Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 470: Message from Guo Haihuang

"Is the news accurate?"

Avengers Building, in the laboratory where Tony and others are located.

After finishing the call with Pepper, Tony got the bad news from Steve.

The Assassin Brotherhood and the Avengers are not closely related, but they have also had the experience of fighting side by side, especially Tony himself had a thrilling encounter with Luke, so I heard the whole Brotherhood suddenly. The destruction still had a big impact on him.

"The message comes from the defenders."

Facing Tony's question, Natasha immediately took over and said: "It is said that it came from a liaison who survived the Assassin Brotherhood, and the name of Fire Cloud Evil God was also mentioned in the other party's mouth."

"Fire Cloud Evil God? It seems a little familiar."

Hearing the name that appeared in Natasha's mouth, Tony frowned subconsciously, having a vague impression of this strange name.

"Huoyun Evil God is the initiator of the original Chinatown incident, and it is also the key to the reason why Penglai came to New York. According to the records of S.H.I.E.L.D., the first A Xing and Master Ye appeared in New York because of the relationship between the Fire Cloud Evil God... "

"And from the mouth of the surviving Assassin Brotherhood contact, it is clear that this attack on the Assassin Brotherhood has a lot to do with the Evil God of Fire Cloud. At the same time, in the description of the Brotherhood contact, there are also Mentioned an old man in a wheelchair and a pair of men and women with extraordinary strength. It is obvious from the description that it is highly compatible with the superpower twins in the Hydra base mentioned by the invisible female Susan. "

"Superpower twins?"

Facing the information given by Natasha, Tony flashed a thoughtful look in his eyes, and immediately turned his head and shouted at Ultron.

"Ultron, show the information cracked from the Hydra base."

"No problem, Mr. Stark."

Hearing Tony's order, Ultron's eyes flickered with blue light, and immediately projected the data in his brain onto the virtual screen in front of him.

Since this time, after the analysis of artificial intelligence, the data left in the Hydra base has been successfully deciphered. Although most of the information was not left because of Dr. Zola's relationship, but from the remaining small part of the data, Tony still glimpsed some Hydra's plans, including research experiments on the Mind Stone. .


"No, please, let me go!"

"My body, my body, I can't feel my body anymore.

"Kill me, kill me!"

In the video screen played by Ultron, it recorded a series of experiments conducted by Straker in the Hydra base through the power of the Mind Stone.

"It seems that our punishment for Strucker was too light."

Looking at the horrific human experiment in the video, Steve couldn't help pinching his fists and said with a cold face.

"Stop here, Ultron."

Standing beside Steve, Tony's eyes noticed a certain scene in the video, and he immediately shouted.

As Tony's voice fell, Ultron cooperated to pause the content of the video footage.

"Zoom in."

"Sharpen the image."

At the same time, at Tony's request, a certain part of the video was adjusted.

"Is it these two people?"

After completing all this, Tony looked at the two figures of a man and a woman who were detained in the laboratory, and immediately turned his head to confirm with Natasha behind him.

"Silver hair, red hair?"

Looking at the iconic hair color of the two figures in the video, recalling the information she got from the defenders, Natasha has basically confirmed that the two people in the Hydra video are the ones who were surviving the Brotherhood. The two attacked antique stores and even wiped out the existence of the Assassin Brotherhood.

"Can you confirm their identities? Ultron?"

Looking up at the two figures on the screen, Steve turned to the artificial intelligence beside him and asked.

"In the internal data of Hydra, there may still be information about the experimenter."

In the face of Steve's inquiry, a lot of data flashed in Ultron's eyes, and he quickly found out what Captain America needed from Hydra's numerous data.

"Pietro Maximov."

"Wanda Maximoff."

Reveal the experimental data about the twins in Hydra in the Avengers Building.

Tony looked at the content recorded in a certain part of the document, and his eyes flickered.


However, at this moment, Jarvis, who had been silent all the time, suddenly opened his mouth to remind everyone in the building.

"My defense system senses that someone has broken into the interior of the Avengers Tower."

"Activate anti-intrusion mode!"

Hearing Jarvis' reminder, Tony immediately put away his emotions, and without hesitation, ordered Jarvis to fight back.

"Anti-intrusion mode activated."

As Tony's voice fell, in the many inconspicuous corners inside the Avengers Building, a large number of muzzles appeared, aiming at the intruding figure. After the previous attack by Dior and Dalce, Tony remodeled the entire Avengers Building, adding some suitable firepower to it.

"Sir, can't lock on the target, he's moving too fast."

However, the defense system that Tony built to protect the Avengers Building was not as useful as he thought.

Jarvis transmits the moving picture of the target to the laboratory where Tony and others are located through the monitor lens in the Avengers Building.

"Pietro Maximov, super speed!"

With the powerful processing system of Ultron, the Avengers successfully saw the appearance of the moving figure from the monitor screen that was slowed down several times.

The identity of the figure who invaded the Avengers Building is surprisingly Pietro, or Quicksilver, the twins who destroyed the Assassin Brotherhood.

From Jarvis sending the picture of the intruder to Tony and others seeing the appearance of Quicksilver clearly, it only took about ten seconds.

However, in this short dozen seconds, Quicksilver had broken through the anti-intrusion system built by Tony and appeared in the laboratory unscathed.

"Tony Stark!"

Appearing in the laboratory where the Avengers gathered, Kuaiyin looked at the object of revenge he had been thinking about day and night, and an indescribable hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Looks like you already know my situation."

Glancing at the information projected by Ultron on the screen, and seeing his face appearing on it, Quicksilver reacted immediately, and the Avengers already knew the identities of him and Wanda.

