Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 463: draw card

A thoughtful look flashed through his dark pupils.

Mephistopheles looked at the golden ape in front of him that was constantly moving around him, and the angry expression on the huge face made up of shadows began to subside.

The Lord of Hell is not an arrogant and arrogant idiot like his own son, Hei Xin. As a demon who has been walking in the world for thousands of years, what he is best at is playing with human souls.

Under the temptation and deception of the devil, even the wisest saint cannot escape the end of depravity.

Just like the original three thousand saints of St. Van Gonzana.

It is precisely because of his extraordinary wisdom that Mephisto knows that the battle situation in front of him has fallen into a stalemate. Although Kizaru's various strange abilities cannot completely destroy his own projection, it is indeed first-class in terms of life-saving. , At least so far, the demon lord has not thought of any other way to capture or even kill this weird guy other than borrowing the power of the body in hell.

However, with the magic network established by the Supreme Mage on Earth today, Mephisto will be discovered once he uses the power of hell.


Stopping the [Light Speed ​​Kick] that turned into a golden light, Kizaru looked at Mephistopheles who was shrinking in front of him, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes under the sunglasses.

Controlling the shadow on his body and re-entering the ruins of the dilapidated town of San Van Gonzalo, Mephistopheles looked up at the Kiwi who was parked in mid-air, and sorted out the mess that he had become due to the fierce battle. The collar of the coat, said calmly: "Although, after the battle, I am more and more interested in your soul, but unfortunately, the scene just now has fully proved that, judging from the power I currently have with this projection, it is not enough. Defeat to get your soul, and I don't want to attract some unnecessary guests in the next battle."

"So, the sudden mysterious guy..."

"The old man's name is Porusalino."

"Polusalino," turning his dark pupils to sweep the crowd in the ruins of Santa Van Gonzalo, Mephistopheles twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a meaningful tone, "You still have a man named Bu Galati's interesting soul is destined to be mine."

After saying all this, Mephisto's figure swayed slightly, and instantly turned into a phantom and appeared beside the torn black heart.

"It seems that my decision to withdraw is not wrong."

Looking down at the son who betrayed him, Mephistopheles was about to say something when he suddenly seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look in a certain direction outside Santa Van Gonzalo.

"We'll meet again, Polsalino."

Turning around and leaving such a sentence to Kiwi, Mephistopheles grabbed the black heart on the ground and instantly turned into a shadow and disappeared into the ruins of the small town of San Fanganza.

"Do not--"

Accompanied by the shrill screams of Black Heart, Kizaru looked at Mephisto's disappearing figure.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, as the lord of hell, Mephisto is definitely one of the most troublesome beings Li Ran has encountered so far.

If it is not Kizaru who is fighting with its projection in front of him, but other clones, the result of the entire battle may not be what it is now.

Various thoughts appeared in his heart, but Kizaru in St. Van Gonza didn't hesitate for too long. His figure flashed and turned into a yellow spot of light and came to Bugarati and the others.

Before, the scene when Mephistopheles finally turned his head, clearly showed a look of fear.

Besides the supreme mage, Gu Yi, Li Ran couldn't think of other existences that could make the lords of **** feel jealous.

In the current situation, although it already has a certain amount of power, it can even fight against the avatar of the lord of **** without falling behind. However, without complete certainty, Li Ran was still reluctant to contact the Supreme Mage prematurely, especially when he knew that Gu Yi held the most mysterious Eye of Agamotto among the Infinity Gems. In the case of the Time Stone.

"Brother Bugarati, I suddenly thought that there are still some things waiting for me to do, so I will give you the report on the **** lord to write."

Reaching out and scratching his head, Kizaru turned into a flickering yellow light and disappeared at the end of the sky after watching Bucciarati skillfully throw the pot in front of him.

Silently withdrawing his gaze from the direction where Kizaru disappeared, Bugarati turned his head and glanced at Carter Srey next to him, raised his hand slightly, and the steel chain fingers appeared behind him in an instant, releasing Carter. The zipper on Slay created another zipper on the roof and freed Johnny Blazer, who was trapped in it.

"I hope everything you say is true."

Turning his head and saying something to [Uncle Long], Bugarati also stepped into the zipper made by the stand-in.

The release of Johnny Blazer was also Li Ran's original plan. After all, he didn't have a real foundation to contain the Ghost Rider.

And, through the containment of Ghost Rider, he has successfully obtained what he needs.

Lots of legends.

"Aaron, where's the prophecy guy?!"

The two clones successfully left, and the father on the other side also began to prepare for the exit.

"He was still there just now. Could it be because of the previous battle that he was directly burned to death."

Following the father's words, [Uncle Long] immediately replied.

"Do you think it's possible, Aaron, how could an existence with such an evil magic power die in a sea of ​​fire so easily?"

As he said that, the old man raised the puffer fish in his hand and fiddled with it, and then moved in one direction: "Hurry up and set off for Aaron, while the magic power on that guy hasn't fully recovered, grab him. , to avoid a more terrifying situation."

"But Dad..."

Hearing his father's words, [Uncle Long] turned to look at the evil spirit knights beside him, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"There is no time to hesitate Aaron. If you don't set off quickly, it will be too late! Dad's magic has a time limit."

"I see, Daddy!"

Hearing his father's urging, [Uncle Long] suddenly gritted his teeth, made an apologetic expression to the Ghost Riders, and immediately followed his father and climbed down from the roof.

beep beep-

"So, what happened during the time I was trapped..."

Coming out of the zipper space, Johnny Blazer, who had returned to his human appearance, looked at Saint Van Gonzal, who was completely in ruins in front of him, and the people who left in a hurry. The puzzled expression on his face had not yet fully revealed.

