Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 467: dangerous fist

[Guo Haihuang] The modest words on his lips did not reduce the dignified expression on Kuaiyin's face in the slightest.

The previous series of attacks can almost be said to be the limit of the power he can use. With such a lightning-fast destructive power, even if the members of the Avengers are fighting, they are confident that they can hurt them.

However, even such an attack only left a slight nosebleed on [Guo Haihuang]'s body.

Looking down at his fist, Kuaiyin even thought for a moment that the feeling of hitting [Guo Haihuang]'s body before was just an illusion.

Reaching out his hand to wipe the nosebleed from under his nose, [Guo Haihuang] narrowed his eyes, the whole face thought that the smile was a little deeper, and he twisted his skinny palm to look at Kuaiyin in front of him. , said with a smile: "Young man, you hit the old man so many punches before, now it's the old man's turn to fight back..."

As he spoke, [Guo Haihuang] moved his trembling body and walked towards Kuaiyin in front of him with a slow and unusually steady pace.

"That said, but this is just a punch from the old man. I think you shouldn't take it too seriously, young man."

In the eyes of the super fast silver, [Guo Haihuang]'s slow walking action is like a snail in slow motion, and even if he wants to, he can easily move away at the moment the opponent throws a punch.

In this way, under the gaze of Kuaiyin, [Guo Haihuang] walked in front of him, stood in a good position, and then slowly raised his bony arm in a slow and light posture. , at such a close distance, Kuaiyin could clearly see [Guo Haihuang]'s skinny fist with no muscle at all, which was covered by the sleeve of his coat.

[Guo Haihuang] slowly clenched his fists and bent his arms, then stretched out his fist-swinging hands, Kuaiyin stared at [Guo Haihuang]'s fists, and had already made plans to remove the opponent's fists as soon as they came over. .

For Kuaiyin, who has super speed, there is too much time to make countermeasures. As long as he does not encounter a guy with special means like the previous [Ultimate Creature], it is difficult for him to be moved while moving. opponent hit.

Just as Kuaiyin was thinking about dodging, the fluttering fist of [Guo Haihuang] in front of him was still slowly waving towards him, and just as this bony fist cut through the air and was about to hit Kuaiyin's body in front of him. A second ago, the red light in Wanda's eyes who had been watching the battle not far away, she felt an extremely terrifying power from [Guo Haihuang]'s slow fist.

"Pietro, run away!"

Feeling this threat, Wanda didn't hesitate at all, and immediately raised his hands, creating a faint red mist that rushed towards the direction the two were fighting.


Hearing the shout from Wanda, the expression on Kuaiyin's face was slightly stunned.

However, [Guo Haihuang], who was waving his fist in front of Kuaiyin, instantly seized the neutral position of the opponent's distraction, and the originally slow fist suddenly accelerated at the moment when it was about to touch.


In conjunction with [Guo Haihuang]'s instant stampede, a footprint spread like a spider web texture immediately appeared on the hard ground in the Hydra base.

With the acceleration under his feet, [Guo Haihuang]'s fist has been attached to Kuaiyin's body, but at the moment when the power on the fist is about to explode, a large amount of red mist suddenly appeared on Kuaiyin's body and wrapped him. He suddenly pulled back and helped him avoid [Guo Haihuang]'s fist.

"Huh, huh~"

With the help of Wanda, dodging from [Guo Haihuang]'s attack, Kuaiyin gasped violently from his mouth. The moment he hit [Guo Haihuang]'s fist just now, his entire body was unconscious. He fell into a rigid state. If Wanda didn't use his ability to save him at a critical moment, maybe he might have...

Thinking of this, Kuaiyin couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and looked towards [Guo Haihuang] in front of him with lingering fears.

"What's the matter, young man?"

Facing the gaze cast by Shang Kuaiyin, [Guo Haihuang] still lightly retracted his fist, and said lightly, "It's just a simple punch from the old man, why are you so surprised, and... "While talking, [Guo Haihuang] turned his head and turned to Wanda who was turning his hands not far away: "It's just to deal with a mere old man. You don't need both of you to shoot together, right?"

[Guo Haihuang] What he said seemed to make some sense, but Kuaiyin put his eyes on the ground to deal with the footprints produced when he applied force in an instant, obviously he would not be deceived by what he said. .

"I don't think that ordinary old people can directly stamp a footprint on the ground."

"Have you been seen through?"

Hearing Kuaiyin's words, [Guo Haihuang] finally restrained the kind and kind expression on his face: "It seems that my practice is still not at home, old man. , After all, the old man, I am also a human being, and I am trapped by emotions and desires.

While speaking, [Guo Haihuang] raised his bony arms in front of Kuaiyin and began to shake up and down regularly.

"The ultimate meaning of martial arts is no longer the use of force. Forty or two thousand jins in Tai Chi, inch strength in Wing Chun, and half-step collapse in Xingyi Quan. For thousands of years, countless martial artists have been searching for how to make limited The power of the fighter turns into the most violent blow, and so do I. After decades of martial arts practice, I finally learned the most powerful attack method from many martial arts. Then, young man, take me A hundred years of success."

As the voice of [Guo Haihuang] fell, he opened his turbid eyes, and his slow movements accelerated to the limit in an instant.

The movement speed achieved in this instant, although not comparable to Quicksilver, has also exceeded the limit that humans can reach.


In the air, only a loud rumbling sound was heard.

The hard fortress of the entire Hydra base actually shook obviously. During the violent shaking, Kuaiyin twisted his body and looked at the position where [Guo Haihuang] hit.

I saw that under the power of [Guo Haihuang]'s punch, a huge dent appeared on the wall of the Hydra base, and the impact from the fist penetrated the thick wall, even in the Under the attack of the Avengers, the well-preserved base actually collapsed with the punch of [Guo Haihuang].

