at the direction that Sol had left before, and said.

He raised the shield in his hand, swept over the Avengers in the building, and said with a silent expression: "Dior's target is me, so this time the task is only me."

"team leader!"

Facing Steve's decision, Falcon immediately objected: "In the current situation, if you go alone, you will die, don't forget that there is a weirdo who can breathe fire and stretch his arms beside Dio. "

Compared with Dior, the king of vampires, Falcon is more afraid of the various yoga abilities displayed by Dalsi. If the original battle hadn't been for the appearance of Ultron in the end, forcing the two to choose to escape, perhaps the final result of the battle would be. Two said.

"I know Dior. Since he chose the Jinpeng Building in Hell's Kitchen as the battle location, he must have prepared something else. Because of my relationship, Dior kidnapped Peggy, so I have to join in this battle. , even a trap, and Johnny's situation can't afford to delay it for too long."

Peggy, who has been searching for so long, finally appeared, and Steve naturally would not miss this opportunity.

However, he also knew that the operation this time was not safe, not to mention that the situation of Johnny the Human Torch was not stable for the Fantastic Four.

"You said it before, Captain."

Regarding Steve's practice of taking all the dangers by himself, Tony raised his eyebrows, and the expression on his face became rare and serious: "We are the Avengers, we are a team, and what you are doing now is not like a team. would do.”

"That's right!"


With a thunderclap, Thor, who had flown away, waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand again and returned to the Avengers Building.

He looked at Steve in front of him and said solemnly, "The warriors of Asgard will not abandon any of their comrades."

"Didn't you go to Jane?"

Looking at Sol who went back and forth, Natasha's expression was first of joy, but then she asked with some doubts.

"I don't know where Jane is holding the meeting. The names of the countries in the atrium are too convoluted."

Facing Natasha's question, Sol twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment.


"You seem a little nervous?"

Hell's Kitchen, the original gold and building.

Along with Jin Bing's 'disappearance', the originally huge underground organization of the underworld emperor also fell apart.

A large number of members were quickly reduced to a bubble by the fighting of the Defenders and the annexation of other Hell's Kitchen gangs.

At the same time, with Jin and disappearing, the originally stable black order of the entire Hell's Kitchen fell into madness. Everyone wanted to replace the throne left by Jin and become a new emperor. The headstone that originally controlled the black gang had a chance to be annexed, but in the In the previous [Kaz] attack on the superhuman, the gang leader lost all opportunities, including himself.

In fact, the chaos caused by [Ultimate Creature] is not only that, but his hunting of a large number of extraordinary people in Hell's Kitchen.

On the contrary, there was a strange calm in this originally chaotic area. The extraordinary criminals who mastered the powerful power carefully concealed their edge, but unexpectedly, the crime rate of the entire Hell's Kitchen decreased slightly. Of course, the changes brought about by this situation obviously cannot last for too long. When they discover the disappearance of the [Ultimate Creature], the originally short-lived peace will be broken, and the situation will fall into chaos again.

Of course, the chaos in Hell's Kitchen is not what Dior or Ontology care about, it's the work of the Defenders.

In the Jinbing Building, Dior looked at Agent Carter in front of him with a mocking smile on his face.

"Are you worried about Steve?"

Grinning the corners of his mouth, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth, Dio said with a bad expression.


Standing in the building, Agent Carter was expressionless, but his heart was as Dior said.

She knew Steve and knew that he would definitely come over.

But, as previously shown in the video, Carter would rather not come.

Because, she knew very well that Dior chose Jinbing Building as the meeting place, and the danger contained in it was not only the Indian monk with eccentric abilities as Jiuyou, but also at the same time.

Turning his eyes, Agent Carter looked at the other half of the figure that was covered by the cloak.

Although she couldn't see her face under the cover of the cloak, the vampire's keen sense of touch still allowed her to detect the dangerous aura from the other party's body, and combined with the agent's judgment, Kurt could feel that under the surface of the figure, there was another There is a deeper danger that makes one's own instincts as a vampire feel shivering.


"What's the matter, Lord [Kaz]?"

Inside the cloak, Doctor Doom noticed the strangeness on his arm, and immediately asked through his heart.

Telepathy, this is the ability simulated by [Kaz] using the ability of [Ultimate Creature], and its origin is a plant that was extinct in ancient times.

"That female vampire seems to have noticed something."

Facing Doctor Doom's inquiry, [Kaz] immediately responded through induction.

"Do you need me then?"

Hearing the answer given by [Kaz], Doctor Doom's eyes under the steel mask swept across the position of Agent Carter vaguely, and a sharp gleam flashed in his eyes, saying in his heart.

In the current situation, [Kaz] is parasitic on his arm, no matter what kind of thoughts Dr. Doom holds in his heart, he has to temporarily suppress these thoughts and work hard to protect [Ultimate Creatures], after all, with the current situation. Their symbiotic relationship, protecting the [Ultimate Creature] is to protect Doctor Doom himself.

"No, she shouldn't notice too much."

