Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 317 Trap! A crisis!\r

Andromeda, Fluctuating Light 466-94613, Manorok - Spaceship Grave.

The wreckage of thousands of spaceships is floating here, including various models, various regions, and the total number is not clear.

In the distance, a junkyard with white bones forming a ruin is very eye-catching.

Those beings have not died, but they have all lost their ability to move, and although the consciousness has dissipated, his world has all turned black.

Just a bunch of skeletons, no eyes and no ears, their world... not so much alive as death in another situation.

On the edge of the spaceship ranch, a red-lighted spaceship was constantly sending out a signal for help. It seemed to be in good shape, and the hull had no obvious scars, at least compared to the nearby ruins. It is the most 'healthy' one.

The dark side of the spaceship grave, a small ecosystem has been preserved intact.

In this empty space full of withering and dead, there are large tracts of green vegetation and even small ball facilities in the interior of this ecosphere.

Rows of mushroom-shaped houses are displayed in the ecological circle of less than two kilometers, and a group of strange-looking life forms with tentacles and mucus are holding absurd fruit body meetings.

There are also human beings here, beautiful in appearance, pulled by a chain around their necks, men and women, with nothing, their eyes are dull, without a trace of emotion, beside them, a few slime people are laughing and discussing something, The disgusting tentacles are scratching and pulling on these pets.


The Soyuz appeared abruptly in this grave surrounded by the ruins of the spacecraft.

"Warning, warning, energy"


Tony frowned as he looked at the dim light beside him, the spacecraft had lost power, and all the remaining energy just now was used on the counter-propulsion gas. .

"Here... what happened?"

Tony's eyes became sharp, he directly felt the abnormality here, he pressed the button on his chest, and the weakened Mark 46 covered his whole body.

"I've run into a trap...

Tony reacted immediately, reached out, and picked up the remaining energy weapons in the Warehouse.

All part of his nano armor was used to patch the loopholes in the spacecraft. Now, it is the ideal situation that he can cover the whole body with the Mark 46 armor.

This is no better than the earth, this is outer space, a vacuum environment, if it is on earth, Tony can expose a part of his body to condense his own weapons, but... this is a vacuum environment, once he is exposed to the vacuum, his body will It will swell rapidly, and then the whole congestion will burst.

Without his armor, Tony is just an ordinary Earthling.

His body cannot survive in the universe!

"If it's handled well...I can get all the supplies I want here, it's a trap, but it's also my opportunity" Tony slowly opened the spaceship door, with flames from the soles of his feet, stealthily moving towards the spaceship Go to the ruins.

"A fat sheep is coming!

"Oh... God, a well-preserved spaceship! Go and inform the chief!"

The two slime men hidden in the ruins of the spacecraft exchanged excitedly, and then, one of them wriggled and floated towards the distant ecosphere.

This is a life form from a different universe. Their bodies are extraordinarily special. Although they are not very powerful, they are enough to function normally in a vacuum environment.

And! The most important point! Slime people have undead attributes, their bodies can quickly split and heal, and even split into two, turning into two special life forms.

And all this, Tony didn't notice, he was still cautiously approaching the ship.

"Without weapons, fighting is not a sensible act. Domorakin, star crystals, magic crystals, hundreds of energy materials, I just need to find one!

Tony groaned inwardly and slid into a holed-in spaceship.

"This is the spaceship of the Nova Corps. They have always liked to use star crystals as a thermal insulation material on the middle structure wall. It's great, it hasn't been damaged here!"

Tony was so nervous that Roar couldn't breathe, he glanced at the laser ray transmitter on his arm that was removed from Mark's previous generations, gritted his teeth, and the soles of his feet spurted a wake, and the red laser beam instantly shot from his arm.

"chi chi chi..."

Tony was pushed back several meters by the recoil and directly hit the wall of the spacecraft at the other end, and the dilapidated wall of the spacecraft that was swept by the laser was also fortunately opened by him because of the corrosion of the vacuum for a long time. gap.

"Fortunately... this power is barely enough"

The disposable laser transmitter detached from Tony's arm and slowly floated in the air. Tony looked at the dark cyan metal turning over in the distance, nervous and full of joy at the same time.

"Enough! You must get out of here immediately! The magnetic switch behind 33 Tony was turned on, Adsorbent formed a whole piece of dark blue star crystal, and couldn't wait to go towards the hole where he came.

But... before taking a few steps, Tony's face darkened in an instant.

In front of him, dozens of ugly and weird-looking slime people were holding Nova Corps' technology guns and looking at him with interest.

"A human... unfortunately not a woman" snorted coldly, and without saying a word, the particle gun in his hand shot at Tony instantly.

~Damn! Surrounded!" Tony dodged quickly.

He also unceremoniously pulled the trigger in his hand, and a dark red ray shot out, hitting the slime man leader with precision.


There is no figure propagating in the vacuum, but the shock wave visible to the naked eye constantly spreads out.

The Slime Man leader was directly smashed into mud by the huge amounts of blow, but before Tony could secretly rejoice, his body quickly healed and condensed, and then... he smiled weirdly like nothing was wrong.

"The gun in his hand is good, don't destroy the gun! Use melee combat to solve him!" The slime man leader shouted, and dozens of slime men rushed towards Tony's body.

"Disgusting slugs!"

Tony dodged, dodging and firing.

But... no matter how many times he hits, those slime guys always come together quickly.

"Is it because of the immortal rule of this universe... These guys are bugs, too difficult to deal with!" Tony's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was not a good choice for him to continue to entangle.

A flash of light flashed in his head, and he faltered left and right in an instant, skipping the encirclement perfectly, and flew towards his spaceship desperately.

"Leader...he's too fast...can't catch up!" The slime man life looked dumbfounded at the flame tail like a bolide, hammering the ruins around him in annoyance.

"Kill him!" The slime man leader stopped hesitation and immediately gave the order.


A beige laser line spanned the entire ruins and hit Tony in an instant.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood was sprayed on the mask, Tony's face turned pale, and his entire back was completely hit. If it weren't for the dark blue star crystal that made most of the attacks for him, just after that, enough to destroy his body.

"Go on! 35 Slime leader waved again.

"Boom!!!" Another beige light hit Tony's body.

However, at the moment... the void disappeared for a moment, and a man in a black trench coat moved over from the void barrier.

It is Luo Bing.

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