Facing the real hatred that appeared in front of Kuaiyin, Tony reached out and touched the button of the experimental table, and the next moment a set of lightweight steel battle suits climbed up along his arm touching the experimental table, and in an instant A simplified steel battle suit can appear on Tony's body.


Feeling the steel suit wrapped around him, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his palm to aim at Quicksilver in front of him, and asked, "Tell me, Pietro Maximoff, your purpose for breaking into the Avengers Building. "

In the Avengers Building, Tony was not the only one posing.

Turning his eyes and swept over the vigilant Avengers in front of him, Kuaiyin recalled what [Guo Haihuang] explained before his departure, tried to suppress the turbulent hatred in his heart, took a deep breath, and put away himself His eyes tried hard not to look at Tony in front of him, and replied coldly: "Don't worry, Tony Stark, I didn't kill you this time..."

Although Quicksilver has a strong hatred for Tony, he also knows that under the protection of the Avengers in front of him, even if he has super speed, he cannot easily kill Iron Man.

Therefore, he restrained his emotions and said in a tone with almost no emotion: "I am here to send you a message, three days later, [Guo Haihuang] will come to visit, then, I hope You can hand over the person who killed Penglai, the Evil God of Fire Cloud."

"[Guo Haihuang]?"

Hearing the unfamiliar name that appeared in Kuaiyin's mouth, Natasha's expression changed slightly, and she immediately contacted the figure of the wheelchair old man in the mouth of the defender.

"Get ready, Avengers, you only have three days left."

Handing over the message of [Guo Haihuang] to the avengers in front of him, Kuaiyin's eyes swept over Tony's figure protected by the steel battle suit, and the hatred that was finally suppressed in his heart emerged again: "To At that time, I will not be so indifferent as I am now, Tony Stark, I will return the harm you have caused to our brothers and sisters a hundred times thousand times more!"


Under the steel helmet, Tony heard Quicksilver's hateful words, and the expression on his face was a little silent.

He once thought that he could say goodbye to the past when he became Iron Man. However, the appearance of Quicksilver in front of him clearly reminded him that all the mistakes he made in the past did not dissipate because he turned into a superhero, but once again found myself.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, Tony in the steel suit looked at Quicksilver in front of him: "I am very sorry for the harm I have caused, Pietro, but what I have committed Mistakes cannot be the reason for your indiscriminate killing of innocents, and what you have done to the Assassin Brotherhood has gone far beyond the scope of revenge."

"Assassin Brotherhood?"

Inside the Avengers Building, when he heard Tony's words, Kuaiyin couldn't help frowning, with an obvious puzzled expression on his face: "I don't know what you're talking about."


After Kuaiyin appeared, Natasha's eyes stayed on his face without moving at all. Noticing the change in the expression on Kuaiyin's face, Natasha's eyes suddenly flickered, and she turned her eyes. He glanced at Agent Carter next to him.

The two super agents obviously sensed a different message from Quicksilver's response.

"Get ready, Avengers, there's not much time left for you."

However, before Natasha could continue to ask questions, Quicksilver had lost the idea of ​​staying in the Avengers Building, and he was afraid that he would not be able to resist attacking Tony by staying here.

As Kuaiyin's voice fell, his figure instantly turned into a silver light and disappeared in front of the Avengers.


Looking at the disappearing figure of Kuaiyin, Tony did not hesitate to shout to Ultron beside him.

"Understood, Mr. Stark."

No need for Tony to say more, Ultron nodded, and with the flickering blue light in his eyes, a hidden flying device in the Avengers Building immediately took off, locking the figure moving out of the Avengers Building at a high speed. .

"Everyone, the fall of the Assassin Brotherhood does not seem to be as simple as we originally expected."

After staring at the position where Kuaiyin disappeared for a long time, Natasha silently retracted her gaze, looked at the silent Avengers beside her, and said in her hoarse voice.



In an abandoned rural warehouse hundreds of kilometers away from New York City, Wanda stood at the door of the warehouse and watched silently into the distance.

And [Guo Haihuang] sat around the bonfire and stretched out his bony hands to warm the fire.

"Don't worry too much, young man."

Turning his turbid eyes, he glanced at Wanda, who had been standing at the door of the warehouse since just now, [Guo Haihuang] said in a slow tone, "It's just an ordinary message, with your brother's message. Speed, it won't be a problem."

"I know, but I'm worried that Pietro will be impulsive."

[Guo Haihuang]'s comfort did not reduce the worry on Wanda's face. She still looked at the direction outside the farm warehouse and muttered.

As a twin, she is well aware of Pietro's character and hatred for Tony Stark.

"You know what, young man."

Although the voice that came out of Wanda's mouth at the end was already, it still did not escape the ears of [Guo Haihuang].

He looked at Wanda who was leaning on the warehouse door, and then said: "As the saying goes, fire and water are ruthless, in this world, there is nothing more difficult to control than fire and water, flames can bring warmth and help people cook food, but a little If you are not careful, you will burn people, and even take people's lives easily..."

[Guo Haihuang] That old voice seems to have a special attraction.

Listening to the words in his mouth, Wanda's eyes were subconsciously attracted to him, and he looked at the figure sitting in front of the bonfire.

"However, you have to be clear, young people, people are human because we master the distance. Although flames can hurt people, they can also bring warmth to people." Under Wanda's gaze, 【Guo Haihuang] slowly stretched out his skinny palm to penetrate the flame, but did not hurt in the slightest: "Similarly, hatred is the same, you need to control the power of hatred, not be controlled by hatred."

Having said this, [Guo Haihuang] turned his head, looked at Wanda, and opened his mouth without half a tooth, revealing a kind-hearted and kind smile.

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