Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 311 Alright, I'm a Famine\r

In the secret space of Baijie, several guards who looked like big-headed dolls flew out anxiously.

"You're finally back... Lord Master..."

"You don't come back... I'm afraid these two guys are going to fall out..."

The big-headed doll guards don't have a name. They are just beings made when the white world dominates boredom. The whole body is made of white sand. The product of transformation has a vague meaning of five-dimensional life.

Baijie dominates with a black face, just like Carbon, he is not blind, he can see the situation in front of him clearly.

But after living for so long, this is the first time that something beyond his expectations has really happened!

"Could it be that one of these two is exactly the person I'm looking for?" The ruler of Baijie pondered in his heart, his eyes rolling, not knowing what he was thinking.

He pondered for a while, looked at the two new starters beside his hands, and then smiled coldly.

"Whether it is or not, leave it to fate!

"It's about time! 35

The ruler of the white world clenched his fist slightly!


The entire Baijie Prison changed dramatically, and the space barrier that imprisoned all the 'prisoners' disappeared.

An indescribable force swept across the entire White Realm space, and in an instant, the space changed, and all the beings living in the White Realm space were moved over and condensed together.

At this time, the true god dominated by the white world was revealed to everyone for the first time.

"I... I see myself?"

"No... This should be a big trick, everyone sees him and sees himself! 35

A cosmos boss immediately reacted, smacked his tongue secretly, and peeped around vigilantly.

At this time, the so-called regional separation between the good and the bad no longer exists, and everyone is close to each other, no more than two meters away from each other, and they are all watching this scene with palpitations.

"The final battle... is really coming?" Some villain bosses subconsciously put away their violent aura. At this juncture, no one wants to be targeted by others.

After being locked up in Baijie Prison for so long, those lawless and arrogant bosses also learned to be human with their tails tucked in at the moment.


It's really not good to live.


The white space suddenly became extremely dark, and there was only one person who dominated the white world in the sky. At the moment, he was emitting thousands of rays of light, making people dare not look directly.

In this space, he is the sole ruler of the supreme!

All the rules here are made by him!

What did he say! What is it!!!

"Perhaps you have guessed something, yes, the final battle!

"From now on until the end, only one living being is allowed to survive in this space, and that person will become the invincible strongest person in the universe, and at the same time will become my master---·Huang

"I don't want to say more, if you want to live, fight!"

"You 10,000 people are all at the top of the universe, and now, it's time to test you!

"Become Wild! Or Die!!!"

After Baijie Zhuge finished speaking, the atmosphere instantly became suffocating, big guy, look at me, I'll look at you, some are friends I met in Baijie Prison, and some are old friends I met outside.

At the moment, but let them fight each other?

Ha ha...

If nothing else, no one dares to be the first to act stupidly. It is not because they are not ruthless, but the first person to do it. It is bound to consume the maximum physical energy and energy. It is difficult to say whether they can persevere to the end.

In an instant, everyone looked at Luo Xuan and Luo Bing, the two most eye-catching beings in this space.

They wanted to see what the two men had in mind.

"Wait? It's over? Baizhuzhu, are you not going to arrest someone?" Baiyi Luo Xuan asked in surprise.

At the moment Luo Xuan looked very depressed, although no one knew what he was depressed about.

"To collect 10,000, this is my ultimate goal! If this experiment is still unsuccessful, I will change another method, hehe... Let's start!" Baijie Master Qing Mao said lightly, and then Looking down with interest.

Luo Xuan in white:

"Damn said it so early, if you said it earlier, I'd kill a few first, so that you won't get together, you're a jerk, why didn't you say it earlier?

Ruler of the White Realm:

"Enough! What are you still doing! Only one person can survive! You have made up your mind!"

"And! I tell you, under my rule, by killing the opponent, you can get all the power of the opponent, which will make you stronger!

"What are you waiting for!!???"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone on the field was eager to move, and secretly they were already selecting opponents who could successfully raid.

"If I kill the flame element life and absorb his power, my strength will increase greatly. At that time, I will undergo eighteen life evolutions, and at that time! I can't imagine how powerful I am! This is great! I can definitely become that Huang!" A cold-faced elemental life looked vigilantly at the strongest flame element in the distance.

And that guy is also looking at him secretly, and both sides regard the other as a stepping stone to advance.

The atmosphere on the field became more and more strange.

Luo Bing coughed dryly and asked with a smile, "That...Xiao Bai, what the hell is Huang?"

Ruler of the White Realm:

What kind of name is this little white called Roar!!! Calling a dog!!! Believe it or not, I will go crazy!! I will kill you!

"I know this," Bai Yi Luo Xuan said.

"Huang is actually a realm, but I prefer to call it 'transcendence', because it's easier to understand. The so-called transcendence means to transcend all rules, transcend time, transcend space, transcend all things, and even transcend Own!

"The Transcendent can roam wherever he wants, basically, there is nothing he can't do"

"Unfortunately, the next one is a transcendence, that is---Huang" Bai Yi Luo Xuan pursed his lips, seemingly helpless.

" lied to a ghost..." The ruler of Baijie glanced at Luo Xuan with a cold eye, with a mixture of laughter and laughter in his heart, and he almost didn't laugh out loud.

"So..." Luo Bing nodded.

He has never known how far his strength has reached, and now he has another way of saying it at a higher level.


Luo Bing closed his eyes, one second...1.5 seconds.

"Okay, I've become a wasteland too, and then, what's on the wasteland?" Luo Bing continued to ask.

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