"Haha, I didn't expect you to hide, young man."

After a few seconds, after the collapse that caused a lot of smoke and dust ended, [Guo Haihuang] slowly retracted his dusty fist, looked at Kuaiyin who had retreated to a few meters away from him, and said with a smile on his face : "However, it doesn't matter, old man, I just moved my muscles and bones a little, and the next thing is the real attack."

As the voice of [Guo Haihuang] fell, the expression on Kuaiyin's face suddenly turned aside.

However, he saw the figure of [Guo Haihuang] standing in front of the ruins of the wall flashed in front of him.


Facing the terrifying power shown by [Guo Haihuang], the expression on Wanda's face became more and more anxious, and the red mist formed by her waving her hands emerged towards [Guo Haihuang]'s body.


However, before the red mist fell on [Guo Haihuang], he saw that he waved his fists and made a loud smashing sound to disperse the red mist. At the same time, his fist strength did not dissipate. Instead, he continued to carry a terrifying power and flew to Wanda not far away.

Looking at the invisible force flying towards him, Wanda gritted his teeth and turned the red mist into a shield to block him.

"Meddling in a fight is not something a bystander should do."

Turning his head and saying a word to Wanda who was too busy, [Guo Haihuang] then turned back to his head, raised his bony fist, and attacked Kuaiyin.



In the huge rumbling and vibration, [Guo Haihuang]'s fist created huge depressions in Hydra's base.

In the blink of an eye, the Hydra base had been turned into ruins under his fist.

He constantly used his super speed to avoid the deadly fist of [Guo Haihuang]. However, with Kuaiyin's constant dodging and waiting until he reacted, he was unknowingly forced by [Guo Haihuang]. There was nowhere to retreat, and he felt the rough wall of the Hydra behind him. The hard wall did not bring him the slightest sense of security.

"Looks like it's over, young man."

Looking at Kuaiyin who was pushed to the end by him, a faint smile appeared on [Guo Haihuang]'s face, he waved his dusty fist, and instantly landed on Kuaiyin's body.


Looking at Kuaiyin, whose life was hanging by a thread, a large amount of red mist appeared on Wanda's body and instantly engulfed the traces left by [Guo Haihuang]'s fist. However, no matter how excited she was, it seemed to be of no use. From where she was at the moment, there was a considerable gap between Kuaiyin and the direction of [Guo Haihuang], although this gap was usually only two or three seconds away for her.

However, the current situation, let alone two or three seconds, even one second is the distance between life and death.

Under Wanda's gaze, [Guo Haihuang]'s bony fist accurately landed on Kuaiyin's body.

Seeing this, Wanda let out a shrill cry, and the large amount of red energy emerging from her body made her expression extremely excited, and at the same time she subconsciously closed her eyes and couldn't bear to look at the next picture.


In the huge vibration, the hard wall behind Kuaiyin instantly collapsed into a pothole, and a large amount of smoke and dust filled the entire base.

"I'm not dead?!"

[Guo Haihuang] In front of him, Kuaiyin looked down at the chest where he was hit, the expression on his face was a little stunned and a little indescribable.

He originally thought that such a terrifying fist of [Guo Haihuang] landed on his body, and it was no surprise that he could smash it into slag, but this fist not only did not kill him, nor did he even feel any pain. If it wasn't for the collapsing wall behind him, Kuaiyin even thought that the opponent's fist hadn't landed on him at all.

The gap between reality and imagination at this moment made Kuaiyin not knowing what kind of expression to use to face it.

"Of course you are not dead, young man."

Under Kuaiyin's stunned gaze, [Guo Haihuang] retracted his fist and turned his palm to gently pat his chest.

As [Guo Haihuang], who has mastered the [Technique], he has already controlled his own power to the slightest limit, and every bit of power is turned into a terrifying attack in his hands. He can not only turn these powers into the strongest defense, but also into the most terrifying fist, and at the same time, he can penetrate Quicksilver like this without hurting any of its organs.

This attack method, through the resonance of force, skillfully transmits the power of the fist to the wall behind Kuaiyin in the form of vibration, forming the scene in front of him.

Among the many cards drawn by Li Ran, the ability of [Guo Haihuang] may not be so gorgeous, but its use of power or [skill] can be said to be the pinnacle. In fact, this kind of ability is also worthy of his day-to-day cultivation for hundreds of years.

"If I want to kill you old man, I don't need to spend so much effort at all."

Slowly put his arm back on his back, [Guo Haihuang] slowly retreated back to the position of his wheelchair and sat down slowly again, while sitting and said: "Old man, I have already said it before. , I'm looking for you for the sake of the other party's Penglai, to seek an explanation for my dead scoundrel, not to vent anger by random murder."

"Pietro, are you alright?"

Seeing that Kuaiyin did not die under the attack of [Guo Haihuang] The red light in Wanda's eyes also dissipated a little, she controlled her body and flew to Kuaiyin's side, watching He could almost be said to have an intact body, and asked nervously.

"I'm fine, just..."

Facing Wanda's concern, Kuaiyin subconsciously touched his chest where he was hit by [Guo Haihuang].

He turned his head and glanced at the dent behind him, then looked back at [Guo Haihuang] in front of him with a complicated expression.

"Okay, the old man's words have been said, so what is your decision?"

On the other side, after finishing his purpose, [Guo Haihuang] in the wheelchair lifted his wrinkled face, looked at Kuaiyin and Wanda opposite, and asked slowly.

Hearing [Guo Haihuang]'s question, Kuaiyin and Wanda looked at each other silently. The two brothers and sisters looked at the bony figure sitting in the wheelchair in front of them, but their inner emotions were completely different from before.

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