Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 436: variable


Inside the antique shop, a faint yellowish color flashed in Li Ran's eyes.

But then, from the card slot of the system, [Gamera] emitted a dazzling golden light, accompanied by a deafening roar, the dim yellow color in Li Ran's eyes was instantly destroyed.

"Is this the power of the Infinity Stones?"

His mind recovered in an instant, and Li Ran felt the feeling of being spied on by an inexplicable force before, and a trace of fear emerged in his heart.

The power of the Infinity Stone, or the Mind Stone, is more powerful and mysterious than he originally expected, and it can actually affect Li Ran's body in the antique shop through the clone of Dalxi. If it wasn't for Li Ran's habit of placing the A-rank character card [Gamera] in the card slot as his hole card, he might have been affected by the power of the Mind Gem at that moment.

The power of the mind?

[Gamela] The powerful power prevented himself from being affected by the power of the mind gem in Ultron's hands, but the situation of the clone Darxi made Li Ran more vigilant in his heart.

Speaking of which, he has drawn a lot of cards and props from the system's treasure chest, but looking at it so closely, he really doesn't have anything in his hand that is specially designed to resist spiritual power like the Mind Gem. Although, it depends on the reality. It is said that even in the entire universe, treasures with powerful spiritual power like the Mind Gem are extremely rare.

However, it is only rare.

The appearance of Mephistopheles and **** brought out by Ghost Rider has already made Li Ran clear that the world of Meiman is deeper than he thought.

And what he needs to deal with is not only Thanos who is thinking about population issues far outside the universe, heaven and hell, and even threats from other dimensions of space, far beyond Li Ran's imagination.

Thinking about it this way, even within the earth, it is not as smooth as I thought before.

The water hidden in the shadows of the Meiman world is deeper than what is seen on the surface.

Just the projection of a Mephistopheles has already shown a threatening power comparable to that of an A-level character card.

Not to mention those mysterious creatures in different space that are inextricably linked with the earth.

The earth in the Meiman world seems to be especially loved by those powerful creatures, but all the big villains who have a little pursuit seem to keep running towards the earth.

And the standard ability of these big villains seems to be related to spiritual power.

Corrupting the will or something is more commonplace.

It seems that when opening the treasure chest next, you need to focus on seeing if you can draw characters or items related to mental power.

The power of [Gamera] is powerful, but after all, it is not a monster whose main power is spiritual power.

The reason why he was able to resist the influence of the Mind Gem on Li Ran was purely because Ultron, who was holding the scepter, did not fully exert the power of the gem, and at the same time, the clone on the other side, Dalxi, also indirectly resisted most of the self as the main body. The power of gems.

This Indian ascetic monk with powerful meditation power can be regarded as half of an extraordinary spiritual person, and many of his attacking moves are related to the will to meditate.

However, obviously, as a B-rank card, no matter how powerful Dalxi's meditation power is, there is still a clear gap between him and the Mind Stone, one of the Infinity Stones.

Sure enough, in the end, it still needs to be legendary.

In the antique shop, Li Ruan Lian looked at the numbers on the system data panel and sighed.

I feel like I need to try harder.

On the other hand, in the Jinbing Building, the flow of time did not stop because of what happened to Li Ran in the antique store.

"Mr. Reed, you can let go."

Using the power of the scepter to successfully stop Dalxi's counterattack, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered, looking at Dalxi who was motionless in front of him, and then spoke to Mr. Fantastic Reed who trapped the opponent.

"you sure?"

Extending his neck and turning his head to look at the entangled Dalxi, Reed looked at the other party's motionless appearance, but the expression on his face was still a little worried.

"What if he's pretending to be controlled?"

"According to my data analysis, such a possibility is almost non-existent."

In the face of Reed's concerns, Ultron did not seem dissatisfied, and still answered with his warm and rational voice.

"Although, even now, I still can't make an accurate analysis of the power in the scepter, but according to the information obtained so far and the analysis of previous battles, the scepter has a powerful mind control power, any creature as long as Hit by the power of the scepter, it will control the target's thinking, just now I passed the power of the scepter and successfully sealed the target's mind, and now his mind and body are not in the same space."

"Seal the mind?"

Reed doesn't know much about the power of the scepter.

But just listening to Ultron's explanation still made the researcher-born superhero feel a little creepy.

"It's really scary."

"In fact, in Johnny's plan, the scepter is also a very key and even one of the decisive forces."

Hearing Ultron's question about Johnny, Reed's heart felt a little fluctuating. He controlled his stretched body to shrink back to normal, then glanced at the scepter in Ultron's hand and muttered. He said, "I hope everything goes as planned."

"Rest assured, Mr. Reed, according to my analysis, as long as everyone strictly follows every step, there is absolutely no possibility of failure."

"I hope so."

Contrasting with Ultron's confidence, Reed seemed a little cautious.

Because, the accident of the previous space cosmic storm made him clear that reality is not the exact number in the calculation, on the contrary, there are variables that no one can grasp.

In fact, as Reed thought, there are many variables in reality.

Or, to put it more simply, even if there are no variables in the current situation, someone in the antique shop will forcefully create it.


"Right now, I need you to be near that ascetic position!"

In front of Thor, Doctor Doom avoided the lightning from Thor's Hammer, and suddenly a clear tingling sensation came from his arm, and then the voice of [Kaz] in his heart became anxious.

Feeling the urging from [Ultimate Creature], Doctor Doom's eyes flickered under the steel mask.

He raised his head and glanced at Thor in front of him, and the current that had been suppressed in his body suddenly surged, winding to form a dense grid and attacking Thor's location.