The existence of Agent Carter is also very important, so it is naturally impossible for [Kaz] to let Doctor Doom take action casually.

After making an excuse at random, [Kaz] turned the conversation and mentioned it in a subtle way: "Compared to these trivial matters, I need you to pay more attention to the two people in Jiuyou, especially which one The strange monk, I can feel a powerful force from the opponent's body, this force is several times stronger than any superhuman I have hunted before, not even the Fantastic Four, so I need you to give me a chance."

"It seems that [Ultimate Creature] has chosen its target."

Knowing [Kaz]'s target through telepathy, an inexplicable look flashed in the eyes of Doctor Doom's steel mask.

But he didn't dare to take the initiative to cast his eyes on Dalxi's body. After this period of observation, Doctor Destruction has roughly figured out the abilities of the two of Jiuyou.

There is nothing to doubt about Dio's abilities. Through the introduction of [Ultimate Creatures], he easily knows all the abilities of vampires. On the contrary, it was Dalsi, this strange-looking Indian monk, whose strange and unpredictable abilities and the flexibility that was very similar to Mr. Fantastic Reed made Doctor Doom not dare to relax easily.

Especially after knowing that the other party still has the special power of meditation, Doctor Doom suppressed all his thoughts to the lowest level, so as to avoid some inadvertent omission of his own, and let Dalsi notice something strange. possible.

Right now, although he and Jiuyou maintain a cooperative relationship on the surface, in secret, Doctor Doom also knows that they do not have too much trust in each other.

Especially under the premise that the goal of [Ultimate Creature] was selected as Jiuyou.


Inside the cloak, Doctor Doom's inner thoughts changed.

On the other side, Darcy, who had been clasping his palms together in meditation, suddenly frowned, and a slight change appeared on his thin face.

"What's the matter, Master Darcy?"

Aware of Darcy's performance, Dio immediately asked.

Opening his eyes, Dalxi swept over the people in Jin and the building. When his eyes swept over Doctor Doom, there was no change in the appearance of the other party.

But in the antique shop, Li Ran easily knew that the other party's heart was not as calm as it appeared through the legend displayed on the data panel.

"They are here."

Taking his eyes away from Doctor Doom, Darcy said slowly to Dio in his usual calm tone.


As Dalxi's voice fell, a thunderstorm flashed inside the Jinbing Building.

Shattering the glass of the building, Sol took the lead and rushed into the building.

"This time, I won't be fooled by your tricks again."

Waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand, Sol looked at Dior and the others in front of him, raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand to sense the power of lightning in the sky, and in the blink of an eye formed a dark cloud to block the sky.

"You seem to have forgotten where you stand, Avenger."

Ignoring the threat in Thor's hands, Dio raised his hand and stroked Agent Carter's slender white neck lightly.

The sharp fingertips drew a slender line of blood on Agent Carter's neck in an instant. Dio stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on his fingertips, threatening beyond words.

Aware of Dio's movement, Thor's hammer, which was originally swinging in his hand, immediately followed.

Although Agent Carter's wound healed again as soon as Dio took his hand.

However, facing Dior who was holding hostages in his hands, Saul was still unavoidable.

From Steve's description and other Avengers' explanations, it's not hard for Thor to see how important Agent Carter is to Captain America.

Just like, Jane's position in her heart may be even better.

"So tell me, Thor, what about the rest of the Avengers?"

Seeing Sol's fearful expression, Dior's bewitching smile became more and more obvious. He moved his steps cautiously and did not leave Agent Carter's position too far, and swept over Sol in front of him. make an inquiry.

"Especially Steve where is he!"

Hearing Steve's name appearing from Dio's mouth, Agent Carter's breathing subconsciously quickened a bit.

"I'm here, Dio!"

At the moment when Dio's voice fell, Steve flew into the building with the help of Falcon. He held a shield and looked at the strange figure in front of him, and replied in a deep voice.

"As I said, Steve, we'll meet again."

Looking at Steve who appeared in front of him, Dio raised his slender golden eyebrows and said with a grin.

"However, looking at your appearance, it seems that you did not bring the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai here as I requested!"

Glancing at Captain America who was holding a shield in front of him, Dio narrowed his scarlet eyes with a dangerous look on his face.

With the change on Dio's face, a spider-like granulation appeared under Agent Carter's forehead. Under Granulation's control, Agent Carter moved his steps with a painful look on his face, raising a dagger at his neck.


In the face of Dio's threat, Steve held the shield's fingers tightly together, his fingertips turned white, and used great will to suppress the idea of ​​​​rushing forward.

"You're still the same as before, Steve..."

Seeing Captain America's performance, Dior's face showed a trace of disdain: "Even after 70 years, you are still the same weak."

"I don't think the captain is weak..."

Tony's rebuttal came from outside the building, and the steel suit that controlled him slowly fell into the building.

Tony looked at Dior in front of him and said blankly: "In fact, in my opinion, Captain America is the strongest existence among the Avengers, and it is precisely because of his strength that the strength of the Avengers is cast."

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