It has been said before that adamantium is a very special metal, indestructible. Once it is refined, it is basically difficult to change, and its morphological characteristics are almost constant. The adamantium bullet is no exception. Once it is shaped, it can hardly be changed. In fact, due to the special nature of adamantium, the power of adamantium bullets will be increased to a certain extent.

Wolverine is a good example here!

A Wolverine made of adamantium is ineffective against ordinary bullets and bullets, and it is okay to hit his head.

But if it is an adamantium bullet, once it hits his head, he will immediately lose his memory.

This is the difference!

This is the power of adamantium.

But... using this kind of bullet against Lu Yi is a bit insulting to Lu Yi. Lu Yi is not a weak guy like Wolverine. His biggest advantage is his strong recovery ability and adamantium skeleton. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Lu Yi is even more powerful. He has no weaknesses from head to toe.


The adamantium bullet can increase the power of the bullet, but how much can it increase?

Various missiles cannot break Lu Yi's defense. Would Lu Yi be afraid of a small adamantium warhead?

"Who is so fierce that he can come up with such a stupid idea? Is he planning to make me lose my memory again?"

Lu Yi didn't care at all, but the captain of the special forces couldn't help but feel happy.

It's not that he was crazy, but that he found something different.

Facing other bullets, whether it was depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets or anything else, Lu Yi had only one reaction, that is, no reaction. He just let them attack without blinking, but the attack was ineffective, and the bullet flattened and fell at his feet. It was different when facing the adamantium warhead. He reached out and caught the bullet.

This seemed to reflect the fact that Lu Yi was"afraid" of the adamantium warhead from the side, and the captain of the special forces saw hope.

Damn, there is finally hope, and we can do it!

Looking at the"fearful" Lu Yi, the captain of the special forces tightened the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger for the second time without hesitation.


Another... A bullet with an adamantium alloy warhead rushed out of the gun barrel and shot towards Lu Yi's eyes.

This time, Lu Yi did not catch the bullet and let the bullet hit his eyes!


A sound rang out almost at the moment the bullet was fired, and Lu Yi's head instantly tilted back, leaving only a smooth chin for these special forces members.

The scene instantly became quiet!

Only the bullet shells that had not yet fallen to the ground were left, and now they made a clinking sound when they fell to the ground.

These sounds not only did not make people feel messy at the scene, but made the scene seem even quieter.

But this silence did not last long, and soon it was broken by the shocking cheers of the special forces.

The special forces members are very strong in character, but they are also human beings. They are also afraid when facing Lu Yi. Now that Lu Yi"is in trouble", they naturally can't help but be happy.

"Captain, you are so awesome. You even managed to defeat this damn pervert!"

"Fuck, no matter how awesome you are, you were still killed by our captain in the end!"

"Captain, let’s not talk about anything else. I’ll treat you when we get back!"

"What do you mean by"you treat me"? It should be me who treats me. My cooking skills are first-rate. There will be plenty of barbecue and beer!"

"No matter who's paying, hurry up and put the person in the box and take him away. Hurry up and complete this damn task. Damn it, it's fucked up! I almost thought I was done for!"

"Isn’t it? Fortunately, the captain is awesome!"

Everyone started praising the captain and thanked him for saving their lives.

"Okay, no need to flatter! Ryan is right, put the people in the box quickly, who knows what will happen next!"

Compared to the optimistic special forces members, the captain is much more cautious, fearing that something unexpected will happen, and wants to end it all as soon as possible.

"How could something like this happen?"A special forces member said disapprovingly.

"How is it impossible?"

A voice sounded, but the person who made this voice was not any one of the special forces.

The members of the special forces were very familiar with each other, and they immediately found out that the voice was wrong, and followed the sound to find the person who made the voice. Lu Yi, who should have been in trouble,

"How is it possible?"

The captain of the special forces was instantly panicked, his eyes were bloodshot!

"How is it impossible?"

Lu Yi's voice appeared again.

Along with this voice, Lu Yi slowly turned his head back to his original position, narrowed one eye slightly, and looked at the captain of the special forces.

Lu Yi's current appearance was even more terrifying.

Because Lu Yi's slightly narrowed eyes were holding a bullet, an adamantium alloy bullet that was still emitting heat.

Bullet between eyelids?

Are you damn sure you are not filming some mythological movie? You must have walked into the wrong set!

"You guys really disappoint me!"



The special forces captain's face was pale and he was roaring at his team members like a madman.

"Don't run away, all of you stay on this land! This is your final destination!"

After saying that, Lu Yi didn't waste any words with them. His eyes suddenly turned red and hot, and two red beams of light burst out from Lu Yi's eyes.

Then the red beam of light swept, and all the special forces present were ruthlessly swept by the beam of light, and were blown into two pieces from the middle of the body. The colorful intestines and minced meat covered the ground, making Lu Yi's face pale.

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