Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 266 The Empress Who Was Played Bad [Happy New Year!]\r

"Kacha..." The Empress' heart was split into seven or eight pieces, and the flattering smile on her face instantly stiffened.

"Do you have eye problems...?"

Luo Bing's question from the soul version directly made Hancock feel like a cold winter, and he didn't even know how to answer for a moment.


As expected of an empress with a bad character, at this time, even if she could bear it, she couldn't bear it anymore. She immediately threw the "stinky feet" in her hand into the footbath, and then waved her fist directly at Luo Bing. smashed the door.

Melee may not be Hancock's strong point, but now she doesn't know why, but she feels that only when her fist hits the man's face is enough to relieve her anger.

"Chichichi..." The fist is covered with a black-red coating, which is the fist that has been strengthened by the armed color, and it is very hard.

For ordinary people, the destructive power must be added with 9 "eight eight seven" 99+.


Luo Bing specifies that he is not an ordinary person.

Ling Lie's fist smashed into the man's face without any hindrance, but... surprisingly, not even a trace was smashed, let alone the scene of blood splattering.

The only thing that deeply impressed Hancock was the burning pain in his right hand, and the maddening natural question in his ear.

"Eh? Is this a massage instead?"

"Alright, I just feel that the soaking time is a bit long, but I really want to say something to you, girl."

"Look at how thin you are, you have no strength at all, this massage is really uncomfortable at all."

Luo Bing shook his head helplessly, looked at Hancock who was petrified on the spot, turned around and sighed, the throne below him was suddenly replaced by a soft bed, and he lay down comfortably.

"You better step on my back, so maybe I can use all your strength." Luo Bing said in disgust, snapped his fingers, carefully embodied a mobile phone, and clicked on it idly.

Empress - Hancock:

The expression of this woman with a bad personality became terrifying, and the expression on her whole face was like Blacken. She is usually kicked when she sees small animals on the roadside, At the moment it looks like she is So pathetic and helpless.

"Hehehe....hehehehe..." Boyahan Cook let out a sharp laugh.

Her facial expression became more and more broken, and the whole person seemed to be broken.

It's a pity that Luo Bing, who had his back to her, didn't have that idea of ​​appreciation.

"Step on the back, right..."

"Okay, satisfy you!"

Hancock took a deep breath, and suddenly leaped into the sky with a cruel face, rising dozens of meters high, and the area of ​​the palace was much larger than expected, otherwise, she designated a The forehead is stuck to the ceiling.

"Aromatic Feet!!"

After exhausting all her strength, Hancock finally roared out those three words. At the same time, her whole body turned into a beam of meteors, and one foot on high heels slashed violently, with the nine days hanging on the moon. The momentum instantly stomped towards Luo Bing's back.

Aromatic Feet——The proud skill of Empress Hancock, which can petrify and smash the opponent's body at the moment of kicking the opponent, whether the opponent has a heart of love or not, it can be petrified.

No matter if the opponent is living or non-living!!! No one is spared!


Another crisp sound came out, Hancock's high heels were broken into pieces, and his crystal clear feet directly stepped on Luo Bing's back.


"Okay, old girl, I finally feel a little bit, come again, continue"

Luo Bing gave a thumbs up to his back, then squinted his eyes and continued to slide his phone.

Boyahan Cook: Pin 35

"How!!! How is it possible!!! 35


Rubbing her red feet, the Empress's eyes flashed with crystal tears.

She couldn't believe it, it was impossible, all kinds of emotions appeared on her face, but before she was in a daze for too long, Luo Bing's impatient urging voice started again.

Due to the pressure of this incomprehensible man, and perhaps the reason of his unwillingness to admit defeat, the female emperor Hancock did not care to sort out her panicked emotions, and then launched her own stunt again and again - fragrant feet.

"Death to me!!!"

"Why are you still not dead!!!"

"Petrification, bastard!!! 35

"You are made of iron!!!

Roaring inwardly, the Empress gasped for breath, her whole body was covered in sweat, and during this period, she also constantly mixed some other attacks while using Fragrant Feet.

For example---captive arrow, kiss gun, sweet and sweet wind and so on...

Even the domineering face that was forced to be used was used, but unfortunately it still had no effect at all.

Do not

It can't be said that it has no effect at all.

At least let Luo Bing feel comfortable for a while.

At least the Empress was so tired that she lost a little bit of strength, and her legs and feet were shaking, a little lame, probably crutches...

"'s a girl after all, I just can't do it in terms of strength" Luo Bing sighed helplessly, threw his tired phone aside, and waved his hand impatiently.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go back and forth, the service is not good, and the service attitude is even worse. If I didn't know that you were kidnapped, I might have to complain about you."

Empress: """



So sad!!!

Asshole! Asshole!!! Goddamn bastard!!!

The Empress scolded indignantly while crying, dragging her immobile legs and staggering out of the gate of the palace step by step.

Madara Uchiha is looking at the moon outside. To be honest, he really misses the moon in his hometown. This is not hypocritical, but there is an inexplicable connection between him and the moon.

Once upon a time, it was his dream to put infinite moon reading on the moon, so I don't know if it was because of habit, Madara always looked up at the moon when everything was fine.

"Hey, if I have a chance, I'll just use the Earth Blast Star to get a 5.0 moon. The moon here is really deserted and outrageous."

While complaining, Madara Uchiha paid attention to the situation over the palace.

Senior Luo is likely to be seriously injured, and he must beware of foreign enemies.

Suddenly, Madara was stunned for a moment, and then she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

"Uh...this...Senior Luo...I really don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu..."

Looking at the empress who was limping while crying, her clothes were messy and her feet were bare, Madara was stunned and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I didn't expect Senior Luo to be good at this one... It seems that I will have more snacks in the future..."


"Just take it as an answer!

In the night, Madara Uchiha's figure gradually disappeared into the void...

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