Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 326 Long time no see, sister-in-law.\r

Looking at Luo Bing's provocative smile, Tony's old face is not to mention resentful.

At the same time... Tony also looked at Pepper helplessly, the meaning in his heart was written on his face, how did you mother... how did you do it, you didn't teach the child what a father looks like!

Pepper helped her forehead. She obviously did not expect this to happen. Before, she deliberately prevented Morgan from contacting the photos left by Tony, just because she was worried that the child would be emotional and depressed.

Pepper wants to give Jr. Morgan a complete childhood, but Tony's absence means that Morgan's childhood is incomplete, and it is the next best thing. Pepper never carefully describes the story of his father to Morgan.

Come on... Pepper didn't want to upset the kid.

Two... Pepper believes that Tony can come back, just like Skye and the others believe that Luo Bing can come back, no matter what way they come back, or the final plan of the Avengers is completed, saving Tony and Luo Bing, Pei Pearl wants Tony to tell his story with his daughter.

In fact, there are a lot of pictures of Tony hanging in Morgan's room, but those are Iron Man pictures from every angle, and pictures of the Avengers at a party together.


Morgan has always remembered his father with a sample of Iron Man's armor, and that's why Morgan loves the rescuer armor that Tony left behind.

Because... in the heart of the little girl, the armor is by her side, just like her father is also there.

And now, when he walked into the beach house, Tony naturally lifted the Mark 47 from his body, so... when Jr. Morgan faced a choice... such an embarrassing situation appeared.

Yes... every little girl wants her father to be a man of great power and might.

And from the unfamiliar three people in front of him... Little Morgan quickly made his own choice.

Definitely this good-looking big brother wax!

"Cough...girl...daughter, I'm your dad" Tony put down his arms, a trace of loss flashed on his face, definitely more blame for himself, all the reasons It's your own fault.

"You...?" Morgan rubbed his red eyes, glanced at his mother, and turned to look at Luo Bing who was holding her in his arms.

Luo Bing smiled at the little girl and nodded: "Don't look at your father's ghostly appearance now, he was also very attractive when he was young"

Saying that, Luo Bing snapped his fingers, and the long-unused 'hairdressing director's god-level Ability of Master Qianyu' was triggered instantly. This home ability that accompanied Luo Bing from the very beginning to the present, Luo Bing didn't do anything about it. Willing to upgrade it.

"Whoa..." The golden stars twinkled, Tony was shining like His Royal Highness from the second dimension, his messy hair was neatly groomed, and his messy beard disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace, and even, under the blessing of 'hairdressing director Humble Master's God-level Ability', the tired look on Tony's face disappeared, and the whole person returned to the best state.

Beauty +1...+1...

Looking at his change, Tony nodded gratefully towards Luo Bing, it was too abrupt just now, if it weren't for being too excited, Tony would never show his worst side to his daughter who met for the first time.

Looking at the face that was eight-point similar to Grandpa Howard, Morgan was stunned, and she understood in an instant.

But... so, she didn't give Tony a good look, Tsundere snorted, turned his head, and lay on Luo Bing's body like a koala.

It was clearly the shyness and reservedness of the little girl, and the unreality of her father's sudden return.

Luo Bing smiled, raised Little Morgan high, touched her drooping little head with his forehead, and said, "Before you were born, my father and I discussed it, I and I Your father is a brother, and you are my goddaughter."

"Now, dear little Morgan, go back to your biological father."

Luo Bing said, raised his hand and handed the little girl to Tony's side, and Tony also looked at Little Morgan with anticipation.

Time was silent for seven seconds.

"In the future... don't leave..." Little Morgan said, holding his father's big hand with his little hand.

"Yeah!" Tony excitedly hugged his daughter in his arms.

"I promise, a liar will swallow a thousand needles..."

Without disturbing this warm scene, Luo Bing stood up with a smile, his eyes signaled Steve and Fury to leave first, and then he looked at Lorna and Skye.

Only two words were said:

"Wait for me for a while?"

Lorna and Skye rolled their eyes resentfully and covered their mouths with a smile: ".~ Just remember to come back, no matter how long, we will always wait for you"

Luo Bing smiled and kissed each of them on the forehead, turned and walked towards Steve and Fury.


He wants to solve the problem of soul exchange for two people.'s easy, very, very easy.

After a minute...

Steve and Fury's physical condition was resolved perfectly.

Luo Bing, Lorna and Skye were walking on the beach, blowing the evening breeze and talking to each other about their thoughts.

"Wanda is in the ocean over there, do you want to wake her up?" Skye asked softly, holding Luo Bing's big warm hand.

Lorna on one side held the man's other hand, and Xiaoniao leaned on his shoulder.


Luo Bing spit out a word, and the sea around him split into two halves, expanding into an incomparably wide road.

A blossoming pink cherry blossom shuttled from the void (promised), covering the entire road.

And at the end of the cherry blossoms - it was Wanda sitting with frowning.

Wanda's frowning brows slowly opened, she seemed to realize something, and turned her head to look over.

Luo Bing smiled and waved at her.

"Long time no see"

"Sister-in-law. 99"

At a glance, Wanda was stunned, first feeling the unreality of the world.


She gradually understood the source of this unreality.

Is it a fantasy world again...

Wanda walked all the way with blurry eyes, crossed the distance of several kilometers in one step, and appeared directly in front of the three of them.

She stretched out her hands and stroked the face of the man in the 'Illusion'.

Whispered and smiled.


"I like you..."

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