Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 457: Only magic can...


The majestic roar of the high priest came from his mind, making Chang Amir's turbid eyes instantly dignified.

He looked at the unremarkable old man in front of him, and recalled what the high priest [Imorton] had revealed in the pyramid before. According to what the high priest said, the reason why he was sealed in the pyramid was because of a Field betrayal and participation of magicians.

"He has the power of a magician. Although this power is quite weak compared to the group of guys who sealed me thousands of years ago, I will never forget this power."

In his mind, the roar of the high priest kept ringing.

With the words of the high priest, Chang Amir also basically determined the identity of the father in front of him.

The other party could not be the group of magicians who sealed the high priest thousands of years ago, but it is very likely that they are the descendants of those magicians.

In particular, the description of the prophecy just revealed from the father's mouth.

It further deepened Chang Emir's confidence in his father's identity.

"I didn't expect to meet you in such a situation, magician."

After confirming the identity of the opposite father, Chang Emir's thin face immediately became solemn.

Although, according to the description of the high priest in the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, the power comparison of the old man in front of him is completely different from that of the magician thousands of years ago. However, Chang Emir also knew that what he was doing at the moment. The power possessed is only the tip of the iceberg of the abilities of a great high priest.

Its more power is still sealed within the pyramid.


Facing Emil Chang's description in front of him, the expression on the father's face was a little stunned at first, and then he helped the glasses on his face, and made a serious admission: "Yes, I am a magician."

"Dad, I haven't heard much about your experience as a magician?"

Hearing Dad admit his identity, [Uncle Long] who got off the motorcycle immediately cooperated.

"Dad has a lot of past experiences, is it necessary to tell you everything? Aaron!"

Facing [Uncle Long]'s doubts, the old man replied quite dissatisfiedly. At the same time, he turned his head to look at Chang Amir in front of him, especially for a few seconds on the [Scarab Seal] that flashed a faint red light on the back of his hand.

"Compared to these, how to deal with this guy is the most important issue. If the prophecy in Dad's dream is correct, the power of this guy is more ancient and evil than imagined."

"On this point, in fact, Dad, I have just..."

Facing the description of the father, [Uncle Long] opened his mouth and was about to say something.

The Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer, who had been silent beside the two for a long time, suddenly grabbed his body and grabbed it. He waved the flaming chains of hellfire and slammed out towards Chang Amir in front of him.


The iron chain hit the barren ground of St. Van Gonzalo and smashed a black hole. Facing the heavy attack of the Ghost Rider, Chang Emir controlled the surrounding scarabs quickly without dodging or evading. The incoming chain block flew out.

"Do you think I'm still the same me before? Ghost Rider!"

The appearance of the magician certainly made Chang Amir pay attention, but it was the Ghost Riders who paid more attention.

Before, Chang Amir suffered from the power of the Ghost Rider in the battle with Johnny Blazer, and now he finally obtained more powerful power from the High Priest. Naturally, he did not forget to repay the Ghost Rider for what he had done to him before. caused some.

"This time, I will let the scarabs devour you with your bones. I want to see how the Ghost Rider who has no bones is resurrected."

As Chang Emir's voice fell, a large number of scarabs emerged around him, aiming at Carter Slay and Johnny Blazer, the two evil spirit knights in front of him, making sharp and harsh insect sounds.

"Destroy all of them without leaving a single one!"

With a cold command in his mouth, Chang Amir raised his thin fingers and waved gently at the Ghost Riders in front of him.

In the next instant, these scarabs, which had been quietly hovering around Chang Amir, seemed to have received orders, and they rushed towards the location of the Evil Knights.


Seeing these surging scarab beetles, the flames in Johnny Blazer's hollow eye sockets flickered, and he dragged the chain flying out of his hand with a heavy toss, and a large amount of hellfire spewed out from the chain instantly. Above the swarm of scarab beetles surging from the opposite side.

Facing the scorching high temperature of the fire of hell, the scarabs in front of them turned into clouds of black mist and dissipated in the flames without any resistance.

However, Johnny Blazer's powerful flames only wiped out a small swarm of scarabs in front of him.

After that, more scarabs made a sharp and harsh chirping sound and rushed towards them.

"No, these bugs are too many!"

With a gun in one hand and a whip in his hand, Carter Srey tried his best to stop the scarabs coming towards the Ghost Rider.

The **** warhorse opened its mouth and kept spraying hellfire, but as Carter Slay said, surrounded by more and more scarabs, the resistance of the ghost knights became more and more powerless. stand up.

"More ants kill elephants."

Looking at the ghost knights who were getting smaller and smaller under the siege of scarabs, Dad couldn't help but muttered something.

"Dad, hurry up and take action. If you don't take action, the evil spirit knights will be in trouble."

Following Dad's words, [Uncle Long] cooperated and made a reminder.

"It seems that in the end, I still need my father to take action."

Hearing the urging of [Uncle Long] beside him, the old man pretended to stretch his muscles and bones, twisted his hands and feet, and then took out a seemingly ordinary from his pocket with a serious face. The dry puffer fish pointed in the direction of Chang Emir in front of him, and muttered as if he was muttering: "The monsters and monsters are leaving! The monsters and monsters are leaving soon!"

"Is this how a magician casts spells?"

Although, most of Chang Amir's attention was attracted by the ghost knights in front of him.

However, the father's maverick behavior still attracted his attention.

Turning his turbid eyes to look at his father who was waving dry puffer fish not far away, Chang Amir's expression was somewhat inexplicable.

Because of the description of the high priest, Chang Emir subconsciously associated his father with the powerful and unpredictable magician in his mind.

However, the appearance of the father on the other side made Chang Amir think he was wrong.

Is such a playful way of casting spells really the existence that the high priest once sealed the great Qi into the pyramid?

