Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 303 Two little cute newcomers in Baijie Prison\r

The universe is vast and infinite, and it contains infinite galaxies, infinite stories, infinite lives, and infinite legends.


In some people's eyes, the universe is not big enough.

Not gorgeous enough, not gorgeous enough, not mysterious enough... not worth mentioning.

Such people, one is a lunatic, the other... is a lunatic among lunatics, a lunatic who has lived for too many years and has no meaning to live.

There is a channel between the universe and the universe, Luo Bing can travel from one universe to another universe, at first relying on the supreme space magic book.

And now... he can easily do this on his own.

Break the cosmic wall and break the dimensional barrier.

Any universe is open to him.

The place containing Earth, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn is called the solar system, and the place containing the solar system is called the Milky Way.


The place that holds the universe is also called Roar. Why?

Every place seems to have a word for every place, but in this place people call it 'all'


One word... is 'all'.

It means everything.

'Quan' contains countless universes, and it is on a coordinate that cannot be mentioned and cannot be told within 'Quan 903'.

Those who are locked inside call it the White World Prison.

At the moment, the time flow in the White Realm space ended just ten seconds after Luo Bing left.


"Damn little loach!!!"


In the white world, the Lord's roar resounded throughout the entire world. In the interlayer space, several guards who looked like big-headed dolls were sweating coldly. The intelligent halo they wore accurately told them that At the moment Lord The anger of adults.

After all... this is the second time that the man has escaped...

For the Juggernaut, this obviously made him lose face.

The uproar didn't last long, and the master seemed to have regained his composure. The two pairs of big hands in the void disappeared. In less than a breath, he caught two more 'prisoners' and threw them into the prison.

The two of them look okay, but their hairstyles are a bit killing Matt, obviously not in the same style as Da Chao and Tony on the side.


To be honest, after being trapped here for so long, the big guys are basically used to characters with various styles of painting being arrested.

Since the two newcomers were relatively close to Tony in the brand new and completely different Infinite Gems armor, he kindly made a move Roar at each other.

"Hey, inmates, how are you, where are you from? Are you panicking now and want to escape? It's okay, don't worry, as an old senior, and an old senior who has helped others escape from prison twice, I'm honored to tell you, wash and sleep, don't waste energy, pay attention to the white crystals under your feet, that thing will turn you into a cocoon"

The new two kill Matt youths: "???"

"Who are you???" One of the slaughter Matt, who was wearing a yellow training suit, asked suspiciously.

"Huh?" The thinking on the side was greatly surprised, and then said in shock: "The rule of the time-space tide has changed again. This time, the time-space bubble in our area seems to be closer."

"Hey Tony, can you hear me? Tony???"

After a ten-second delay, Tony finally said, "Well, okay, I feel it, I'm adapting to the new time rule, it's fine now, we should be able to communicate normally"

"That's good, I'm so lucky, talking like this can save a lot of physical strength." Roar let out a long sigh, and the white cocoon had wrapped around his waist.

"What the hell is this place? Who are you?" The two cute newbies asked quietly.

The strength of the two of them seems to be very strong, and it can be seen that they quickly adapted to this strange environment, unlike most people, who can't even speak (befa) when they just entered here.

"This is the prison, the White World Prison, don't talk, let me guess, are you saving the world? Or have you saved the world, and then inexplicably got caught by a big hand?" Tony asked.

"'s not that great anymore, hahaha..." Killer Matt, who was wearing a yellow training suit, patted his head embarrassedly.

"Cut...don't be long-winded, how can I get out of here?" the short man in special armor asked impatiently.

His tone was not good, but Tony and Da Chao didn't mind either.

Over the years, they have gained a lot of knowledge.

If nothing else, just look at the other direction behind them, there are many people who are the big men who destroy the world, one side hero, the big boss behind the scenes, they are very fierce, but they still can't get up if they don't get here. ?

"You were assigned to our area, it can be seen that you should be decent characters. Well, the rebels are all locked there. Due to the relationship between the time and space barriers, you may not be able to see clearly, maybe there are your old acquaintances in it. What?" Tony laughed dryly, his tone a little helpless.

"I know you want to ask a lot of questions, such as who is in charge here, why should you be arrested, or...why should you be brought in, but I can tell you a unified answer"

"We... don't know" Tony sighed, he wanted to make a shrug, but unfortunately... he couldn't do it with his body frozen.

"So, I advise you, it's better to save your physical strength. There is no food here. We must save every bit of our strength and welcome the arrival of the final war." Thinking Dachao said immediately.

"The last war?" The two killing Matt frowned at the same time, a little puzzled.

"Yeah, I'm not sure, but some old guys who are locked here with more experience than us say... There will be a battle eventually, it seems that the master of the big hand wants to pick out the top of our group. what's coming"

"Or... is he just trying to absorb us completely, noticing the calluses on me and Tony?

"Turn your head to look in the other direction. Many people have become cocoons. I heard that they have been eliminated, and they have completely turned into nourishment." Thinking Dachao said with a pursed mouth.

Hearing what he said, the two Killer Matt seemed to realize something, turned around and looked around, frowning one after another.

"Excuse me, you just said that someone escaped from here twice, how did they do it, and how long ago?" Kill Matt in a yellow training suit asked Tony.

Tony rolled his eyes: "That's a good question, how should I tell you..."

"This friend of a guy full of miracles, haha..."

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