I found that the position where I and Carter Shire were standing suddenly began to show countless broken changes.

"Mirror space!"

Looking at the familiar spatial changes around him, Johnny Blazer immediately put away the doubts on his face and muttered.

In its murmur, a figure wrapped in a cloak stepped forward to the Ghost Rider.



In the antique shop, Li Ran could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the powerful magic fluctuations of Saint Van Gonzane through his father.

Fortunately, he reacted in a timely manner, and the moment Mephistopheles left, he sensed something was wrong and decided to arrange for the clones to leave one by one.

Otherwise, what awaits him is face-to-face contact with the Supreme Mage.

Li Ran is still quite afraid of this mysterious Supreme Mage.

Therefore, it is possible not to touch, but not to touch.

At least, until he has enough confidence and certainty, he will not come into direct contact with the Supreme Mage.

Perhaps, after the supreme mage sacrificed.

In the antique shop, Li Yanran restrained his thoughts on the Supreme Mage, and once again set his eyes on the data panel in front of him.

[Legend]: 784355

After a period of accumulation and his perseverance in doing things, he finally accumulated the objective legend in front of him.

Among these legends, the role of the character card [Ultimate Creature] can be said to be the most important, and almost more than half of the legends are contributed by it.

It's a pity that such an excellent [Ultimate Creature] has successfully completed his mission and retreated behind the scenes. Basically there is no chance of reappearing.

Of course, Li Ran also knew very well that even if [Ultimate Creature] appeared again, it would be impossible to get as much fame as before.

Although the drama of [Ultimate Creature] has ended, the legend it left behind has been successfully accepted by Li Ran.

Looking at the dazzling series of legends on the system's data panel, Li Ran actually fell into the trouble of happiness.

Is it to use all of these fame to exchange for treasure chests to get more character cards, or to continue to save and wait for one million legend to directly exchange for the highest level [Golden Treasure Chest] that can be obtained in the system.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran hesitated for a long time looking at the series of legends in the system before finally making a decision.

"Perhaps, you can open a treasure chest to try your luck first?"

Well, Li Ran would never admit that he came up with such a method because he couldn't resist the temptation to open the box.

As the saying goes, opening the treasure box is cool for a while, and opening the treasure box is always cool.

After finding an excuse for himself, Li Ran looked at the legend on the system data panel and made an action without hesitation.

Exchange, open treasure chest.

[Prop: Yellow Light of Fear]

[Effect: Embody]

[Introduction: From the props of the Seven Lantern Corps in "Green Lantern", the Yellow Lantern Ring can materialize energy into what the user thinks, forming barriers, weapons or props. Its holders are often strongly personal. Some people are good at creating nightmare-like mythical monsters and wounding scenes, while others are shaped by beast breeders into the beasts they grew up in. 】

[Note: Intelligent life has been locked. Someone on a planet, you have the power to inflict great fear on others. Welcome to the Sinestro Legion. 】

[Note 2: The dark day is vast, and the white night is bright. Evil gangsters and traitors, afraid of my divine light. The fire of terror will be burned, and those who rebel against me will perish. Fear is the source, Sai's authority! 】


【A Grade Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown A-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class B Card - Lichat Geo]

[Skill: Beast General]

[Background introduction: One of the villains in "Armor of Strong Colonization", the last beast general who received modulation, specializing in manipulating gravity, alias "Gravity Messenger", was the commander-in-chief of Knos. The use of moves includes gravitational finger flicks, etc. Among them, the pseudo black hole is a taboo trick that cannot be used on planets. Even Akaffir has been sucked into the pseudo black hole he created. Very ambitious, he wants to make himself the strongest beast **** general by putting on the colony armor, and then control the world. 】

[Remarks: Cap! 】

How lucky? It's forcing me to keep pumping!

Looking at the introduction of the cards and props opened in the first [Silver Treasure Chest], Li Ran suddenly felt that he had no chance of closing his hands. The first hand was so lucky, how could it stop there.

Thinking of this, Li Ran's mind suddenly became hot, and he directly exchanged for a [Silver Treasure Chest].


[Prop: Enhanced suit]

【Effect: Strengthen】

[Introduction: From the conventional props in the comic "Killing City", the basic equipment is tailor-made, which can effectively protect the body of the soldier, and can exert the ultimate ability of the fire weapon soldier. It is only valid if you wear the protective clothing that you specify, and the effect of wearing someone else's protective clothing is equal to 0. Liquid flows inside. If the protective clothing is overstretched, liquid will flow out from each circular position of the equipment, which means that the protective clothing's effectiveness has disappeared, and it can be used normally after the mission is over. If the circular position is squeezed or damaged, it will also cause liquid to flow out and make the protective clothing useless. Each circular position is a control device, which can indicate what kind of ability will be exerted. Jumping power is 10 times normal. 】

[Remarks: As long as two green onions are enough...]


[Prop: Gun of Kindness]

[Effect: Kindness]

[Introduction: From the weapon in the movie "Fighting Dragon" a gun that has not been fired for 30 years. 】

[Remarks: This gun has accompanied me for more than 30 years, and I have never fired a single shot. I just use it to scratch the itch. 】

[Note 2: This is a gun. 】


[Class B Card - Guo Haihuang]

[Skill: Skill]

[Background introduction: The characters in the comic "Blade Tooth" series, who were named as the "Sea Emperor" at the pinnacle of Chinese martial arts, once also possessed a powerful "power", so they once looked down on the so-called "martial arts" or "skills". At the age of 46, he was defeated by a 60-year-old man with "skill", so he decided to give up the so-called "power" and began to learn "skill". To the peak of the past and present. 】

[Remarks: Young people...]

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