Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 295 Reckoning Time\r

Since the red devil was annihilated in this world.

The whole world seems to be different.

"Roar!!!" A large number of sacred tree monsters roared and roared.

Immediately afterwards, the pale golden streamers of their pupils flashed away, and they looked around in confusion, their expressions lost the dullness they had before, and they looked around anxiously.

Definitely, not only these monster-tailed beasts, but the top group of lord-level characters in the Otsutsugi instance all hugged their heads in pain, a golden light flashed in their pupils, and their consciousness and reason gradually recovered.

This kind of situation happened one after another, and even the remaining eight elders screamed out with their heads held.

"Controlled by pupil power, it turns out that their lives are all controlled by copying. It's really scary." Madara Uchiha looked around at the chaotic "Nine Zero Three", and couldn't help but feel a little sigh.

"That's right, this is the biggest conspiracy at the top." A trace of fear flashed in Jin Mu's eyes.

Since the death of the Red Devil, the pupil power that bound most geniuses and high-level leaders has gradually dissipated, and many people have also understood something in an instant, and looked at their hands in disbelief.

After the memory regained consciousness, the elders felt a little rejoicing while resentful.

It was too terrifying. Before, they had been living in the shadow of the Red Devil, and they didn't even realize it. Now that the Red Devil died, the rearguards he arranged came to the surface one by one.

"So..." A surprise flashed in the eyes of the sixth elder.

He thought that he was going to die before, what a joke, the existence of such a powerful red devil is in the hands of that man without any resistance, how can he still survive as a mere elder?

But now, there is a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He is under control, which is undoubtedly a good reason to shirk responsibility. Next, as long as he complains and sells miserably, there is a high possibility of avoiding punishment.

Thinking of this, the sixth elder knelt on his knees and looked up in Luo Bing's direction.

"My lord, my lord, I did a lot of evil things before, but at that time I was under control. You, lord, don't care about the villains, just take my life away, I will definitely..."

"Crack..." The sixth elder who was crying was like a mirror with cracks all over his body.

Before he could finish speaking, his whole body shattered into pieces, then turned into smoke, and completely disappeared between the world.

Remaining elders: "!!!!"

How to do this?

Is it impossible to die today?

"Everything is the Red Devil's fault, it's not fair for you to do this!" an elder bravely shouted.


Luo Bing sneered and continued to wave his hand. The remaining seven elders all turned into flying smoke and evaporated without warning.

"I'll give you a fair chance, go down and find that red hair to settle accounts."

After saying a sentence, Luo Bing turned his head to look at the army of nearly hundreds of millions and countless small worlds in the cave. A glaze flashed in his eyes. Then, he waved his hand again, and there were thousands of people from the Otsutsugi tribe. die.

Without warning, they didn't even send their last words and turned into ashes at the same time.

At the moment of data, no fish slip through the net!

Still want to hide?

Still want to pretend to be innocent?

All in vain, today is the day of reckoning!

Many Otsutsugi people looked at the god-like man in the sky with horror on their faces, constantly beating drums in their hearts, they didn't understand what happened, their close friends or superiors disappeared silently one by one.

There are even some with beautiful faces, who have been hiding the deepest 'great kindness' and have not been able to escape such consequences.

Is it your turn next??

The people of the Otsutsuki tribe were worried, tormented, and anxiously awaiting the coming of the judgment.

It was so torturous. If he was going to die in the end, it would be better to turn into flying smoke early and completely wiped out. Looking at it like this now, it is really torturous.

Unexpectedly, Luo Bing in the air turned his head and showed a smile...

"The reckoning is over, the rest of you, although not all of them are good guys, but in general, sins don't end in death, I'll give you a chance to atone for your sins"

"From today, Madara Uchiha is the new chief of Otsutsuki"

"Did you hear clearly?"

The air instantly became silent, and everyone present was stunned at the same time, and then their faces showed joy, and then they shouted the name of Uchiha Madara loudly.

This sudden scene made Madara Uchiha a little dazed.

"It's over? I've become a patriarch???"

Madara was under a lot of pressure, and looking at the hundreds of millions of clansmen and tailed beasts who survived, his heart was beating in an instant.

However, Madara is Madara, and although she is very flustered, she cannot help but have a hint of pride.

He's seen a lot of big scenes, what's the big deal?

What if his patriarch's strength is low?

His boss is awesome!!!

In the inner space---


The door to the inner space was completely opened, and Kaneki and Genji looked at Luo Bing who suddenly broke in, excited and nervous in their hearts.

"The knot... it's over???" Jinmu asked excitedly.

Genji, the hot-blooded young man on the side of 5.0, didn't dare to take a breath, and looked at Luo Bing in front of him with longing.

"It's over, in the future you two will help Ban, do you have any opinions?" Luo Bing asked softly.

Opinion? Even if there is an opinion, it is no opinion!

What's more, Kaneki and Genji didn't have any strange thoughts in their hearts. They were fighting for Otsutsuki, fighting for peace. Although everything was caught off guard, it was far more perfect than what they had imagined. .

This is simply a picture that one would not dare to dream of.

"Yes!!! Your Excellency!" Kaneki and Genji both knelt down and took orders.

"Follow your instructions!" The millions of troops behind him also knelt down at the same time, each with warm eyes, believing Luo Bing as a god.

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