Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 329 The Avengers fighting each other!\r

"Space Contract! Exchange"

The girl with long purple hair disappeared instantly and was replaced by a coquettish woman several kilometers away---- Hela!

In a green battle suit, her hair was bizarrely curled up like an elk. It was noble, glamorous, and powerful. There was a strange smile on the corner of her mouth, and thousands of daggers suddenly erupted from her whole body.


The dense undead army all around turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Well done, sisters!"

In the distance, Captain Marvel Carroll, who was covered in golden rays of light, praised her. The divine light erupted from her body, and in an instant, several nebulae ran through. In the end it turned into nothingness.

"The thirtieth wave is about to start again. According to the introduction, this time the battlefield has joined the Necromancers." In the battle, Angel Alita killed the last Necromancer after the "Nine Twenty", took a breath, and the fire beside him The total number of allied legions has dropped to five figures, and many soldiers have stayed in the previous level.

This is the final place leading to the Rainbow Sea.

an experience.

Or you could call it a winner-and-eliminate place.

Alliances from all over the universe were divided into hundreds of teams, and in the end only one team could reach the top. Under this severe situation, the Avengers chose to fight side by side with the Fire Alliance fighters and the McDonald's team, definitely, there are also some during this period. Because they are familiar with Luo Bing.

"The Legion of the Necromancers? The clues this time are really annoying." Natasha Romanoff complained, she couldn't imagine why she, as a mortal, would participate in this war between gods and gods.

It's so sad...

Natasha Romanoff twisted the space belt and disappeared instantly.

In order to restore the earth, she must fight hard, even at the cost of her own life!

"Radish! Escort, escort! McDonald, Red Eye, Miron, take care of King Gudong! 33 The rabbit wearing the crown jumped up and down in the crowd, and was almost crying with excitement.

"Don't be noisy, braised rabbit meat!" Hela glanced at the ground under her impatiently, her icy eyes were very oppressive.

"This king is not braised rabbit meat!" The rabbit complained aggrievedly, and then digged a hole for itself on the ground with a mourning face, as if... it was going to temporarily dig a grave for itself, at least it would not die after death. people buried.

"Gudong...I'm running out of strength...Is there anything to eat..." McDonnell was lying on the ground panting, he was almost exhausted, his stomach made a gurgling sound, and his whole face was full of expressions. Hungry word written.

The red eye on the side glanced at him coldly, snorted, and threw a big pie, which McDonald excitedly took and then nibbled.

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of supplies." Natasha Romanoff seemed to have anticipated this situation, teleported over, and dropped a small bag.

"This is a colorful pearl specially produced by the mermaid family. It can quickly restore physical strength. By the way, there is also this, put it away, don't waste it." Natasha Romanoff then took out a few bottles of potions.

"Give it to me, give it to me! King Gudong will keep it for you!" The symbol of money flashed in the rabbit's eyes, and he held everything in his arms with a smile, looking like a miser.

"Don't worry! This matter is left to the king!" Rabbit promised excitedly.

Natasha Romanoff helped her forehead, and finally nodded. She didn't believe in the guy's promise, but believed in the guy's stinginess. With the character of this rabbit, even if he tried his best, he would protect this batch of supplies.

That's a must!

"Okay... save the potion, don't worry about the rest!" Natasha Romanoff said, and then went to the next location to distribute the supplies.

The amount of supplies is limited, especially potions, which are too precious. Now it can be said that one bottle is used for one bottle less, and all the inventory left by Luo Bing is consumed.


The rainbow sea is in front of you, and the hope of saving the world is in front of you. At this time, Natasha Romanoff can't care about wasting it. Now is the value of these resources!

Natasha Romanoff is very confident and exhausting??? The Avengers are never cowards!

[Void jump acceleration device starts, countdown. 3.2.1]

【Start jumping】

[The jump is over, there are still 23 hours away from SK Wangxing]

J.A.R.V.I.S mechanically broadcasts every voyage indicator of the warship. Now J.A.R.V.I.S is used on various equipment of the Avengers, definitely, not the main body of J.A.R.V.I.S, but J.A.R.V.I.S duplication.....

And the current exaggerated longsword warship is officially the iconic signboard of Guardians of Galaxy!

"Five planets actually appeared in SK Wang Xing, I don't know if this is a good thing or a disaster" Thor frowned and looked at the dark void in front of them. After being notified by Pepper, they gave up the task at hand for the first time. , rushing back towards SK Wang Xing with all his strength.

"Friza has too many eyes and ears, how can it be Dragon Balls, we already have three in our hands, it has four, it seems that the final stop is ahead of us than we expected" Rocket Raccoon pondered, and Thor shouldered Stand side by side in the cockpit of the main ship.

It was the original captain in the distance, the father, Quill, with a relaxed expression. He seemed to always be that heartless, and he was exchanging feelings with Gamora.

"Hey, I said guys, don't worry, there's Steve on SK Wang Xing, besides, our strongest Wanda is there, SK Wang Xing's safety doesn't need to be taken to heart"

"The most critical issue now is... there seems to be a chasing soldier behind us" Quill said, his expression became serious, but within two seconds, he became heartless again.

"But they certainly can't catch up with our precious ship!

"Right? Guy Groot~"

"Groot...Groot...Groot..." The teenage Treant smoked a cigarette, nodding constantly.

Thor looked at the starry sky in the distance, and showed a smile after a long absence. Since his father and mother passed away in 5.0, his face has not had so many smiles.

"I haven't been back to SK Wang Xing for a long time, I don't know how the big guy is now," Thor said, turning his head to look at his younger brother, who was sitting quietly in the crew barn, drinking fine wine.

"Loki, what's the matter?" Thor asked to the suddenly silent Loki, who honestly wasn't his brother's usual appearance, he had been acting quite abnormal all day today.

Loki shook his head, filled himself a glass of wine again, and took a sip.

"I don't know...but I feel bad..."

"Huh..." The battleship Guardians of Galaxy quickly skipped the starry sky.

And behind it...

A strange smile appeared on the face of a man with golden skin.

"Your Majesty, do you want to intercept them directly?" Thor, who was short in armor, smiled grimly...

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