"I already said it!"

Facing the current of Doctor Doom, Sol did not dodge the slightest movement. He waved the Thor's hammer in his hand and absorbed the current into the energy of the hammer in an instant, and his backhand generated stronger lightning to strike Doctor Doom in front of him.

"These currents of yours can't do any harm to me as Thor."


The violent lightning fell on Doctor Destruction, which came from the damage caused by Thor's powerful current in an instant. Even Doctor Destruction, who also had the ability to control current, could not fully bear it.

However, as Doctor Doom planned, his purpose in activating Thor Lightning was not for combat.

With the help of the terrifying destructive impact force of the lightning on Thor's Hammer, Doctor Doom's entire body flew out as if he had suffered a huge blow.

And the direction he flew to was the location of Darcy.

"Close, get closer..."

In my heart, the voice of [Kaz] kept repeating.

"Okay, haha, it's now!"

However, at the next moment, the content of what [Kaz] said in Doctor Doom's heart suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the sense of connection that had always existed in his arm was quietly broken, and then he saw a wriggling mass of flesh floating from his arm and transformed into an ugly and weird bird creature, flapping its wings in a very fast speed. The speed flew towards Darcy, a few meters away from Doctor Doom.

"There is a situation!"

During all this process, Doctor Doom was knocked flying by Thor, and the development plan of a strange bird drilled out of his arm happened in just a few seconds.

When the strange bird appeared, in the entire Jinbian Building, only Ultron next to Dalxi responded.

There was a glimmer of data provocation in the eyes of the artificial intelligence Youlan, and he immediately raised his palm and fired a shock cannon that hit the strange bird flying fast in mid-air.


The powerful destructive power of the shock wave directly smashed the strange bird in mid-air into meat **** and scattered feathers.

Ultron retracted his arm, but did not notice that a charred feather fluttered on Darcy's forehead behind him without his attention.

"This is?"

Looking at the strange bird destroyed by Ultron, an uneasy feeling surged in Reed's heart. He turned his head and immediately saw the feather that fell on Dalxi's forehead.

However, before Mr. Fantastic Reed could respond, the feather seemed to squirm into Darcy's body with a life-like wriggling under his astonished gaze.

"What's the matter, Mr. Reed?"

Noticing the stunned expression on Reed's face, Ultron turned his head, and his tone showed humanized doubts.

"I just saw a piece of..."

In the face of Ultron's inquiry, Reed opened his mouth and was about to tell the other party the strange scene he had seen before.

However, at this moment, all kinds of terrifying squirming scenes suddenly appeared on the body of the ascetic Dalxi, who had been motionless under the power of the scepter, as if there was a terrifying creature inside the opponent's body. Constantly struggling to walk.

"There was an accident in the plan."

The blue light in his eyes flickered, Ultron looked at what happened to Darcy, and there were many unexplainable questions in the mechanical brain.

He raised the scepter in his hand and aimed it at Darcy's head again, but this time, the power of the scepter did not fix his gaze as Ultron had calculated.

Darcy's body, as if completely out of the control of his own mind, started to move on his own.

"Mr. Stark, the plan has gone awry."

Looking at Dalxi, who was wriggling and changing more violently in front of him, Ultron immediately reported the situation to Tony.

"It's not good news."

Controlling the steel suit to avoid Dio's attack, Tony bowed his head and swept the clear claw marks on the suit while distracted and replied.

"What's the situation, shouldn't the scepter have already controlled the opponent?"

"It was supposed to be like this, but..."

Youlan's eyes emitted infrared rays to scan the situation in front of Dalxi, and a large amount of data in Ultron's database began to be analyzed and deduced.

Under the support of powerful data computing power, in just a few seconds, Ultron has obtained a result beyond artificial intelligence thinking from the situation of Darcy.

"Mr. Stark, the development of the situation seems to be more complicated than imagined. The phenomena produced by the target, and those suffered in Hell's Kitchen before..."


Staring at Dalxi in front of him, Ultron really planned to pass the results of his analysis to Tony on the other side. Dalxi, who had been wriggling in the body in front of him, suddenly stopped this phenomenon, and then his arm suddenly stretched out in Ultron. The moment he reacted, he hit the The huge force generated from the arm left a deep depression on the hard shell of Ultron like a heavy hammer.

Putting away his outstretched arms, Dalxi stood up slowly on the ground, and a large number of muscles on the thin body began to wriggle and deform, and finally turned into a stone-like but **** and shiny muscle that seemed to possess A tall figure like life.

"[Ultimate Creature], Mr. Stark, the sealed [Ultimate Creature] reappeared and integrated the members of Jiuyou into his body."



The news from Ultron's mouth was really shocking, even Tony couldn't help but be distracted the moment he heard the news.

"Suffer to death, Iron Man!"

Seizing this moment, Dior's scarlet eyes flashed a dangerous light, and the next moment he waved his sharp claws to grab the helmet facing Tony.


At the critical moment, Tony, who had recovered his senses, opened his palms and ejected a violent shock wave from the palms to avoid Dio's attack.

Looking at Tony who was escaping in front of him, Dio grinned and showed a sharp suppression. He lowered his body and was about to pounce in Tony's direction.

However, at this moment, a terrifying feeling of repression that seemed to be at the top of the food chain suddenly burst out from behind Dio.

Under the suppression of this cellular level, Dior's face immediately showed a look of shock, and he opened his mouth with a grim look.

" is it possible, why, why can't my body move, why, as the king of vampires, I actually feel a little bit scared, I clearly made up my mind and abandoned everything..."

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