Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 448: Devour earth

Fierce gusts of wind continued to spew out of Po's mouth.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that such a violent wind came from the mouth of a child who looked less than ten years old.


Although most of the power of the wind was aimed at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, the residual storm that was vented still affected the Avengers in Chinatown.

Tony controlled his steel suit and tried to stabilize his posture in the strong wind, while turning his head to look at Po who was constantly blowing.

In just a moment of effort, he had a deeper understanding of the power of Immortal Penglai.


Above Chinatown, the howling wind lifted the hard concrete blocks on the ground, and at the same time, the three evil Buddha statues in front of [Ultimate Creature] were blown into folds like the waves on the water surface. Under these rippling ripples, The figure of the Buddha statue became looming, and the originally clear body became blurred.

"No, it's impossible!"

Bang! Bang!

Transforming his feet into the concrete floor of Chinatown like the roots of a plant, [Ultimate Creature] looked at the evil Buddha that was crumbling under the reincarnation of the immortal, and his face suddenly showed disbelief. Expression: "How can you be so strong."


Puff puff--

Under the gaze of [Ultimate Creature], Po, no, it should now be called the remnant of a fairy. He swelled his mouth again, and the next second, a stronger wind roared out of his mouth than before. , Under the raging wind, the three evil Buddha statues instantly turned into pieces of golden light and shattered as if they were destroyed.

His eyes swept over the golden light that dissipated around him. [Ultimate Creature] looked at the remnant of the immortal opposite. His handsome face like a Greek statue had long since lost the calmness and confidence he had before. The small body seemed to see an unimaginably terrifying existence lurking in it.

Li Ran: "..."

However, in the next moment, [Ultimate Creature] seemed to think of something, looked at the immortal's remnant soul and said, "If your power is so powerful, why would you be reincarnated?"

"Naturally because I encountered a more powerful existence."

Facing the question of [Ultimate Creature], the immortal remnant cooperated to explain.

While looking at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, he said: "In this universe, the hidden dangers are not as simple as what you see in front of you. Although your power is strange and unpredictable, even as a person I have never seen before. I haven't seen it, but it hasn't reached the level of those guys after all."

The evaluation of the ability of [Ultimate Creature], the next second, the expression on the round face of the immortal remnant suddenly became solemn: "However, although your ability has not reached that level, but I I can feel the horror of your ability, if you let you continue to grow, sooner or later, you will become the same dangerous existence as those guys, so in order to avoid such a situation, you need to do something early."

"deal with?"

Hearing the words of the immortal's remnant soul, the expression on [Ultimate Creature]'s face suddenly changed, and a bad premonition began to emerge in his heart.

"Speaking of which, I don't have much time, and if I continue to drag it on, it will probably have an impact on the current reincarnated body, so in order to make a quick decision, I can only use the simplest method to solve you. ."

As he spoke, the immortal remnant controlled Po's body to move his hands and feet, patted his face, opened and closed his mouth, and suddenly grinned at the [Ultimate Creature] who was facing the enemy. With a meaningful smile.

"The so-called easiest way is to send you into my stomach. After all, the two arms just now are not even an appetizer to me."

"Eat me?!"

Facing the words of the immortal's remnant soul, the face of [Ultimate Creature] showed a clear twist: "It's just a guy who has been dead for an unknown time, and he actually tried to kill me [Ultimate Creature] [ Kaz] As food..."

As he said, the appearance of [Ultimate Creature] began to undergo dramatic changes. His figure was twisted and deformed and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, transforming into a terrifying creature full of spikes. This creature looked terrifying, almost combined. The strongest part of all the terrifying creatures known to 【Ultimate Creatures】.

"On this planet, only I [Kaz] is the strongest being standing at the top of the food chain!" Controlling the dangerous spikes and sharp blades on his body to stretch out, [Ultimate Creature] looked at the immortal remnant in front of him , roaring and shouting: "And you, will eventually become my [Kaz] food."

"Then we can give it a try and see who ate who in the end."

The ferocious and twisted appearance of the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him did not change the expression on the face of the immortal remnant soul too much. He continued to move his mouth and took the same deep breathing action as before.

Then, under the gaze of [Ultimate Creature], he opened his entire mouth to an exaggerated arc and muttered: "Swallow mountains and rivers~"

As the voice of the immortal's remnant soul fell, a terrifying suction force that far exceeded Ye Wen's previous magic seal wave appeared from his mouth.


Under the pull of this powerful suction, [Ultimate Creature] felt that his body involuntarily began to fly towards the mouth of the immortal's remnant soul.

In order to resist this terrifying suction, [Kaz] constantly deformed his body, and his lower body was deeply rooted into the ground like a plant, gaining time to breathe through the method of rooting, [Ultimate Creature] look To the immortal remnant in front of him, he smiled and said: "I admit, your power is really amazing, this suction power even exceeds the power of the previous seal, but this mere amount of attraction can eat me [Kaz]. Go down, the root system I deformed has been firmly planted on the ground and stretched out dozens of meters, if you want to **** me over, you must pull the entire ground!"


Facing the words of [Ultimate Creature], a faint smile flashed in the eyes of the immortal remnant soul, and the suction force from its mouth suddenly increased several times in the next instant. Under the action of the terrible suction force, [Ultimate Creature] The deep root system was pulled out one by one, and a lot of cracks on the ground began to emerge.

"Do you think there's nothing I can do about this?!"

