Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 313 Do You Want Gold Finger? You Want Your Gold Finger!\r

Counting Bai Chuan and the life of the intelligent big-headed doll that he fabricated at will, there were still no more than no less than 10,000 melon eaters left on the field.

"Leave...leave...just...go away?" A certain shadow-shaped universe boss asked in his heart.

"No...these two just left so easily???" Chaos demon was full of question marks.

"I understand! Now the blockade of the White World Prison is gone! So the space can be easily broken! It must be like this!" A decent cosmos boss slapped his forehead, and his smart head never had a single hair.

"You know the shit... People are the kind of people who come and leave when they want..." Someone retorted, that person had the honor to attend the prison party a few days ago.

Not to mention how impressive that scene was, it was the first time that he turned into a super fanboy of Luo Xuan and Luo Bing.

"But...isn't the master of the white world here?" A certain big man with long hair on his head tilted his head, and his fierce face At the moment turned out to be extra cute?

Listening to what he said... All the talents reacted and looked at the white world ruler in the sky with disbelief.

Dominate the boss... Can you give me some reaction? This is your territory!

It's not that you just announced the rule... You let people slip away before it even started! Do you still want to meet???

"Could it be... that the master deliberately let them go?" At this time, even the big-headed doll made by Fatty Bai looked at his master in amazement. He didn't understand why the master had not responded.

Is it asleep?

"Hmm... Could it be?" A certain decent boss let out a long sigh of wisdom.

"What do you understand, Ya 903 Athena?" Prometheus from the small universe, looking at the incarnation of Athena, the goddess of wisdom in his universe, asked with a look of surprise.

Before Athena spoke, another goddess of wisdom from the universe said with a sneer: "Obviously, only one person is allowed to survive here, and those two bosses definitely don't want to stay here and kill."

"Since they have the Ability to escape from here, they are naturally unwilling to be pawns on the chessboard!" said the goddess of wisdom.

"Don't say it's so nice, Metis, what is a chess piece on the chessboard? We are the trapped beasts in the Colosseum now! I can understand that the two people just sang and played so hard, just to relax the white The vigilance of the ruler of the world, and then join forces to escape from here"

"That must be the case!"

"Fortunately, I was blown away by them, destroying the universe 3,000 times in one minute... I'm just drunk, I see, the title of my cunning god ancestor can be given to both of them. Yes." A man with a sullen face sighed, somewhat ironic.

"Come on, it's because those two people are gone, you dare to say that, when the two of them are there, you don't even dare to question!"

Originally serious...the white world space full of dead silence...a gossip soul instantly burned.


Great thinking:

Kakarot, Vegeta:

Dehan Han No. 1 from the 0524 Special Marvel Universe: 35

They suddenly realized a very serious problem...

That is...Did the two big brothers forget them here???

After a long while----The Lord of the White Realm seems to have finally recovered, but his goal is still a little dull.

"Master Master, you've just been 'fixed' for more than 20 seconds, are you kidnapped by those two guys? Master, let's go get revenge? Catch them! 35 Big-headed doll looked at his master very angrily.

Fat White:

What are you talking about!! I don't want to die, ah me!!!

Fatty Bai's face instantly turned gloomy, and with a wave of his hand, the two big-headed dolls beside him instantly turned into dust and disappeared into this world.

It's hard to be fat now!

Two 'wild' ah!!!

Two masters, who does he want to be the master!!???

The key is that the two people on the other side don't seem to care about him at all, and he has no choice if he wants to recognize the master!!!

"Master Lord of the White Realm... is the duel about to start? Or do you want to wait for you to capture those two... or... continue to gather 10,000 people?" Someone asked boldly, swallowing hard saliva.

"Catch... who to catch? Haven't all 9998 of us already been there?" A boss asked in confusion.

"Uh??? eh??? What did I just say? I seem to be missing two people in my mind??? What's going on???" Knocked his head.

"No, it has always been 9998 of us. Just now, Lord Master said that 9998 people are enough? Isn't it?

"'s like oh..."


Great thinking:

Kakarot, Vegeta:

Dehan Han No. 1 from the 0524 special comic (befa) Wei universe:

"Did you notice... they seem to have lost their memory?" Tony glanced and poked at Da Chao beside him.

Da Chao nodded: "It's not just them, but now my impression of Robin is a little fuzzy..."

"What Robin? That big guy is obviously called Radish, okay? Is your memory so bad?" Vegeta was speechless.

"Ha?? What are you talking about? Isn't that %*#@ big brother? The one in black clothes" Sun Wukong asked curiously.


Tonythree sighed helplessly: "What the hell are you talking about! Can't even remember the big guy's name? His name is... Luo... Luo... Luo???"

Tonythree scratched his head, his eyes getting more and more confused.

Their situation is better, but they can't remember the name of 'that person'... Because they used to be friends, they clearly remember that his number exists, but the remaining thousands of people, even to their All impressions are gone...

The master of the white world did not forget it at all. He glanced down and realized something.

"This is the power of Huang... Weak people don't even have the qualifications to remember him, hehe... It all depends on the personal wishes of 'Huang'"

Although Fatty Bai is tangled in his heart, it is a tangle of happiness. His life's task has finally been completed, but... why is he not as happy as he imagined?

Fatty Bai scratched his head and was a little confused, but he quickly put this confusion behind him.

Looking at the thousands of people remaining under him, he smiled and showed kindness. With a wave of his hand, a dimensional black hole appeared before everyone.

"Go back, don't fight, pass through this black hole, and you will naturally return to the universe to which you belong," Bai Fatty said, and then changed into the void and disappeared in front of everyone.

"No... no need to fight???" All the cosmos bosses were startled, and then instantly became excited, one by one, scrambling to cross the black hole and leave.

Tony and the others probably guessed something, looked at each other excitedly, and then passed the hole directly without saying a word.

In the void, Fatty Bai floated slowly by himself, with excitement, surprise, and excitement on his face!!!

He's been waiting for this day for too long!!!


Fatty Bai's face changed slightly, and the smile gradually disappeared.

His expression gradually became confused.

"Huh??? What am I doing? Why am I here???"

"Has the experiment of this era finally failed??"

"Ahhhhh! Damn it!!! I have to cultivate a wasteland!!! Ahhhh!!! I failed again!! This is a 0.09% success rate!!

"Alas!!! It's okay!!! I have patience! I have time!

"I'm not going to rest! I'm going to work hard!! I'm going to start the next experiment! This should I experiment???"

Fatty Bai muttered and sighed dejectedly. Then, he turned around again and plunged into a dimensional space.

"Boy! Do you want to be the strongest in the universe!!!"

"Do you want Gold Finger or not? As long as you want it, you can open your mouth, and I'll bring it to you! - Bai Fat.


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