Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 441: More powerful Kaz

"I know your name, Hulk, an existence created by an accidental experiment."

"You should be tired of living in this fragile body and being treated like a monster."

Twisting his body, the [Ultimate Creature] stretched out his palm and aimed at the Hulk in front of him, and his handsome face like a Greek statue showed a hint of bewitching.

"So come on, be a part of my body."

"Only me, as a [Ultimate Creature], can accommodate you, let you exert the most powerful power, without any restraints, no longer entangled in the so-called human beings, become a truly invincible existence, let those who hate it Those who are afraid of you know how strong you are, instead of being confined in that fragile and weak body like you are now, constantly roaring."


Facing the invitation from [Kaz]'s mouth.

Hulk lowered his head, and his dark green eyes swept across the handsome figure in front of him, which made him faintly heartbroken.

With the constant coming out of Banner's body, compared with the monster that only knew destruction at the beginning, Hulk has also changed to a certain extent. He has learned simple thinking, and at the same time, he also clearly knows Banner's attitude towards himself.

Looking at the outstretched palm of [Ultimate Creature], Hulk could feel a trace of sincerity.

It was as if, as long as he nodded and agreed, he would be able to break free from Banner, who had always been afraid of him, and end their twisted and entangled relationship.


However, just when Hulk hesitated because of the words of [Ultimate Creature].

The huge thunder sounded in the air made his dark green eyes flash, and the anger that had been suppressed in his heart reappeared.

"Hulk, don't like Banner!"

There was a roar in his mouth, looking at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, Hulk roared and shouted.

"Hulk doesn't like you either!"

"Hulk doesn't need anyone, Hulk alone is enough!"

"Well said, Hulk."

Falling on Chinatown with the power of thunder, Sol heard the Hulk's roar and immediately agreed.


Waving his huge arm, he punched Sol, who came to his side, and Hulk's heart was filled with anger again.

"The Hulk doesn't need Thor either!"

"Looks like this is your decision."

Retracting his outstretched palm, the [Ultimate Creature] looked at the Hulk who was roaring and roaring in front of him, and the expression on his face immediately turned cold.

"Unfortunately, I thought we would get along well with each other."

Activating the ability of [Yoga Teleport], [Kaz]'s body instantly disappeared in front of the Hulk.

Then his figure came from behind Hulk: "However, you are wrong to think that I will give up like this, since you chose to refuse my invitation, then I can only spend a little more effort. , integrate you into my body little by little, but this time I will completely obliterate your consciousness, and it is enough to just take away the power in you."

Accompanied by the voice of [Ultimate Creature], his limbs stretched out in an instant, and like four long whips, he made a sharp air-breaking sound and threw it in the direction of Hulk.

Bang, bang!

[Ultimate Creature] The flexible limbs carried huge power and staggered the Hulk in front of him.

Hulk raised his fist to fight back, but in the next instant, its thick arm was tightly wrapped by the extended arm of [Ultimate Creature].

Pulled by the huge force from his arm, the angry expression on Hulk's face became more and more obvious, and bursts of roar came out of his mouth. He raised his thick thighs and stepped on the ground to create two deep potholes. , Hulk dragged his arm wrapped by the [Ultimate Creature] and began to compete for himself.

However, the angry Hulk didn't realize that, along with the confrontation between the [Ultimate Creature], the arm of the [Ultimate Creature] on his entangled hand gradually showed a situation of integration.


The Thor's Hammer held high in his hand smashed down towards Hulk's position, and the violent current generated from Thor's body instantly shrouded the Hulk in it.

The violent lightning forced back the arm of the [Ultimate Creature] wrapped around Hulk, and at the same time made the Hulk even more angry.

"Hey, calm down big guy, I'm here to help you."

Recognizing that the Thor's Hammer in his hand fell directly on Hulk, Thor suppressed Hulk's movements through the magic power on the Thor's Hammer, and then opened his mouth to persuade.

"If it wasn't for me just now, you might have been devoured by the [Ultimate Creature]."

One [Ultimate Creature] is enough to give Sol a headache. If you add the power of Hulk, even Sol at this moment has no confidence to defeat it.

So, no matter whether the previous approach will annoy the Hulk or not, Thor has to do it.

He did this definitely not because he was revenge for being punched by Hulk before, and he was not Loki, how could he be so stingy.


Restricted by the Thor's Hammer on his body, Hulk let out a deafening roar, struggling to break free from the suppression of Thor's Hammer.

However, the powerful power Odin bestowed on Thor's Hammer was not something that Hulk's brute force alone could use to break free, at least that's the case at hand.

Therefore, after taking a look at Hulk's situation, Sol immediately retracted his gaze and turned to the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him.

"Sol, I was going to deal with you after I obtained the power of the immortal reincarnation, but since you can't wait to die in Chinatown, then I will fulfill your wish."

Controlling his stretched limbs to shrink back to their normal appearance, the [Ultimate Creature] looked at Thor surrounded by lightning in front of him, turned his handsome face like a Greek statue, and said with a cold expression.

"I swear as an Asgardian warrior, I will defeat you completely, [Ultimate Creature]."

Without the power of Thor's Hammer, Thor condensed a lot of lightning on his hands, and his arms shone under the reflection of the current, showing a strange and gorgeous feeling, but Doctor Doom on the other side It was clearly felt that the terrifying power of destruction contained in Sol's shining arms.

This is the true power of the Asgardian warrior, Thor.

"Beat me?"