Seeing that the body that he had finally fixed started to become unstable again, the [Ultimate Creature] began to transform into the human appearance before: "I can also transmit myself to other places through the ability of the nine secluded ascetic monks!"

As he said, the space on [Ultimate Creature] began to distort, and his body was about to be taken away by the ability of [Yoga Teleportation].

However, the next moment [Ultimate Creature] found that the distorted space power in his body gradually dissipated.

"Do not!"

"how is this possible!"

Seeing that his teleportation power was useless, the last trace of calmness on the face of [Ultimate Creature] disappeared. He felt the huge suction that was constantly generated from the mouth of the immortal's remnant soul, and the whole expression became crazy: " Why, why does it fail, why, did I [Kaz] really end like this, become food, no, this is not the ending I want, no!"

Feeling that the countdown to his life is getting closer and closer, [Kaz] began to deform his body crazily. He transformed into plants, animals, and even separated his body into dense insects, but he still couldn't get rid of the immortal's remnant soul. of suction.


Transforming his hands into huge claws and digging deep into the ground, [Ultimate Creature] procrastinated the time in this way, but his eyes began to frantically glance at Doctor Doom and the On Dio's body, he saw a glimmer of hope flashing in the eyes of the two [Doctor Doom], and then he shouted: "Quick, stop this guy!"

Faced with the cry of [Ultimate Creature], Doctor Doom subconsciously took his steps.

However, he soon stopped, and a strange light flashed in his eyes under the steel mask.

Here, Doctor Doom stopped his movements.

Dior on the other side seemed to be ready to respond. He looked scarlet at the location of the [Ultimate Creature], with a faint smile on his bewitching face. attracted to the past.

"I'm here..."

Responding in his mouth, Dio's body instantly turned into a red afterimage and rushed towards the [Ultimate Creature] before the Avengers could react.

"Very good, as long as you can save me, I will help you get rid of the weakness of vampires and become the real king of vampires!"

Looking at Dior rushing towards him, [Ultimate Creature]'s eyes flashed with a look of surprise.


However, in the next second, [Ultimate Creature] saw that Dior's figure rubbed his position and ran towards another direction of Chinatown.

"The king of vampires, who do you think you are, I, Dior, are the worthy king in this world."

Arriving in front of his target, Dio looked at the huge machine in front of him, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the powerful vampire power boosted by the [Ultimate Creature] in his body exploded instantly. He raised the old road roller in his hand and smashed it in the direction of the [Ultimate Creature].

"And monsters like you, give me obediently as food and disappear into this world!"


More than several tons of road rollers smashed on the body of [Ultimate Creature], instantly pushing [Kaz], who was already in a precarious situation, a big step further into danger.

Under the rumbling of the huge road roller, the hard ground grasped by [Ultimate Creature] shattered instantly, and the terrifying suction from the mouth of the immortal remnant behind it directly pulled it back several meters.

"Do not!"

He grabbed onto the road roller with both hands, but couldn't stop the force behind him.

[Ultimate Creature] turned his head to look at where Dio was, and let out a final roar: "You, damn, you thought I [Kaz] would survive after being eaten, the vampire power in you is From the stone ghost face I made, since I can give you power, I can naturally take it back!"

As he said, [Ultimate Creature] opened his palm with difficulty and turned to Dio, who was not far away. He folded his palm and a large amount of blood mist began to flow out of Dio's body involuntarily.

"No, you can't take my power, it belongs to me..."

Feeling the power dissipating from the body, the expression on Dio's face suddenly turned aside, he panicked and grabbed these scattered blood mists, trying to grab them again in his hands.

However, it was clear that it was all in vain.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at Dio's appearance, there was a mocking smile on the face of [Ultimate Creature]. The next moment he grabbed the palm of the road roller and lost his strength, and his whole body began to fly backwards rapidly.

"Unexpectedly, this is the final ending of my [Kaz]."

Feeling the stronger and stronger suction coming from behind, the original twisted expression on [Ultimate Creature]'s face suddenly He gently closed his eyes and gave up resistance.


Under the eyes of the avengers, the immortal remnant controlled Po's small body to directly swallow the [Ultimate Creature]'s huge body that was three or four times its size in an unreasonable way.


Hiccupping at the Avengers, the immortal remnant touched his stomach, and a satisfied smile appeared on his round little face.

"Okay, I'm full, it's time to go back."

Seeing that the Avengers kept such a sentence, the next moment, A Bao's whole body fell down as soon as he loosened his body.

"Jarvis! Scan Xiao, no, Po's situation now!"

Looking at Po who suddenly fell down, Tony in the steel suit suddenly became nervous.

"Sir, Bao's physical signs are normal."

Infrared rays from the helmet swept Po's body, and Jarvis' report sounded in Tony's ear.


Hearing Jarvis' report, Tony couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Jarvis, contact Ultron, we still have a lot to deal with."

[Ultimate Creature] Although the biggest crisis is gone, there are still other things waiting for the Avengers.

Opening his helmet, Tony glanced at the ruins of Chinatown in front of him, and then gave an order.


Here, Tony and the others confirmed the situation of Po's fall and began to arrange the follow-up finishing work.

On the other side, Steve held the shield in his hand and looked at the complex expression on the face wrapped in the mask of Dio's figure in front of him.

In between, in front of his eyes, the originally young Dior had gray hair and dense wrinkles all over his face, becoming an old and weak old man.

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