Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 308 The ruler of the white world scolded and left...\r

Baijie Prison, Supreme Space.

After all, this is the third time that Luo Bing has entered this extremely dangerous place. However, the first two times, he was arrested and entered, but this time is different, he came in on his own initiative.

Dare to take the initiative, Luo Bing is naturally very confident in his own strength.

In addition, he finally found the supreme space magic book in a place not far from the Naruto world, so now he is like no one, even if he is modest and assumes ten thousand, if Luo Xuan loses to the supreme space master. If so, he can easily escape.


This assumption doesn't hold at all, because even Luo Bing doesn't know how strong he is now.

[Ding...All god-level exercises progress 15%...]

The situation changed, when Luo Bing appeared in the white world space, in the distance, the shadow of the big hand in the void came directly out of the sky, it was obviously surprised, it seemed that he didn't know why the escaped human came back!

But!!! It's good to be back! There is no need for 903 to try to catch him!

"Shhhhh!!!" Hundreds of glass-like void barriers trapped Luo Bing in the direction, and the water surrounding him was blocked in an instant. The space and time around him and all the laws were modified and strengthened.

Even the part with Tony Dachao and the others was shrouded in a great mysterious formation, and the layers of light formation were condensed to the extreme, as thick as a thousand layer cake.

"Hehe... I think you're still running..." A smug laughter came from the void, and then, the big hand escaped again, seemingly disappearing.

But in fact, it did not go far, but looked at the situation here from a distance, lest the slick human run away again.

Again and again, not again! This can involve face issues.

If it is slipped away by this human being again, wouldn't the face of its master be lost?

"This... how many layers of defense is this, shit! That big hand is not a thing anymore, brother, why are you (befa) back?" Tony scolded depressedly, looking puzzled To Luo Bing.

Not to mention the thousands of layers of defense, you must know that the Super Saiyan Gogeta just struggled to break one layer, and it was a weak ordinary barrier.

The thick barrier that was re-laid by the two big hands in the void is too solid, and the degree of solidification is incomparable with the previous one. It is conceivable that it also seems to waste a lot of effort.

"Fortunately, we are in a large formation, and we can communicate normally, brother, how many years have you escaped outside this time?" Da Chao also asked curiously.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong and Vegeta also looked in the direction of Luo Bing.

However, because of the barriers of space, they couldn't see clearly, and it was vaguely like they had been hit by a mosaic.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm here to save you all," Luo Bing said, letting go of his perception, feeling the strength of the barrier around him, and he knew it at a glance.

An ending like this, whether it is one layer, thousands or ten thousand layers, is meaningless to him.


He could just blow this whole thing down with a fart.

"Save?" Tony and Da Chao widened their eyes at the same time.

"Rescue?" Vegeta and Goku's eyeballs suddenly glowed?

"Save?" The White Realm Lord, who was hidden behind the scenes in the void, had a look of contempt. He didn't think this human could get out of his thousand-layer isolation means, let alone that human, even himself, who wanted to Breaking through so many defensive barriers would take at least an epoch as a time unit.

"I'm still bragging, my array is endless, even if you destroy one, another will be born, and it's impossible to get out, hum" Tsundere, the master of the white world, snorted coldly, and then he silently moved towards the villain camp. Looking at one place, I instantly had a headache.

"If there is no peace of mind between the decent and the villain, can't we wait honestly for the final selection? Alas..." The Master of the White Realm sighed, and then flew towards the villain's side.


Thousands of layers of defensive barrier were thrown down again, and Baijie dominated the distressed drop of blood. These are the wealth that he has recorded in his life. He didn't expect to lose 50% of it today.

And the one who was covered by him again was a relatively unique master in the villain camp.

However, since he was too far away from Luo Bing's direction, the two had no chance to meet.

"Fuck, you are a white pig, and you have added defense to Laozi, don't you know how to block the sunbathing of the master?""

Under the thousands of layers of defense nets, a young man dressed in white with a handsome appearance like a monster yelled and cursed. He lay leisurely on a reclining chair. paved.

There were several big villains standing beside the young man in black, but they were all women. Some were pinching his shoulders and beating his back, and some were feeding him fruit in fear.

The young man in white mumbled scoldingly.

Immediately, a line of subtitles appeared in front of the ruler of the white world, which was exactly the words scolded by the young man.

"White pig... it dares to call me a pig!!!" The ruler of the white world was so angry that he almost fainted.

But even so, the master of the white world calmed down, ignored what happened in the space, and turned his head into the void.

He won't be fooled!

He will not be caught by this man in white as a pig ride like last time!!


Before leaving, the master of the white world turned his head and glanced fearfully at the place where Luo Bing was in the right direction, and Luo Bing, who was dressed in black, also smiled slightly at it.

The ruler of the White Realm shivered suddenly, and instantly moved away from this place of right and wrong.

While walking... while still cursing.

Fuck it... a decent black one, a villain white one, neither of the two guys is easy to mess with.

Two people surnamed Luo are really not things!

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