Controlling his body to form a thick layer of dark carapace, the voice of [Ultimate Creature] came out through the carapace: "I [Ultimate Creature] are the most powerful creatures bred on this earth, you guys from the universe. Race is destined to become a perfect creature as my [Kaz], and become the nutrients on the road to God. In fact, the more powerful you are, the more excited I am, because these powers will eventually become my [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] Being a part of being a god, neither you Sol nor Hulk can escape this fate."

"Because, I [Kaz] is the strongest existence!"

With the strongest declaration in his mouth, [Ultimate Creature] moved his huge body wrapped in carapace, and without hesitation, rushed towards Thor, who was condensing lightning.

"Take my lightning, [Ultimate Creature]!"

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] rushing in front of him, Sol took a deep breath, waved his arms to form a violent electric current, and slashed towards the dark figure wrapped in carapace in front of him.


Under the influence of the powerful lightning force, the entire Chinatown was illuminated like daytime, and the subtle currents in the air kept flashing.

After being hit by lightning, the body wrapped in the jet-black carapace was defeated in an instant, and an unpleasant smell was emitted from the whole body.


However, looking at the huge body of [Ultimate Creature] that was struck by lightning and collapsed in front of him, Thor couldn't help showing a stunned expression on his face.

Click, click—

The residual electric current kept beating above the carapace, however, what appeared in front of Sol was not the expected [Ultimate Creature] itself, but just a blackened shell.

"Haha, stupid Sol, you have completely fooled me [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz]."

In a twist of space, the figure of [Ultimate Creature] appeared in front of the empty shell, he looked at Sol, who had a stunned expression in front of him, and laughed smugly in his mouth: "What you hit was just me [ The shell that was taken off by the ultimate creature, as early as the moment you launched the lightning attack, I had already sent the body inside the shell through the power of the nine secluded ascetic monks, so you spent your strength in the attack. Not even a single bit of my [Kaz] was hurt."

"Sol, no matter if you are a human being or an Asgardian cosmic creature, as long as you are a living creature, there is a limit to your power. This is the innate limitation of living creatures. Even as a [ultimate creature], I cannot avoid this. One point, so you have consumed so much lightning power in your body before, I don’t believe you can continue to continue, although I don’t know what the existence that makes your power suddenly soared, but such a power must exist some This kind of limitation, the power in you can't continue like this forever, maybe next time or next time, I will wait patiently until the power in you weakens again, then I will torture you full Melt into my body, Sol, get ready, haha…”


Facing the rampant laughter of [Ultimate Creature], Sol's performance seemed a little silent.

In fact, as [Ultimate Creature] guessed, the magic power that Odin kept on Thor's Hammer was not without limits. With the passage of time, Thor could clearly feel that the power he had recovered started again. There are signs of decline, and it may not be long before the power in his body will once again reach the previous level, and he must rely on Thor's Hammer to summon a lightning attack.

"Even if my strength declines, I will defeat you before that, [Ultimate Creature] No, [Kaz]."

"No, you don't have this chance anymore, Sol!"

Putting away the smile on his face, the [Ultimate Creature] looked at Sol in front of him and gave a cold answer.

Then, under the rotation of his thoughts, the jet-black carapace that fell to the ground and turned into coke immediately began to move. It moved rapidly with a twisted speed on all fours, and rushed in front of Sol in the blink of an eye. Ignoring the lightning on his body, he suddenly opened and wrapped him directly under the circumstance of Thor being caught off guard.


The whole body was wrapped by the carapace deformed by the [Ultimate Creature], and Sol immediately made a struggle. On the body in the carapace, dazzling lightning broke out and continuously penetrated the carapace, trying to destroy it. Destroyed, the powerful strength of the Asgard warriors formed cracks in the carapace.

"It's useless, Sol."

However, no matter whether it was Sol's struggle or lightning, the carapace wrapped around his body could not be broken, and the cracks all over the body recovered in an instant, and it became a bit stronger.

Looking at Thor's resistance, UU read www.uukanshu. com [Ultimate Creature] then made a disdainful expression: "In order to trap you firmly, I deliberately evolved the carapace, and found a kind of 18 million years ago in the cells of the body. Insect creatures, this kind of creature has extremely powerful vitality, and can survive even in the harshest environment. I extracted this ability of insects and made evolution, and made this shell prison in front of me. Lightning to trap you."

"This special carapace prison will continue to consume your power, and will eventually digest and swallow the target who has lost all resistance. Sol, you are destined to become part of my [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] body."

The final judgment was made on Thor, who was trapped in the carapace. [Ultimate Creature] twisted his body, swept his gaze from Hulk, who was suppressed by Thor's Hammer, and stayed on Ah Xing's body again.

"The third form of Tathagata's palm - Buddha moving mountains and rivers!"

Facing the dangerous gaze from the [Ultimate Creature], Ah Xing immediately focused his gaze, with his arm lying on his chest with a seal, the other palm raised above his head, the sound of the Sanskrit reverberated, and countless **** symbols all over his body. A faint golden Buddha statue was formed behind it, but with kind-hearted eyes and good-looking arms, he used the means of thunder and waved his palms towards the position of the [Ultimate Creature].

"The Tathagata Palm, is that so?"

Facing the attack from the golden Buddha statue behind Ah Xing, [Kaz] tilted his neck, the next moment his arms lay on his chest with a seal, and then the same Sanskrit sound as Ah Xing sounded, only Seeing the countless swastikas on the back of [Ultimate Creature], a Buddha statue even bigger than Ah Xing appeared there. The huge Buddha statue waved his palms, and the indifferent and grim expression on his face replaced the original kind eyes, like a huge statue. The Evil Buddha exuded a monstrous aura and smashed towards Ah Xing, who was facing him.

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