If all this is true, then it seems that after thousands of years of development and evolution, the once powerful magician has completely declined.

"If this is your so-called ridiculous magic, then I can only apologize..."

The eyes flickered in the turbid eyes, Chang Amir looked at the old man who was still muttering there, and couldn't help but tug at the corners of his old wrinkled mouth: "I will destroy you and the Ghost Rider together by the way. ."

As Chang Amir's voice fell, the scarabs that were flocking to the Ghost Riders suddenly separated a small part, flapping their wings and flying in the direction of Dad and the others.

Looking at the scarab beetle that suddenly flew towards him, the expression on [Uncle Long]'s face immediately became panicked.

Turning his head and looking at the old man who was engrossed in chattering behind him, [Uncle Long] took a deep breath and immediately took off his coat and threw it towards the scarabs.


The coat that flew out, the face that was eaten by the scarab swarm the moment it came into contact, was not left.

【Uncle Long】Looking at the jacket with no thread left like magic, he shivered instinctively.

And his provocation has also successfully attracted the scarab that was flying towards Dad.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"

Under the pursuit of the scarab swarm, [Uncle Long] turned over and used various flexible movements to avoid these terrifying scarabs that were gnawing at him, while shouting at the old man who was still doing the casting action there. road.

"Dad, your magic is not good enough?"

"If you don't finish it, you may only see me with a skeleton left. No, I look at the situation in front of me. If I get bitten by these scarabs, I may not even have bones left."

"Aaron, didn't I remind you, Dad, that you need a quiet environment during the casting process?!"

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s cry for help, Dad still slowly finished the last 'casting' action in his hand, and then replied with a dissatisfied face.

"Father, now is not the time to say that!"

One jumped over and jumped from the motorcycle in front of him, [Uncle Long] turned his head to look at the scarab that devoured the motorcycle he was riding in an instant, and the terrified expression on his face became more and more obvious.

"If you don't complete the magic, even if I want to quarrel, there may be no chance."

"Although Dad has always been dissatisfied with your noisy behavior, he hasn't reached the point where he wants to replace you."

In the face of [Uncle Long]'s shouting and shouting, the old man calmly supported the glasses on his face, and then pointed the dry puffer fish in his hand at Chang Amir, and at the same time, the meaning in his mouth was unclear. spell.

"The monsters are about to leave!"

As the old man's spell fell, a green light immediately appeared from the dried puffer fish in his hands.

"Damn, what is this power?!"

At the same time, in Chang Amir's mind, the roar of the high priest also sounded in coordination.


Amid the roar of the high priest, Chan Amir was struck by the green light from the dry puffer in Papa's hands.

The moment he was hit by the green light, Chang Amir saw that the [Scarab Seal] that flashed red light on his hand began to dim, and as the light faded, the infinite power in his body seemed to fade away. Power also began to show clear signs of decline.

"No, why, the power of the high priest..."

There was a groan in his mouth, and it was precisely because he had experienced the powerful taste that Chang Amir felt more and more excited when he felt the weakening power in his body.

However, the display did not change because of Chang Emir's reaction. In just a few seconds, the powerful strength that had filled his body disappeared, and the originally thin figure became more rugged as the strength weakened.


Waving the iron chain in his hand, Johnny Blazer was about to stop the scarab swarm in front of him, but the chain fell on the swarm and penetrated instantly.

Under the gaze of the Ghost Rider's hollow eyes, the scarabs surrounding them turned into a large black mist and dissipated in an instant.

Facing everything that happened in front of him, even the Ghost Rider couldn't help but appear stunned.

Carter Sley waved the long whip in his hand and put it back on his waist, turned his head and swept everything around him, and quickly landed on the old man who was holding the dry blowfish.

"Looks like he should be the one to stop these scarabs."

"Dad, I didn't expect you to really stop the power of these scarabs!"

Looking at the scarab beetles that dissipated a second before rushing up, [Uncle Long] patted his heart and made a lingering expression, and shouted to his father at the same time.

"Uncle Long, what did Dad say?"

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s words, the old man immediately put on a dissatisfied expression.

[Uncle Long]: "Never doubt your father's words."

Dad: "That's not it."

[Uncle Long]: "One more thing?"


"Hot tea?"




Looking at [Uncle Long], who was getting more and more confused, the old man rushed forward with a look of anger and gave him a hand knife, and then announced himself: "Only magic can defeat magic!"

"...Contract...'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract'..."

Here, whether it's the Ghost Rider or Dad, with the disappearance of Chang Emir's power to control the scarabs, the original vigilance has relaxed a little, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

However, without everyone noticing, a dim red light flashed across the [Scarab Seal] on the back of Chang Emir's hand, and at the same time, the intermittent voice of the high priest also came. flashed in his mind.

"'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract'!"

Hearing the voice of the high priest in his mind, Chang Emir's empty and cloudy eyes regained color He stretched out his thin fingers and took out the 'Santa Van Gonzalo' from his body tremblingly. "Contract", feeling the powerful power on the "Contract of St. Van Gonzalo", the whole expression instantly turned from the previous decadence to excitement.

"Haha, Ghost Rider, Mage, do you think this is the end?"

"Don't forget, I also have the power of the 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract' in my hands!"

There was a crazy laughter that could not be concealed, Chang Amir raised the 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract' in his hand and looked in the direction of the Ghost Rider and others, and a sharp laughter came out of his mouth: "As long as you liberate the For these souls sealed in the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo', the high priest will successfully break free from the seal of the pyramid, and you will completely fall under the powerful power of the high priest."

Attracting the eyes of the Ghost Rider and others, without any hesitation, Chang Amir will reach out and open the 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract' in his hand.


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